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Posts posted by Arix

  1. Speaking from personal experience, I've never really been messed up by switching formats A couple people use first, others use third, and it's never really been awkward.

    That said, I don't want to purposefully make thing awkward for people, cause I'm not a jerk. What say to the whole trial thing?

  2. Turning things away from danger and deadliness and back towards "interesting", quite a few years ago I was on a game show (one of those school affairs where you win stuff for your school). The host was...an angry man when the cameras were off.

    My team won though, so yay for us.

  3. Iunno.

    So, no more arguing, just one more thing. Are first-person posts disallowed or just frowned upon? With permission, I'd like to give it a "trial run" if possible. If you still say no afterwards, I'll happily go back to third-person. Your call, I'll go with whatever you say.

  4. I know it's not all about me, and I never intend it to be. But I have participated in many rps that mix first and third person and honestly, it's never felt like anyone's hijacking anything - it's just a sign of someone's personal preference when writing. It also seems that your analogy of reading a book is a bit flawed - heard of the "omniscient third person" point of view? Regardless of whether "I" or "he" is used, the book does follow one single, main character. If anything, that just supports my point that POV doesn't change who the main character is, it's just a style. And I have good reasons for following my style.

    I should say at this point, please don't take my arguing as a sign of disrespect. It's not my intent to overhaul anything or make everyone do things my way - you're the boss, and I fully respect that. This is just the sort of thing I particularly enjoy talking about.

  5. I can do third person, I just prefer to do first person. I tend to do first person when roleplaying and third person when just writing a story, for a couple reasons. First person helps me get into the character, and stay there. In addition, I find the use of first person helps to lessen the impact of accidentally controlling other characters. And honestly, it's never seemed self-centered at all to me - and not just my own, reading first-person from other characters' points of view has been fine as well. It doesn't suddenly make the story all about me just because I write in first-person. It just makes it easier to get into character.

    Like I say though, I will go for third-person if necessary.

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