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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. "Of COURSE you're looking forward to that part, Cloud.." Buzz seemed to agree, at least, but Knight seemed unsure. "It's be fun!! We're not gonna make you kiss him or anything.." Licorice just laughed. "So first thing's first.." She sat up off of the bed, and started digging through her bag to find something to dress Cloud in. "..Crawl under the covers.. and take your clothes off." She bit her lip to keep from giggling.

  2. ..Am I too late, here..? ..Does it depend on the characters..? Lol C:

    ..If not, it would be awesome if you could draw an oc shipping for meh..? ^^ Two younger fillies, maybe Shade holding Star?

    ..Star Storm (Idk why this pic looks so awkward lol but yeah.. x3) Oh! and Shade's cutie mark is like a masquerade mask, and Star Storm is a blank flank. OH AND STARS TAIL IS VERY SHORT AND SPIKEYISH, sort of like my profile pic's hair. c:

    and Shade..

    It's okay if I'm too late.. I know your a busy pony. ;>

  3. I would love it if you could draw my oc, but if not, I understand.. There've been quite a few requests.. But I have a gypsy character named Licorice Black, who I think would look awesome if you were to accept her. C:

    Description: She loves magic, but is an earth pony, although she wishes that she was a unicorn so that she could do more with it. She travels around with her family in a caravan, reading hooves and telling fortunes, although she's the only one of them that doesn't fake her way through it. She's very charismatic and can be a total flirt at times, also, she hates when any creature harms another, and would never use magic (or potion making, as she does mostly, considering she's just an earth pony) to harm another.

    She looks like this.. (With the bangles and piercings of the second one, yus, the first pic was before I added them.. ^^)


    ..Thank you for your time and possibly your art. =D

    ..PS.. I LOVE Folarin. He's freakin' adorable xD

  4. ((IRL I'm SO scared of Slenderman.. xD Just throwing that out there.. Lol))

    Poor Cloud.. He started to whisper, but seemed to be okay after getting it out. Licorice laughed a whole bunch when Cloud started going on about how he was mistaken for a girl and used to playing one. Perfect.. "Oh, you WILL be just too pretty by the time I'm done with you.." She raised her eyebrows a couple of quick times as if to hint at something, but really had nothing in mind. "You guys can help too." She giggled more. "This'll be fun. I promise."

  5. ((Heh.. Post fixed.. ^^))

    Licorice's eyes widened. "..Wait, right now?! In the middle of the night.. In the dark.. Through the forest.. With no councelors........... Okay, I'm in."

    "..Wait, right now?!.. Cloud's right, it's dark.." Licorice giggled at Cloud's volunteering to be one of the girls, her smile widened. "Okay!! You guys want to..?" She couldn't stop giggling. Cloud would be a girl.. SO cute.. "I could.. Turn you into a girl, Cloud..?" She giggled. "..just for fun?" Say yes, please say yes, holy Celestia do iiiiittt!!

  6. Licorice just cleared her throat. "..We have quite the group going to gather berries, later, to help Tag remake the paints.. You're welcome to come with us if you'd like to, Knight." She smiled at him. He DID make a doucher of a move earlier by just tossing the bag on the floor earlier, but he couldn't have known that the bag's contents were so fragile, and Licorice trusted that he wasn't as bad as everyone else was making him out to be. "..he didn't know, Cloud.." she placed a hand on his leg, gently scootching it before looking up at him. "..maybe there was a reason that he had to have top bunk.. Tag is right, we shouldn't fight over it."


    Licorice made her way to the boy's cabin, carefully weaving around the counselors. She wasn't sure if she was even allowed there or not, but didn't want to risk anything. "Hey Tag!" she grinned, feeling triumphant just for being there. She sat herself down on the middle bed, just assuming that it'd already been claimed by somepony else. "Whatcha drawing, there?"

  8. "You're welcome, Tag.. Now if you'll excuse me.." She started leaving the group, going to collect her things. "I should get ready before they call lights out.. Wouldn't want to get stuck in my own cabin and miss the sleepover!" Licorice made her way to her Cabin, hanging up the drawing that Tag gave her with a sense of pride. That drawing he did for her was just the SWEETEST thing.. How he had added a horn and told her that her dreams weren't silly.. She grabbed her bag, seeing as she was mostly still packed anyways, along with a pillow, just in case.She double checked the cabin. Anything else..? No..? Okay! Licorice left, doing her best to avoid any of the counselors. Luckily, they had their own dorms, and there would be little risk of her absence being noticed.

  9. Licorice smiled, glad that Tag found her joke so enjoyable.

    "Ooh.. Oh yes, you told me about that.. Just like an old friend of mine had.." she paused. "..You know.. I actually have some candles in my bag.. but I'm not sure that'd be allowed over night, just in case of fire.. If we can find a way to prevent them from falling you could probably stay with us..?" Her excitement faded for a second. Was she coming off as pushy? She hoped not.. "If you'd like to.. I mean.. If you'd feel better with the counselor, I understand.... Assuming I can even sneak over to stay... I think I'm getting ahead of myself, here."

    "The floor?! Psh.." Licorice made a noise with her tongue. "Isn't there a big middle bed in the cabins? Or is that only on the girl's side..? Worst case scenario, Knight, we'd just share that one." She gave him a wink.

    ((Hahaha I didn't intend on it when I created her, but Licorice is becoming kind of a flirt lol))

  10. Licorice eyed Knight in disbelief for a moment, but then thought that just maybe.. He was truthing. She could make poison if she chose.. but Licorice just.. Didn't like to harm beings. and she was usually one to give people the benefit of the doubt. "..Mmhmm.. So umm.. Are you all in the same cabin..? I'm.. Considering sneaking over tonight.." she admitted. "Just because there are no active female oc's currently besides me for fun, nothing weird.."

  11. Star sighed. "Why do I always have to explain it?!" She pointed a hoof up the direction of Applejack. "Eminem.. Do you see that mare up there with the cowboy hat? The blonde one? Her name's Applejack, and today, when you buy a bushel of apples, you get a kiss from her. I don't know about you.. but I'M excited!" Star Storm paused, looking back and forth between the two. "WAIT, am I really the ONLY one who showed up just for the kiss..?" She blushed, suddenly embarassed. Her tone changed along with her expression. "...I mean... I don't know if she'd let me have a kiss.. Since I'm just a little pony and all.."

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