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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. Yeah and while the pole dancing thing won't happen in the show it will be funny if someone made a video of that and the pegasister actress playing Trixie said "this is for you Seth."

    We have to admit though, this isn't fanservice for us. It's fanservice for Sethisto.

    It's probably gonna be a stereotypical redemption story.

  2. Well I think what they need to do is half and half, which is what they are doing, like giving fan-favorite background ponies talking roles, and then making it Octavia instead of DJ-PON3 or Lyra.

    If you've read my comic, you would know how badly comic book writer Daniel Way messed it up by removing my healing factor, despite fans yelling "FIX IT" after he removed said power

  3. Deadpool felt himself teleporting, as he slowly started to faint, he tried his best to keep a grip on reality.

    Everything faded to black,

    When he woke up him and the others were in Canterlot.

    "Good your all awake." Luna smiled. " I knew something like that would've happened so I knew sending someone of your caliber would be perfect to get the girls to safety, Hatred loves demonic methods. So my theory is verified..", he looked and saw the 6 ponies standing, staring at him and the other foreigners to this dimension.

  4. Here's my opinions on all villains major and minor.

    1. Nightmare Moon great way to start the series, like her alot.

    2. Gilda can't stand that griffon she made Fluttershy cry and picked on Pinkie Pie plus I don't like bullies.

    3. Trixie hated her at first but now I like her I really hope she returns.

    4. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon again I hate bullies.

    5. Prince Blueblood he's a jerk and a butthole I hate you.

    6. Discord really cool, awesome and funny he reminds me of Joker with magic powers and hypnosis.

    7. The Flim Flam Brothers just ok don't hate but don't necessarily like either.

    8. Queen Chrysalis favorite villain awesome singing voice, she's a shapeshifter like Mystique and she looks cool plus she's voiced by Kathleen Barr just like Trixie.

    Blueblood really wasn't a villain just a jerk, but not intentionally harming anyone.

    My problem with Discord was he is a perfect example of how everyone on the show overrreacted to everything.

    Basically, he just made everything loopy and crazy, but did he even harm anyone who wasn't, trying to harm him?

    There was a simple solution if you look back at things.

    Have Discord take an untamed frontier in Equestria and make an amusement park. Really all it seemed he wanted was for ponies to enjoy his way of life. And lets be honest. Discord's creations looked pretty dang fun.

    But just because Celestia didn't like Discord, she had him turned to stone.

    This is why Celestia is often viewed as a tyrant.

    Basically she showed that anyone who opposed HER way of life, would be brutally dealt with.

    There was also an easy solution to Flim and Flam.

    The Apple family gets a lawyer to negotiate profits.

    but instead the end solution was ruin Flim and Flam's career.

    These ponies are supposedly living in a better world then us, but if you break the rules of that world, you're dead meat.

  5. Oh well maybe he will be awesome regardless like all the other main and minor villains.

    Yeah I know, but alot of Season 2 dissapointed me (After we got a villain as awesome as Discord, I was really looking forward to what the writers had in store), first, as awesome as Flim and Flam were, their episode just felt like Boastful Busters 2, not to mention, Flim and Flam were driven to make their cider bad because Twilight made that cheap "Honorary Family members" move, had she not done that, Flim and Flam would've won while at the same time using decent cider that was just as good as the Apple families, while we are on the subject need I remind you basically Flim and Flam's whole careers probably got ruined by that, I mean the Apple Family would've lost their farm, but at least they would be able to buy a new one because they probably would pack the gazillions of dollars earned from the time they had the farm, Flim and Flam probably went completely bankrupt.

    This is the same problem I had with Chrysalis( well this, and the fact that she looked like Ridley Scott's rejected daughter) sure she was using evil methods, but had she not, her entire hive would've died of starvation, which is probably what happened after the Royal Wedding.

    It just seemed the methods for getting rid of these villains were worse than what the villains actually did. Normally when the hero kills a villain, its because the villain has taken thousands of lives, not because the villain tried to take thousands of lives

  6. Deadpool cut one demons arm off and did a backflip before stabbing the last one in the chest and thrusting the sword downward so that it was cut in half. He then noticed the demon blood on the ground fusing to make a 405 foot tall. Pitch black with yelow eyes. having the same powers as the velociraptors and fire breath. This one was practically unstoppable.

    "Run! It's a Godzilla movie reject!" Deadpool shouted before running off.

  7. but the problem I have with this villain is that from what I see he has the same problem as Chrysalis, he is not really demonic, he looks like an evil dictator PRETENDING to be demonic, , I miss demonic villains like Discord and Nightmare Moon, with the lack of violence and explosions in the show, it really makes up for it with interesting plot, something that demonic villains really contributed to, thats why I just wish they would hurry up and get started on a canonical Devil May Cry crossover, with DMC1 Dante as the protagonist along with the mane 6

  8. Deadpool fired a flurry of bullets at one of the demons

    " Say what you want, these things refuse to die!"

    He then cut one in half as it faded to pure shadow. (there wasn't any gore involved as it was a demon but it had blood)

    He then got knocked to the side by a mace claw before more demons appeared.

    "I forgot Velociraptors travel in packs of 9 or more, so demonic ones might travel in packs of... oh boy, this is gonna be a long day"

    He ran and started slashing demons in half.

    " Pinkie, get to Luna and Celestia! These demons, they're after you "

  9. Deadpool and Pinkie ran for their lives

    "Normally I'd stay and fight, but we seem to be their target." Deadpool said. "Man how I wish Rob Liefield was drawing me."

    The demons resembled velociraptors and stood 9 feet tall, 1 1/2 feet wide. flaming spikes on there backs and no shadows. They also had what looked like huge claws and hands that could shapeshift into maces for destroying buildings.

  10. Deadpool used the teleporter on his belt to reach Ponyville, from there he walked to Sugar Cube Corner, tons of ponies looking at him with fear in there eyes as he juggled the Element in his hands.

    "Let's see, I'm supposed to reach a Pinkie Pie, the list had a warning about her personality, something about being talkative, like her talkativeness could even compare to mine." He spoke to himself. "But still I should be careful. No I shouldn't. Yes I should."

    "Excuse me!" A pink pony appeared right in front of him.

    "But why are those two speech bubbles behind you arguing?"

    "No way! Finally, someone else who can see them!" he said.

    "My name is Pinkie Pie! What's yours?", she asked.

    "Wade.", Deadpool replied. "Wait your Pinkie Pie?"

    "YESSITY YES!" , Pinkie replied.

    "I got something for you, from Princess Luna.", He grabbed the Element.and handed it to her.

    "NO WAY!", Pinkie said, as her element glowed before her eyes.

    She put the element on, similar to a necklace, before 4 demons appeared in the Sugar cube corner.

    Pinkie ran out while Deadpool used the fire alarm to evacuate the building.

  11. Luna shook her head

    "Fate works in strange ways, for all I know, you could've been picked by Hatred in order to wreak havoc among locals, but as long as you are here, I need you to deliver these to the following ponies on this list."

    She brought out 6 gemstones and a list of names.

    "These are the elements of Harmony, go forth and deliver them, and in the meantime I shall find a way to return you all to your individual worlds."

    "Can I have my swords and guns back?"

    Deadpool chimed in.

    "Fair enough"

    Luna replied.

    (OOC: Yes I do have a freaky plot twist planned out)

  12. Deadpool watched as Wesker busted in the room

    "Hey, Wesker! How'ya been, haven't seen you since MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3, then again do to my 4th wall breaking powers, I'm the only one who remembers that, tell me, are you still voiced by D.C Douglas, or did Capcom get you a new voice actor." Deadpool said too fast for anyone to understand.

    "Silence, mercenary!" Luna yelled at Deadpool in the royal Canterlot voice.

    She then calmed down and explained her theory.

    "My theory is Celestia is in denial to the truth. A long time foe of mine and hers is resurrecting, a demon more powerful than chaos. About 6000 years ago, back when Discord was still sane, my father slayed a beast more powerful than him, a demon, known as Hatred's Flame, due to the fact he fed off of hatred, he was a corrupted alicorn."

    Deadpool started speaking again

    "Oh a demon, like Mephisto, well Mephisto feeded off of misery, not hatred. Let me think about this."

    Luna gave him a sharp, serious look and then returned back to explaining

    "This beast could only be slain by two things, violent methods to injure or kill it, which would be the hard way, considering his power, or Harmony, the element my father represented. The demon had pinned my father to the ground in the last few minutes of the battle, that was when my father did the last resort, a move that took both him out, and put the demon in eternal chains, vanishing him to the nether realm. Due to the fact my fathers heart was pure, he was resurrected in the form of 6 elements."

    Deadpool again interrupted the story

    "Excuse me, but how is this story going anywhere?"

    Luna rolled her eyes.

    "These elements are the only way to defeat Hatreds flame!"

    Deadpool blinked.

    "And what does that have to do with us getting back home?"

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