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Posts posted by chardude

  1. Black chuckled, [colour=#000080]"i knew that wouldn't keep you down... so young, so full of life...I'm not as young as i use to be..."[/colour] he winced in pain using the guard rails to hold himself up, [colour=#000080]"But... i cant let you do that mate..."[/colour] he took a deep breather before coughing up some blood. [colour=#000080]"wow... im more hurt than i thought... any way... See that bloke there? the one that tossed a bomb at you..." [/colour]he took another deep breather before trying to talk again. his everything hurt, and unless he was bluffing again, he was going to need a plan. Black kept talking.[colour=#000080] "I've made a deal with him... and as long as i still draw breath... you wont harm him, nor his captive..."[/colour] he shot Soul and pierce a cheeky smile, [colour=#000080]"Besides. whats a pirate without his word?"[/colour] he pulled his blade out once more and started walking over to soul Using the blade more for stability rather than a taunt. all while looking around. He noticed a couple barrels scattered around.[colour=#000080] [/colour] '[colour=#000080]That Black Mane bloke uses bombs, that means there's a good chance that those are filled with powder...' [/colour]a sly grin crepe onto his face [colour=#000080]"Now... ye three get back on your dingy and sail off... before something goes..."[/colour] he looked over at a random barrel next to them, [colour=#000080]"Boom..."[/colour]

  2. Black Powder smirk. [colour=#000080]"smart man ye are...[/colour]" he pushed soul back and ran up, kicking him in the chest and knocking him of the boat. [colour=#000080]"but ye can never trust any one on the seas,[/colour] [colour=#0000ff]non fidarsi di nessuno,[/colour] [colour=#0000ff]Requiescat in pace[/colour].[colour=#000080]" [/colour]he sheathed his blade and looked up at Pierce readying an arrow. he tried to stand tall, but the blast had knocked the wind out of him and his stance was wobbling. [colour=#000080]"Do you really want to mess with me!? i just took out your bloody CAPTION!"[/colour] Black bluffed,he had no way of knowing fore sure if that kick would take Soul down. but he had no fight left and if pierce called him out on it. he was a dead man for sure. [colour=#000080]"now i suggest you save him before his meet his fate at Davy Jones locker!"[/colour]

    ((only reason i kicked you off is because i know you could be saved :blush: )) ((and it says Trust no one, rest in peace))

  3. Black shook his head in shame, [colour=#000080]"to bad. you really should hav- wait what!?"[/colour] he looked down at the light as it started to spark. there was nothing he could do, he was trapped. [colour=#000080]"Mother BU-!"[/colour] with that the blast engulfed him as the world when white.

    That awful ringing noise. the blast had left Powder deaf and blind while laying on the deck, it felt like his hole being was on fire. his vision slowly came back to his one eye, [colour=#000080]Good don't need to lose both eyes [/colour]he thought before trying to stand again. his legs where like jello. he looked at his side, both wings still there[colour=#000080] "good..."[/colour] he thought out loud. Looking around he noticed Soul laying on the ground as well a couple feet away. he trudged over, dragging his cutlass along the boats deck. [colour=#000080]"You..."[/colour] he started, breathing heavily. [colour=#000080]"You have taken my flight... busted my shoulder... and practically blew me to BLOODY PEACES!!!"[/colour] he was now above soul looking down with a fire in his eye. he raised his sword and swung down.

    Black Powder missed. he stabbed the boat about 3 inches to Souls left.[colour=#000080] "and... "[/colour] he continued. [colour=#000080]" you have my respect..."[/colour] He offered his hoof to Soul, one last gesture before he left.

  4. Black stepped on Souls blade, pinning it and him to the ground,[colour=#000080] "Is that all? a head on assault? I've seen Fillies with more strategy that that!" [/colour]Taking his own sword into his mouth he used his free hoof and kicked Souls horn, causing the tip to snap off, [colour=#000080]"There, put an end to ye magical non sense for a little while..." [/colour]he stepped off of souls blade Powder jumped back, His wing was on fire and if it didn't get looked at soon he may never fly again. [colour=#000080]"okay... you don't have any magic, and i can't fly..."[/colour] he looked back. weighing his options, he could try another alliance, but all that considering... [colour=#000080]"Help me back to my ship... and I'll let ye go... even have our medic touch up your horn..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Looking down Powder could see the blood dripping from his wing and shoulder. he couldn't keep this fight up much longer. [/colour][colour=#000080]"Our medic is a unicorn... she can patch ye up nicely..."[/colour]

  5. Black was able to dodge one of the bolts with s swift jump and flap of his wings to get some extra air. But the second bolt hit him in the shoulder, causing him to lose his balance in the air and land on his back once more. using his wings to give him a boost he rolled back, kicking Soul in the chest. he rolled to the side and yelled at the top of his lungs [colour=#000080]"GAH MY BUCKING WING!!!" [/colour]The extra work out he had just done had completely messed up his left wing. With his wing as it was it was going to make fighting extremely painful, not to mention the bolt he just took to his shoulder.[colour=#000080] "Ye be a good sport..."[/colour] he got in a deference position, [colour=#000080]"Come, show old Black Powder what ye got!" [/colour]If Powder was lucky, his vision was still a little hazy. being blind in one eye himself made there fight a little more far. He looked around, that powder trick wasn't going to work twice, and there was nothing else he could use around him at this time.

  6. Black Powder tried to pull his wings in, but he wasn't fast enough as one of his wings where clipped, [colour=#000080]"Gah! Mother Bucker![/colour]" He cried out before kicking Soul away. Ripping the blade out of his wing it dripped with blood as he stood back up [colour=#000080]"Now how am i supposed to get back to my ship!?" [/colour]

    Black was at a real disadvantage now. Not only could his opponent us magic, but he was was unable to fly with out being in excruciating pain. [colour=#000080]"You damned scallywag..."[/colour] he ripped the second sword from the deck and tossed it at Souls feet.[colour=#000080] "I may be a pirate, but i am a man of honor... take ye weapon and ready your self[/colour]" he looked at around. trying to find anything that could give him a leg up. then he notice the fine powder that the bombs had left be hind, he smirked in delight. Dashing back at soul he dragged his sword sideways picking up the dust before flinging it into Souls eyes. he jumped back then went for another slice with his cutlass

  7. Black rolled though the smoke, pushing it aside while his cutlass connecting with one of Souls blades. he pulled out his flintlock to block the other blade. [colour=#000080]"Ye be in the wrong seas lad!" [/colour]Kicking Soul back he took to the air once more.[colour=#000080]"HAHA! I have the high ground!"[/colour] he aimed his fire arm down at the unicorn, dead in his sights. [colour=#000080]"Say 'Ello to Davy Jones for me!"[/colour] just then, another load of cannon balls hit the ship. [colour=#000080]"Gah! what in the name of Celestia!?"[/colour] He looked back at his ship, remembering his own orders.[colour=#000080] "right, forgot to call them off!"[/colour] he raised his gun into the air and fired. giving his crew the single to stop. he looked back down at soul. [colour=#000080]"Looks like we'll have to do this the old fashion way!"[/colour] he dived back down, not caring about the blades he went in and cut along souls chest, not very deep, but a clean slice non-the-less. he looked up with a smirk before shouldering him back.

  8. Powder grind, pulling his sword from the deck. [colour=#000080]"Perfect! until then, let me help you out here." [/colour]he looked down at sleek,[colour=#000080] "I'm guessin this lass here is your prisoner?"[/colour] He looked at the meek pony clenching a gun for dear life.[colour=#000080] "If you wish, you could have one of yours lock her up on my deck whilst i help you here."[/colour] He looked over at Soul who was duel welding 2 magic cutlasses. Powder hated fighting unicorns, that magic always gave them a leg up, but If he could move fast enough to not give him time to cast...[colour=#000080]"I'll take the unicorn!"[/colour] with that his wings extended and he dashed off towards Soul full speed. Cutlass ready to strike!

    ((sorry for the relativity short post. i find it kinda hard to come up with 3 paragraphs for me saying "he attacked. so-n-so" ))

  9. Black Powder coughed as the smoke enveloped him, then remembered a very simple detail about the crew he brought over, they where pegisi, and pegisi have wings! [colour=#000080]"Crew! start yar flappen get this smoke away!"[/colour] And so him and his crew began flapping, pushing the smoke away from the ship. Black grinned in delight. then he heard the sounds of the Alicorn, a ship he once new in his naval days. A look of disgust crossed his face. he wanted nothing to do with the navy. [colour=#000080]"Aye! Caption!" [/colour]Powder called to Black Mane, [colour=#000080]"I have a propitiation for yah! This whole attack was nothing personal, just some hot blood that needed to cooled."[/colour] he sheathed his blade and flew over to mane, encase anything did happen he would have the high ground. [colour=#000080]"I use to be in the navy me self, and i have a score to settle with them,"[/colour] he pointed at his gray left eye, a scar ran over it. [colour=#000080]"if you side with me we could be the most INFAMOUS caption duo EVER!"[/colour] Powder looked around. [colour=#000080]"and judgin by the looks of your ship, you could use my aid more then ever..."[/colour] he gave Mane a cheeky smile, [colour=#000080]"think about it, until then."[/colour] Drawing his sword Powder hollered to his crew. [colour=#000080]"All Right Men! Abandon Ship!!!"[/colour] his crew looked up in confusion. [colour=#000080]"cause where attacking THAT SHIP!!!"[/colour] he pointed over to the Alicorn with his sword. his crew gave a mighty "YAR!!!" before dashing off. Powder stayed on Manes ship.[colour=#000080] "think about my offer caption,"[/colour] Powder started. [colour=#000080]"yer ship be weak... while mine is fresh and strong..."[/colour] Powder pulled his cutless out once more stabbing it into manes deck. [colour=#000080]"whats it going to be?"[/colour]

  10. Black Powder and his crew sailed along the sea's Unsure of there destination. that was the joy of the sea. Not knowing, the open freedom, but you must always be wary for what lies in the briny deep. A fog had rolled in and viability was at its minimalist. They sailed until they saw a number of boats all around another.[colour=#3366FF] [/colour][colour=#000080]"Oh, and what be goin' on here?"[/colour] he stated out loud. [colour=#000080]"looks like a good old free-for-all!"[/colour] Black Powder was a sucker for a good brawl, even one of this scale. [colour=#000080]"Turn the ship around! We'll fire the cannons at a distance while the [/colour][colour=#000080]pegasi fly over!"[/colour] -[colour=#DAA520]"But Caption!"[/colour] started his first mate. [colour=#DAA520]"the odds of any one coming back from a battle of that size is-"[/colour] Black cut him off, [colour=#000080]"ALMOST NONE! that's the thrill mah boy!"[/colour] by now the ship was turned and the cannons where loaded.[colour=#000080] "Wait until we land before firing, don't need any of are own gettin' harmed."[/colour] -[colour=#DAA520]"Aye, caption!" [/colour]With that Black Powder and another dozen Pegasi dashed onto the boat.

    Upon landing Black had stabbed a deck hand. he looked up with a sly smile at the other caption, Black Mane[colour=#282828].[/colour] [colour=#000080]"Ello thar, I am caption Black Powder and this!"[/colour] the sound of cannon ball struck the ships as his pegasi crew members rained down with a mighty battle cry and beginning to fight the other ponies, [colour=#000080]"IS MY CREW!!!"[/colour] He exclaimed with a hearty laugh before running into a random battle on Black Manes boat. [colour=#000080]"TEME[/colour][colour=#000080] IL MARE!!!" [/colour]Fear the sea.

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  11. i want in!

    Status: [colour=#282828]Legend Begins[/colour]

    Name: BlackPowder

    Sex: Male

    [colour=#282828]Age: Stallion [/colour]

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: his right is red. the left is grey, he is blind in his left eye

    Coat colour: Dark gray, with a hint of blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: hair is jet black, his tail is cut short he has a scar on his left eye, along with an "X" scar on his right cheek

    [colour=#282828](General appearance): farly tall for a pony, but not as tall as a princess. classic pirate hat and a blue trench coat that he stole from his navy days along with his trusty sword the '[/colour]lupo di mare' or Sea dog. The sword is about 2 1/2 feet long, the sword looks like this but with a golden hilt, it also has its name carved onto its side, this blade was given to him by his father before his passing. he also has a surprisingly well trimmed goatee.

    [colour=#282828](Cutiemark): Jolly Roger (skull and crossbones)[/colour]

    [colour=#282828](Ship description): his ship, the "[/colour]scorbuto cane" (scurvy dog) was built for power, armed to the teeth with light armor and a hearty room to store his loot.

    [colour=#282828](Weapons/Fighting style): Black like thing up close, if he can he will swing over to the other ship just to he can hit people with his sword. using a combination of his sword and stealing guns to fire at who he is attacking in the confusion. [/colour]

    [colour=#282828](Lifelong dream as a pirate/whatever they are): Born into the navy Black later became a pirate at a young age, getting the jolly roger on his flank. stealing much of what he owns,including his ship, and coat. both where taken from his time in the Navy. stealing a ship is much harder than it sounds, fighting of old friends while gaining new crew members. The mission was [/colour]Supposed[colour=#282828] to be a grab and run, but nothing ever goes as planed. in the struggle he gained the 'X' scar on his check. after [/colour]escaping[colour=#282828] he soon found out that no one can be trusted on the seas [/colour][colour=#282828]not even even your crew,[/colour][colour=#282828] after losing his sight in his left eye. , and most nights he sleeps with a flintlock under his bed. [/colour]

    [colour=#282828](Personality): He trust no one, on the sea there is only you and your crew, '[/colour]Non fidarti di nessuno, teme il mare' Trust no one, Fear the sea. he is stern, and if things don't goes his way, He'll make them.

  12. "My name's Bass Rider, I'm a DJ from Canterlot." he started, still moving items around with his magic. "I was booked to play a show here in Ponyville. doesn't start for another 3 days but i though i would drop down a little sooner, get to know every one." He finished moving the items that had fallen before returning to face carrot top once more. "It's nice to meat you Miss. Harvest"

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