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Status Updates posted by BrainedBySaucepans

  1. I forgot how much fun Farscape is...

  2. Started actually posting my arts to tumblr, would appreciate any follows since I'm trying to get my name out there a bit more: http://brainedbysaucepans.tumblr.com/

  3. 18.5 hours of pony art complete.... time for minecraft!

  4. So, here's the OOC thread for my first ever RP thread: http://c0lt.co/8v Main thread should go up tomorrow...

  5. Canterlot Voice Episode 15 is up - listen to me stutter in a hopefully entertaining manner with Tenkan and Conor Colton. http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12500-canterlot-voice-ep-15-calm-before-the-storm/

  6. Spent most of my day so far updating a vehicle database. About half the registrations began LM; guess which Canterlot user that reminded me of...

  7. In sordid cases, some poor editor has to search through hundreds of photos to find one of the accused looking creepy. Then came #SavilleGate

  8. Want to know what I sound like? WHY?!? No accounting for taste, enjoy I guess: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12179-canterlot-voice-ep-13-british-aubergines/

  9. Ever had that feeling when you look at something absolutely amazing and thought; "I did that"? Then you know how I feel right now...


  11. Teaching myself to use SAI, it's... different.

  12. Seriously, how have I got this far in my life without hearing about Nick Cave?!?

  13. Got the job, but feeling kind of down. No more footnotes for me...

  14. f is the rate of increase for fun. Yesterday I had 4GB of RAM. I measured my RAM today and discovered it has increased at a rate of 1.5f - assuming that Princess Luna is correct about the value of f (and that she records the value of fun on a daily basis), calculate my current RAM. #bronymaths

  15. Writing a script for the first time in years. My computer even remembers my format settings! :)

  16. Holding a little mini livestream while I add the finishing touches to the two pieces I drew yesterday...

  17. Had a fun day at the London Fur Meet. Meeting Artax was pretty cool too.

  18. I feel privileged to have been present at the birth of Aubrey...

  19. The fact that I acknowledge that I'm a pretty poor artist makes me a better artist, but then again, knowing that makes me worse. It all depends on depth of recursion...

  20. Just noticed that the piece in my Gallery with the most comments is the one I spent the least time on. Go figure.

  21. The human mind is bucking amazing!

  22. Discovering a new way of folding T-Shirts has left me excited. But not in a weird way.

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