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Everything posted by EverBreeze

  1. Thanks Xiee, I will. Any specific rules about the chat I should know about?
  2. Welcome! I like cupcakes too! The pastry, not the fanfiction.
  3. Thanks! All I'm concerned about right now is making sure I understand how things work around here, what is and isn't allowed, and how to go about creating an application when the time comes. Once I'm situated I'm sure it will be a breeze... okay, that was horrible.
  4. About Myself: I love reading books and writing stories. I also love music and am learning to play the piano. I live in the United States. How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking for a MLP roleplay site on Google, and I found one! How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Two friends of mine from my old high school showed me Party of One, my first episode, during my TV Production class. It had me at "Oui, zat eez correct Madame!" My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy Hello, wow, didn't know there was a whole site dedicated to this. Awesome. So I'm EverBreeze, I love the outdoors, and my favorite episode is Putting Your Hoof Down. I hope I can put my writing skills to good use here, not that I'm bragging or anything, heheh...
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