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Posts posted by StarStorm

  1. About Myself: I certainly am a unique individual, to say the least. I've been rp'ing with a friend for almost a year now, and figured that it would be really cool to bring some of my characters to the internet and share em' all with you wonderful internet peoplez:3

    How I found Canterlot.com: Umm.. I was actually searching for an mlp dating sim xD Don't judge me IT WAS SUGGESTED IN THE SEARCHBAR AND I WAS CURIOUS! Lol x3

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: There were a couple guys at my school who were waaayyy obsessed with it, so I decided, although I was very skeptical at first, that I should see what all of the fuss was about. Now, MLP makes me smile on a rainy day, gives me a laugh when I get bored, and even makes me cry when reading certain fanfics. Oh, how I love this show.. :'D

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Very interested in joining in the start of somepony's rp. Somepony should let me know if they'd like to start one with me. I'll be around for awhile, I promise! ^^

  2. Hai!! TwinkiePinkie! I've been following your story, and I'd be more than interested in joining the next round of Quick Kisses' Speed Dating Service, if you decide to host a second one. Here is the character I'd like to enter, if you'd be so kind as to review and hopefully approve her. :3

    Name: Star Storm

    Gender: Female (However, she likes fillies, not colts.. So I may just have her masquerade as a boy.. :!: )

    Species: Pegasus

    Desciption/Cutie mark: A flight school dropout, Star is headstrong and adventurous, but absolutely TERRIFIED of the dark. She's a pony who seems to do bad things for good reasons, but only because that's the only way she knows. She LOVES chocolate milk. She's a fantastic fibber, and will often use this against ponies to get her way. She has also been known to take things, however, in this type of environment the only thing she should be attempting to steal is a possible special somepony's heart:3 She has been sort of been a hero in her past, but only because of situational events. She's not afraid to stand up for the things she believes in, nor get in any pony's face about things that she's passionate about. When it comes to love, she's actually had a few girlfriends in the past, but never anything too serious. Star Storm was an orphan originally, but was adopted by a drunkard in Cloudsdale who she dubbed her "Pap." Currently, she's couch surfing, staying with random friends of hers as she pleases, but usually at her best friend Pepperjack's house. Star plays the guitar, but not very well. She likes punk rock. She's learning.. She has her power chords down, and plays them often to pretend to be better than she actually is. She'll practice on the streets to try and earn some extra bits. Once a pony threw 20 bits her way! But only to get her to stop playing.. It really doesn't earn her too much, so she turns to thievery at times.. But only when it's important.. Like if she runs out of chocolate milk. She says "Radical" quite a bit. She's a short little scamp, sporting a gianormous, teased-to-death black mane, completely covering one of her bright yellow eyes. (Think Dj Pony status, but not quite as many points) Her tail is very short, however, and spikey. Other than that, she's a darker blue, and still in search of a cutie mark. She's sure it'll come soon.. Perhaps she just has a tad more growing up to do.. Yeah.. She's kind of a rascal.. Maybe even a bit of a wildcard.. :halo:

    So yeah.. In disguise, (because surprisingly, this isn't the first time she's had to pretend to be a guy), she'll be wearing some big "Hooviator" shades to hide her eyelashes, and a gangsterish "ClopOut" cap, to hide some of that hair under.

    Hope to hear back from you soon, sorry if I went too into detail in the description! But thank you for your time. :blush:

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