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Everything posted by CatCakey

  2. Has she really? XD And you won't be doing that to me Dreamy!
  3. I can't wait to turn 18 Will be able to get those tattoos and finally move out once I find a place
  4. Thank you! I used to think that I would never get a tattoo, partly because I couldn't think of any that I wouldn't mind having forever, but here I am; waiting for my 18th BDay to come along already XD
  5. Here ya go: 1 - Will be my most favourite quote ever... "Family don't end in blood, but it sure as hell don't start there either." - Bobby Singer, Supernatural 2 - Will be a tattoo pretty common amongst SPN fans who get tattoos, but I would be getting it in the same place Sam and Dean got theirs - on the top left of their chest
  6. Oh hey guys! I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for my 18th bday Well, 2 to be exact
  7. It took me a while to find out what I wanted to do in life as well, but it's all good And thanks
  8. Feels good to have a plan like this for me! It helps keep me optimistic
  9. I might do a one year college course while I'm still here After that, try and get a nice little job I enjoy to help support until my main thing takes off
  10. I can't wait to move out of this house. Seriously... I'M A WHOLE YEAR AWAY FROM FREEDOM!!!!
  11. I went on a walk that lasted just over 2hrs, and in hot weather... Not just now, but I got back a couple hours ago
  12. In your opinion they are Whereas I... I will always have my cats CATS4EVAR!!!
  13. There is no right or wrong on which animals are the best, just people's personal favourites But the fact you just let Hus take the kittens without a fight is just unforgivable
  14. YOU SHUT YOU PIE HOLE DREAMY! I won't bother memorizing you anymore! *turns back on Dreamy*
  15. I protect all things feline and no-one is getting past a cat goddess!
  16. They're only innocent little old ladies XD But alright
  17. You sure they're not just acting like typical old ladies that make a fuss over kids?
  18. I have seen a few snails, but I see way more slugs My mum has a crush on him XD At least the last time I checked, she did
  19. My name to people here is either Cat or CatCakey And I don't really know about the snails here And the thing about this baking show is that it's got Paul Hollywood - basically every old lady has a crush on him XD
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