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Everything posted by RoyalReality

  1. Thanks, and I prefer rifles. I use them to shoot target's I'm actually in tournaments for shooting, I am decent, got 3rd last week, so yeah
  2. It is hot here, but we're entering Monsoon season, so everyday is cloudy or stormy! Haha, thanks too!
  3. About Myself: First off, I love to shoot guns (Irl). Yes, I am a filly. I was born, and still living in Arizona. I also like to role-play, although I think I'm not the best at it. I think I am friendly as well. How I found Canterlot.com: A paper pinned to a board, I traveled there, first I calmed the angry forest, then bribed my way through the forest spirits. I arrived to this valley. How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I was hearing about it from other people, then finally watched it. I loved it and continue now to watch it. My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash Hello everypony, I am Dreamsley I am very new to this site, and I look forward to being on it! Also sorry for the short post.
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