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Posts posted by Allanon

  1. Allanon did not flinch at the hit he had taken. He stood there and shouted out "SILENCE!!", using a spell to freeze everyone in the room in their place.

    "I agree with Stardust.We are best off leaving.

    If there is any more conflict within this chamber, for no HONOURABLE reason, then I will kill ALL of you! No questions asked!" He added in a fierce hiss, his glass eye focusing on each being individually with an intense stare of pure ire.

  2. The Druid did not reply immediately. He loosens his grasp on the hilt, and walks around the room, still watching everyone. He finally says "I strongly suggest that you test for allergenic problems before releasing this...genemod..." He spoke with a dark and commanding voice.

    He then says "I also suggest providing this option to one who has a spouse, unlike myself. I am only here to enforce that no....problems....arise within this chamber."

  3. Allanon shook his head, and said nothing. He clicked his boots together, and a black triad appeared under his feet, surrounded by a red circle.He sheathed Narsil into the ground, and held the Triad that of which he bore, He said darkly "Combat is unavoidable. I may not be able to save these folks, but you can be **** sure I'll avenge them. You can bet my immortality on it." He then bowed his head, and withdrew the broadsword from its stone scabbard, and held it in front of him, the blade enshrouded in a dark energy. He did not flinch when met with an attack- he merely stepped aside out of harm's way, slashing the attackers as they came.

  4. Gordon signals for quiet by holding up one hand, the other drawing the crowbar. "That sound is my suit's Geiger counter. It clicks like this when radioactive material is nearby...Usually the combine are near when it goes off, which is why I reach for a weapon..."

    He then looks over in Whitefeather's direction, and shouts "Get down!" before lunging at what looked like a four legged ant. He jumps onto the antlion, and bashes it with the crowbar relentlessly. After a few swings, the antlion lay motionless, ans Gordon says "Are there any beaches or large bodies of sand nearby?"

  5. Allanon and his soldiers walk in. Their armor was indeed scratched, but no injury was inflicted.

    Allanon holds his broadsword, Narsil, in front of him, and says "Our work here is done. The UNSC will take their leave."

    He nods darkly to his men, who call in a Pelican for evac. After watching the Pelican leave, the Spartan walks in the direction of which the Fort was,Narsil in hand. He stops, points the blade at the moon, and shouts a sort of incantation. The blade glows a dark purple, and the Druid vanishes.

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