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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. ......OH. MY. MOTHER. !@#$%&^*ING. GAWHD. Mother of Celestia, that app is for Tom.. The Rock?!?......... If anybody could ever play Tom, Gecy, it would be you. x3 That is THE most ridiculous, THE most random, THE funniest, and THE most intense application I have ever read in my entire life ever. Tom... The rock.... Is a ladies man?!? In a world full of magical talking ponies, we have a rock who is a ladies man........... Yeah, okay...... Well.... I'm not going to say no to that. It's pretty much the greatest application of all time. *Star Storm offical seal of approval. For tom... The rock... In a Hearts and Hooves Day rp.....*

    Oh, and Twitch, you're in too. ^^ *Official Star Storm seal of approval.. If I didn't already give you one I can't seem to remember*

    You too, Little Cloud! *Official Star Storm seal of approval*

  2. No, that's completely okay to have bi characters! Every character that I have in here is currently bi and I'm not sure that I mentioned it before at all haha.

    I've seen Moonlight Frost, and read through her app juuust to make sure. She can join in. ^^ *Official Star Storm seal of approval*

    Wow, perfet timing Bahamut! The host (me ^^) actually just happened to log in. Umm.. It's not too late at all, I can help you get caught up in a heartbeat if you'd like, just message me over chat C: Also.. If you'd be so kind as to fill out an app (found on page one of this thread) that would rock! Especially if you have a male character.. But if you don't, thats totally okay too :3

  3. Woah.. So sorry that it took me so long to get back to you all!

    Oh, okay Fermata haha I assumed that you were kidding but thought it would be fun to go along with ^^ Lol, but yeah, I'm just a pretty trusting person in general.. Which isn't good most of the time.. but in this case you rock so hard that you actually deserve that it works lol. But yeah.. Just keep doing what you're doing, because it seriously works!

    Gecy, yus, Mackell is bi and we are totally out of males.... I'm so sorry.. I guess I kind of skrewed you over without realizing it by having Yuko go for Vox because when the males start taking each other.. Someponies had to end up being a lez couple. Umm.. How would you feel about pairing Pepper with a clown? If not, it's no big deal, I could totally bring Bonez into this.. He's only been used in private rp's before anyhoo, just like Yuko, so that could be fun to show him off to y'all. He's just ur basic gentle colt. Only.. We'd STILL be at a lack of unicorns.. (It's funny, I was completely just going to go in with Shade who is a unicorn as my only character in this but because everybody has requested other random characters I've used them instead.. But yeah..)

    I'm very glad to have you, Eminem! ^^ Welcome to class! We do have a disturbing lack of colts, and to make it even worse, they they seem to keep pairing with other colts everytime I play one ^^

    Hinata, you rp beautimously. Umm.. Which cannon character/s would you like to play..?

    ......Lol, maybe I should have had an "Orientation:" spot on the application..

  4. ((*Shrugs* Made me lol when I read it..))

    Licorice moved closer in her seat, listening to Pepperjack with interest. I'm glad she can trust me so much! She watched seriously, hanging on Pepper's every word. She's.. SHE'S... Pepperjack's lips parted to say it, this deep dark secret of hers. Shy... Licorice barely kept from laughing, but hid it well. "Pepper.." Licorice realized that she took it like a real secret, and lowered her voice dramatically. "It's completely okay to be a little shy. I used to be shy, believe it or not." Licorice was one of the most charismatic ponies out there nowadays, but used to, she was NOT..

  5. (......Okay, so looking back.. That's prreeeetttyyyy much exactly what Choco said........... I am sorry to steal your wordage, therrr. :sleep: ...But hey, at least it means that I'm in agreement with you!... Okay, no more ooc discussion here, promise! :halo:)

    "A welcome to camp party sounds pretty fun, huh guys?" an excited Licorice more stated than asked. "And besides.. I still need to give Pinkie her alligator back!" The girl patted her toothless buddy. The lighting of the bonfire created instantaneous warmth. Woah.. It was Shocking to Licorice, only.. In a good way. She hadn't realized how cold that she was until now that she wasn't anymore

  6. Mmhmm! You see, I was just too lazy to play all of those characters knew that Fermata is a FANTASTIC rp'er, who I was just CERTAIN would do a wonderous job with them!..... Lol, but more seriously, this is all news to me too.. I'm totally okay with it, I love the idea of ALL of those things! Lol, are Snips and Snails really going to try and smuggle drugs into the dance? xDD Cuz I would be alright with it! That's hilarious!! And I mean, this IS in 18 plus.. Umm.. But really, Fermata seems to have this whole shindig well planned out (if I'm wrong tell me now! lol, it wouldn't be a big deal..) so I'm going to give her (or him? Lol your profile didn't help me figure that out so I do apologize if I get your gender wrong) all of the NPC characters, along with the rights to distribute them if she'd like, but if not, that's okay too because really you are doing a beautimous job playing them so far! Sooo... Yeah C:


    Also.. I would like to add a char as well.. I meant to do this awhile ago.. Guess I'd just never gotten around to it until now. ^-^ Don't worry, I'll keep it short for you guys.

    Name: Mackell

    Gender: Intersex (Neither, exactly.. but goes by he)

    Race: Pegasus

    Brief History: (Where are you from? Where do you live now? Have you had a good life so far?... Also, PLEASE don't write six pages on it.. K tanks ^^)

    Looks: Shining green eyes with big, black rings around them; he has a rather feminine figure, larger in the chest and hips. Dark ears and wings, wears a neon-lime colored tie. Also, he has rather large ears compared to most ponies.

    (Here's a poorly drawn human-ish version of him that I used for Equestria High)


    Cutie Mark: Paint palette. He loves to draw, paint, sculpt, and do artistic things!

    Personality: Mackell is moderately shy, but would probably start a conversation if he was getting lonely. He is an extremely friendly foal who loves to have fun, but would never dream of stepping out of line. He's optimistic, and almost always will look at the brighter side of things. At dances, he's usually in that small group of close friends in the corner doing the out-of-style dances like the lawnmower and such.. But if he's able to score a date, well.. We'll see C:

    Likes and dislikes: He loves music and romance, although he has always been sort of scared to search for it in the past due to his gender condition. He's scared of rejection and getting into trouble. He dislikes stereotypes and name calling.

    Random fact: He also plays the guitar, but is HORRIBLE at it because he literally JUST started a couple of weeks ago. He knows like.. Two cords ^^ He has an AMAZING paint job on it that he did himself just before putting the strings on the instrument. (or rather, getting them put on by somepony else to do it who actually knew what she was doing!)

    Anything I left out..? ^^ : His voice is naturally very soft. It's sort of girlish, but he does still have the male vocal undertone in it.

  7. Licorice was impressed with Applejack's speech, but was a little saddened when she mentioned the stereotypes of each of the species. Licorice had never been very fond of them, as they were SO unfitting for her. She looked around the group she was with. Pepperjack didn't seem like the most athletic pony out there, being an earth pony and all. Brew looked tougher, but still had something about him.. An aura.. A chi, with what seemed to be some very unicorn-like qualities. Licorice chimed into the conversation, "Of course you can come, Pepperjack.. I'll be tagging along as well." She thought that going on the berry walk would be an excellent was of both helping out Tag, and getting to better know her new cabin mate better.

  8. :Flutter: Yay! :Flutter: ...That butterfly is horridly underused.. But then again.. I only used it because they didn't have a happy fluttershy face.

    Thanks, Dudemanguy!! That name is still just so fantastic.. xDD I'm excited to see you're contributions to the story ;-)

    And thank you Redheart! Only.. If you can see me today.. But I can't see you... I'm a little worried that I may be being stalked..? :shock: ....... But you DID say that I looked good today.. Wait, no, you said great..... Which is ALWAYS nice to hear.. Maybe it's better I just don't ask questions.. :blush: I'm just kitten, thank you for the compliment, Redheart :3

  9. Star Storm's little peepers widened at the sight of this magnificent alicorn. Waaaaawww... She'd never seen a real life princess before! Not THIS close, at least! "Y.. You can go ahead of me too Luna! You're my favoritest princess, you know!" Star stood there for a second, looking in awe with a silly grin, but hurriedly followed Mustang and Parhelion's examples and knelt, lowering her head.

  10. Licorice was a little bit shocked. "Wow.. That's so unfortunate, Cloud, I'm.. Very sorry to hear that......... I blame the one who grounded your bag, not you. Mine has some.. Fragile items in it as well.. I'm sure that I would be a bit upset if somepony reasonlessly tossed mine on the ground.." Licorice stared at the same spot on the ground that gummy was looking at. She gave him a caring squeeze. "I'd be willing to help you gather things for the paint as well, Cloud." She grinned at him. "You know what..? I've never held a baby alligator before.. He's pretty cute!" Her eyes locked with his, her smile growing wide.

  11. Licorice held gummy tightly, the rush of wind that Rainbow Dash had caused messing up her mane. Licorice wasn't too worried, though. She turned to Tag after the introduction, a little startled by the presenter. "Well she seems.. very.. Sure of herself.." She noticed that Tag still looked pretty upset over what'd happened earlier. "Hey, Cloud.. Are you doing alright..? You seemed a bit shaken earlier.." Licorice seemed to have a way of trailing off her sentences, but it was just how she talked.

  12. "Okay, well.." Star Storm didn't want to tell Parhelion what exactly her actual life story was, but didn't show it. Star used to be an orphan, and has became little more than a drop out with a dream. (She plays the guitar and would like to learn to do it well) Her adopted dad was never really there for her, so sometimes she'd have to take things and tell fibs to get by. She wasn't proud of it, but a time like this seemed to call for a little truth-stretcher. "....Have you ever heard of Flukebox..? The musician?" She made the name up, which bought her a moment to think up an interesting history to give herself.. At least as far as Parhelion knew, anyway.

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