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Posts posted by CatCakey

  1. Hallo, ich bin Caitlin, I don't learn german anymore but I love it :)

    Welcome to Canterlot Scythe, I hope you have an awesome time here! Know I have an urge to speak german... - Call me Cat if ya want to, Scythe.

    Do ya like music? If so, which genre do ya prefer? I like rock and metal! :20:

  2. I love music, but I'm afraid I can't pinpoint my favourite genre. I enjoy all sorts of music. Well, excluding dubstep and rap. I don't classify that as music.

    Everyone has their own opinions tho, like me for example - I usually like any rock and any any metal, hate everything else and only like one screamo band (I usually hate screamo)

  3. The night is dark and full of ponies*

    Yes, I do actually know of Doctor Who and Supernatural. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find the time to be watching 4 excellent shows. :[ However, a couple of my friends (yes, the ones mentioned in my first post), DO watch Doctor Who and occasionally fangirl (yes, it's a verb now) to the extent that I have to leave to be able to hear my own thoughts. My parents watch and enjoy the show Supernatural and have tried to get me to watch it on several occasions. Sometimes it even worked. :P

    I thought this thread needed more wub too.

    Yes! :smug: Couple more questions, do ya like music? If ya do, do ya also ave a fave genre? I like rock and metal :20:

  4. I love all types of music, especially dubstep if done right it can be awesome how bout u?

    My fave music is rock and metal, if you wanna know my fave bands as well:

    1) Sixx: A.M.

    2) Black Veil Brides

    3) Avenged Sevenfold

    4) Motley Crue

    5) Gun N' Roses

    6) Evanescence

    Do ya know any of them?

  5. Cool. I actually already saw some of your stuff in the gallery. It's really impressive! I like art too, maybe wecould get a compilation going on?

    Very honestly I can't choose a certain genre that is better than any other. They all have so much to offer!

    Its easy for me to pick a fave genre because my 6 fave bands are that genre - Rock and metal, one of them does a little bit alternative but just a few songs :D I love music!!!!!

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