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Posts posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. We're calling dibs now? Alrighty then, Arkwing's got bids on Rainbow Dash. :20:

    puzzlebeats got bids on the flutter shy.

    When you say dibs do you mean to rp these characters or they the mane six you want your characters to hook up with at the dance?

    Patrick Speaking

    Oh shoot we doing this on the 14? Thursday? If so I can't actually participate. Thursdays are the busiest days of the week for me (group therapy, three college classes, helping out with trivia night at local restaurant).

    I'm sorry :'(

    The dance part of the rp starts on the 14th but it will continue then after till its done. Probably a week after the 14th.

    So the rp before the dance is bout till the 14th and then after that its a week of dance party antics and chaotic love :P

  2. Razor looked at the pink pony, "Uh...I don't really do this holiday. I just want to get my deliveries done and leave. All this romance makes me uneasy."

    Razor cast a glance at Flashbomb, "I just need to find these addresses. I'm not very wise in where the streets are in this town at times. I don't stay long here when I do come through here. If you know where they are it be helpful."

  3. Razor blinked and looked at the pony with the hat on. He took her hoof in his claw, mindful not to grip to hard and stab into her hoof, and shook it once.

    "Hi. Uh anyway, do any of you know where...any of these ponies might live?" Razor asked as he held out his checklist of addresses to deliver packages and Hearts and Hooves gifts. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder a bit, popping out a piece of jerky and took a bite of the meaty snack. He put the rest away for later, and finished the piece he bit off swiftly swallowing it whole.

    "Oh yeah and uh...I'm Razor." He said, glad none of them pointed out his....height in comparison to other griffons. Razor was sadly....just a bit....shorter then what was normal for griffons. Hopefully none of these ponies brought it up.

  4. Razor finished most of his deliveries for the day. He didn't have alot, and those he did have he could just stretch out over the course of the day. The deal was to deliver them on this day, but not when. It would save the griffon some humiliating poem reading.

    "Honestly if the lovestruck saps can't do this themselves they shouldn't bother then." He said, stopping at one of the few stops he planned to do today.

    "Lets see. Carousel Boutique. To a Miss Rarity, from some poor shmock from Canterlot." Razor said, pulling out the big heart shaped container of chocolate and the message that he was to give. He knocked on the door and waited. No reply, and Razor went to knock again when he saw the closed sign.

    Razor frowned, he didn't like leaving a delivery unfinished, even if he was loath to do one such as this. It was the principal of the thing, but he also didn't want to carry this stuff arounda ny longer then needed.

    "I just had to bring this here. I don't technically have to give it to her." Razor said, setting the chocolates down by the door. He looked at the message, a smoochy lovey poem that made him cringe at the thought of reading.

    "Well, this is that." Razor said and slipped the poem under the box. With that done he turned and left, one down five to go.

    He looked at his list again and realized that he didn't know where most of these addresses were. True he came to thsi town when he delivered stuff, it was right in the middle of most of his routes across Equestria, but he never bothered to learn where ponies lived unless he had to bring them a package or something.

    Razor looked around and spotted a group of ponies, the same group that had gathered around that falling pegasus from before.

    "Maybe one of them knows." Razor said and he flew over to the group. He flew high above them, and dived swiftly and landing right beside one with a hat on.

    "Howdy. Hope I'm not interrupting." Razor said.

  5. Razor got off the cloud, and flew down to the ground. He saw a commotion with a pegasus falling down. Razor chuckled at that.

    "Heh, if they can't stay in there air best not to fly." He said quietly to himself. He watched the distant event before pulling his delivery bag at his side open and pulled out a list.

    "Okay, I might dislike this holiday but I still got a job to do." Razor said as he looked over the list of names. He looked at a few names that had hearts beside them. He shivered, those were the ones that were getting special hearts and hooves day gifts from far away loved ones. Worse Razor, in the hopes of getting a few extra bits, offered to read their lovey dovey poems.

    "Ugh.....I hate today." He said and flew off to find the first address.

    ((If you want to be on the delivery list let me know in the discussion.))

  6. Just something on the posting. Be sure to give everyone that joins a chance to post and respond to anything that is said/done/or involves ther character before moving on. Other then that, unless things get really crazy, I won't demand too much in the posting rule.


    Also to those interested.

    Mane Six characters that are still free to take:


    Pinkie Pie




    Rainbow Dash

  7. It was a bright and sunny day in the town of Ponyville, as well as a joyful one. Today was Hearts and Hooves day, and all through town couples walked here and there. Other ponies gave cards or gifts to that special somepony, and others worked up the courage to tell that special pony know they care.

    It's a day of love and joy, and to top it all was the big party and dance later tonight at the town hall. Still not all love blossoms, will yours?

    *For more info see the general discussion http://www.canterlot.com/topic/13738-hearts-and-hooves-party/


    Razor sat on a cloud, looking down at the ponies as they passed. He watched the smiling faces of couples about and turned to lay on his back and gaze up at the sky.

    'I had to pick the worse possible day to come into this town.' He thought, pushing the cloud forward with a flap of his wing.

    Hearts and Hooves day. A pony holiday of love and more love. Frankly Razor didn't see why it was all that great, it was just another day like any other. What made this day magical?

    "Yeah a magic day where you find that special somegriffon. Sounds like a childs story tale to me." He said to himself as he floated over the buildings on his cloud.

  8. Since it is almost febuary and all that I figured a little Hearts and Hooves day rp was needed.

    Feel free to enter and strive to find love, let that special somepony know you care. Can you find love before the big dance at the Hearts and Hooves party? Come and find out.

    MLP universe characters are welcome, OC's and fim cast.

    The mane six are open to the first six to take them, though you can be any other character as well.

    The rp takes place in Ponyville, on Hearts and Hooves day as you know. So come and have fun and find love :P


    List of how this will go.

    We'll give maybe two weeks of roaming about town, then perhaps on Valentines day or not the big party and dance. Seem a good timeframe?

    • Like 1
  9. Razor stretched and picked up the old rag doll bird. He tossed it over to his spot, and took in a deep breath as he felt the adrenaline pumping through his body fade away.

    "Darn I love flying." He said to himself.

    Still, Razor needed more. He needed a challange, something that puts his wings to the test. He looked at Fire Walker and rubbed his chin in thought.

    "She'll do." He said and flew over.

    "Yo. Hey you want to race? Or maybe an aerial contest? Or do you want to try stooping contest?" Razor said, landing beside Fire Walker.

  10. Razor looked over at the filly, who seemed to be falling asleep and was resting peacefully on the ground. Razor was loath to admit it but the little filly looked....cute. She reminded him a bit of his sister, only Ember here was a pony.

    Razor sighed, yawning himself. It was getting late, and a nightly breeze was blowing. Razor sighed and stepped closer to the filly and drapped a wing around her to keep her warm.

    "Look, its late and I think we all need sleep. The kid seems to need it. Whatever course of action we take can be done in the morning, for now I think we all hit the hay."

    Razor yawned again, and pointed at the unicorn that offered Embermane a roof, "So if you can give the kid a bed for the night thats grand. If not, I'll let her stay at my hotel room. So if we can all agree now that whatever happens next can happen in the morning. Cause beleive me a tired and sleep deprived griffon is not a pretty sight."


    ((Just want to know who is still gonna be on this rp, as things seem to have been very quiet. If you can't due to life then thats cool, but just let the rest of us know then))

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