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Posts posted by TheSpiderDungeon

  1. I don't think I've ever met anypony with Tourettes. At least you've probably amassed quite a collection of funny stories. :) Does it happen through typing or texting as well as oral communication? Is it more of a "it might be a good idea to say this," swiftly followed by a NO IT WASN'T, or is it more of an impulse kind of thing?

    Parden my curiosity; I'm Rhyphte, I and love to learn things about new people. I hope you have a great time here at Canterlot.


    It almost never happens on the internet. I only ever make outbursts like that when I'm talking, like this: Me: "OH MY GOD GUESS WHAT?" Friend: "What?" Me: "I like trains." Tourettes is typically made up of three different parts: ADD or ADHD, OCD, and Tics. I have ADD (Thank god lol) and a fairly noticable portion of OCD (Ah crap...). Everypony with TS has Tics. Tics can either be one of two things: Motor tics (Flicking around and flexing muscles like a psycopath), or Verbal tics (Repeating phrases over and over. Sometimes in EXTREEEEEEEEEMELY rare cases, Verbal tics can be swearing, but only 1 in 500 people with TS gets it.) About 1 in 1000 people get tourettes, making it quite a rare condition indeed. Yes, I do enjoy making people laugh. Before I forget, When I was diagnosed with TS, I was also diagnosed with an abnormally high IQ (over 145!), and I tend to use it to my advantage (like manipulating psychology to make someone else do something for me xD)...

  2. We Love ant tolerate here my frend. And welcome to canterlot, hope you like it here :)

    Good. I'm just happy nopony cares about my little problem.

    My little problem, my little problem. Ahh~ ahh~ ahh~ ahh~ My little problem, I used to be as normal as could be! My little problem, Until tiarawhy showed 'things' to me...

  3. About Myself: Hobbies: I enjoy playing Minecraft and Terraria, and I like papercrafting.

    Country: Canada. (No I don't say "EH" all the time. Don't mention anything about it.)

    Intrests: I like trains. (No, not really. I just have Tourettes syndrome (Tourettes Guy is a load of bull.) which not only makes me move around uncontrollably, but makes me say words or phrases repeatedly. Yes, sometimes it annoys me as well as others.)

    How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking for RP servers (For Minecraft. What else?) and one of the servers that appealed me most was here. Turns out I had to get an account here in order to go on so here I am!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: It's a bit of a novel, but here it goes. I was browsing around on youtube, watching minecraft videos and YTPs, stuff like that, when I came across ponies. Everywhere! I said to myself "How is this so popular? I don't understand it...". After watching a few episodes I said to myself again "Now I get it. This is pretty friggin' awesome!" About 5 months later I had posters, apparel, and I even bought some toys.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Princess Cadence is my favorite pony ^.^

    You guys don't alienate cloppers, do you? If you don't then that's good. I'm still uncomfortable with my... 'Problem'...


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