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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. Although Dusty Hooves is VERY different from any pony I've ever heard of EVER, I really enjoy him!! We could use a character like Dusty in this story, especially after such an impressive application! :D


    Patches sounds so cute, Walker!! ^^ A medic? What a great idea!! :3


    Wow, Slash!! Another super impressive app!! I love Glesga :D He's in!!


    Get ready scamps! Our adventuring days begin tomorrow.. ^^

  2. Im new and I just sinded up il need help but I do like this hard work!

    What may I help you with, scamp? ^^

    If you'd like to join, I ask that you fill out an app first, which can be found on the first page of this thread. Then I'll look it over, say that you're a rockstar, and give you my little seal of approval thingy, and you'll be free to join once the actual role play comes up tomorrow! :D Ask me if you have any other questions about the site and I'll be happy to help you!

  3. nope! my four are an individual crew but they're gonna get split up so gizmo is gonna be my main character and (if allowed) I'm gonna get the other crew members into other crews to perhaps meet up and band together again (meaning I can fill holes in any crews till new people join or whatever XD or I'll just be gizmo and all the rest of the crew are currently more of a back story!)

    That's okay with me, but try not to let things get too confuzzling! There are already a lot of characters, but I understand that a crew needs multiple members, for sure! Plus, I don't imagine that we'll all be in the same place at the same time, so I guess that that would be alright..

    We should all post little short, short summaries at the bottom of what happened, just so that it doesn't get all TL;DR-tastical, along with where we are to avoid confusion

  4. Moondust's ship DOES have a weakness, since a pony can use dragon gems if they are mostly magic users, but we should take a quick vote on if that's over powered or not. I vote no, but I still want you scamps opinions. :)

    Also, a ship made of gems is just a really cool idea, and I love her name. I say yes, but I can't yet guarantee that you won't need to change the ship.


    Cain, this character is rocking!! I'm excited to see the rest of the crew, for sure ^^


  5. Immy Bentham

    Hurray for awesome beards!!!! I say yes :D


    Wow, Eclipse!! She sounds like quite the character! The visuals were a nice touch ^^ It's always awesome to have a griffon, rather than just all ponies, and a cougar at that?! Hahahaha... You are most definitely in, my good sir! Plus.. You used the word "bed chambers." It doesn't get much cooler than that. Also, I love how descriptive you got :)

    Dahlia Snow

    I'm extremely curious as to what the "maybe something more" after earth pony means!! Tricksters are awesome, and she looks like Elizabeth Swann you say..? :D


    I really like his story! ^^ I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the crew :3


    We even have a pyro?! Haha, thank you for the invite Puzzlebeat, but I already accepted an invitation to be in Shy's ship, I just haven't updated my app yet :3

    Everybody's in!! ^^


    Also! Slash, I am extremely excited to see this crew!!!! :D

  6. oh star, i need an opinion.

    which should we call ourselves:

    das Herz Leistungsschalter (the heart breakers: german)

    los amantes en el cielo (the lovers in the sky: spanish)

    mortuus magnanimum Certatiores (dead hearted duelists: latin [traditional])

    slang harten (snake hearts: dutch)

    as de coeur (aces of hearts: french) [my personal fav]

    open to suggestions as well

    I really like As Due Coeur and Los Amantes en el Cielo, but thats only because I kind of speak Spanish. Umm, I like As Due Coeur best though, because Ace of Hearts sounds really neat C:

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