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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. "Me?" She was a little surprised by his question. "Oh, um.. I'm fine, Tag, thank you. Cloud actually gave me his jacket to wear," which was sweet "and helped me find a non-trick glass.. Thank Celestia." She poured her punch, once again. Hoping that Cloud was correct, she went to take a drink.. No dribble. She smiled, feeling a bit triumphant over the trickster who had planned the joke.

  2. ((Woah, sorry to be gone aaaaaalll day.. Dx I'm back now though, so it's cool C:))

    "Miss Licorice Black. Merry meet, my dear sir.." She smiled at the gentleman. "..and what might your name be..?" When Buzz made him apologize to the spider, Licorice eyed him.. strangely. Not Knight, but Buzz. That was strange even for her. ..He talks to spiders..? Hmm.. She assumed this to be a troll, just like her parents would fake their way through the same magical side of life that she loved so much. When Knight told him to prove it later, she smirked, but hid her disbelief. "..I'd like to be there when you prove that as well.."

  3. "Thank you, Knight." She was embarassed, but still smiled at him. What a gentleman! Knight was so nicely dressed and high class.. Could this guy BE anymore perfect?!... Well.. Appear it to Licorice, anyway. "..I take it that the accent means that you are from Canterlot? Nice place up there.." Cloud handed her his hoodie. "Thanks, Cloud.." She accepted it. "..Excuse me a moment, gentleman.." She quickly made her way around a corner, just out of sight.. Probably.. Regardless, she quickly removed her shirt and dawned the punch-free garment which Cloud had given her, returning to the group.

  4. "Wow.. You're really nice!" Star Storm's ear perked up at the word 'orphans.' "That's so radical of you, Eminem!" She looked up at him sincerely, her voice suddenly growing much softer. "..Well.. I used to be an orphan.. So.. Yeah." Somepony like Brew would have been a miracle for her. Star didn't let any parts of her past damper her day any. "Yeah! I'm from Cloudsdale." She grinned at Mustang with a sense of pride. "It's pretty nice up there.. Seeing as so many weather ponies live up there, I don't know how it couldn't be," she giggled. "There's spells for that.. I think. (Giving a pony wings.. Like in Sonic Rainboom) Well.. I heard from a friend that it's possible.. I've never actually SEEN anypony do it.." she admitted. He thought she was likable.. No, VERY likable, were his words. "Thanks, Scamp.." she had a habit of calling everypony that every now and then, even if they were older than she. "You're very likeable too! Kinda like.. like..." This guy is RADICAL and every foal loves him.. Liiiike... Star held her hoof up over her chin, formulating an example of just HOW radical Brew was. "You're like Santa! Only.. You're even more better 'cause you stay fit, you don't break into ponies' houses while they're sleeping, and you're especially radical to orphans." She grinned widely.

  5. ((Hold on.. I missed the entire last page.. Don't count this as a real post yet..))

    ((...Oki, I've patched it up nao.. So sorry guys ^^))

    Licorice watched Tag's performance with a faint smile. He's kind, a wonderful artist, and now he can sing, too?! She walked back over to the punch for a couple of reasons. Firstly, she had left her glass over there before returning Gummy! And secondly, she wanted to congratulate Tag for doing such a great job, and for not being so quiet like earlier. It's a rush up on stage.. She maneuvered her way back over to the punch, coming in on all of the black widow talk. "..Could I be concidered a black widow? If I marry in the future and my spouse dies?.." She overheard Knight's psychotic women comment. "..Then it's a good thing I'm not too psychotic.." She laughed, throwing a kiddish look at Knight, all in good fun. "..My name's Licorice. Licorice Black, is why I say that.." Her joyful expression turned to one of concern. "Umm.. May I see?" She gently took Knights hand, studying it carefully. This one's life line doesn't look very long at all.. ((Palm reader)) "..Yeah.. I think we should suck out the venom.. Just to be safe.... Buzz could probably do it best." She looked up at him with a smirk.

    seeing a new face. She decided to ignore it.. for the time being. "Hey Tag! Great job up there.. You really do have quite a voice." She smiled at him, hoping that he wasn't TOO much enticed with his own little world to hear or see her. She poured herself some punch, turning to the new face. "..Who's your friend, Buzz?" She was looking at Knight, more expecting an answer from him than anyone else. She lifted her cup to take a drink of the punch, but the dribble glass had fooled her. Red punch poured down over her once-blue shirt, causing her to back-leap with a high pitched squeak. "......Well I didn't see THAT coming.." She blushed as red as the punch. Funny how her confidence had gone from a solid ten to a two in a matter of seconds.

  6. Licorice was breathing a little heavily. She smiled widely at him. "Thanks! It's a fun hobby.. Singing. You were incredible." She looked back out towards everypony else, most of which's attention was now elsewhere. ".....You think we should get off the stage?" She hopped down. "I don't know about you, but I'm seriously feeling like some punch right now." Being her first year at Whitetail, she unknowingly grabbed herself a dribble-glass. Just to make it worse on herself, when she went to pour it, gummy popped up from inside of the punch bowl, shocking her greatly. "..Silly! Come on.." She lifted him out. "Let's get you back to Pinkie Pie.." (So no, the dribble glass hasn't tricked her yet because she didn't get around to pouring yet)

  7. Licorice acted the part of a rocker throughout the performance, really using the entirety of the stage to her advantage. The rock duet seemed to go over very well, according to the crowd's response. There was one point nearing the end of the song that Licorice had traversed around the edge of the stage giving a sweep of high fives to the excited campers. It was so thrilling for her.. The crowd was just so full of life, and it encouraged the girl to give it her all.. To sing her heart out.

  8. Star Storm smiled up at 'Mustang' with a giggle, "Alright, Eminem it is!... Yeah.. I could guess that.." His student's bought him a vacation? Wow! He must be a pretty radical teacher if his students like him enough to do that! "...Wow, you must be a pretty radical teacher Eminem.. What do you teach?" Judging by his attire, Star guessed it was gym class. She looked up at the clouds. "..You could say that.. I live in Cloudsdale, but it's real close to here." When Luna smiled at her, passing through, Star got excited and smiled back even bigger. She turned her attention back to Brew. "You saw that, didn't you Eminem?! She smiled right at me!!"

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