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Status Updates posted by ping111

  1. So I've got a friend with this incredibly baritone voice. I asked him if he sounded like Morgan Freeman when he had a cold. He then proceeded to ask his mother to sneeze on him. >.>

  2. The Neighbors, what are you doing? The Neighbours? STAHP. (Psst... pony references in latest episode! Not positive, but funny.)

  3. Just picked up the last of my convention swag - a Lyra blob plushie! My swag gallery should be open soon...

  4. Stayed up till six this morning building a LEGO Technic set... I feel proud of myself.

  5. Right. Now to stop being a well-travelled gasbag and actually make interesting, relevant, and non-self-centred updates once more!

  6. My goodness, is my life planned this weekend! Get out school half an hour early to get on a bus that takes me an hour-and-a-half away from here; arrive at party, leaving at about 1:30 a.m.; arrive back at home, about 3:30; sleep until 7:30; prepare for a second ceremony at 8:00; attend ceremony until 11:00; return home; drive out to visit re-enactment... And that's just Saturday!

  7. So... I was doing a presentation today on my laptop... I forgot to turn off Ponify! So Princess Carter and the Ponies' Republic of China? I'm out.

  8. I did it I did it I did it! My bronydom is no longer a burden on me!

  9. R.I.P. Stompin' Tom Connors. You'll live forever as a vital part of Canadian history. The good ol' hockey game will never be the same without you.

  10. My life is like DnD... Win speech contest - +2 CHA. Ski and play tennis. +1 STR. Fall and lose horribly, respectively - -1 STR.

  11. http://askmapleblossom.tumblr.com My new ask blog! Very small and primitive, and new drawings sparse and far in-between, but ask me questions anyway! :D

  12. Fact of the day: Funner is a word, dammit.

  13. And so, we come to the last minutes of this wonderful year. Thank you, Canterlot, for giving me one of the most incredible online community experiences for which I could ever have asked. Stay beautiful, my friends, and know that I'll have even more time to love you all in 2013. Happy New Year!


  15. Fact of the day: Today is the Festivus, the holiday in which participants sit round an aluminum pole and discuss all of the people who have disappointed them in the past year.

  16. Fact of the day: INFJ (Introverted/iNtuitive/Feeling/Judging) is the rarest iteration of the MBTI-Jung Personality Scale. Its polar opposite is ESJP (Extroverted/Sensing/Judging/Percieving).

  17. Credit to I Like Lobsters of the MLP Forums for the drawing in my new avatar! (Yes, the Cutie Mark is wrong - I always just preferred a simple Maple leaf.)

  18. My accessories arrived! They're puurrrrrdy~

  19. Guess who just bought a limited edition number 5 memorial poster of the Ultimate Space Cowboy, Neil Armstrong? Pictures to follow...

  20. Welp, I totally forgot the FotD for a bit. Anyways... Fact of the Day: 111,111,111*111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321.

  21. Fact of the day: Nunavut is the newest Canadian province, being carved out of the Northwest Territories on April 1st, 2001. Some locals believed it was an April Fools' joke!

  22. Fact of the day: The reason your voice always sounds terrible to yourself when you listen to a recording is that your ears pick up special undertones that only you can hear, and the microphone only picks up what others can hear.

  23. Whenever I first approach an online acquaintance (hereby known as "my friends") on an instant-messaging service, one of my first messages is: "To avoid any offensive remarks or otherwise awkward situations in the future, would you please state your gender, skin colour, and sexual orientation?"

  24. My brother changed my **** status. Sorry 'bout that.

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