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Shayua Haise

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Posts posted by Shayua Haise

  1. Hmmm. I don't think your summary and the like give enough information about Starsong herself, rather they just give information about her past. For her motivation, you should point out, preferably, why she does what she does and possibly what she hopes to accomplish by doing it.

    I'd ask that you expand her summary a bit more, going a bit more in depth about her personality and how she interacts with other ponies.

    A question about her cutie mark. What does the star stand for? Clearly the notes and the bar stand for music, but what about her special talent relates to that star? Is it symbolic for something about her, or her personality?

    I'm looking forward to seeing Starsong progress, good luck with your application.

    I hope these fixes work out all right for you.

    I realized there were even some parts where i had gotten a tad distracted while creating her.

    The motivation is much better. Her motivation for singing is bringing joy to those who hear it, and her future goals are to become a star and sing for the princess. Sounds good!

    I see your summary goes a bit more in depth about her personality now, that's good. Good to know she had a strong connection with her mother.

    I like it, I can't see much else wrong with it. More detail on her personality and the like is always useful, but this look good for me. Good luck, let's see what the helpstaff think about her!

  2. Update: June 28

    So I've updated the page and the doc. To the page I've added more information on Captain Whitecap, Sea Breeze, and Captain Stern. To the doc, 1353 words of fiction written for the story Prelude, as well as about 300 words for Prelude's prequel, which I will release after Prelude. It's nothing important, just the story of Gale growing up. As for Prelude, feel free to read what's written so far.

    Also, I removed the summaries of finished characters so as to not give away spoilers.


    Hello everyone. You might recognize me as Shayua, the man with the clapping Octavia for an avatar.

    It's been suggested, by a couple of people, that I write a fiction about my newly approved roleplaying character, Adagio Acapella. I've decided this might be a fun experience, so I'm going to try my best, but it wont be a fiction.

    It'll be a series. It will start before Adagio is born, with his parents when they were young, and will end at "Present" time, the time when I "Take control" of Adagio and begin roleplaying him. Basically, these fictions will be Adagios past, while the roleplaying board will be his present and future. It's possible I'll do an "Alternate reality" sort of thing, where I continue writing fictions about Adagio past the point I take control, but it wont be canon to his character. Not unless stated otherwise.

    So, the first thing I have to do is get all my information straight. Things like people, places, major events, details of said people and places. After that I can get to writing a rough draft for the first fiction, which I'm calling "Prelude".

    Note: I'm going for musical themed fiction titles. I figured I'd stick it.

    So, starting off I'm going to supply some character information for the people who will be a major role in the stories. The reason I'm doing this is I want criticism on things like names, looks, places of origin etc. And for some of them, things like personality traits and past events. I'll start off with Adagio's family.


    Adagio Acapella:

    Adagio's picture.

    For summary, check his log here.


    Gale's picture.

    North Star:

    North Star's picture.

    Sea Breeze:

    Sea Breeze's picture.

    Sea Breeze is a young filly, daughter of Gale and North Star, younger sister of Adagio Acapella. She lives with her mother and older brother in Hoofington. Her wings are too small to carry her anywhere, but she keeps the dream of flying with her family close to her heart. While Sea Breeze is shy around those she doesn't personally know, she warms up easily and is very social once she gets to know someone. She enjoys a prank or two, but for the most part prefers to keep out of trouble. Sea Breeze is still a WIP.

    Captain Whitecap:

    Whitecap's picture.

    Gale's most recent captain - Captain Stern:

    Captain Stern's picture.


    So there we are. Anything detailed "WIP" other than background stories, require a little help from anyone willing to. I'll take into consideration things like age, name, looks, personality, and race. Any other suggestions are welcome and encouraged. I have the doc made for Prelude, though it's just a place holder. I'll link it anyway and notify of updates.


  3. Thanks again! Hopefully my app won't be too rambling... I do have a tendency to go on a bit too much in them :);;

    I'm sure it wont be as bad as mine was, I was asked to shorten mine!

    They don't really mind length. If you ramble a bit, it'll be okay.

  4. Hmmm. I don't think your summary and the like give enough information about Starsong herself, rather they just give information about her past. For her motivation, you should point out, preferably, why she does what she does and possibly what she hopes to accomplish by doing it.

    I'd ask that you expand her summary a bit more, going a bit more in depth about her personality and how she interacts with other ponies.

    A question about her cutie mark. What does the star stand for? Clearly the notes and the bar stand for music, but what about her special talent relates to that star? Is it symbolic for something about her, or her personality?

    I'm looking forward to seeing Starsong progress, good luck with your application.

  5. It's funny, I actually found it via a friend who sent me a message on MSN saying:

    "Man, can you believe these sad people who watch My Little Pony?" I laughed with him and promptly said, "Man, I could never watch that crap."

    Then I saw who the producer and directors were.

    And then I was saying to that same friend, "Is it odd that I watched every episode of Friendship is Magic last night and then read a ton of fan fiction before I went to sleep?"

    Spoiler: He's a brony too now, thanks to my constant posting of pony references.

  6. Thank you very much for your suggestions, I'll keep them in mind.

    Edit: Cleared up what I had to do, got back to work on the profile. I copied his CMC over to a notepad on my desktop to save for later, in the event I decide to expand on it, and then shortened the one here to the best of my ability.

    I added two new paragraphs to his character summary, explaining a bit of background for his family as well as himself. This hopefully answers the question as to how he uses his wings to help with his special talent, and why his family are Pegasus.

    I also did some minor changes here and there that aren't really important, mainly reworded some things, fixed grammatical errors, the like.

    Removed the WIP tag to signify that I'm ready for it to be evaluated again, but keep in mind I am still editing it as I come up with better ways to say things, and better ways to describe Adagio. I will add the tag back in the event more major work is suggested, or I find something important that I need time to fix.

    Hope you like the changes!

  7. Update!

    Added two new paragraphs to his profile, above his Cutie Mark Chronicle. Updated a bit of the story, explaining why he stays at the diner. Expanded his dislikes a bit to be more in depth. Updated first paragraph to explain his physique more.

  8. I love the name :)

    Your character looks good. Hopefully the Helpstaff give you the okay so I can RP with you :D

    Danke. I came up with it based off of how his singing was. A friend suggested he sing opera, and a male singing opera would typically be deep voiced and slow, thus "Adagio", which is a tempo meaning slow and restful. Acapella just means vocals without accompany of instruments.

    Also, updated with his Cutie Mark Chronicle. Let me know how it looks.

  9. Name: Adagio Acapella

    Gender: Male

    Age: Young Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Light Gray

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Crimson. Short, spiked mane. Long, well groomed tail.

    Eye Color: Emerald

    Cutie Mark: Green Bass Clef

    Physique: Thin for a pony, taller than average.

    Residence: Hoofington

    Occupation: Singer/performer

    Motivation: Adagio is a lover of music. He sings to express the sorrow of others, while also telling their tale.

    Likes: Learning about other people, listening to and singing soft, slow tempo music.

    Dislikes: Ungrateful ponies, being separated from, or isolated with people for long periods of time.

    Character Summary:


    Adagio has a surprisingly deep voice, for his size, and speaks in a slow, meaningful way. He sometimes sings his words, as a way to give them emphasis and passion. When walking, he strides with his neck straight and his head held high. When he flies, he tends to be called "Slow", though he regards his flight as "Deliberate". Everything he does he turns into a way to express himself. The light build of a pegasus allows Adagio to draw breath easier, and the exercise of flying has strengthened his lungs, allowing him to sing louder, for longer, without running out of breath and tiring.

    Adagio helps others when he can, but knows that one must help themselves before they can help others. He feels that he should give freely of himself to those less fortunate than him, in hopes that it'll get them to the point where they no longer need to rely on others. He explains his reasoning by saying, "If I were in their situation, I'd want the same done for me."

    Adagio, from a young age, had a love for music. When he was a foal, music would calm him if he were cranky or upset, primarily his mother singing to him. As a young colt in Hoofington, he had a hard time focusing in school. The monotonous lessons of history and the like bored him to no end, as they contained no passion, and he spent the time humming to himself and coming up with songs rather than actually listening. Because of this, he barely passed through school, and has been regarded as uneducated for most of his life. Though he isn't "dumb", he doesn't take any interest in most scholarly subjects.

    Adagio dislikes being away from ponies for long periods of time. Being alone in his home for a day alone can make him bored out of his mind. However, he also dislikes being isolated with ponies for long periods of time. Tieing back to his need for interaction with other ponies, having only a small group to talk to makes him feel stifled, causing him to long for large groups of people to interact with and learn from. Traveling on ships has always been something Adagio hated, which is why he never considered becoming a sailor, like his Father.

    Adagio's family was a long line of Pegasus travelers and sailors. Throughout the years, the family spread out across Equestria, becoming mingled with other families as social interaction took it's course. Most members of the family grew to become escorts, or transport personnel, such as sailors on a cargo ship, or members of a caravan. Still, a few of the recent generation began branching out and becoming a large number of occupations such as Aerial acrobats, or salesmen. However, no matter what the job, it always involved traveling, exploring, and meeting new people. This continues in Adagio, who now plans to travel across Equestria to the many cities and villages, including the more secluded areas such as Cloudsdale, with the help of his wings.

    The family of travelers always had their wings to thank for a large part of their success. Those who were explorers managed to safely explore more dangerous territory by simply flying over it, and the sailors were always of important jobs, such as spotting weather formations out at sea, scouting the seas for nearby islands when exploring, or creating winds for the sails. Those who traveled to perform always traveled light, choosing to fly to their destination carrying only the clothes on their back and a bag of gold bits.

    In the future, Adagio wishes to travel Equestria and possibly surrounding, occupied lands. Due to his father being lost at sea, he's forced to stay in and around the area of Hoofington, performing for the locals and travelers in order to make the wage needed to support an aging mare and a young filly, along with himself. His goal in life is to learn and spread the story of other people's struggles and hardships, while also spreading the story of his own people's despairs. He dreams of visiting each of the major cities of Equestria, and all of the minor villages, learning and composing songs from the people there, and then making the rounds again to spread them. He hopes one day to be invited to Canterlot to perform, but doesn't consider it a goal in his life.

    Cutie Mark Chronicle:

    Adagio was the last in his class to obtain his Cutie Mark. One day after school, Adagio was visiting his father on the docks. His father was a sailor out of Hoofington, and was away for long periods at a time, so the young colt wanted to spend as much time with his father as possible. Adagio knew his father's captain was planning to leave the next day, early in the morning, even though a large storm was scheduled by the weather pegasus. The elderly sailor explained that the storm would be nothing for his experienced crew, and they were already behind schedule. His father, however, had his doubts. The pegasus stallion, sporting a coat that was pitch black, with a mane and tail that were crimson and unkempt, had never been good with words, especially in situations like this. His father reassured him he'd be back, and reminded him that if he ever got lonely, to just remember their family's song.

    The song was an old melody, unchanged through the years it had been told. It was told from the point of view of a Pegasus, a sailor or traveler of some kind with a family. It was slow, and contained a mixture of feelings. When a colt or stallion was taught the song, they knew in their hearts, that might be the last they see of their father.

    Months later, Adagio saw no sign of his father. Surely, he had though, he was just delayed. He now knew he was wrong, and was coming to grips with the loss, though it wasn't easy. He spent his time at a quaint diner near the docks. He worked there five days a week to help the money saved up by his father last longer, though he wasn't sure how he'd provide for himself, his mother, and his little sister using only his small paycheck as a waiter.On his break, he sat and watched the performers on the small stage towards the back of the room. Singers, magicians, illusionists, dancers, and instrumental musicians performed for the small amount of money dished out to them, but Adagio could see past their fake smiles. He knew that smile all too well. The smile you give when you don't want others to know you're hurting. The performers hid the pain and walked off the stage with that same smile, accepting their money and leaving a little too quickly, as if they were in a hurry to get no where fast. A small band took the stage, composing of mostly string instruments such as a Contrabass, and a violin. In the middle of the stage was an old piano that was gathering dust from lack of use, but one of the three blew the dust off the top as he approached the center of the stage. The stallion, an older looking unicorn of blue coat and white mane, a mark on his flank resembling that of the draw curtains on a stage being drawn open, with a spotlight in the center, stepped forward with a smile. The stallion requested a volunteer. He explained that everyone has a story to tell, sometimes a story that words can't tell alone. Motioning to his band, he requested a volunteer come onto the stage and sing a song that told a story.

    "It can be happy, sad, whatever you like. It just has to tell a story. You sing, and we'll accompany you."

    After a few moments of complete silence, no one had risen to take up the challenge, and the white maned unicorn's smile faltered a bit. Just as he looked like he was going to say something, Adagio rose from his table and walked quietly over to the stage, almost without thinking. He stepped to the center of the stage and whispered the name of the song into the unicorn's ear.

    He nodded, his smile fading slightly as he recalled the song most likely taught by another branch of Adagio's family from another town. He then turned back to his small group and discussed the song with them for a bit. Adagio stood at the center of the stage, facing the small crowd before him, and saw that all eyes were on him. After a quick nod from the unicorn with the piano, he turned to the crowd and nodded to them, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he began his family's song. He was determined to tell his father's story to the people before him, if they would so listen, as was done before for countless stallions in his family. Half way through he felt a tingling in his gut, and faltered slightly, but continued as if nothing happened, and no one seemed to notice.

    As the colt finished his song of Love, Life, and Loss, the group before him, which seemed significantly larger than he remembered, erupted into a cacophony of stomping hooves and whistling. Friends and family of lost sailors expressed pent up emotions with tears streaming down their face, and stomping of hooves. The old unicorn walked off the stage with his two friends, the two of them carrying their instruments with them as they collected their money, and continued out the door, just like the rest of the performers. Adagio was given a small amount of bits for the performance, the same amount each of the other three were given. Adagio took the small bag, mostly happy he had a big more money to last the week until his pay check, and left for the day, with the permission of his boss.

    As he arrived at his house, he walked through the door, greeted by a gasp from his little sister, and a nod from his mother.

    "I told you you'd get it sooner or later." His mother said, smiling softly.

    Adagio looked down at his side and saw a dark green Bass Clef on his flank. He smiled inwardly after a few moments, upon realizing what his special talent was after all these years of wondering in school. He explained to his friend that it was the symbol for the lower half of the musical spectrum, that of a lower pitch.

    Edit: I shortened his Cutie Mark Chronicle by taking out unnecessary information. I saved the old version and plan to fix it up, possibly extend it a bit, go into a bit more detail and possibly further back in Adagio's life, just for fun. If requested, I might post it in the writing section, we'll see how that goes.

    This is my first character, I had come up with the idea for him when I was thinking of a character for a fiction I was planning to write. (I never wrote it.) Using the help of a random number generator and some input from friends, I came up with Adagio Acapella, the thin, deep voiced stallion from Stalliongrad who sings Opera. I decided to tweak him a bit for this, and he turned into the thin, deep voiced Pegasus stallion from Hoofington that sings the songs of those long passed. I think he's coming along nicely.

  10. Isn't it wonderful how well our little big forum works? :)

    Why yes it is! It's definitely a good first impression.

    Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot!

    My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums

    I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony

    1. Do you RP?

    2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot?

    If the answer is yes then I hope to see you around on the RPing forums!

    If the answer is no that's okay! We have plenty of other threads that will give you all the pony love you need!

    Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay

    Also please don't be afraid to ask staff questions if you need help quick tip you need to post 5 times in the intro thread before you're allowed anywhere else.

    Hooray, a new friend.

    Yes, I do roleplay.

    Yes, I do plan to participate in the roleplaying. I'm sure you'll see me around soon enough, once I get around to finishing my first character application.

    Edit: This was actually my fifth post, yay! Wish me luck on the rest of the forum. And once again, thank you for the warm welcome.

  11. Wonderful! I expected as much, but I wanted to be absolutely sure. I doubt I'll run into many problems, but it's good to know if I do hit a snag, there's people I can go to. Though, I'm sure any problems I run into can be settled easily with the other people, like you said.

  12. Danke, for the warm welcome. I shouldn't have expected any less from a community of fellow FiM fans. I do have a question, though.

    In the roleplaying sections, does there tend to be a lot of problems? Such as disagreements and the like? I can't help but imagine that there's got to be some, but to what extent does it happen, so I can know what to expect?

    And then, a follow-up, how would I go about solving a disagreement problem if I were to run into one? Just PM an RP Helpstaff?

    I ask this because in my only experience of roleplaying, that being tabletop gaming, the only time I wasn't having fun was when people were in a disagreement, which tended to happen more often than I would have liked.

    @Diego Havoc

    Oh my. Pony maids, in an RPG. That's certainly interesting. I'll look into that, friend, but I can't guarentee how interested I'll be in it.

  13. That was faster than expected.

    Thank you, both of you. I've indeed read the rules, but thank you for the link to the FAQ. I'm sure this will come in handy.

    I'm sure I'll have a wonderful time here.

  14. Hello there, everyone! I'm known on the internet as Shayua Haise, or Shay for short.

    I'm hoping to become part of this community, since I enjoy roleplaying, though I've never really attempted this style.

    What I mean by that is, I'm a tabletop roleplayer, I tend to play games such as Call of Cthulhu, Conspiracy X, and the occasional Dungeons and Dragons game. I also write stories for fun, since I absolutely love writing, so I figured I'd try out this kind of roleplaying, since it's basically the two things I enjoy most put into one thing. Hopefully everyone can help me learn along the way, and who knows, maybe I'll make a few friends?

    Let's see, a little bit about me...

    Well, my name is DJ, in real life, (Nickname of course.). I'm a male, and I'm striving to become a general practitioner in my state of Louisiana. I'm not in college yet, but let's keep our fingers crossed, I'm sure I'll make it some day.

    I enjoy nature, as it's rather peaceful. Who doesn't like peace? I like to just sit and listen to nature sometimes.

    I also enjoy music! Almost any kind of music, but mostly meaningful music. What I mean by that is, music that tells a story(You're going to hear that a lot.). Sometimes it's lyrical, sometimes it's instrumental, but great examples of this are classical music such as Beethoven.

    I was in band in my school for...four years? I think four years. I played Clarinet, and I still practice it a bit at home, so I'm well versed in musical terms and the like. If you have any questions or concerns about music, I'm definitely someone to go to for that.

    As I said earlier, I hope to become a general practitioner. My goal in life is to help others, it has been since I was a little boy. I figured the best way to do that is to become a doctor. I looked to the medical community and found that too many people are specializing. There's too many fancy doctors, and not enough of the backbone, the general practitioners. They're the ones you go to when you have a problem, and you don't know what it is. Or you know what it is, and it's bad, and they diagnose you and tell you how to fix it. They're also called upon to assist in the emergency room in hospitals, so they save their share of lives.

    Less specific things about me, I'm fun loving for the most part. I can get angry, I wont lie, but for the most part I'm calm. As long as you don't try to upset me, I wont get upset with you. I love to help others, and will gladly help you with anything I can, though I'm not sure what all I could help with at this point.

    I'm interested to meeting all of you. If you have any notes or suggestions for me, feel free to send them to me, I'm all ears. I plan to post my first application for a pony soon enough, and I'd love if those of you who respond here could give me some feedback on that, once it's finished.

    Looking forward to the times to come!

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