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Posts posted by chardude

  1. Halo 4 is the most fun I've had with the franchise since Combat Evolved. While the campaign is very short, there is more than enough content online to make up for it between weekly Spartan Ops and War Games. Also, with the X360 nearing the end of it's lifespan, I can understand why 343 did not want divulge too much of the story on what will likely be the last Halo on this system. That being said, the story of Halo 4 was incredibly gripping, especially when exploring...

    ...the relationship between Master Chief and Cortana. RIP Cortana. :cry:

    20 Bitz says she's not dead

  2. [colour=#0000cd]"Hey"[/colour] Shouted Bass Rider as he walked back with two brooms being levitated by his magic. [colour=#0000cd]"Sit down for a second and let me help you."[/colour] With those words he sat the brooms on the ground and began plucking splinters out of Static with his magic. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm no doctor, but the least i could to is get these out..." [/colour]

    A couple hundred splinters and a makeshift bandage later Bass Rider let Static back up. [colour=#0000cd]"Right, now, You and I are going to sweep this mess up."[/colour] He began as he levitated Static the other broom. [colour=#0000cd]"and you're going to work with Miss Harvest for the next couple of weeks to help pay her back for what you just did. it's the least you could do..."[/colour][colour=#000000] Bass Rider looked back at Carrot top and Aloe[/colour][colour=#0000cd]. "Miss Aloe, why don't you and Miss Harvest go to the spa, we can take it from here." [/colour][colour=#000000]Bass rider gave them both a smile as he turned back to static. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"What your name friend?"[/colour]

  3. So unlike with humans i kinda just jumped into drawing ponies with little to no practice. while at first they looked awesome as time went on they started to look worst and worst. so i need your help canterlot. suggest ponies, ether Oc or cannon to sketch up!

    Please note that these are not full blown pictures. and will most likely look like... well, basic sketches.

    Past work



    For more work be sure to check out my DA, Tumblr! and Bass Rider's tumblr!



  4. Black Powder took the last bite of his sweet roll,[colour=#000080] "There probably checking on us."[/colour] he stated with his mouth full. He sipped his last bit of rum and said,[colour=#000080] "They like to do that, they don't exactly trust me yet. i explained at colts cove that i was done with the hole, 'Kill and take' part of the pirate life... still like the taking part, but i wont take anything here."[/colour] Powder said with a chuckle, [colour=#000080]"Any ways i was thinking of doing some fishing on the upper deck, catch some dinner and what not."[/colour] Powder grabbed his tray and started to walk away, [colour=#000080]"Unless you need me for something else... cap'in" [/colour]

  5. [colour=#000080]"Still missing a few feathers," [/colour]Powder stated stretching out his damaged wing. [colour=#000080]"it stings when i fly and its not as strong as it use to be, but at least I'm not grounded." [/colour]Taking a swig of rum Powder looked over at the book,[colour=#000080] "Is the book that long? I mean, you've been reading the same thing for about a month." [/colour]Power handed Soul the cup of rum, [colour=#000080]"want some? i know im not supposed to but its got to be boring as all buck in there."[/colour]

  6. Powder bumped open the door to Souls room, in the time since he was captured he was now the first mate of Black Mane. As such he was no longer a prisoner.[colour=#000080] "Ello once again soul."[/colour] Started the pegasus with a plate of food on his flank, [colour=#000080]"Lunch time buddy."[/colour] Black Powder slid the food into the unicorns cell before sitting down next to the door with some rum and a sweet roll for himself.

    [colour=#000080]"Three weeks, can you believe it? a busted wing, new hair cut... your horns healing nicely." [/colour]Powder chuckled to himself, in the three weeks passed Powder has regularly brought soul food. sitting down with him when he had the free time to chat.

    [colour=#000080]"Never thought i would be a navy dog once again..." [/colour]Powder said with a bite of his sweet roll, looking a bit depressed. [colour=#000080]"how's life in the cell been soul?"[/colour]

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