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Everything posted by CatCakey

  1. I thought everyone was talking about Google... Still don't think it's that special, but the fact it's the 5th year makes me feel kinda good. I like the 5x tables, especially any number ending in 5, and 5 itself
  2. Today is not a special day I almost had a breakdown in college today. Today has been a terrible day
  3. In this situation, unless I end up liking Cathalos and not holding a grudge, then this won't be a blessing
  4. Should you ever find yourself in the position where you have to beg for your life Cathalos, don't expect much from me
  5. If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic; I already knew you didn't care. But ouch.
  6. Hey guys! I think I may just be a high functioning sociopath
  7. It's awesome to know a funny British dude! Even tho I never saw him in person myself
  8. Did he have time to be hilarious like his videos always are?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKB4h9gvmm0
  10. I don't feel like I'm part of anything. This site. The other forum. My course.
  11. There's nothing keeping me here at all. I mean nothing If anyone calls me Cathy again, I'm leaving
  12. Okay I'm serious now. Stop calling me Cathy And I'm not using the clown name. I've already changed it to LuciPie
  13. I just really like the name Lucifer And everyone else that I asked that answered so far have said LuciPie, so I think I'll go with that
  14. SHUT UP This is for my name on another forum So which do you think is better?
  15. The fact every letter was clearly meant to be capitals, and then the L isn't, is really bothering me... Which do you guys think is better: LuciferPie or LuciPie
  16. Obviously not. I'm serious about changing my name tho Even tho the reason I gave up above is a reason I only recently thought of
  17. Speaking of names, I might change my real life name later in life... I'll do as a way of trying to let go of the past. Still deciding whether my first name should be Cat or Luci. If it ends up being Luci, then I got my last name sorted out. As for middle names, I will only have one and will start thinking about that. Is that interesting enough for you?
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