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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. "It actually is, and let me tell you, Cloud, that I am VERY glad that I was able to make it!.." She cleared her throat. "My parents just.. like having me around to help out in the family business.. and such.. It took quite the convincing before they'd let me come to an all Summer camp...." She paused. "So does that mean that you have attended Whitetail before..?" Licorice was curious. "What was it like? I heard that the campers can get... Interesting.. But everybody seems very kind, so far.. From what I've seen, at least."

  2. Nyctophobia.. Yikes! Poor guy.. That can be harsh. "I knew a girl who had a terrible case of that.. She had actually asked me for help with it." It was Star Storm, back at the gala. Licorice's family had set up just outside for ponies to come get their fortunes told while waiting in line for security. Star had wondered in, curious about the caravan. "Unfortuantely.. There was little I could do for her." That statement was true about helping with Star's fear of the dark, however, the two DID have a great time at the gala together. Star was just lucky to be there. She had to risk some golden bullets a pony named Snakebite had given her back in Appaloosa for her and her friend's tickets.. But this story is about Licorice. When she reading Star's palm.. She was picked up on all of the subtle, little things that Star was doing to indicate that she might have an attraction towards her, and decided to get.. Creative with the reading, ultimately telling Star that the two of them would have a grand time together at the Gala, which, for the most part, they did! Licorice was not a lesbian, but she believed strongly in the idea that people weren't bodies with souls.. But rather, souls with bodies, an old Kestra belief. Although, the Kestra probably didn't intend for it to be taken in the way that Licorice did. She wasn't exactly a Kestra herself, as she would have to have been born into it, but like her and Tag had talked about earlier, Licorice was a dreamer. She looked at Cloud, continuing their conversation. "..That's very kind of miss Twilight. Did you see when Pinkie tossed her pet alligator? He landed RIGHT on my head! That.. I never could have predicted."

  3. "With that flank I'd say so!" Star joked, unfortunately a little loudly. "I'm Star Storm.. Filly extraordinaire." She announced this more quietly than her previous statement. "Master Must..ache?" She had a little trouble saying, or rather, remembering, Brew's name. "Well.. Those both start with M's, so.." She shuffled a hoof, glancing over at the princess. "I think I'll just call you Eminem." Star concluded. "So.. I'm guessing that you're not from around here.. Are you, Eminem?"

  4. Hey everypony! This whole art section is awesome, I just happened to stumble upon it today, although I've been active on here for a little while now :3

    Aaaanyways, I was hoping to make a request, seeing as I'm more of a doodler than an artist anyways, and very inexperienced with digital. I have a genderless character who I've been playing recently in free-for-alls, and his name is Mackell. It occurred to me that I only have a little sketch of him that I made on paint forever and a day ago in order to show everyone what he looked like, and thought that it would be AWESOME if somebody would be willing to draw him for me. =D Oki, so here's a short description of the character..


    Name: Mackell

    Gender: Intersex (Neither, exactly.. but goes by he)

    Race: Pegasus

    Looks: Blue (Had thought about changing his eye color, but then I decided that I just liked them green better! lol) Shining green eyes with big, black rings around them; he has a rather feminine figure, so he's a little larger in the chest and hips. Dark ears and wings. Also, he has wider ears than most ponies. Oh, and he's orange with black hair, emoish bang over eye.

    ...When I first created him, he actually was a fox, and he had a white muzzle, and 3 white paws and one black one, but now that he's a pony.. I'll let you as the artist decide if you'd like to use any of that or ignore it, I'm cool with anything. Also, if you just think something would look better than how I have it written, go for it! These are more guidelines than instructions.. I'm a very easy going person. Oh! Also, I've had him wear a neon green/black striped tie in a few rp's here, but as a fox it was a red/brown scarf, so again, just do whatever you think would look best, even if it's neither, again, I'm easy going and will just be happy that somebody took my request C:

    Cutie Mark: Paint palette. He loves to draw, paint, sculpt, and do all sorts of artistic things!

    Personality: Mackell is generally optimistic and he is also sort of shy, so please don't draw him looking too depressed, and preferably not too in-your-faceish, either.

    A Pic or Two:

    Terrible doodle which I hope you guys don't judge me too harshly on..


    And of course, a pic from the dreadedly overused pony creator..


    Thanks everypony!! I'm very excited to see what happens from here. Thank you ahead of time, Scamps!! Cx

  5. "I'm thinking about just deciding picking my activities as I go if they'll let me. I didn't sign up for very much in the beginning, but now that I'm here, I'm very excited about most of the activities. I think that creative writing sounds pretty fantastic. That's actually one of the few that I DID sign up to attend. Art sounds fun too though!.. Um.." Licorice looked around at nothing in particular. "I also signed up for the unicorn magic lessons.. Although.. I'm not so sure they'll let me in, being an earth pony and all.." ((Ik that it's humanized but what else would one call it..? Lol))

  6. Licorice turned to Cloud. "Hello Cloud, merry meet! My name is Licorice. Licorice Black." Funny, everyone's parents seemed to encourage their attendance here except for mine.. She watched the moths perch themselves on Buzz. I wonder what it is about Buzz that seems to just draw the little creatures to him like that..? "..So Cloud.. What do you like to do for fun..? Was that you who I saw drawing earlier?"

  7. Why didn't you TELL me you were starting an rp, Brew!! I'd really like to join if that's oki C: Has this started yet..?


    Name: Star Storm

    (Role: Party guest)

    Sex: Female (Lol@ the other and none options, but come to think of it since I have Mackell.. I'd choose one of those if I played him lol)

    Age: 21 (Adult version of star, for those of you who've seen her around)

    Race: Pegasus

    Eye Color: Yellow

    Coat Color: Dark blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Big black mane, gigantic bang in the front, back hair swooping over infront of her face a bit, short spiky tale, no other markings.

    Physique: Very small pony, often mistaken to be younger, very thin as well.

    Cutie Mark: A nightlight. There is a really long story as to why, but I'd like to skip it for now.. I'd be happy to type it out later if you'd like me to, though. C;

    Origin/Residence: Originally was adopted and raised in Cloudsdale

    Occupation: Part time napper, laughter therapist, and full time playa.. But how she gets bits is by being a street performer (guitar) and sometimes thievery. (She picked up the habit when she was little because her Pap never took very good care of her, and she had to take things in order to get by at times. She's also very good at trolling ponies to try and get her way)

    Likes: Chocolate milk, mares, punk rock, using the words "scamp and radical," holding hoofs, being held, applejack daniels (just like "pap" used to drink)

    Dislikes: The dark (she's a lot better with it now that she's older, but she still doesn't like it), (I can't seem to unbold that, I'm sorry.. It's some weird glitch or something. Dx) She hates being caught in a lie. Also, she is really cautious around nerds or know-it-alls, because she can't trick them as easily as other ponies. She dislikes breaking her wings. (She tends to break them fairly often)

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