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Everything posted by CatCakey

  1. CAT IS DEAD!!! XD And what were you thinking Angie?! Sparing Micro's life? AND MWAHAHA!
  2. Oh right, so that means Fawkes might lose terribly? XD *starts laughing hysterically*
  3. Whatever!... Well, I'm a cat, so I'll be sneaky, don't make me seem to "out there"
  4. *scoffs* I'm the one and only Cat around here! I even told people to just call me Cat when I first joined
  5. WOOOOOOOOOOOO I GOT PAIRED WITH ROSIE!!! XD Wait, if I'm "the cat" (thanks for no caps...) then who's "Cat"? Because Cat is my nickname, so I don't know...
  6. True that! I wont ever pretend to be someone else unless I was doing some sort of acting for a sketch or whatever
  7. You got that right sister! XD Markiplier has one nice voice, and I also think he has nice hair. So long as he never cuts it too short
  8. I got that gif to specifically show you the "POOF" part Angie. And I agree with Dreamy when you say you think Angie wants to see more of this man Purrhaps something more Irish will be your thing Angie...
  9. There's your proof! Now you're gonna disappear
  10. Arrest you more like *turns back on Angie* Take her away!
  12. Because of the grabbers... I thought you were lying when you said you had more grabbers stashed away. Mysterious...
  13. They're the only thing you and me have talked about
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