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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. Star Storm had snuck out to a Vinyl Scratch concert, and had enjoyed herself thoroughly up until the moment that she realized how dark it was once she got out. Flying home as fast as her little wings could carry her, the young filly mumbled to herself. "Not the dark, NOT the dark, Oh sweet Celestia, NOT the DARK!!" Star started to tire, deciding to take a quick rest on a nearby cloud before continuing. She hesitantly perched herself onto it. She saw a griffon and layed low. He didn't look very happy, to say the least. After watching the scene play out with him and the pegasus, however, Star concluded that maybe he was in some trouble. She bit her lip, looking at the young colt, who probably wasn't much older than herself. I gotta help him.. She quickly grabbed some cloud and sculpted a helmet similar to those ponies would wear if they were in the royal guard, popping up from the cloud with a sense of authority, approaching the two slowly with her head held high. She spoke in the deepest voice that she could, which really wasn't very deep at all. "Everything ok over here?!" She tried not to use too many words, as it might ruin the illusion. She hoped that it'd be dark enough for the griffon not to see how small she was, nor that her hat was just made of cloud.

  2. "..Oh, umm.." Burn it?! I'd better hurry and have a looksie.. "Whatever you feel is best.. I mean.. If it has dark magic in it.. That would probably best." It's for the best.. He really should.. Licorice tried convincing herself, but inside she knew that she just how badly she wanted to look through it. Licorice giggled at Cloud asking, as if he needed permission, if he could be a boy again. She was tempted to tell him no, but decided to be nice. "..Not much longer, Misty.. Come on.. We can go boy you up again if you'd like.." He probably wouldn't need any help transforming back, but Licorice knew that the book was in the cabin.. and she really would like to see it.

  3. Licorice took a deep look into his eyes, admiring their beauty whilst searching them.. They almost seemed to have a magical quality to them. "..I wouldn't doubt that at all.." Dark magic was something that Licorice could never do. The desire just wasn't in her. She, like the Kestra, believed that magic should only be used for good. She started feeling a little uneasy..What if there's only black magick in the book? She would do almost ANYTHING in order to have a shot with it.. She decided not to think too much about this intense moral decision until at least SEEING Cloud's book. Maybe she wouldn't have to choose..

  4. "I've always found them.." How to put it.. "Intreging.. Just to think about some of the creatures that others claim is out there. I don't believe it's right to scare people over them. Although.. It certainly can be fun if done correctly.." she admitted, recalling the first time Bonez had heard about Slenderman, and she'd taken him out searching for him in a nearby forest. Just for fun, she had set up a couple of papers on a tree or two ahead of time in order to frighten him further and remain true to the tale. Her thoughts stopped the second Cloud spoke. "..I'm sorry to hear about your friend.." she squeezed his hand, then rested their intertwined hands on her lap. "Hmm.. Well.." should I really be doing this? "It.. Could be fun to take a look at.." She did her best to keep her cool, dying to know of the books contents. Only one thing frightened her.. And that was that the boy disappeared after using it only once. "..You say that your friend was only able to use it once..?" Does he know how his friend died? Licorice decided it better not to ask her second question, as to not bring up any bad memories in Cloud.

  5. ((...Just showing my own stupidity, I have NO idea what hocum means.. ^^ ...Also, hurray for pokemon!))

    Licorice thanked Tag after sliding the coffee back to her, and listened to Cloud with interest, hanging onto his every word. "..That.. Really sounds interesting, Cloud.." She couldn't ask him to see it.. It was forbidden magic.. But.. The user didn't even have to be a unicorn.. Doing magic has always been Licorice's dream.. and seeing as she was just an earth pony, the book really tempted her. The guy killed himself?!.. Or was he killed.. For knowing too much.. Licorice had heard about a group in her past who d that sort of thing.. That sort of magic.. They called themselves the Brotherhooves, although, Licorice had never believed in them. Until now. "Yeah.. That.. That's really something.. You didn't bring it to camp, did you?" She hated asking, but just HAD to know. She giggled at Knight's humming, the gleam in her eye fading. "Did it really?.. People sure can be silly.."

  6. "Ooh! Try mine! I made it with love." She winked, sliding her cup his way. "Well he definitely isn't in Manehattan.. I have a friend who studies Slendy, along with many other humanoid creatures." She paused, glancing over at Knight for no real reason. "Well, he does study others as well, but humanoid creatures are his favorite.. and he says that Slenderman is in Stalliongrad. So you have nothing to worry about." Listening to Misty, she added, "..Jack the Ripper.. Now THAT I believe in.. Smart move, staying away from Trottingham.. Is it true that he only kills hoochy poochies?" That was her was Licorice's way of saying prostitutes, but in a nice way. Trottingham.. That was one place that she had yet to visit. "..I've heard that Jack's wife was a hoochy herself.. and he wanted to scare her out of it.. so he started killing off her business partners."

  7. Licorice put her fork down, making eye contact among her tablemates. She shook her head. "..Legend has it that he's up in Stalliongrad.. I've been there before.. My family has traveled all over," she explained, "It's a very cold place. There really aren't very many forests in Stalliongrad, but there are a few locations that the locals say he could be. Blackwood forest seems the most feasible of the locations, according to the rumors.. I personally believe that he is little more than a myth.. but who can say?" She smiled mysteriously, beginning to dine once again.

  8. ((Remember that It's humanized, silly ;3))

    "I know that feeling.. Coffee is magical." She smiled. "It's a vegetable, you know, because it's made from beans." Licorice chuckled. "Thank you, Tag, but I hardly did a thing! Cloud just happened to be girlie enough to pull it off." She noted Knight's entrance. "Hello there, Knight! So I heard you were spying on me and Misty this morning.." she took Misty's hand in her own under the table. "Although mildly creepy.. I must say, it IS a bit flattering.."

  9. Licorice grabbed a cup as well, filling it with warm, black coffee. She mixed in a few sweeteners, experiencedly weighing out the flavors as she mixed them. Irish cream, some hazel nut, and a biiit of french vanilla.... She looked down at her brew of caffeine delight, weaving out the straw to create a small, white heart shape on the surface before putting the lid on. She took a sip. Perfect. Be it potions or coffee, the girl knew how to mix. Licorice sat across from Tag. "Hey Tag, how your night?"

  10. ((Can do ;3 ....Kinda looks like everyone's meeting up for coffee.. Just.. Throwing that out therr.. xD))

    "Was he really?!" Licorice was a bit surprised. "Wow.." I sort of had the feeling that he liked me.. but.. Wow.. "..I suppose there's only one way to find out." The two went up to the server ponies, Licorice accepted the eggs, not the sausage, and the watermelon, not the bacon. "Thank you." she gave the lunch lady a quick,appreciative nod, taking her plate to a nearby table. "..What are we forgetting.." she wondered aloud briefly before realizing the lack of drinks. "..Do you like coffee, babe?"

  11. (..You guys wanna like.. End the night pretty soon and go to morning..? Is that okay, Hinata..?)

    "..Did you get stuck with one of the bunk beds? I almost took one.. but if I had.. We wouldn't have been able to share." Licorice laid by him in the bed, one arm under her head. "....So, Cloud.. If we would have played spin the bottle.." Her mind started to wonder. "Who would you have liked to kiss the most..?"

  12. The sudden change in voice surprised Licorice. "Oh, umm.. Yeah.. Yes, this is cabin one. My roommates aren't active at all haven't shown up yet.. So it may just be us." She winked at Misty-Cloud as the two enter, and sure enough, they were all by themselves! Licorice sat on the middle, larger bed that she'd claimed earlier. "So, Misty.." she giggled. "..since we're girlfriends and all.. We can share my bed.. If you'd like.. Just.. Just in case my no-show roommates decide to show up and want their beds.."

  13. Licorice giggled more. "You sound SO female!!" The excitement could be heard in her voice. "..You're looking pretty good already.." she began stuffing his bra, creating the illusion of small breasts. "Hmm.." she held her hand to her mouth, looking at her creation thus far. "..They need to be bigger.." She grabbed a few more socks from her bag for the job, then looked at him again. "..You need hips.." She reached just inside of his pants to add them. "..I hope you don't mind my hand in your pants.." She teased. Looking him up and down again, she was pleased. "You're so pretty, Cloud! Come over here.. Let me do your makeup.." Cloud looked EXTREMELY feminine already, the makeup was just the final touch. "..Look up for me?" she more asked than instructed. "..aaaaand.. Perfect." She looked into his eyes, which now seemed to pop. She pulled out a mirror and held it up for him nodding slowly. "..I think I did pretty good.. You?"

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