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Posts posted by MasterMustang

  1. [Camp Enterance]

    Another carriage pulls up and Brew Highkick with his martial arts uniform and backpack exits. He adjusts his backpack and looks back at the carrage blushing looking rather embarrassed.

    "Have a fun time at camp hunny! Mommy loves her little Hooves Lee!" Says Brew's mom with a blown kiss.

    "Mom... there are other kids here..." Brew replies quietly scratching his shoulder.

    "Oh sorry hunny" she says with a giggle. "Love you sweety, don't worry, you'll have fun."

    "If you say so... love you mom." Brew says as he hugs his mom and then proceeds through the camp gates. Everypony seems to be engaged with eachother. Brew doesn't see anyone he knows. He feels kinda alone and lost. He looks around trying to figure out where he should go while trying to not draw attention to himself. He decides to go sit under a nearby tree and pulls out his Tae-Kwon-Do handbook to read; he promised his master he would practice every day at camp. He begins to go over his terminology... "Mah-ri... head... Mok... neck... Gamsum... chest..."

  2. karate_dude.jpg

    (Not my Pic)

    *Note: This is a spin-off of my main OC.

    Name: Brew Highkick

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Race: Earth Pony (Part Unicorn)

    Current Place of Residence: Fillydelphia

    Have You Attended Camp Whitetail Before?: No

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Amber

    Cutie Mark: Ying Yang symbol with a blue aura around it. Located on his left shoulder-blade.


    Physical Description: Small athletic build. Tone but not buff. Medium length hair.

    Personality: Generally shy new but is a bundle of energy when he opens up or is allowed to talk about martial arts, his favorite thing in the world. Tends to be very giving and helpful.

    Likes: Martial arts, video games, card games, and a good cup of his mother's tea.

    Dislikes: Fighting, conflict, mean people, and floaties in his tea.

    Character Bio:

    Brew is a shy but very kind kid. He loved martial arts ever since he was small. He loves watching movies that star Hooves Lee, his idol. His favorite is "Enter the Dragon." Brew's dad enrolled him in Ki Bon Sul's Tae Kwon Do Academy when Brew was only 8. Brew is pretty much the master's shinning student but he doesn't care for the spotlight too much. Occasionally Brew loves to play video games with his friends online such as League of Legends and The Call of Pony series but his favorite so far is Super Pony Fighter IV for obvious reasons. He also likes to play Magic: The Equestrian Gathering. Brew's favorite season is winter. He loves watching the snow fall... it's so peaceful. Brew tends to be very protective of his friends despite his shy nature. He will take a punch for any of them. Brew is especially shy around girls; they are his weakness. He chokes up everytime he talks to them.

    Brew's dad, Ironflank, is a renown Boxer in the Canterlot Boxing League. He currently holds a record of 16 - 2. He even taught Shinning Armor, Twilight's brother, some boxing which gave him even more fame. He is a very colorful character and loves to brag about his son all the time which can be embarrasing but he means well.

    Brew's mother is Teana. She is a beautiful but modest pony from the suburbs of Filly. Her mother has a strong unicorn bloodline which gave her and her son strong magic sensitivity. She runs a small produce market specializing in exotic teas. She is a very good mother and loves her son so much that she can't resist showing it everyday, which again can be embarassing. In private though, Brew loves his mother's endless affection.

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