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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. Y'know, when looking at this, We might as well put each of our relationships with the other characters

    Character relationships:

    Pawn and Deadpool: Pawn and Deadpool have little respect for one another, but still a respect, Pawn respects Deadpool, but only to an extent, thinking of him as a low life. Deadpool respects Pawn, to the extent of giving him advice.

    Snowy and Deadpool: Deadpool did make a terribly bad first impression on Snowy, but he tries constantly to make it up to her, such as standing up for her when Ace was hitting on her against her will.

    Ace and Deadpool: Unlike most characters, Deadpool has not yet let himself be bullied by Ace, for this, Ace despises him, Deadpool's constantly annoying, pranking, and trolling Ace, a sign that Deadpool just does not care about what Ace thinks, and has no respect for Ace.

    Cloud and Deadpool: Cloud and Deadpool really don't know each other.

    Melody and Deadpool: Melody has flirted with Deadpool, but Deadpool remembered an Ex girlfriend (Siryn) and ran away as soon as he realized what was going on.

    Endilix and Deadpool: Don't really know each other.

    Rarity and Deadpool: Deadpool has little respect for Rarity, due to seeing her crying after loss of a loved one, when he himself shed few tears after Siryn admitted to wanting nothing to do with him.

    Deadpool and Pinkie: Have not really met, but Deadpool holds a respect for her for saving the frogs

  2. Deadpool awoke, only to see a Cheshire cat, sitting above him

    "W-where are my weapons?" He said, noticing the lack of katanas on his back, and the lack of guns, grenades, and ninja stars on his belt. "W-where am I?"

    "Wait a minute, Cheshire cat? ... OH VERY FUNNY MARVEL! PUTTING ME IN ALICE'S POSITION!", He picked up a nearby rock and threw it at the Cheshire Cat, knocking the feline straight out of the tree, before he noticed 3... ponies?

  3. Name: Wade Wilson

    Personality: insane and wise cracking

    Slight history: was injected with a healing factor to stop death from cancer as a child

    Current life: Owns many weapons, but keeps them at home, lives the life of a mercenary who goes by the title of "Deadpool", often getting caught up in crimes and other things

    Home: ghetto

    (Note: I'm not gonna do anything over the top this time around)

  4. Equestria has to have a royal guard for some reason right? Well today we find out that reason,

    Here is the basic plot: A few ponies get caught up in the Equestrian Mafia, they are being blackmailed to do its bidding or else their families will be killed.

    Note: Yes I have watched Scarface and the Godfather way too many times, yes I am well aware of how Scarface focused on immigration instead of blackmailing.

    A lot of the content will include, minor characters being killed (note: To keep this teen, we will not get too graphic), Major characters being injured, Ponies getting shot, blackmail, drama, and a touch of death threats.

    Yet again I am going to put PG-13 in the title.

    Feel free to play as the Mane 6, one canon character who is bound to make an appearance is Shining Armor. As the royal guard get involved in this.

    Note: This will be in the free RP, obviously.

    Characters so far:

    Whacky Wilson/Deadpony: Whacky was part of Celestia's experiment 5 years ago, "Weapon X", an experiment where Zebra's to enhance the royal guard's Earth pony division, despite the fact Whacky was a mercenary, the experiment gave him an amazing healing factor, but gave him a face so ugly he had to wear a mask. Whacky wields 2 katanas, and an entire arsenal of guns.

  5. iron pony, I'd prefer Pony Stark not be anypony's OC, Tony is annoying enough in RL,

    "Don't do that, Deadpool" "

    Deadpool, explosives will get us nowhere, let's use technology"

    "Deadpool, stop talking to those imaginary speech bubbles."

    Oh wait you mean the Iron pony from the running of the leaves episode, I still won't be participating do to chance of Pony Stark appearing.

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  6. Yeah...really? A grenade? Really?

    Can we avoid that kind of stuff please? It will only end in Mr.Wade being sent to juvenile hall.

    or the Chair.

    I was just trying to be myself, trust me, in the comics, I have gotten away with doing much more dangerous and stupid things than that, but I understand, no more crazy weapons, tell the truth I just wanted to make the spongebob reference
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