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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. Name: Pendulum Swing

    Gender: Male! Although, when I started this app he was a girl.. About halfway through, though, I changed my mind.. So he gets to be a boy C:

    Age: about 19 in human years

    Species: He's a pegasus!



    He also wears an oversized belt with a big shiny buckle, but I haven't gotten to that part in my drawing yet.. I'll update it once I finish, though ^^ Swing has two different colours of eyes, because one of them isn't natural. (I'll explain later, and possibly make it look a little less "real" than it does right now. Also, the pink one is his regular eye)

    Personality: Pendulum is very easy going about things, but won't hesitate to speak up when he doesn't feel right about something. He seems to be very intelligent in some ways, but is very curious at the same time, and has a tendency to ask silly questions when he doesn't fully understand something. Swing isn't afraid to show when he isn't feeling confident or is frightened or unsure, yet rarely will retreat from a challenge. Also, as would any pendulum, Swing swings both ways ^^ Oh! And he's sensitive about his eye, because it makes him feel unwhole, almost like he's less of a person. He wears the goggles because his eye is sensitive to wind and bright light, he uses them in order to protect himself from these natural, common elements.

    Cutie Mark:


    It's a wind up key! ^^He is an inventor, and his most successful (although he usually just fails at life whilst inventing) project yet has been his little pet, who he'd named Gigi. Gigi is very small and has limited movements, but is able to pick herself back up when she falls using her tail. Swing got his cutie mark after figuring out how to power her. ( She has to wind herself back up :3)

    Your Ship: Pendulum rides alongside Ambiance on his ship, the As de Coeur. (Which means Aces of Hearts in French) The As de Coeur is an decently sized air balloon, which has a built in cannon on the side. It's only big enough to fit three comfortably, but it IS extremely comfortable, not to mention fun, as blankets and pillows and music are all very easy to find once on board

    Rank: The balloon's lookout! In the two pony crew, Swing can also adjust his goggles in order to see long distances, and he can see fairly well in the dark, too, because his mechanical eye makes everything look brighter.

    Weapons/Fighting style: Pendulum Swing comes equipped with a silver tongue and a small, silver guardian pistol, (on safety most of the time, of course!) which he keeps on his belt for easy access. But, being the gentle little creature that he is, Swing usually pull it out until he knows that he needs to.

    Lifelong dream or general goal: He would like to one day have enough bits to be able to get his eye fixed for reals. According to Dr. Dreamwing, the operation would end up costing him somewhere around 50,000 bits, which is more money than poor Swing has ever seen in his life!

    History: Pendulum Swing has always tried oh so very hard to create something that other ponies would want in order to potentially earn the bits to "Fix" the thing that makes him the most unique. However, he hasn't been very successful as of yet. [colour=#800000]"So, you guys probably think that I have this awesome story as to how it happened.. Right? The umm.. The whole eye thing..? Well, it all started on a dark summer's night. I was only fifteen at the time. I really wanted one of the walls in my room to be blue, and I had finally convinced mum to say 'yes!' I started taking some things down from my wall. Well, I this Jackleapp poster that was just a little out of my reach. After grabbing a step ladder, I was able to get the first tack out, but when my mum knocked on my door to tell me that dinner was ready, I got startled. Down came the stepladder, along with me on it! And guess where the tack just happened to fall?"[/colour]

  2. Hai scamps! ^^ So, this rp is going to be STEAMPUNK PIRATES THEMED!!! :D

    Steampunk? What is THAT, you may ask?

    Think of pocket watches, old-timey ponies, industry, gloves, top hats, turning gears, large goggles, strange technology, airships, robot arms, and that character from the Fable series, Reaver.





    Now, I would like to hear some thoughts if anyone has any suggestions, but I think that it would be rocking to have only a handful of crews, (4 or 5 maybe) and have different people play different crew members (although I'm totally not apposed to you playing multiple characters if things happen to work out that way! I usually do, especially at the start :3) Umm, everybody here on Canterlot is extremely friendly, so please don't be shy talking to each other about joining crews!!

    Okay, so application time! (No, this will not be humanized, because I like ponies ^^)

    So, everything in bold is required, but everything else is optional, but will give your fellow rp'ers a better taste for your character C:

    Name: (Ya got a name, mister? Or miss.. xD)

    Gender: (Would you rather be called he or she?)

    Age: (Are you a young, fun adventurer? Or is the highlight of your days yelling at the kiddos to get off your lawn?)

    Species: (What ARE you?)

    Looks: (What do you look like? How do you carry yourself? Do you have confidence in every step you take with that blue little hoof of yours, or do you constantly find those big brown eyes of yours in tears?)

    Personality: (How does your character act around others? Is she shy? Does he like to flirt with all the pretty ladies?)

    Cutie Mark: (If any.. Also, a story as to how he or she obtained it would be awesome! :D)

    Random Fact: (Did you once wrestle a bear? Do you have a nifty little mechanical steampunky pet? Do you call everybody scamps?)

    Your Ship: (What is the name of your ship? What does it look like? (Remember, most of these should probably be air ships) Who else is in the crew so far?)

    Rank: (Are you the captain? Or do you usually get stuck cleaning the bilge?)

    Weapons/Fighting style: (Do they have a favorite revolver? Or perhaps a clockwork gun is more their style. Magic? Cannons? Ninja stars?)

    Lifelong dream or general goal: (Do they want to strike it rich? Are they here to seek some sort of revenge? Or maybe they're just trying to right a past wrong)

    History: (How did you get to where you are today?)

    Alright scamps! If I like your app, (I'm pretty easy going about this ^^) you'll get one of these, which is my official Star Storm seal of approval, that means that when the rp is up, you're welcome to hop on in!!


    Approved ships and characters

    As de Coeur


    Pendulum Swing



    Dahlia Snow (Known also as 'The Flower Corsair' for past endeavors)

    Immy Bentham

    Gizmo's ship (What is your ship called..?)

    Gizmo (The Tinker)

    Sky Flare

    Blister (Fire Storm)

    The Crystalline Phoenix

    Moondust Starlight

    The Kraken

    Snjókoma er risastór "Dusty S Hooves"

    The Languid Sophisticate

    Tarnished Gold


    Glesga Ferm


  3. You are SO in!! C: *Gives official Star Storm seal of approval* :D Welcome to Gun Smoke, scamp!! Aww, such a sad cutie mark.. Anyways, this rp is older, so If things are slow, don't fret! Because I bought a top hat today, and it gave me a marvelous idea for a new role play (which shouldn't be slow.. at least not at first) that Ill be starting soon as well ^^

  4. ((My characters thoughts are in parentheses))

    Miss Black

    (Sleep therapy..?) She repeated back in her head, thinking that it sounded strange. "Whenever you want to! Lunch, afterschool, if you have any home periods or if your homeroom teacher lets you come over here for tutoring I don't have a homeroom class this year, so that would be fine too. Im paid to be here till four, so whenever works for you words for me!" She gave Lightning a warm smile. When the bell rang, Miss Black said her goodbyes to the class, then proceeded to hastily try and clean up the chemical explosion for the next class.

    "Shade" Britches

    Shade quietly picked up her bag and walked over with Lightning near the teacher. She grinned at,the surprise pinch, blushing a bit. "Sure," was all she replied in response of asking Colette to lunch. Shade caught up with her on her way out. "Hey Colette! Some first day so far, huh?"

  5. Miss Black

    Licorice put her arm around Lightning back. "That would be great, Lightning! Thank you.. I just cant have them running around with that chemical compound all over their clothes!" She turned her attention. "Puzzlebeat, I feel safe in leaving you in charge of the class. Lightning and I will be back with changes of clothes for you four. She stepped outside with Lightning. "Okay, run and get your cheerleading outfit. I don't know if I have any boy clothes for Puzzlebeat.. I guess jeans and like, a plain shirt wouldn't matter that much." She laughed, digging through the back of her car. "Aha, just enough for the four of them! Okay.. Well we should probably head back in and GIVE them the clothes before the bell rings!" She checked the time on her phone and headed back inside. "Sorry class, were back. I had JUST enough!" She handed out the clean clothes to Applejack, Colette, and Pinkie, and then noticed Fluttershy under the desk. "Aww, sweetheart its alright.. She helped her up. Lets get you cleaned up real quick.." Miss Black led her over to the chemical shower. "Just pull the chain when youre ready.. Itll be a little cold. Lightning hun, did you grab that cheerleader outfit?" (Id better save the last outfit for Puzzle!) She decided silently

  6. Miss (Licorice) Black

    "Of course I can, Sweetie!" She grinned at Lightning, not paying attention to the bubble like a good teacher should. "I know how unexciting tutoring may sound, so Im very impressed with you to ask! Don't worry though Lightning. Ill make it fun! Promise!" She winked.

    *KABOOM!* The bubble exploded with a very audiable 'splosion noise, much to the teachers dismay, seeing as so many students were in the way. "Oh no.. Its okay you guys!! We have one chemical shower located right over here," she pointed. "One at a time, nobody touch your eyes, mouth or nose and you'll be fine. One at a time, just stand under the red X and pull the chain down and itll be like a big bucket getting poured on you.. One at a time!!" She covered her mouth in horror, looking at FLUTTERSHY, PINKIE PIE, COLETTE, APPLEJACK, AND PUZZLEBEAT, worried that she might get fired on her first day. "That umm.. Thats all I have for class everyone.. I am SO sorry you guys!! If you need a change of clothes I have extra in my car it got on your clothes like you closer people.." ((how high is the technology level?))

    "Shade" Britches

    "Bwaaahahahaa!" She didn't mean to, but shade just couldn't help but let out some laughter, but quieted soon after realizing that her newest crush, Colette, had been one of the bubble's victims. As chatter picked up, she got to talking with her friends. "That was CRAZY.. Cool for a first day or whatever!"

  7. [colour=#008080]Miss (Licorice) Black[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"How cool, Puzzlebeat! What kind of music do you like? I like rock, myself."[/colour] She gave him a wink a quick grin with a wink, as if she hadn't winked enough today already.[colour=#008080] "So, I have this frozen carbon dioxide, better know as dry ice, for tomorrow's experiment where we will be freeze drying marshmallows, but dry ice can be dangerous, especially since there is a sink at every table. You see guys.." [/colour]She pulled a tray out from under her desk, which included a small bowl, filled with just regular water, and a few cloth strips. She grabbed the dry ice from a little mini fridge, and slid it into the bowl, which created steam. [colour=#008080]"Okay class, so this is why we'll need to be careful in tomorrow's experiment. There are all just regular, easily obtainable materials. Before we get started, I'll need some soap.."[/colour] Licorice gestured to the front table to pass their's up for her, which Shade did after just a moment's hesitation. Licorice began soaping up the cloth strips. [colour=#008080]"Alright, so you go to the bathroom just before coming to chemistry tomorrow, and you get a little bit of soap on your sleeve when washing your hands."[/colour] She began running the soapy cloth along the edge of the water bowl. [colour=#008080]"Well, if that sounds like you tomorrow, your lab partner may have to handle the dry ice. Now, for the fun part.." [/colour]She ran one of the strips just over the top, creating a slowly growing bubble over the bowl. [colour=#008080]"Oh! Some of you in the front may want to get to the back."[/colour] She rushed nearer the back of the room. [colour=#008080]"Anytime now, we will have our explosion.."[/colour] Licorice watched patiently as the bubble grew, nearer and nearer to the point of popping, causing combustion. [colour=#008080]"..Now, this won't be very big, but you can feel the heat. Hmm.. Maybe I should've locked the door.."[/colour]

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