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Posts posted by Emerath

  1. Also, feel free to post your thoughts OOC here as well. The summary itself will be updated. I will not be posting new posts with continuing summary. I will be editing the first post with summary updates.

    Love is in the Air~ <3

    (Confirmed Relationships)

    • Pawn and Snowy - Dating and still coming to terms with being together. (Pwny)
    • Endilix and Fantasia - Recently agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend. (Fantasilix)
    • Night Watch and Fluttershy - Recently agreed to be girlfriends. (NightShy)
    • Cloud and Trixie - Suddenly formed relationship over a rumor. Seems legit. (Clixie)
    • Colt and Pinkie Pie - Sparked initially by a rumor that led to an actual relationship. (Coltie Pie)
    • Doppelganger and Rarity - Recently agreed to date. (Darity?)
    • Applejack and Caramel

    Juicy Gossip! :-o

    (Possible Relationships)

    • Colt and Trixie
    • Melody and Emot
    • Endilix and SOSy
    • JAYZe and Silver
    • Star Strutter and StringHeart
    • Nova and Rainbow Dash

    Broken hearts... :sniff:

    • Colt and Lotus - Lotus broke up with Colt over the Coltie Pie rumor.

    Bitter Rivalries! :x

    (Confirmed Rivalries)

    • None Currently. :-(

    Best Friends Forever! :D

    (Best Friendships)

    • None Currently. :-(

    Cast List:

    (Done in no particular order)

    • Colt - Male model for magazines who travels across the world.
    • Lotus - Colt's now ex-girlfriend.
    • Pawn - A know-it-all who strives to be the best in his class. Completely oblivious to normal social standards and very obsessed with his hair.
    • Snowy - A very shy girl with a bit of a defensive side. A surprising blackbelt, and now leader of the Karate squad.
    • Fluttershy - A very shy girl who is scared of her own shadow. Brave when defending her friends.
    • Pinkie Pie- A very happy and optimistic girl who throws parties all the time.
    • Rarity - A lovely dressmaker who is often the envy of most boys. She tends to keep to herself, and often gets depressed when thinking of old loves.
    • Ace the Bully - A hall monitor who is the star quarterback of the Equestria High football team, and often targets nerds and geeks to pick on them.
    • Razor - A heavily scarred boy who seems to have a heart of gold. Often helps Rarity when he can.
    • Endilix - A somewhat shy, but kind boy who helps those in need, but otherwise keeps to himself unless approached. Has decent magical talent.
    • Fantasia- A musically talented girl with a southern accent. Though being from Cloudsdale a few have wondered where she got the accent. Currently has a broken wing.
    • Lizan - Endilix's older sister, who interns at the local hospital.
    • Trixie - A unicorn who tends to think she's better than others, but is really just misunderstood and often tends to get along with others after they get to know her.
    • Cloud - A quiet boy who enjoys drawing and tends to keep to himself.
    • Deadpool - A mercenary wearing a skintight costume and mask. Often also known as a prankster, and likes to kick people in the legs.
    • Applejack - A very strong earth pony with a southern accent. She works on a farm with her family.
    • Night Watch - A seemingly punkish girl. Although she spends so much time with Fluttershy that little is known about her personality.
    • Star Strutter - A beautiful up and coming model. Tends to upset people with her snobbish personality.
    • SOSy - A unicorn who is the only of her family, and not as skilled with magic. Tends to beat up on herself a bit and be unsure.
    • KYRa - A pegasus who sticks her nose in a lot of places, getting involved with lots of different people at a time. She's kind though, and not usually very intrusive.
    • JAYZe - A very nice and easy going girl who tries to stick with her sisters, and would like to be a doctor someday.
    • Silver Swirl - A seemingly bipolar boy with a large amount of magical talent. Also seems to be a bit clumsy.
    • Silverbolt - A pegasus who is Silver Swirl's little brother, and also appears to be a bit of a prankster.
    • Blayze - A quiet boy who tends to go a bit insane at times, shouting randomly. Can also apparently turn into a monster.
    • Nova - A guitarist who is also a part of the Equestria Special Forces.
    • StringHeart - A musical genius. He's new, so not much is known yet.
    • Neon - Snowy's 10 year old little brother.
    • Knight - Pawn's older brother. Seems to pick on him initially, but really has his brother's best interests in mind.
    • Doppelganger - A changeling. Little else known about his personality.
    • Caramel - Applejack's boyfriend and farmhand.

    (If I forgot anyone, or they'd like me to put something in about their character, then by all means say so and I will fix it. Enjoy everyone!)

    • Like 5
  2. Alright fillies and gentlecolts, welcome everypony to the Equestria High Summary Topic!

    First off, for anyone new, let's go over what Equestria High is all about!

    From what our best academic scholars can gather, it's a school containing the following elements (not the ones of Harmony):

    • Humanized ponies. Definition: Ponies who have normal hands and a human body, but have pony ears, unicorn horns, pegasi wings, and the like. The scholars have not yet examined the ponies' feet to see if they have hooves. Academic citation is necessary.
    • Everypony Has The Same Classes. The academic staff decided upon opening the high school, being that it is a smaller school with smaller staff (not to mention a smaller budget) it would be easier to just give every student the same schedule. Classes are progressed by Scholar ShadowWalking stating that the bell for class has rung. This schedule currently consists of: 1. History 2. Math 3. Science 4. Lunch 5. Gym 6. Art/Music. Do not ask the scholars why they could not make that a list. Ask the forum makers.
    • Takes Place in Equestria. The scholars have not yet figured out which fine town they actually live in, but it they do know that it is in Equestria, of that much they are sure. However, they have determined it is a city similar to Manehattan containing at least, but not limited to, an organized police and emergency force, and a hospital. Although it not quite as formal as Manehattan (Unless you're rich. Then it's up to the rich people how they want to act. The scholars are not biased.)
    • Ponies Don't "Join the School," They Were, In Fact, Always There. The scholars have found that ponies can have attended the school for a long period of time (entire days even) and never be noticed by their peers until they just out of the blue decide to do something that gets them noticed. What this means, is that when ponies join the RP, the scholars recommend they act like they were there the entire time.
    • Ponies Don't Like Weapons. The scholars can't really believe that a study was done on this, but ponies do in fact, fear weapons. At least in their school. Many ponies hide their weapons at home, and can be criminal vigilantes when not in class, but everypony agrees that school should be a sanctified place where weapons are not allowed.
    • Ponies Know Drugs And Alcohol Exist. It is the scholars' understanding that drugs do exist, and that some ponies do them, but it is frowned heavily upon within the school.

    Day 1:

    Day 1 of school. A time of renewing friendships, bonds, and building new ones. This first day has been an interesting day of study for our academic scholars. Friendships, relationships, and rivalries were forged in the fires of the mini society that is high school. Each class has had its ups and downs. Here's what the scholars have learned:


    • Students filed into class. Colt, Lotus (Colt's girlfriend), Snowy, and Cloud were the first to show. Cloud and Snowy became friends.
    • Swift, a bit of a pervert and class clown, announced to the class they were getting a new Homeroom teacher, who then came in, and was announced as Miss Heart.
    • Featherweight, the school newspaper Editor in Chief tried to figure out if this was newsworthy.
    • Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy arrived on the scene in their own style, albeit slightly late.
    • Pawn, a pony at the top of his class, arrived on the scene, albeit also late, and had a bit of a scuffle with a bit of a class rebel and eccentric pony, Strife. Strife has since faded back into the background. The scuffle happened at the front of the class without physical altercation, although it managed to frighten a few other ponies, notably Fluttershy and Snowy.
    • Schedules were handed out by Miss Heart, and everypony found out that they had the same classes. The scholars listed the class list above, for everypony's viewing pleasure.
    • Trixie arrived on the scene, causing a stir with insults, but was quickly reprimanded by many other ponies, prompting an apology to Colt, Lotus, and a few others. They accepted her apology. Trixie quickly found that she had a crush on Colt and Colt seemed to have a bit of an eye on Trixie, prompting jealousy from Lotus.
    • Throughout Homeroom, a few other ponies joined the class, but they soon faded back into the background, and have not done much that the scholars feel is highlight worthy at this time.
    • The bell rang, signaling the end of Homeroom.

    Social Studies (History):

    • In between classes, students noticed posters detailing various after school clubs. The list included: Chess, Drama, Magic, Newspaper, Boxing, and Wrestling clubs. Club recruitment would take place on Day 2, in the gym after school.
    • Snowy began to spy on Pawn, the beginning of her showing her crush on the boy.
    • Easy, another now faded into the background pony, was caught smoking a blunt in class and quickly given detention.
    • Many other students, whom have currently also faded into the background managed to land themselves in detention as well.
    • The teacher, having to deal with his students, never really got to much actual teaching, and the bell rang before lessons really began, signaling the end of History class.


    • Deadpool, a pony who had decided to make himself known, bumped into Snowy on the way to Math class. He threatened her with a live grenade. He didn't harm her, however, a poor hall monitor had his leg injured shouting "MY LEG!". The scholars soon realized that leg injuries would become a recurring theme in Equestria High where Deadpool was involved. Proper authorities were notified, Deadpool was heavily reprimanded by his peers and the scholars for bringing weapons into the school, and the hall monitor was taken to a hospital and is reported in stable condition. Ace, the bully, has since taken that hall monitor's place.
    • Equestria High was placed on lockdown, shortening further classes in the day by a currently inconsequential amount.
    • Lotus tackled Trixie, causing a small cat fight that the math teacher quickly split up, and the girls went to opposite sides of the classroom, causing Colt to have a minor nervous breakdown.
    • Snowy continued to sneak glances at Pawn. Only this time he noticed. This sparked suspicions in Pawn.
    • At the end of roll call, Fluttershy was found to be missing from class. She was hiding in the bathroom. It appears that another teacher retrieved her and returned her to class. The teacher introduced herself as Miss Lyrics, the music teacher.
    • Cloud and a now noticeable pony by the name of SOSy noticed Snowy's crush on Pawn, and of course, they got involved.
    • Colt's nervous breakdown began to worsen as he worried if Lotus would leave him.
    • Endillix, while now a noteworthy pony, just made himself known, but did absolutely nothing to interact with the class.
    • Swift was being a pervert again, and nobody paid any mind to him. He has since faded back into the background.
    • Ace the bully began to throw wads of paper at the nerds of the class, notably Pawn. Pawn took note and burned a wad, but Ace just laughed at him. Endilix then concocted a spitball tiara, magically putting it on Ace's head, stopping the bully for the moment. Pawn and Endilix became acquaintances.
    • Cloud and Fluttershy got to know each other a bit better, Cloud developing a small crush on the mare.
    • SOSy and Endilix passed notes back and forth, introducing each other after SOSy had a bit of a magical pencil accident. They agreed to a meet-up after school, where Endilix would teach SOSy magic.
    • Colt fainted from his nervous breakdown over Lotus and Trixie, prompting the math teacher to take him to the nurse, effectively ending class early.
    • Deadpool offered chimichangas to his classmates. Nobody accepted.
    • Rarity became noteworthy during the class, but did not do much of note besides chat with her friends.
    • Bell rang, signaling the end of Math.


    • Upon leaving the class, Deadpool kicked Ace in the leg, prompting Ace to chase him down the hall.
    • While leaving, Pawn noticed Snowy staring at him again. He started to plan a confrontation with her.
    • There was a minor altercation in the hallway between Ace and Snowy. Endilix and Pawn were minorly involved, but Pinkie Pie (by jumping on his back) and Deadpool (by kicking Ace in the leg again) ended the altercation, allowing everyone to get back to class.
    • The focus of the day was frog dissection. Of still living frogs. Every student in the class was against it.
    • Upon receiving tools for dissection, Snowy began to have a nervous breakdown. Endilix tried to comfort her, with little success. She soon fainted. Prompting Endilix to take her to the nurse.
    • Pinkie Pie made an attempt to save the frogs by taking them to a nearby swamp. Unfortunately the teacher had a spare crate of frogs. The scholars were collectively a bit creeped out by her preparedness and willingness to cage small animals so readily... FOR SCIENCE!
    • Every student in the class refused to dissect the frogs. Pawn successfully stopped the need to do so, by citing the Teacher's Handbook and the rules therein. This forced the teacher to instead assign book reading and hand out permission slips to be brought in tomorrow for frog dissection at that time.
    • Snowy awoke in the nurse's office, and began to rush to class. Along the way, Endilix gave her his shades to avoid her fainting again. She happily accepted them and they both returned to class otherwise uneventfully.
    • Cloud attempted to get close to Fluttershy some more. She accepted a little, becoming uneasy friends with Cloud.
    • Razor, a transfer student from a location the scholars have not yet determined, befriended Rarity and spoke to her about old loves. KYRa, a pegasus, and sister to SOSy, also tried to assist in making Rarity feel better. But it was around that time that Rarity got a text message, detailing her old love's recent death in a car crash. Rarity left the classroom sobbing. SOSy, who had been wandering the halls at this time, went to comfort her in the bathroom.
    • Silver came into school late, citing an outside school project as his reason for being late.
    • After Rarity left, KYRa took care of the rest of the frogs and sent them to the nearby swamp.
    • Colt and Pinkie became friends, and began to chat in the halls, causing an even deeper love affair with Colt developing a crush on Pinkie.
    • KYRa and Pawn began to chat and become friends.
    • Endilix found that he wanted to speak to SOSy, but he found that she was nowhere to be found, and sat in the halls, beginning to doze off.
    • Silver and Twilight chatted and introduced themselves, becoming acquaintances.
    • Night Watch was introduced and quickly became friends with Fluttershy, beginning the introduction for their relationship.
    • The school bell rang, signaling lunch time.


    • Silver and Fluttershy walked to lunch together, and became friends. Not too soon after, Night Watch teleported to Fluttershy, frightening her into the cafeteria.
    • Deadpool played a prank on Ace, giving him detention and placing a kick me sign on his back.
    • SOSy brought Rarity back to the lunchroom, calming her down a bit with food.
    • Fluttershy, Cloud, Night Watch, and Silver sat together at lunch, with Night Watch and Fluttershy getting noticeably closer to each other. Silver managed to down two pizzas by himself. It wasn't long before Fantasia Tempo joined them, making friends with the group. Shortly after that, Fluttershy and Night Watch left to speak in private.
    • Colt and Pinkie had lunch together, prompting a rumor to be started by Trixie that Colt was having an affair with Pinkie.
    • Endilix joined Pawn for lunch. They chatted about Snowy for a bit.
    • Night Watch and Fluttershy had a brief conversation, and Night Watch left Fluttershy alone. Deadpool found Fluttershy crying, and tried to help her. To no avail, as Fluttershy screamed for Night. Night quickly returned to Fluttershy, prompting them to admit feelings for each other, and agree to a relationship.
    • Upon hearing Fluttershy's wail, Cloud decided he didn't want to be a part of Fluttershy and Night's growing relationship and left. He soon joined Trixie at her table.
    • Snowy snuck into the lunchroom, unnoticed by everyone, and took a spot across from Pawn, where she could easily see him as she began to eat her lunch.
    • Silver was the first to discover Night Watch and Fluttershy's new relationship, becoming sad, and then becoming a bit berserk.
    • Fantasia soon joined Snowy at her table, although Snowy didn't notice.
    • Trixie shared the Colt and Pinkie rumor with Cloud.
    • Snowy began to stare at Pawn again, prompting a confrontation from Pawn, who proceeded to storm over and accuse Snowy of murder for staring at him. This prompted all of the scholars to facepalm in unison. Snowy of course, did not respond and didn't know what to think. Fantasia, attempted to get involved, but Pawn laughed at her accent and clothes, and Endilix called her over to his table instead. After a few accusations with little response, Pawn grew frustrated and went outside.
    • Endilix and Fantasia spoke of Pawn and Snowy for a moment, but quickly became more interested in each other, leading them to go outside.
    • SOSy intercepted Endilix for a moment, causing him to regretfully but kindly reject her so that he could spend time with Fantasia.
    • Fantasia and Endilix spend the rest of lunch together getting to know each other and sharing a few silly antics. Eventually led to a kiss or two.
    • KYRa intercepted Pawn and attempted to figure out what was wrong with him. He told her of Snowy's murder plans, and they agreed to make sure that she didn't hurt Pawn in any way.
    • Trixie kissed Cloud, prompting a quickly formed relationship between the two.
    • Snowy beat up on herself for the confrontation with Pawn, and eventually ended up running into the hallway, sobbing. Was momentarily confronted by SOSy and then Razor who tried to calm her, to no avail.
    • Colt and Lotus made up with a quick make-out session.
    • Silver caused a disruption with Colt and Lotus in his berserk state. It ended uneventfully as Silver calmed down. Silver and Lotus did a bit of quiet flirting without Colt noticing.
    • JAYZe introduced herself to Silver, and tried to help him recover from his exhausted state on the lunch table.
    • Melody introduced herself to Deadpool, and found herself flirting with him. Deadpool paid a little attention, but quickly wandered off again.
    • The bell rang, signalling the beginning of gym class.


    • Students lined up in front of Mr. Pain, the gym teacher, making comments about him and each other, until Mr. Pain told them all to get in uniform.
    • Most students complained about having to wear uniforms, but it wasn't long before all of them complied. Some even magically altering their uniforms to look how they wanted.
    • Snowy became very self conscious due to her uniform. Fantasia attempted to console her, but Melody came into the locker room, insulting both Snowy and Fantasia. Snowy just hid, but Melody put gum in Fantasia's hair. Fantasia returned the favor by putting the gum in Melody's mouth, and then slapping her with her hat. Silver attempted to break up the girls, but they separated on their own, as Melody left the locker room wailing about how the girls treated her poorly.
    • Pawn had gotten mismatched clothes from the teacher, and put them on, despite how embarrassed he was, just to spite the teacher. Endilix helped him out by fixing the sizes of his clothes, but Fantasia shouting startled him and made him flub his magic, making a picture of Snowy appear on his shirt.
    • Endilix went to help Fantasia, fixing the spot in her hair that the gum had ripped out for her, they went back to the bench to chat.
    • Snowy hid in the corner, away from the class. Melody hid in the same corner, wailing about her parents.
    • Pawn approached Snowy so that he could help her feel better. She recoiled a bit at his shirt, but Pawn wrote it off as a magical accident. Snowy accepted it but didn't say anything. Pawn attempted to help Melody, but Melody kept finding new things to be upset about. Not too long after, KYRa joined them, and mentioned Pawn believing Snowy to be a murderer once again. This caused Snowy to lose it and admit her feelings for Pawn. Pawn was shocked.
    • Cloud and Trixie continued their relationship, mostly uneventfully.
    • Endilix attempted to teleport his shades into his locker, but it backfired and the shades ended up on Snowy's head thanks to his magical lock spell on his locker. He retrieved them with little interference, albeit a large amount of confusion from Snowy. He just decided to keep the shades for now.
    • SOSy attempted to speak with Endilix, and Endilix didn't take any notice, instead being distracted by his shades not going where he wanted.
    • Gym class finally began, with the game of the day being dodgeball.
    • Ace the bully, being who he was, targeted nerds. Specifically, he targeted Pawn, who he hit dead on target in the head. Pawn, being worrisome about his hair, freaked out. Snowy came to his rescue, and hit Ace with a really hard kicked ball to the face. The head cheerleader, defending Ace, attacked Snowy. Snowy fended her off with her apparent martial arts skills. Mr. Pain, taking note of this, decided to declare Snowy as the captain of the Karate squad.
    • The rest of the class played the game. KYRa and SOSy fired off at bullies, Endilix and Fantasia got in a few good shots of their own.
    • When Snowy returned, Pawn asked her on a date, and they hugged, both not really knowing what to do with the other. They tagged each other out and sat to the side, each shyly exploring the fact that they liked each other. Ending with them holding hands.
    • Endilix was hit in the side of the head by a hard throw, causing a concussion, and the shattering of his shades. In his defense, Fantasia was hit in the wing by a hard throw, causing her wing to break and her to lose her hat. KYRa and SOSy tended to them in the nurse's office, but the authorities eventually took Fantasia and Endilix away to the hospital. Fantasia would be hospitalized for a few days with the broken wing. Endilix would be out of the hospital presumably by the time school ended with his concussion. Endilx and Fantasia shared a moment in the hospital, leading to them agreeing to be boyfriend and girlfriend.
    • Night Watch and Fluttershy continued to develop their relationship in the bleachers.
    • Deadpool found an old dance room. Most students being tired of dodgeball, and taking opportunity of Mr. Pain being occupied with his new Karate squad plans, migrated there.
    • Deadpool reminisced about his old ex, and then she came to visit him in the parking lot.
    • Emot and Melody began to flirt with each other. Currently this hasn't gone much of anywhere.
    • Many students danced, and many couples got closer but JAYZe and Silver really stole the show by floating above the crowd with Silver's magic and dancing in the air.
    • Melody accidentally spilled a drink on Pawn's shirt.
    • Rarity spent a good portion of her gym class planning out a new dress. This lifted her spirits from what happened earlier in the day.
    • The bell rang, signaling the end of class.


    • Pawn and Snowy returned to normal clothes, and left for music class, holding hands. They have begun to get closer to each other.
    • Endilix had a moment with his parents and sister, Lizan, and was taken back to school by his parents. He changed back to normal clothes and got to music class otherwise uneventfully. He's currently wearing Fantasia's hat.
    • Lizan, an intern at the hospital and senior of Equestria high, attended to Fantasia, and it has currently been decided she'd stay at Endilx's house with her broken wing for two weeks.
    • Silver has exhausted himself by dancing with JAYZe. He has made it to music on time however.
    • The scholars are presuming that Razor has stopped Rarity in the halls. Most likely to return her cell phone.
    • Night Watch and Fluttershy teleported to music class. This gave Fluttershy a bit of a headache.
    • Cloud is planning to teach Trixie an instrument, most likely piano. (Poor Fantasia...)
    • Fluttershy began to play the guitar for NIght Watch.
    • Silver began to play the bass.
    • Deadpool played the electric guitar.
    • Deadpool confronted Miss Lyric about the old dance room. Miss Lyric avoided the question and progressed the class.
    • Pawn attempted to play the cello using a book, with little success. Snowy attempted to help him, but it was relatively fruitless.
    • Rarity got news of her phone from Razor, and then continued to class, beginning to play the drums.
    • Cloud played some piano for Trixie.
    • Snowy played the flute, but also grabbed a viola to play.
    • Deadpool found what appears to be a crime scene in the old dance room.
    • Nova played the guitar, and Doppelganger watched him.
    • Silver's bass exploded due to a crack in it. Silver tripped and hit his head. Pawn attended to him and consulted the teacher.
    • Blayze began to sing a song.
    • Endilix getting a headache from the noise of the class grabbed a flute and went into the hallway. Snowy noticed and followed, teaching him a bit about how to play the flute. She then left, leaving Endilix wondering how to take it back apart and properly put it away.
    • Nova, Doppelganger, Blayze, and Deadpool got to know each other.
    • Colt sang a song, Lotus played the lute, and Emot found he enjoyed the violin.
    • Rarity snuck out of music class and into gymnastics to practice.
    • Blayze ran out of the classroom screaming like a maniac, confusing Endilix and Snowy who saw him in the hallway. He managed to land on his face and give himself a bloody nose. He met with Rarity, who cleaned him up, and decided to show off her gymnastics. This didn't go well, as Rarity crashed into Blayze, sticking them in a compromising position.
    • Colt and Pinkie chatted together, Colt noticing she was writing a journal entry. Pinkie hid her feelings from Colt.
    • Cloud made Trixie so happy she fainted. Cloud took her to the nurse.
    • JAYZe took Silver to the nurse. He confessed love for her. She didn't accept the love, accepted that she liked him and wanted to see where things went. Silver's bump on the head is relatively minor.
    • Pinkie left her bag when she went for a walk while talking to Colt. Colt brought it to her. She hadn't realized she left it.
    • Rarity and Blayze recovered from the compromising position. Rarity showed Blayze her routine properly, and he enjoyed it. Rarity changed back into normal clothes and they went on their way.
    • Endilix was joined by SOSy. They talked for a moment and she helped Endilx take apart his flute.
    • JAYZe took Silver to the nurse, where she looked him over. He just had a minor bump. Along the way to the nurse, he admitted his love for JAYZe. JAYZe didn't reciprocate, but she did tell him she liked him. They've been spending time in the nurse's office. JAYZe mentioned that she wanted to be a doctor. Silver thought this was a great goal in life.
    • Deadpool played a tribute to the best song in the world.
    • Star Strutter and Doppelganger got to know each other. They didn't really get along very well, after Star Stutter insulted him.
    • Deadpool and Nova chatted about music.
    • Music ended as the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

    After School:

    • Deadpool teleported home, and got a mission to help Applejack. Somehow KYRa got inside Deadpool's house, and decided to get involved.
    • Cloud and Trixie had their make-out session in the janitor closet.
    • Lotus heard the rumor of Colt and Pinkie Pie dating, and broke up with Colt. He went to Pinkie Pie crying, and she consoled him.
    • Fluttershy and Night Watch went home together.
    • Blayze turned into a monster (This school is insane...) and confronted Nova in the courtyard.
    • Deadpool had to protect Applejack. KYRa followed him, and he told her not to get involved as it could ruin everything.
    • Rarity interrupted Doppelganger and Star Strutter's conversation. However, Star Strutter shortly left, having been insulted by Doppelganger.
    • Nova used his military skills to return Blayze to normal in a short fight.
    • Blaze, running away from Nova, ran into Star Strutter. She confronted him.
    • Deadpool was knocked out by a changeling, and found by Applejack. Applejack refused his help and had a minor confrontation with Granny Smith. Deadpool returned home.
    • Knight, Pawn's big brother, confronted him after school. They went home together.
    • Rarity was ignored, and became depressed.
    • Colt went home with Pinkie Pie to her house.
    • Blayze apologized to Star Stutter. And she accepted it, and they got to know each other.
    • Cloud and Trixie got locked in the janitor's closet, prompting Trixie to teleport them out.
    • Applejack, following Deadpool, has forced him into an introduction with Fluttershy.
    • Rarity started talking to Doppelganger, and she admitted that she liked him. They agreed to date.
    • Snowy left school, after getting a note from Pawn. She went to pick up her little brother, Neon, who teased her about her date with Pawn.
    • Deadpool made his introduction to Fluttershy, and then tried to leave, but Applejack then decided to force an introduction with Zecora.
    • Doppelganger and Rarity head to Rarity's house.
    • Endiilx upon hearing the bell ring, grabs Fantasia's things and heads to the hospital, after telling SOSy to meet him there for their magic lessons.
    • Pawn was teased by his older brother for asking for date advice from him and him learning that Pawn had a date. His brother being unhelpful has prompted him to go to the library.
    • Silver's younger brother, Silverbolt took Silver home, after giving JAYZe their address.
    • Snowy took her brother home, and made sure he was taken care of, before heading to the library to see if she could find a dating book.
    • StringHeart was out of school sick for the day, and when he left, was noticed and approached by Star Stutter, agreeing to go grab a bite at a nearby restaurant with her.
    • Endilix and Fantasia spent time together in the hospital. He brought her her clothes, she changed, and Endilix also magically (Unbeknownst to Fantasia) played the flute for her. However, she soon became homesick, and Endilix took them both to Cloudsdale to make her happy.
    • Pawn and Snowy met in the library, surprising them both and bringing them even closer. Little did Pawn know his brother made a bet that he would kiss the girl by the end of the night.
    • Cloud took Trixie to her house, so that she could recover from her magical exhaustion.
    • Star Strutter and StringHeart went to a diner called Mane 6, for a bite. Nova also appeared to be there, reading the newspaper.
    • Rainbow Dash, seeing what Nova was reading about aviation sat down with him and they began to chat.
    • Blayze decided to pull some stunts in the clouds.

    --- (Changed since last Update) ---

    • Trixie revealed to Cloud that she had been alone for a long time, and Cloud consoled her. Cloud offered to help, but Trixie didn't like the offer, so he just got her coffee instead.
    • Endilix and Fantasia safely teleported to Cloudsdale, however this greatly exhausted Endilix, and after meeting with Fantasia's mom and explaining the situation of her broken wing, he fell asleep on Fantasia's shoulder to get some rest.
    • Star Strutter didn't order much food, proving that she really is a supermodel, and StingHeart threw a coin into the jukebox, playing a popular Equestria song.
    • The news called out Deadpool, telling him they'd "catch him" but he just shrugged it off. The authorities always said that.
    • Applejack spent the evening with Caramel, watching the sunset.
    • Rainbow Dash and Nova shared conversation at the diner, having drinks. Nova confided in Rainbow that he is a part of the Equestrian Special Forces. This of course, interested Rainbow Dash greatly, and they grew closer.
    • Rarity and Doppelganger got to know each other a bit, and got closer.
    • Pinkie and Colt shared a kiss, and Colt changed his mind about wanting to stop being a model. Pinkie took Colt to her room to show off all her party stuff.
    • Fluttershy and Night Watch are getting a little too frisky.
    • Star Strutter and StringHeart got their food, and String admitted how much he enjoyed Star's company and complimented her.
    • [summary Current As Of Page 81.]

    Day 2 (Beginning At After School Clubs):

    • The clubs were set up in booths. Students began to wander around the booths deciding what clubs they wanted to be a part of.
    • [summary Current as of Equestria High 2, Page 1]

    And there you have it, fillies and gentlecolts! The Equestria High Summary has concluded for the evening!

    For all of you who have taken the time to read this, the scholars really do appreciate it, and they also appreciate your patience with how fast the topic is moving. This is in an effort to keep people from getting too dangerously lost in the rush of RP. If anyone reading has any requests for the scholars to make, then they shall listen. It is of course, our head scholar, and OP, ShadowWalking that has the final say in anything involving the RP. So please respect his rules and decisions. Thank you again.

    - Scholar Emerath Endilix

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  3. ShadowWalking, i know you want this to be an open join at any time rp, and I'm cool with that, but you need to set up some ground rules. I love this rp, and there are a lot of good people here, having fun, but I think it's safe to say that these outlandish characters with outlandish acts are getting to us. Deadpool is fine now. He fits nicely as a highschool prankster. I don't want to mention names. I'm not trying to cause fights. But I suggest we get some people in pm conversations and set up some limits to what they can and can't do if they want to keep their characters.

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