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Everything posted by CatCakey

  1. Says the person who seems to mysteriously have loads of grabbers at their disposal
  2. The judge will obviously side with me on this one... Alright then, bye! *waves*
  3. Using the word "insane" is hardly a reason to be sued
  4. These things can't be helped, especially my taste buds
  5. So you're suing me for my personality and taste buds and nickname?
  6. Dreamy! YOU LIIIIIIIIIIE! Also, any alcohol I've ever took a sip of, I've hated, so I wont join in that game
  7. You're trying to trick me just because I can't see you
  8. You're using your mouth by putting a pen or pencil in your mouth
  9. How can you be so sure? I am quite the trickster sometimes! Question is: have you hidden them well enough for me not to find?
  10. More like international be rude to Cat day
  11. It was international cat day yesterday! 08/08/2016 YOU'RE NOT GONNA ACKNOWLEDGE CATS!!!???
  12. Wow! A lot happens when you're asleep, even though I wasn't asleep; I stayed up til 3am for a livestream, then decided to stay awake for the rest of the day til later
  13. Is it by any chance the v and r? You switched them right? I can't remember if the r came first or not before...
  14. I only recently noticed I have the title of "Cat"
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