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Posts posted by UnitP0N13

  1. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Shadowcloak

    Sex: Male

    Age: 18

    Species: Unicorn



    Cutie Mark: A black, hooded figure holding a dagger.

    Physique: Thin but slightly lean.

    Origin: Ravnica

    Guild: Cult of Rakdos

    Occupation: Assassin for hire.

    Motivation: His desire to kill and make a profit of it has made him a reputable, albeit silent and deadly assassin.

    Likes: Stabbing, Assassinations, Stealing, Dancing, Drinking famous wines, Cute girls, Snarky rich people (for money).

    Dislikes: The local authorities, A plan gone awry, Strawberries, Snarky rich people (for snarky).

    Flaws: Relies heavily on acrobatics to avoid damage, and is left awfully weak when he does get hit. He also tends to be a bit hot-headed at times, getting into trouble that could get him killed but uncaring of it anyways.

    Personality: Crazy. The best kind of crazy.

  2. A think that's 4 already, if Valence is looking to join. I'm actually basing this more off of The Lone Survivor. So there will be some (in)sanity elements in the game. I'm not sure if I'll be able to run the game on a regular basis with my ADD brain, but I'll try my best. Nova, I think you might be short of a slot, but I think I'll throw you in just for experimentation.

    Okay, slots are closed now, everyone roll your stats!

  3. A blog is basically like a journal. Blog posts are entries to this journal, and often share updates on things, although they don't always have to. A blog can be about anything, like the progress of a WIP games, a person's everyday life, showing off art, and a bunch of other stuff. This would seem like a blog post about your everyday life.

    Ohhhhh okay.

    Mexican Coca-cola is the BEST, because it's made with honest to goodness sugar. It's a very subtle difference, but enough to be noticeable.

    It's also the main reason that if I drink pop, it's going to be either Jones, The Pop Shoppe, or some other small place that uses real sugar.

    Those are soda shops, right, or something like that? We don't have a lot of those in Austin, sadly enough.
  4. The groaning finally stopped as the sun slowly stopped, and the drow got up, looking and feeling much better now that infernal daylight was gone. He stepped forward and froze realizing that he was in someone's house. Underground. Clearly someone has good tastes in homes.

  5. ((Actually, this is an actual drow, not a drow pony. Bi-pedal powers, go!))

    The only thing he could illicit was a pathetic whimper as he held his head, which began to throb madly with excrutiating pain unrelenting. He rolled a bit from side to side, as if it was going to help get rid of his concussion.

  6. The drow opened his eyes, his vision blurred after tumbling down into the female figure's trap door, or rather where it lead. He threw his hands about, feeling his surroundings and dragging himself out, groaning as the pain made itself known with his movement. He pulls back his hood, letting his white hair flow out against his purple skin and revealing his blood-red eyes.

    He doesn't look like he's doing too well right now.

  7. A slight plot suggestion to build upon: one of the mane six (most likely Twilight) discovers that she is a planeswalker via planeswalking by accident, inadvertently making the plane of Equestria known to the other major planeswalkers, and then everything just goes downhill from there, probably starting with Sorin of Innistrad planeswalking to Equestria (no offense, but he's got evil written all over him, but I'm not sure if he's actually evil, might want to double check on that.) and being like "This place looks fantastic! I think I'll conquer it for it's mana reserves, maybe enslave a few inhabitants here and there for my army. Hell, why not all of them?", then the rest of the Planeswalkers begin showing up, one by one, turning it into a huge land grab leading to a full scale war for the plane of Equestria and its rich amounts mana, with the ponies being in the middle of it.

    Then the ponies start breaking the rules. :mad: So. HARD. Just a suggestion.

  8. Through the forests did a drow stagger, hooded and gnashing his teeth at the daylight that was beating down on him like a whip on a slave. He felt awfully sick, and tired on top of that. His name is Malik, Malik Shadowcloak, and he is having a very serious problem coping with the sunlight.

    His foot bumps against something, causing him to misstep and fall, leaving him cringing on the ground...? No, on a hatch or a trap door of some sort...and it leads underground, the best kind of ground, praise the spiders! He flips the trapdoor where the female had gone into just a few seconds ago, and slowly dragged himself in, plunging down and hitting the bottom with a loud WHUMP, leaving him groaning again, in pain and in happiness, finally alleviated of the torturous sunlight.

    ...Oh for the love of Lolth, now he's hungry. Stupid sunlight.

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