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DreamySunday last won the day on November 13 2019

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About DreamySunday

  • Birthday 11/22/1995

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  1. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  2. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  3. Guess who's back. Back again. Dreamys back. Tell a friend.
  4. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  5. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  6. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  7. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  8. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  9. Yeah, yeah I know I know." Andrea said waving her hands dismissively. " I'm just trying to hype up OUR team." She said with some major sass on her tongue." Can't do that by being a debby downer you know?" Placing her hands on her hips, the girl let out a little laugh." My plan is perfect, I knew it, haha! " Turning her attention toward Midnight though, she scoffed, "You can use whatever so long as you do your job. But just in case you don't know, since well, you're you, a shield generally works better for defense. Someone like you could easily tangle those swords up trying to block with them. " Turning her attention back to Slash, Andrea flashed him a soft smile and a thumbs up. " And I'm sure we'll tough it out through even more. Besides! I'm still here, so you're all safe." Upon hearing the announcement, Andrea didn't even wait or her team mates and started speed walking in the direction she thought she needed to go. " Alright! To battle boys! And Midnight. Let's show those hoity Atlus punks not to mess with us!" MEANWHILE ON MARS! "Come on, we need that team spirit to go up! I know you must all be miserable but we can at least look like we're trained soldiers." Allen Sighed deeply, " You all need to start acting with a bit more professionalism. Quite frankly, You bring shame to the good name of Atlus. They'll all think we were raised by animals! " Upon hearing the announcement that they were fighting right now, Allen was a little taken by surprise. " Well, I guess theirs no time for a quick planning session then. Just right to the jaws of death. I like the way you're thinking Vinny, let's hope they don't embarrass our genius to bad."
  10. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
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