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Posts posted by DreamySunday

  1. 38 minutes ago, Rocky said:

    Me every evening: "I'm going to bed at 9:30 so I'll feel good getting up at 4:30!"

    Me also every evening: "Oh wow, 11 got here fast."

    Literally everytime. I am about to go to bed. It is 944 but I promise you something, probably my own self, will be me up until 1130 at the earliest.

  2. 6 hours ago, teaanddice said:

    Ah, well, I’ve actually ran play by posts for several D&D 5e podcasting groups. 

    We pretty much all just referenced each other by our avatars, mine being a picture of some wooden dice, a pipe, and a glass of tea. So, my PbP name for roleplaying since then has been teaanddice.

    on a side note, I spelt it like that because the doubling of letters was aesthetically nice: teAAnDDice 


    5 hours ago, SymphonicFire said:

    I saw tea and rice.





    I saw tea and ice

    • Sad 1
  3. In relationships, you need to be willing to change to try and make it work, however if you or your partner are trying to change your entire being, recognize that that is not healthy. You shouldn't have to change who you are on the inside to make someone love you, and if you do, then maybe the person your pursuing just isn't for you.


    On the other side of this, when entering a relationship, platonic or romantic, you need to realise that your not gonna get along 100%. And it becomes both of your responsibilities to deal with that,whether it means letting go on certain things or learning to compromise. My way or the highway is almost always gonna lead to fighting. Try to talk things out, be thoughtful. Don't just stone wall the person.


    The mobile site sucks! It keeps closing my keyboard because it thinks I am hitting buttons BEHIND my keyboard!

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