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Posts posted by TortoiseShell

  1. I'm surprised there was so little talk about this. I really enjoyed the movie, though I would have enjoyed it more if I had seen Batman Begins first. I did see The Dark Knight, though. I watched Batman Begins -after- seeing this movie, because I had some gaps.

    Bane's speech was atrocious. I couldn't hear what he was saying half the time. They should have cleaned it up more to make it audible.

    For a long time, I wasn't even excited to see the movie since the trailers all seemed very boring. Once I saw it though, I understood why...

    If they had told us ANYTHING about Talia, it would have ruined it. That surprise was the best part of the entire movie. Very very very well done.

    I have to say though, I was disappointed in the ending. Batman flying the bomb out over the water = been done a million times before. And it wasn't 6 miles away, but I digress.

    Overall though, I really liked it. I wish there would be another one, when they definitely left a plot open to do so.

  2. I have a serious problem with modern cartoons. There is this entire genre now that I just...hate. Adventure Time and Regular Show fall into this. I don't like Gumball, either. There is just this certain kind of humor being used in them that I don't enjoy.

    That being said, some of the more recent cartoons I like are Avengers, Green Lantern, and Young Justice (though I haven't watched very far into it, I've wanted to). I never thought I'd like comic cartoons, but in this genre, there has been a definite change. These aren't the same Batman and Justice League cartoons I grew up with that bored me to death. There is smart conversation, humor, and personalities instead of just action, action, action. It's the same reason I'm reading comics now, when you couldn't force me to 5-10 years ago. I think I have Geoff Johns to thank for a lot of that.

  3. Dating is broken.

    To find your future spouse, stop trying directly.

    Instead, focus on friendships. After getting to know someone for about a year, through work, play, community service, etc, you will be in a good position to know who they are, what they care about, and you will not have unrealistic expectations of them. You may know at this time that marriage is wrong, but you now have a trusted friend for whom things never got awkward.

    I'm in the process of developing this one based on books, conversations, and experience (including a breakup that plunged me into depression, and lost me friends). However, I am still thinking about how it works practically and would love to hear some thoughts form you guys.

    I know this is from awhile ago, but I agree with it to a point - the best relationships start as friends, because you truly get to know each other instead of trying extra hard to make good impressions (when it starts out as dating instead of friends, etc). Kirby and I were friends for about a year and a half before we ever tried dating, and it doesn't surprise me at all that this was the relationship that turned into marriage :)

    What might be a caveat to this though is that some people are afraid to date their friends - the classic "I don't want to ruin our friendship" line. Bull. Your best friend could be the one. If it doesn't work out dating, then there probably was something else bad there; and if you can't remain friends after it, then just how good of friends were you to begin with? You're only losing out by not trying.

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  4. I firmly and absolutely believe in the Golden Rule - Treat others as you would want to be treated. It's simple, to the point, and life would be much better if everyone followed this. It's one of the first social skills they try to teach us as kids, yet so many people lose sight of it.

  5. I don't think I could be a true villain. At best (or worst?) would be antihero. I could see myself doing bad things in 2 situations:

    1. Mind control - use it to get whatever I want (a la Nina in the TV show "Alphas").

    2. Doesn't matter what power or weapon, but I would truly go on a spree of killing animal abusers. No mercy. I can't stand it. This is a hypothetical thread...doesn't mean I would actually do it!

  6. From a restaurant: The Country Club from Jimmy John's - turkey breast, applewood smoked ham, provolone, tomato, and mayo on french bread.

    If I'm at home, I like to put turkey, provolone, shredded cheddar, and mayo in a wrap and grill it on the George Foreman. Mmmm...that might actually be my dinner tonight...

  7. My hubby's favorite dish I make, also very simple:

    Tater Tot Casserole

    1-1.5 lbs of ground beef or turkey, browned and seasoned as you like it (sometimes I add some well-cooked onions, and we use Adobo for seasoning)

    2 cans of corn, well-drained

    2 cans of cream of mushroom soup (I use 1 cream of mushroom and 1 cream of celery)

    2 bags of frozen tater tots - do not thaw or cook, use them frozen. There will be leftovers, so don't be surprised.

    In a 9x13 baking dish, layer the ground beef on the bottom, then the corn, then spread the soup, then top with the frozen tater tots, tightly packed in rows and covering the dish completely. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

    Deeeelish. I thought I had a picture of it, but alas, I do not. Just some other casseroles and such we've made.

  8. I didn't see any other topics for this while searching, so forgive me if there is another one somewhere.

    Season 5 ends this Sunday, and I'm getting increasingly frustrated. I do have a few people in real life who watch True Blood, but nobody that has read the books so far. Has anyone here read them? The books are soooo good and share very little resemblance to the show at this point.

    I really hate this Sanguinista plot. Tara is annoying. Bill is supposed to be the cool, sweet guy, not some brainwashed lunatic. While Russell Edgington IS supposed to be gay, they never really went there except with Steve now; they could have had a better lead up to it.

    I do still love Anna Paquin though. She portrays Sookie very well and I love watching her act.

  9. My hubby used to show me threads on 4chan where people would post visual food recipes. I thought that was very cool and we actually did use a few of them (successfully!). I don't expect pictures and won't be bothering with them myself, but I thought I'd see if there was any interest in this.

    So go ahead and share your quick, easy recipes so your fellow bronies can whip up some snacks. Here is one of my simplest, yummy ones:

    Oreo Fluff

    1 "row" of Oreos from a package, crushed - or more if you want (I put them in a Ziploc and smash with a can)

    1 8oz container of Cool Whip

    1 package of pudding, prepared (I like using White Chocolate, but you can use whatever flavor you want!)

    Mix it all together in a bowl and enjoy! I take this to picnics and potlucks and such, always a hit. I've made a slightly healthier version with Reduced Fat Oreos, Fat Free Cool Whip, and Fat Free pudding and it still tastes just as good.

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