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Posts posted by ping111

  1. Before I forget... if anyone cares to read a comic about how a Scandinavian views the rest of the world, look no further than http://satwcomic.com/.

    I read every single comic last night. I told all my friend about it, and asked around for Sweden and Åland ponies for my shipping pleasure. Yes, I'm disgusting. XD
  2. I live in Canada.

    I have visited 'murica, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Il Vaticano.

    I want to visit Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland (I know I will be there soon), Australia, Japan, Russia, Egypt, Israel, and others. Africa and Central Asia (Mongolia, China, etc.) don't interest me.

    I have no motives for misconceptions but this:


    • Like 3
  3. I just say american. :blush:

    If you want a little glimpse at what america thinks life is like in the foreign land to the north, just watch this episode:


    I actually have a canadian friend and have gone up to canada a few time. It's really nice there and honestly I'm thinking of maybe moving there someday. I just like making fun of it. In fact, I like making fun of canada almost as much as I love making fun of america!

    That was surprisingly funny, and I realized I do pronounce "sorry" that way.
  4. That there is that canadianness talkin'. Down here in america we understand that communism is wrong! Just like taxes! Whats some jumped up hockey playing welfare moocher gonna know about how wrong communism is. Why that's just more proof that america's always right!



    I REALLY hope you were joking. And the word for being Canadian is Canadiana, just like your Americana.
  5. So canada is communist now? I knew it. Those no good canuks are always up to something.

    Well, I am at least. Besides, what's wrong with Communism? The Soviet Union got it all wrong with Stalin/Leninism. I could go on for hours here, so I'll just stop by saying Communism can be good if done right.
  6. Ah canada. One of only 2 countries in the world with enough winter to invent a sport like curling.


    I'd like to see you try - you'll fall on your face like capitalist pig-dog! I could have so many retorts to that, but I'll save 'em. Canada's too manly and awesome to stoop down south like that.

  7. What is your Steam name? stackman1525 (In-game: -RB - Sir Pinkie the Pious)

    What game do you play the most via Steam? TF2!

    What is your favorite game? Kerbal Space Program/KSP (non-steam, free demo for both systems and Linux!)

    Do you have a group? Several - RailBait, FiM, KSP, Toronto Bronies

    Do you play on Mac or Windows? Mac... I might be getting a really good gaming PC soon!

  8. Minecraft:

    In flatlands survival craft eight eyes of ender.

    If you find a village, find a bucket in a chest, make an infinite water source from the well and another from the lava at the blacksmith. Using pick-free method, make portal with obsidian. Trade for/find flint and steel (the roads are made of gravel and there's usually iron in the blacksmith's chest) and open portal. Kill Blazes, get Blaze Powder, return home. Wait for nighttime. Kill Endermen. Craft Eyes of Ender. Done.
    • Like 1
  9. Actually Dukes and Duchesses will likely never exist in the FiM universe:


    But now we're mixing up IS (in-show) and OOS (out of show), if it will. They may never release a true name for winged unicorns, but we still discuss it. We needn't know the value of a Bit relative to a dollar, yet we've done that. I wasn't talking about Dukes and Duchesses appearing in the show, because yes, that would be too complicated for a young'un's mind, but politically it's correct.
  10. This episode, like the rest, was great! :D

    You didn't sound awful Ping! At least you don't sound like me when I try singing without doing vocal excercises. It is not something you want to hear.

    I might, because I had to sing for 20 minutes straight today. IT BUUUURNS.
  11. I wonder...What would Twilight be considered? Her brother married a princess..He's a prince (consort?)..What would that make her?

    Shining is a Duke because he wasn't royal before the marriage. Therefore, Twilight is...

    Nothing but a (theoretical) successor.

    If the perfect ramifications were met (both Princesses die/recede the throne, Cadance/Shining die/recede, etc.) Twilight might eventually become a Duchess, and then a Princess.

    However, this is messed up due to the lack of a Queen or King, which means that Duke/Duchess is just below Princess, which doesn't make sense.

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