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Posts posted by DreamySunday

  1. I would recommend changing some things on him.

    To start I would change his weapon since we already have a scythe user. His personality is already done by quite a few rpers (Promontory, Reeves, Diamondheart, and even Vixrels) You should give him a cutie mark or just leave him a blank flank. As for his goal I think that is almost every nobodies/heartless goal or at least a part of it. Why does he want to rule kingdom hearts? if for power why does he need the power? Did something happen that made him power hunger? basically go deeper. The changing mane is not needed nor would it help him. (Actually it would extremely detrimental once somepony figured out what each colour stood for. kinda like the clock phantom from the first game) What does sweetie belle have to with your characters appearance? Does he have the same mane style/coat style as her? (I'm assuming it is the mane style since you mention his coat is grey) Going back and explain a bit more about your character would help better round him out.

    thank you for the input as for the appearance that was a derp on my part

  2. (proto character critisism wanted by all if possible!!!!)

    What are you?: Nobody

    Name: Anxkivohdi (blame random number generator)

    Race: Earth

    Gender: Third leg

    Appearance: Dusty light grey coat, mane and tail look like sweetie belles during the talent show(colour and style), eye colour changes depending on the spell he is using, fez

    Weapon of Choice: bones (can combine to make virtually any shape)

    Personality: Analytical, Sarcastic, Stalky, manipulitive(when nessicary), smart ass, power hungry, can acknowledge an oponants power, honest,

    Cutie Mark: for the sake of the RP blank

    Goal: to harness Kingdom Hearts to cause outlandish destruction (someponies just want to watch the world burn)

  3. Wow I just... wow...

    You guys are all amazing, I don't know where to begin. First I guess I have to say thanks MM, you really didn't go this far but you did, and I want to give you the biggest hug ever because of it. I myself am rather new here, only really seeing this site now I am on my old friends account but she always told stories.

    Stories of her Rp's and the fun that they were, but also the little chats she had been having with those of she knew from here. She loved all you guys and had a pasion for RPing, it's a big pair of boots I have to fill but I will do it for her, she was a close friend and again, I can't thank you guys enough. This has to be the best comunity I know

    Look forward to RPing with you in the future

    Dusk II

    well we will welcome you into our community with open arms and open hearts

    (btw not to sound rude but your sig should say successor not predacessor)

  4. So many songs. So many emotions(since theres a limit to the amount that can be posted in on post I'll post the rest afterwards)










    Sarah from the breif conversation we had(and from everytime cloudshimmers has mentioned you) I could tell that you were a great, happy, optimistic, fun loving human being. You will be loved. You will be missed. Good night.

    De nous ici sur canterlot on veut seulement que tu saches, que nous t'aimons bien. Bonne nuit, repose toi bien, belle princesse.

  5. DreamySunday awoke from her slumber on couch..... which was on her front porch. When she rose up from the couch her ass length hair was all over the place.('tis what happens when you sleep on a couch outside). As she got up and off the couch she began to finger brush her hair and say (to herself) "*groan* man it felt like i slept in a plate of broken glass *cracks her neck and back* buts its worth it if it means I dont have to unpack"

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