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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. (OOC: Hi Deadpool here, this is an RP where I play as myself, feel free to play as canon characters and such, after all this is the crossover zone, also feel free to add other MARVEL characters to this RP.))

    The mercenary hid in the shadows, of the back alley in Canterlot.

    His name was Wade Wilson, but he was more commonly known as Deadpool. Recently, he was sent traveling through dimensions, by S.H.I.E.L.D. to gather information about this place, but he had one rule he had to follow, no killing unless necessary

    Deadpool sometimes questioned his motives, but as long as he was getting payed, he did his job.

    He grabbed his intercom and spoke into the wireless mic, for the contractor to hear him.

    "Can I PLEASE just pick a fight with a gang or something now, with my katanas, I feel like taking down an army, then I'll go for a nice cheese burger with the works, onions and lettuce, and tomatoes, and mustard, and beef, and american cheese. ."

    Needless to say he was cut short.

  2. Whacky Wilson jumps awake and breaks the 4th wall

    "Dangit reader, make me do something awesome". he says, a yellow bubble of dialogue popping up as he does so.

    Whacky pulls out dual pistols and fires them into the air

    "Now that is what I'm talking about! ... that is wierd normally when I wake up after a batch of knockout gas, I am tied up."

  3. Roleplay Type: Crossovers

    Name:Whacky Wilson


    Age: young Stallion

    Species:Earth pony

    Eye colour: brown, but the mask makes them appear pure white.

    Coat colour:red.

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Black, shaven to fit his mask.

    Physique: flexible, skinny

    Cutie Mark: Whacky got his cutie mark as a young colt, in an argument with a bully to defend himself, he blabbered witty comebacks and annoyed the bully into giving up. Making his cutie mark, a comic book speech bubble._01independent-projects_03speech-bubbles_bubble.jpg

    Origin/Residence:Whacky grew up in Fillydelphia, but later on moved to Canterlot.

    Occupation: free lance guard (Think a rent-a-cop.)

    Motivation: Whacky Wilson is an awkward pony, as such his motives are usually awkward.. But most of all it is his paycheck that keeps him going, he is a very greedy pony, and that is a habit he is often trying to work on. He also keeps going to taste another vegetarian chimichanga the next day. This being his Favorite food.

    Likes: Chimichangas, Money, Craziness,Dislikes: (optional)

    Character Summary:

    Whacky was far from a normal pony, he was in a word, whacky. Here is a small origin story of how he got like this, it was when he was a young colt, he was a good and well behaved colt, but he always felt like something was missing, basically, whenever somepony was bragging about how much better they were then him, or bullying him, he would never defend himself. Until one day when he had enough. He decided to dress in a red and black shirt instead of his usual sweater vest. And tried to join a conversation.Where he encountered his Elementary School bully, Big Bud. Bud tried to bully him, but Whacky had enough of Bud and made comebacks that destroyed Bud's entire argument. This was the argument that god him his cutie mark.

    From that day forth, Whacky was like a god of talkativeness, once he was in an argument over who was cooler, and despite all of his opponents insults, Whacky found creative, and funny comebacks that attracted an entire crowd, to the point where the other pony plain gave up. As a young stallion, he left home and became a free lance guard, he found criminals and brought them to jail and guarded... other stuff. He wears a mask, made of cotton, out of the pure fact that he finds the feeling cotton against his face comfortable.Deadpool_Mask_600x600.jpg He got athletic abilities after learning the key to chasing criminals in Canterlot was by rooftop, he learned all kinds of flips and tricks, such as front flips, back flips, mid air cartwheels, and barrel rolls.

    He has many skills such as acrobatics, but his most commonly used skill is his mouth, he will talk endlessly into winning an argument or just blabber nonsense until the other pony gives up.

    He has trouble getting along with other ponies, and has resorted to talking to himself in the form of two speech bubbles that only he can see, one yellow, one white. These two speech bubbles "Fred" and "Charlie" are extremely argumentative with one another.

    Fred is basically interested in "EXPLOSIONS,COMIC BOOKS, OTHER MANLY THINGS"

    Charlie is interested in "High society manners and being a gentlecolt."

    These two are not MPD or Schizophrenia, but merely imaginary friends in a word. Whacky has asked them multiple times where they have came from. To which they reply

    "High society"


    "That place, you know, that one down the street, take a left, down the block. go to the moon, go back to Equestria (Further directions)"


    Here is a brief way on how they work:

    Fred is basically there to KEEP Whacky awkward and funny, where as if Whacky gets too awkward and out of touch with reality, Charlie will talk him back into sense. These two are a fun comedic gag, here is a list of things I have planned for them to do.

    Arguing with the angel and devil on his shoulders

    Breaking the fourth wall to acknowledge that I quoted someones post.

    Also I have been warned to keep these on the lighter side, so don't expect me to use them too much.

  4. Sounds good! Bear in mind that we have multiple RP types here. The "World of Equestria" is the main RP section which sticks as close to canon as possible, so you'd probably have trouble getting in there. There's the Crossover section though, for which you'd be perfect!

    I'm gonna try out for both, I even found a way to fit in my healing factor with the Heart's Desire thing, from the Cutie Pox episode, as long as I make up a new origin story that makes no disease references, and change my profession from mercenary to royal guard, and remember to tone down the violence. I should be fine. :D I'm a genius!

  5. Um, h. And welcome to Canterlot. But you'd better behave or I'll ask Rob Liefeld to draw you.

    (and yes, I know it's too late for that, but there's always more pain and feet like hooves to throw at you)

    Hi, Hey, when Rob draws me I get huge freaking muscles, so I'm not complaining.

    Welcome to Canterlot. Have a good stay here but don't blow anypony up! :P

    I know, I know, jeez, you sound exactly like Weasel when he brought his girlfriend to work

  6. About Myself: killing for money, blowing things up, wearing red, annoying Wolverine.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Google

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I wanted to see what all the hype behind it was about so I watched it

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    HI EVERYPONY! I'm Wade, I am a awesome mercenary who totally doesn't wear a mask because he has a deformed face, who recently escaped from the comic book world.

    Now the first thing I did when I escaped the comic book world was use the old interwebs to see what everypony on the internet was up to, and GROWN MEN were watching A LITTLE GIRL's show

    So being the open minded person I am, I called them all (Insert innappropriate word here) , and then after being ignored by most of them, I decided to check it out.

    I was amazed by how good it was, but saddened by the lack of me in it.

    sincerely, Deadpool

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