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Posts posted by DreamySunday

  1. [colour=#282828]Name: DreamySunday[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Gender: *looks between legs* uh I'm assuming female [/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Race: I have a stabing device on my face[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Brief History: (relativly new character still in the works)[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Looks: I have white ass length hair, I'm 5"4', I usually always wear this hooded sweater thats two sizes to big its snow white and lined a pale yellow,[/colour]

    I have one eye that is pale yellow and the other is neon pink

    [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: (relativly new character so still in the works)[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Personality: a bundle of emotions wraped in an aloof shell[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Likes: sleep, indoors, sleeping, quiet, being dormant, music, hibernation, hotbaths/showers, hibernating, water, beds, aminals, blankets, the night, sheets, the moon, mattresses, the dark, pillows, trivial knowledge, pillow case(cold ones) and being kinda pervy[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]dislikes: light, being awake, the sun, waking up, hot pillow cases, social interaction, school, work, effort, people ingeneral, [/colour][colour=#282828]extreme temperatures. I[/colour][colour=#282828]'m going to stop here or else I'm gonna be here all day [/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Character flaws: lazy, can come off as insensitive, can be a tad manipulative, somtimes lies, a tad obssesive over fluffy and soft things and things of bright colours, again I'm gonna stop here[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Family: [/colour]like anyone else I have a mother and a father

    [colour=#282828]Random fact 1: I have the sleeping habits of a cat[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Random fact 2: there is a McDonalds in sweden with a ski-thru[/colour]

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  2. Twilight Sparkle had begun to walk down the steps and was walking towards the bonfire as she was approached by two campers, Cloud and Aurron. She smiled at them, and greeted Aurron. "How are you tonight? Having fun so far?" She smiled and turned to Cloud. She tapped her chin in thought for a moment. "Hmm... Cloud, I'll have to consult my books, I've never done a spell like that before, but I'm sure it's possible. Will you be ok for one night?" she asked, a bit concerned.

    "well I was going to ask where co-counselor pinkies party was going to be held but i think i know where it is now"Aurron lightly tapped his ear" and i also think that i am now deaf

  3. Name: Twitch Reaction

    Gender: Male

    Brief History: Twitch was born and raised in Manehattan. His parents left him in the care of his older brother HIgh Flyer while they went on vacation. It was from High Flyer he learned the ends and outs of Parkour. Both of them being Earth Ponies his brother taught him a valuable lesson. "The Pegasi may own the skys but that doesn't mean we can't rent it for a few seconds." This lesson stuck with Twitch and taught him that just because he was an Earth Pony doesn't mean he is limited and his love for running and soaring through the sky earned him his cutie mark. Their parents returned and saw what Twitch had become and had hoped to cure this by sending him to live in Ponyville with his grandmother. If it didn't have buildings he couldn't get hurt. Right?

    Looks: Amber skin, strong front and back legs, not very big in muscularity and of average height. A few small cuts here and there. Dark brown mane. Scruffy on top. Bright brown eyes

    Cutie Mark: The silhouette of a pony jumping through a cloud

    Personality: Brash at times and having no fear he forgets that others do not share his love of taking chances. Smart and very observant are qualites this pony has. After all when your trying to challenge the Pegasi and the skies with no wings anypony would have to be. He has a kind heart and loves to have fun however his idea of fun may have you jumping out of a tree into a lake. trusting others could use some works. Manehattan taught him that not everypony is to be trusted.

    Likes: Jumping, running, pushing limits, heights, fun, challenges, beating Pegasi.

    Dislikes: losing, bullies, crying (it makes him sad), not knowing what to do and being stuck.

    Hope this is ok. IM gonna jump on in now! i will delete the posts if this APP is shot down

    we are talking about starstorm here your app is 99% asured to be approved

  4. Woods ---> Cabin 5

    Vox punched the tree about 15 times before he felt as though he was going to break his hands. He turned and made his way back towards his cabin. He had been crying, he didn't even try to hide it. What am I doing here? This was an awful idea to begin with... He thought to himself. Upon arriving back in his cabin, he immediately jumped into his bed. He had no desire to see anybody else for as long as possible.

    (punching trees gives me wood)

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  5. ((Fluttershy. Is. THE. WORST. :evil: No not really, she's not my favorite but can you hate any character from this series? If anyone says Diamond Tiara you're dead to me.))

    Wordplay : Campfire

    "No fistbump?" Wordplay waved Aurron off. "Whateves. Be that way." Without another word the MC in training stood up and made her way to another vacant seat around the campfire. She wasn't really pissed at Aurron or anything, but if he wanted to play that way she was more than game.

    She managed to sit down in time to catch AJ's speech. Wordplay clapped once and whooped for the strong and rough counselor. Applejack seemed simple and honest, the exact sort of grown up Wordplay could look up to. Unfortunately, AJ also hadn't really had any pertinent activities for Wordplay to sign up for. But hey, fishing was manly and awesome, right? Especially when it was with your hands only!

    Wordplay looked around idly in her new seat, wondering who she hadn't spoken to yet. With a slight shrug, she poked a certain unicorn who seemed to be highly amused- Knight- in the back.

    "What's so funny, dude?"

    Aurron sighed " i thought she would never leave"he decided it would be best to go and meet the counselors starting with head counselor twilight "hello miss twilight"

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