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Posts posted by DreamySunday

  1. Climbing down the rope, Andrea wondered what they would find. Was Slash just going off alone, trying to be the big tough guy? Or maybe he had fallen into a trap! Would he even still be alive!? Andrea let out a shaky breath as she finally made it all the way down. Upon touching the ground, Andrea immediately began scanning her eyes all over the everywhere. Spotting the blood, she went to investigate. Andrea anxiously bit her lip at the implications of the blood splatter. " So he got caught? That's not good. " she perked up when she heard Oobleck remark and quickly went to look.


    There he was. Captured, bound and...being interrogated? Guess it made sense. If someone fell through my roof I would wanna know what they were doing there. " Alright, I don't think they know we're here so-" Andrea let out an annoyed sigh as she watched Midnight sword fly through the air. " Yeah, or we can just do that. Guess I can still use this." Using the over emotional cat lady as a distraction, Andrea ducked into the shadows and attempted to make her way toward Slash.


    When she had made it closer to him, she noticed that he had.... freed himself. Jumping to his side, Andrea  scoffed and said " Fear not damsel, we have come to rescue your sorry butt. Now let's go, we have work to do. " Andrea followed the group toward the train and hopped aboard. " I'm getting those real boss fight vibes here."


    (God dang that's Bad even for me. )


  2. On 27/01/2018 at 1:00 PM, Rosewind said:

    Noooo hope you feel better!


    With animated stuff if you skip the intro/credits that usually cuts an episode down to like, 15 mins. I can totally see how it'd be easy to binge a season.


    (I watched Stranger Things in two days. So good.)


    Friends're coming over! We're going out. Gonna rock my plaid skirt, leggings, new boots, and a black lace top.

    I thought you said black face top for a minute...

  3. 2 hours ago, SymphonicFire said:

    I guess I play with lego? I build models like the Millenium Falcon and the Apollo Saturn V (Both I helped build, but do not own because I'm poor).


    I wanted them though. :T


    1 hour ago, Rosewind said:

    When I was in the Bad Place, I remember they had a Lego space shuttle that one kid spent like, 2 months building. Then another kid tried to make it "fly" and it blew up into a zillion pieces all over the classroom.

    Both of these sound like a lot of fun.

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