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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. [colour=#0000cd]"That makes since.. Kind of like ponies almost!"[/colour] Star made a quick comparison in her head, thinking about how if everypony taught school, that we wouldn't have any chocolate milk, but if everypony made chocolate milk, we wouldn't have anypony to teach school! Everypony was different and important in their own way, like apples are, she guessed. [colour=#0000cd]Or, maybe she just means different ponies like different apples..[/colour]

    She smiled when Applejack patted her shoulder. It felt nice. It was the kind of pat that made her feel like she did something right. [colour=#0000cd]"Oh, well that's okay!"[/colour] Star Storm was grateful to get even one kiss from the mare, having been worried that her age might have made her ineligible for such a deal. [colour=#0000cd]"I'll take one bushel of the Fuji kind, please! They sound really radical. Perfect, even!"[/colour] She dug through her saddlebag and quickly counted out [colour=#0000cd]One.. two.. three...... four aaaand.. five bits! [/colour]After collecting the correct amount, she transferred the five bits from her hoof to that of the sales pony's. The little pony closed her eyes and tilted her head up. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm ready!"[/colour] Star was ready for some smoochin!

  2. The first time that I passes Through the Fire and Flames on guitar hero 3 on expert mode... I screamed I was so happy and I hugged like, all of the friends that I was with at the time and then went out for ice cream. I was seriously excited :D

    Oh! Or, and this is the same game, when I got to play at my school's talent show. I had memorized the song "Miss Murder" to where I could do it without looking (Oh goodness I must sound like such a nerd right now >#<) and anyways, I got to play it for everybody whilst standing behind the tv :3 I was a little disappointed that I missed a note, but people still stood up and applauded for me.

    Okay, and ONE more that was pretty cool..On rock band two, when I first got 100% on master exploder, I felt pretty amazing C:

    Ohohoh, and I was in this rock band contest once that took place before this green day concert, and my brother and I won backstages passes by playing and getting the highest score :D Unfortunately their families were there, and so they kicked everybody out pretty quickly, but I reached over and poked Billie Joe's mum on my way out XD

  3. ((How would you feel about going off campus for lunch with a teacher..? :D))

    [colour=#008080]Miss "Licorice" Black[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"Yeah!! Just a sec, hun!!" [/colour]

    *beepbeepbeepbeepbeeeeeeep.... Boop!*

    Licorice would have loved to let her lunch slowly rotate as it heated in the small machine, but she just couldn't seem to get the room's microwave to work. [colour=#008080]Well this sucks..[/colour] She made her way to the door, surprised to see the student back on the first day already. [colour=#008080]"Well, somepony seems eager to learn." [/colour]Licorice gave her a warm smile before trotting back to sit casually on her desk.[colour=#008080] "I really don't have much that I could help you since we haven't learned anything yet, but thanks for coming by! How's your first day going?"[/colour]

  4. Hai SRG! I would love it if you could draw a pony for me! :3 I have one character who I don't yet have any art of yet! Well, no art that I didn't draw myself xD He's a shy little bugger named Bonez, and he's best friend's with my other oc, Licorice! But anyways, here is what he looks like ^^



  5. post-4257-0-98714800-1358220320_thumb.jp

    [colour=#008080]"You goofball!"[/colour] Licorice laughed with Moondancer about the silly little moment with the door, only she didn't join in. Licorice entered the warehouse, following in suit. She flaunted her flank over to a haystack and plopped her plot down. She glanced over the group's members, a grin on her face. [colour=#008080]Wow, there's some GOOD looking ponies here![/colour] Although her intent was to try and learn a thing or two about magic, the bangled little pony just couldn't help but notice! Licorice heard the question correctly, but took the opportunity to introduce herself. [colour=#008080]"I'll start!" [/colour]She stated with a smile, proudly lifting a hoof to her chest. [colour=#008080]"I'm Licorice, Licorice Black! And I'm feeling fantastic today. I'm just an earth pony, but I sure wish I wasn't! Magic is AMAZING, but the closest that I've been able to get is fortune telling and potion selling. I've traveled all over Equestria doing both in my cozy little caravan. I heard about the guild from one of my customers, actually! She was complaining about how her father wanted her to come by because she doesn't make very good use of her horn, but said that she just didn't like magic very much. I, however, think she's a lucky goose to have it!.... Okay, I'm done. Who's next?"[/colour]

  6. A wave of excitement spread across the little filly's face as the pony in front of her was slid aside. Having waited in line for so long, it was almost beginning to seem more like a daydream to Star Storm than reality. [colour=#0000cd]"It's my turn Eminem!!"[/colour] She glanced back at the friend she had just behind her before stepping her happy little hoof up to order. Her parental unit would probably be a bit disappointed to know that Star really had only come because of the promised kiss from AJ, but she wasn't about to admit that. [colour=#0000cd]"Yeah! Only, I've never been to Sweet Apple Acres before, so I don't really know what kind of apples to get.." [/colour]She paused for just a moment, deciding.[colour=#0000cd] "Well, can I just get whatever your favorite kind is..? You would probably know better than anypony what's best anyway!" [/colour]Star Storm smiled warmly up at Applejack like the little scamp that she was.[colour=#0000cd] "And umm, Miss Applejack? I have a question.."[/colour] Star softly bit her lip. [colour=#0000cd]"If I buy more than one bushel, does that mean that I get more than one kiss..? 'Cause if that's the case, I MIGHT just need to get two!"[/colour]

  7. post-4257-0-98714800-1358220320_thumb.jp

    (Using another oc as well, Britches, just to start)

    [colour=#008080]"Wow! You're a bit of a heart breaker, aren't you?"[/colour] Licorice studied the pony's hoof carefully, noting the small, subtle patterns. [colour=#800080]"..I guess you could say that, but-" [/colour][colour=#008080]"But you're just following your heart.. And you DO appear to have a very good heart." [/colour]She interrupted her client, then continued[colour=#008080] "..My advice, is that although love is always such a magical thing, it's best to remember that sometimes, magic can just be an illusion." [/colour]She gave the purple pony a little grin, which grew a little wider once she saw that she got a grin back.[colour=#008080] "You know, Shade, it also looks as though you are the type to let feelings and emotions guide you more often than you use your head for decisions." [/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Mmhmm."[/colour] The young unicorn agreed with a subtle nod, recalling earlier just that day. [colour=#800080]"Like.. I've never been very good with magic or whatever, right? And so my dad really wants me to go join this magic club thing, but I'm just not interested!"[/colour] Miss Black's ear quickly perked up. [colour=#008080]"Well, I think that you're a very lucky pony, being able to use magic. Why are you so disinterested?"[/colour] Licorice was more inquisitive, unable to wrap her mind around why anypony WOULDN'T want to use magic, than anything. All her life, she had found magic to be ABSOLUTELY, well, magical!! With everything in her, she wished that she could have been born a unicorn, that she could be able to use this mysterious, misunderstood, inexplicable science that could do such complex, powerful things as manipulating a pony's very age, or even a task as simple as lifting a quill. But, she also knew that no amount of magic in the world could help with her little species complex.

    [colour=#800080]"I just don't need it. And besides, I have hobbies and school and stuff, so I really just don't have time."[/colour] Leaving her head, Licorice was brought back into reality by the sound of the other pony's voice. [colour=#008080]"Ooh, I get that.. I wouldn't mind learning some magic.. Is that around here do you know?"[/colour][colour=#800080] "Psh, beats me! Umm.. I think I might have the flier or whatever.."[/colour] After digging through her bag, she pulled out a ball of crumpled paper, handing it to Licorice, who unfolded it swiftly and hastily got to reading. [colour=#800080]"You can keep it or whatever. I guess I was just gonna toss it anyway."[/colour]

    Soon, Licorice Black found her way to the warehouse, judging that the symbol on the flier matching the symbol above the door meant that she was in the right place. [colour=#008080]This place looks kind of whimsical.. I like it![/colour] Her hoof reached for the handle, turning it slowly earthward. She entered before peeking inside. She remembered the flier. [colour=#008080]Want a chance to use magic or learn how to use it?[/colour] [colour=#008080]..Hope that means earth ponies too..[/colour] She spotted a pretty white mare, and decided to make her first guild friend. [colour=#008080]"Hey!" [/colour]she extended a hoof for shaking. [colour=#008080]"My name is Licorice Black, and I heard that you guys were looking for new members. Have you been here for long?"[/colour] She gave the unicorn gentle grin.

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