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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. It's like my movie.

    Ryan Reynolds and the other actors are ready

    Robert Liefield and the writers from Zombieland are ready.

    Tim miller is ready to direct.

    Normally this would add up to the perfect "Deadpool" movie.

    But FOX is afraid of low box office sales. and keeps delaying/lowering the budget.

  2. Thanks all!

    I think "cat lover" is putting it mildly ;-) I mostly enjoy books about the paranormal/supernatural. My favorite author is L.J. Smith.

    I don't work directly with the legal aspects - we process data for law firms and corporations when they are in litigation to present as evidence. I personally do a lot with software testing and some really light programming. I'm vaguely familiar with Phoenix Wright but never played it.

    Never played phoenix wright?


  3. Looks much better! I'm sorry I didn't bring this up the first time, but we don't actually measure character ages by years in this roleplay. We measure by the type of pony and gender (like colt, young stallion, stallion, older stallion), so this character would probably be a stallion. and I would put "As a young stallion, he left home"; "As a young colt, he got his cutie mark" instead of giving specific ages. It's all about the flavor! The speech bubble cutie mark is a nice work around, and I see you gave him an eye color.

    Outside of those changes, what kind of details can you provide? You say he's good at acrobatics -- how did he get good at them? What are his signature moves? This is your character, so put some interest and thought into the kind of pony you want him to be. The more details you can give me, the quicker I can process this application and get you into the game!

    Thank you for working hard to get this application looking good! A few more tweaks and fleshing out, and I think this will be ready for approval!

    Okay, Finished.
  4. Hi there! I'm going to be giving you some heavy criticism for this character, so please bear in mind my tonality is quite friendly. :D:Pinkie: Let's get down to business, okies?!

    Though while creative, I'm still seeing a lot of problems with this application that Halide brought up originally. World of Equestria (Mane RP) is a roleplay environment designed to echo FiM very closely. Characters are scrutinized carefully by several staff before being approved for play. Ask yourself this: if you turned on an episode of FiM right now, would this be a character you would see in it? I know it sounds like a pain, but it is necessary to keep the game fun, interesting, and conducive to the rules and environment we've worked scrupulously to make.

    Whacky Wilson is still going to need some pretty big changes, so I think you'll need to mull over the character design carefully.

    1. Powers from eating heart's desire have got to go. He might have eaten it and received a temporary effect, but this will not work in the long term.

    2. His eyes may not be pure white. He is welcome to wear a mask (a la Mare Do Well), but he must have an original eye color.

    3. His cutie mark story needs...a story. A description of what it is (a cracked nut) does not describe his special talent, which you're suggesting is a healing ability. This doesn't match up. Please think of an anecdote that describes his cutie mark, and what it means to the character. This is very important.

    4. You're talking about him being beatable, which seems to infer that this character is meant for some sort of fighting RP environment. This is definitely not that kind of roleplay.

    Remember: think FiM! This character would be fine in Crossovers and Free for All, but you need to have an approved, Mane RP character application before you are able to participate in the roleplaying group (thus able to make Crossover roleplay posts). If you like the character concept, you can A. Make a new character more in-line with Mane RP rules. or B. Overhaul this once to work with the rules, then do whatever you like for FFA or CO.

    TL;DR - This character needs to be overhauled with more canon-appropriate details or it won't be acceptable for play.

    Thank you, and good luck!

    I made some more edits

    Now he is more about, being witty and his cutie mark is a comic book speech bubble, the story to how he got it is in there too

  5. For me, it's a close tie mbetween mlp and Kingdom hearts.

    I've only been an mlp fan for the last half a year..... Kingdom hearts is my childhood.

    In comparison.... Kingdom hearts fans are spoilers, trolls, and kids who "Think" they know how to sword fight thanks to playing a video game. yaoi fanfics and obese cosplayers are also very common..... we also do nothing but whine about waiting for the next main console game....... it's only been 6 years.....

    interaction? Neeiiighhhhhhhhhhh....

    Sounds alot like the Zelda fandom

    But Who cares, I actually do know how to sword fight, and own twin katanas IRL, do I go showing it off? No. Because I didn't learn it from Devil May Cry, I trained with them, and used them to realistically battle.

  6. AppApproved.png

    Well earned XD

    Unless this seriously goes up for contest. You guys arent serious, right? >...>

    Oh I see how it is, the mods have time to approve this AMAZING APP that you claim ISN'T SERIOUS (how dare you), yet they don't even have time to look at my app which is currently marked (Final) and has been for DAYS.

    You know how that makes me feel?

    It makes me feel like this

    Yeah I don't get it either.

  7. I'm in the Capcom fandom

    been with em for years now

    Tell the truth, a lot of the Capcom fandom are complete whiners, if its "Hey, we made a new IP, try it out!" or "Hey, we're catering to the fans, like you've been freaking begging us to!", the Capcom fanbase always has to whine about something, always saying it is a trap or something, and how Capcom is purely evil and greedy, it just makes me want to yell "TAKE A LOOK AT THE DANG MIRROR!", Capcom have made plenty of great games, and you fans repay them with nothing but flaggawaddling zip whiddle first class whining.

    And to be fair, Capcom have done things in the past that made me angry too, such as the DmC reboot. And despite this I said "I'll be open minded, give it a chance if you show me some decent gameplay, or maybe bring back original Dante."

    The Anti-DmC fans just said


    or the pro-DmC fans said


    It cannot compare to the brony fandom as it is the polar opposite, while the brony fandom is made of civil, open minded people, the capcom fandom is made mostly of close minded jerks.

    (Please note: I am talking about the Capcom Unity forums, not the Capcom fanbase as a whole, alot of the fanmade sites are pretty open minded, a reason to stick to them instead.)

    Primary is definitely brony.

    I definitely think Capcom fandom can take a few lessons from Brony fandom

  8. What do I mean by "All of the side effects", you may ask, well, this war RP is going to be a bit more realistic than your average first person shooter,

    With war, comes the following "horsemen of the apocalypse", Famine, Poverty, Disease, Death.

    Basically, we can either play as a soldier who endures the hardships of battle, a mercenary (Yes, I will be playing as a mercenary as my name suggest.), or a citizen who has to stand on the sidelines and deal with the government.

    I will control the governments (royal council) decisions.

    Here is the basic plot:

    Equestria is at war, ponies have been fighting off the changeling menace ever since the Canterlot royal wedding, the battle is intense, Celestia is no longer in control as her peaceful methods were overthrown by a royal council. Now, it is no longer a battle of who will win, but who will survive.

    We won't get too graphic, so let's just mark this RP, PG-13,

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