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Everything posted by Valencetiger

  1. I'm sorry, Fawful...but I'm afraid a character like the one you are applying is simply incompatible with this RP. Please don't be upset, it is simply to keep the story's (slight) logic.
  2. Hehehe...well, if you are dying for a fight that badly, maybe now Pierrot can make his first move...on your very own Hive! Muahahahaha! Beneath the main Changeling Hive exists one of the several mortal gates to Tartarus...and Pierrot wants to bring back a few old allies. Prepare to see the first of the rogue Alicorn Prince's many underlings!
  3. >Twilight Sparkle (RLF Secret Bunker, Striker's Private Quarters) Gulping, she shook her head desperately, looking behind her out into the hall and back at Striker. "N-no, please let me explain..." She quickly made the infiltration suit disappear, stepping in only as much as to close the door behind her. To be honest, she expected a reaction like this...why shouldn't she? "I don't want any trouble-" Striker interrupted her, spouting off about how she was 'here to assassinate him', and calling her scum, which drew a sharp intake of breath from her. When the bullet was tossed to her, she didn't even bother catching it, instead franticly avoiding it as it hit the ground beneath her hooves. "I'm not here to kill you, certainly not that...I just wanted to talk. I know I am the last pony you want to see, but..." She choked on her own words. But what? Why did she have any reason to believe that she could talk to him...and more importantly, why did she even try? She knew how deep his hatred for her was. Coming here was suicide...but she had to get the Goliath information to the RLF somehow, and also to get this Key to Applejack...but also, to figure out why Striker hadn't killed her earlier that day. The on-rush of excitement and stress caused the grazed cut on her cheek to open up a little once more, a small trickle of blood leaking down to her chin from the gash. "...I don't blame you for hating me. I don't blame anypony for hating me...and I don't expect you to listen, but please...at least try. I'm here for Equestria's sake, not my own, not the Federation's, but the very ponies who are under my care." >Applebloom (Freelancer Equinian HQ) She listened to Wash as he spoke about the selection process, nodding occasionally as he explained in detail. "...I see, of course that would be the case..." It was shortly after he was done that Harmony approached them with the dropship ready. Smirking slightly at her lover's snark comments, she swiftly boarded the dropship with Harmony and Wash, ready for them to take off and head for the primary HQ. "I just hope the Director isn't goin' to do anythin'...drastic. That seems to be all ponies do these days, ya'know?" (Sorry for short post, Nova. Couldn't really think of anything, so I might as well give you something to initiate the next set XD)
  4. Yeeeeah...I deleted 3/4 of my original post because I didn't see yours until AFTER I posted it...lol so, I made the edits anyway.
  5. >Twilight Sparkle (RLF Secret Bunker) Exitting the communications room, she thought to herself about what to do next. She had to give this Key away...but to whom? Free Rapidhoof was unstable beyond reason now, Striker was...well...she couldn't really think of an excuse about why he couldn't have it. Perhaps Applejack was the best choice...after all, she once wielded the Elements beside Twilight, so wouldn't she be the best pick? Sighing, she shook her head. She will figure that out later...for now, she had to find out more on what kind of stallion Striker was. Again, something she couldn't really explain...she just had the urge to find out more about him. Grimacing, her horn glowed as she magically grasped a bright red bullet from her pocket. It was the bullet which had grazed her cheek, the one Striker shot at her. She could tell he hand-crafted it, along with his other bullets. However, it wasn't labeled "Red Fox" like that one particularly horrifying piece of metal she had seen in his revolver. Looking at it closely, she came up with an idea. She could use the bullet to locate his private quarters...if she was to find anything about him, it would be there. Lifting it up, she whispered the spell calmly, her eyes locked on it as it began to rotate and glow fiercely. After a few moments, it rotation stopped and pointed down one of the other halls. Nodding, she set out in that direction with a slight urgency in her step. Again, Twilight had to bypass many more guard posts on her way to Striker's quarters. She had gotten the wrong directions a couple of times...after all, the spell wasn't perfect, and also the sample she was using wasn't the freshest either. After about the third failure, she groaned inwardly and kicked the wall in frustration. This was taking forever...! Soon enough, she kept on...and at last arrived at her destination. Stopping outside the door, she looked at the rapidly vibrating bullet, letting it drop into a pocket as the spell ended. Looking around warily, she opened the door and went inside. Coming inside, she froze upon seeing Striker, making no sudden movements. She hadn't felt his presence at all...!
  6. Striker wasn't there, Gladius was :3 speaking of which, he died during the Equinian Apocalypse, sacrificing himself to successfully save some foals in a burning orphanage.
  7. I hope you guys don't mind if I add a little bit of Heartless Lore ^^'
  8. Also, I'm kinda stuck on what to do with Twilight atm...any suggestions, Mustang?
  9. Impossibruh! It cannot be! The great RLF commander, Free Rapidhoof, is dead! Oh, how the heavens weep their tears for the noble stallion...how sorrowful it is that his death came by his own hoof! Hopefully, in the future, there will be no need for ponies to send themselves to an early grave...the Federation shall give the honored warrior a spot amongst his predecessors, within the Eternal Graveyard where the greatest heroes of Equestria now rest, along with the Princesses. That is all...-sniffle- - Valence
  10. By the way, guys, if you could, can you please adopt a Location Signature thing like what me, Mustang, Scythe, and Eclipse have been doing? It helps keep our OCs organized in their locations and prevents confusion.
  11. I think you are "pulling a Roxas" instead of an Axel, Cloud considering that Axel didn't really abandon the Organization until the last moment, whereas Roxas left due to the lies and deceit.
  12. Also, I was thinking of Striker encountering Twilight in the hallways when she leaves the communications deck...cause a bit of drama there, eh? Due to the fact she can't just barge right into the room Striker and Chrys are in.
  13. >Rainbow Dash (Equinia, Federal Infirmary in a comatose state) She drifted in silence amongst a sea of black clouds, a cold wind whipping around her slim figure. There was no sunlight, moonlight, or starlight...just a swirling mass of thunderheads that roared in fierce defiance of...what? Rainbow looked around lazily, her eyes as cloudy as the sky around her. Above her stood a massive sapphire orb, below her a similar-sized ruby, both swirling due to the large amount of wind pressure within this storm. Her body settled upon the top of the ruby, and she sat up, gazing into the clouds afar. Looking at the swirling mass, her thoughts drifted away. What is this place...? It looks so familiar...so normal...is it my heart, or my mind? I can't tell how long I have been here...an hour, a day, a year? It is all a blur. My friends...my family...are they dead? Am I dead? Not like it matters, though...not in a place like this. Hmm...? Who are you?" She asked in a quiet, calm voice when spotting the entirely black-robed figure before her. The creature before her let out an audible sigh. "...is this what the Bearer of Ambition has become? Pathetic...your past selves must be in agony, seeing you this way. Although, I do have to applaud you for cleaning up the mess I made..." The figure summoned an onyx throne, before sitting down on it and gazing at her with dark-blue eyes, which glowed with a mysteriously-sad light. Rainbow watched him curiously, until he spoke, and at the end of it her searching expression became blackened with anger. "Y-you...you are the one who destroyed Equinia? Why?! All those innocents...WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO YOU?!" Her body shook with rage, her eyes blazing with emotional fire. Despite the open display of hatred, the figure made no movements other than another loud sigh. The unknown creature raised it's...hooves?...to its cowl, lowering it and finally revealing itself. It was obviously male, with a long sharp horn, with a very pale white coat and blonde mane. An Alicorn...with perhaps the most sorrowful expression she had ever seen. "...yes, I regrettably was. A most unfortunate event...but one that couldn't be helped. My name is Pierrot...youngest son of the late King Universal, and rightful heir to the World itself." The pegasus mare froze, her eyes staring up and down at Pierrot. This...this was an Alicorn...the perpetrator of all that destruction...was an Alicorn?! Th-that couldn't be right...could it? "...where are we? What is it that you want? Pierrot made a grand gesture to the storm around them, his face never changing. "This? This is your soul, Rainbow Dash...you have retreated into it, to preserve your life while in your coma. The storm symbolizes the conflict within you...and the two gems the opposing sides of your conscience about your past actions. As for what I want..." He lowered his arms and leaned in closer, his blue eyes as piercing as daggers. "...I want to awaken you from your comatose state. The longer you sleep...the greater chance you will die. I cannot have that. You must possess the Key of Ambition and open the Goliath with the other five Bearers. I wish to revive my father's Empire...and I need the Goliath to do so. You see, if any of you Bearers die, I must wait another thousand years...that cannot happen. So...I will help you awake, by making you confront a memory that has plagued your mind for some time now." None of this made sense to her, and as she was about to voice her protest, Pierrot clapped his hooves together and the world around her faded...repainting itself into a large, fire-lit bedroom. The walls were painted a dull red, and antique furniture laid everywhere. In the corner sat Twilight in front of a mirror-stand as she combed her mane, looking at herself quietly. Rainbow looked down at herself, seeing the signature Chancellor uniform on her body and the medallion that showed her office. She remembered this...it occured shortly before they left for Starlight Hill. Looking back up at Twilight, she tried to open her mouth to speak, but Twilight interrupted her. "...you know, Rainbow...throughout all of this, you're the only one I could still consider my friend. Before, you said that they would be able to understand the mare I am...but that isn't the case, nor will it ever be the case." "Twilight, I..." "No...hush, please. I called for you because this is urgent...I had another vision last night...I saw my own death. I had already confirmed it with Herald...there is no preventing it. I can't tell when it will happen...but it is soon. When I die...you are to take command of the Federation, and lead an exodus away from Equestria. I cannot tell you why...just do as I say, please...I have made many mistakes in my life...I cannot let my last one destroy our people." "What do you mean, Twilight? What mistake are you going to make? Tell me, maybe I can help-" She was cut off when the room began to tremble and warp. Her eyes widening in alarm, she gazed around frantically before lookinng back at Twilight. "Please...! Tell me! Hurry!" Suddenly, the room collapsed inwardly, and the world blackened around her. Rainbow let out a silent scream of frustration and fear, before it too disappeared. Then, the light came back to her eyes, and in a severe haste she opened them and practically leapt from her bed, ripping the chords connected to her off and falling face-first onto the cold infirmary ground below her. Groggily lifting her head, she saw the sunlight through the curtains of her window, before collapsing once more. Dear Celestia, she was exhausted...and she must have slept for who knows how long. A gentle, calm voice echoed in the back of her mind as infirmary attendants began to lift her up, making excited shouts and tending to her. Remember your promise, Rainbow Dash...show your loyalty once more.
  14. Fortunately, Umbra doesn't need attack strength if you can't break through her defense, then she can just wear you down until she just slice off your head, Queen of Hearts style! Hehehe...
  15. P.S. I think Striker got the message as well, considering that he is of a rather high rank, right?
  16. Just.....ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. ANYWAY, them Jedi mind tricks. Also, am I the only person who thinks that Chrysalis isn't sexy...or even good-looking for that matter? O.o
  17. >Twilight Sparkle (RLF Secret Bunker) Once Striker and his party were out of sight, she emerged from the crates and went down one of the other corridors of the massive complex. While her original plan had been to locate Striker, she now had a different motive: to leave a message for the RLF instead. In complete silence she made her way stealthily through the many hallways of the Bunker, using her suit's jamming array to freeze any camera footage to prevent herself from being spotted, and occasionally being forced to hide herself when a pair of guards patrolled by her. Twilight felt a cold sweat coming on due to the circumstances she had put herself in. If she were discovered...they would kill her, or at least imprison her. However, if that were to occur, it was a good thing she had only brought along one of the Six Keys. Feeling it against her suit, she drew a breath and took in a small amount of its magical energy. The key she had brought with her was known as the Key of Temptation, a very apt name for it...for it did leave her with a slight desire for more of its power. Finally, she came upon her destination, which was guarded by four heavily-armored RLF guards. Hiding behind one of the corridor corners, she observed them warily. By their stances and facial features, she could tell they were veteran warriors and had experienced much bloodshed. However...she knew exactly how to deal with them. After making a quick spell-preparation, she emerged into full view, startling the guards who swiftly aimed their rifles at her. The guard on the far right, a gruff and elder stallion who appeared to be the head of the post, narrowed his eyes and spoke calmly. "Stop right there. Who are you, and what is your purpose?" Twilight remained silent and took a step closer, causing the guards to take the safeties off their weapons. "Halt! Move any closer, and you will be filled with lead...wait a second, are you-?" The mare smiled as her horn glowed and the incantation she had prepared worked its magic. All of the guards stiffly lowered their rifles, like their bodies were being controlled by a puppeteer. The three younger guards had horrified expressioned on their faces, while the older stallion grimaced. "...Twilight Sparkle, I presume. I would ask how you made it here, but I don't think I will like the answer..." "You're right, Sergeant Yellowstone. You wouldn't. Now, is there anyone in the communications deck...? Don't lie, though. I will be able to tell..." The guard replied curtly to her, and she smiled gently. Raising her voice to a commanding tone, she ordered them into the communications room and followed them inside. Once they were all there, she sent them to a corner where they waited patiently for whatever might happen, surrendering to the possibly gruesome fate that awaited them. "...excellent. Now, sleep...you will not remember any of this." The guards' expressioned were mixed with shock and relief, when they began to collapse into their induced, magical naps. Turning from the now-resting forms, she approached the main control console. After initiating a few security sweeps and hacking into the communications mainframe, Twilight began to type on the massive keyboard, leaving a message for all important personel of the RLF. Attention. Attention all commanders. A report has come in from one of our sources within the Federation of the identity of the mysterious object named "Goliath". According to our data, the Goliath is a supercomputer mechanism that has magical connections to the entire world. The rogue Alicorn, Pierrot, seeks to use it to reshape Equestria and other lands like it into his liking, to make himself King. In order for that to happen, Pierrot needs six magical keys to gain access to all of the Goliath's functions. These keys are within the Elements of Harmony, which are in the Federation's possession. It is strongly advised to maintain relations with the GEF, and to learn more on the Keys. Message ended. Twilight let out a withdrawn sigh as she sent out the message. Now, the information was posted...and with that finished, she had to figure out a way to escape this RLF secret bunker...
  18. XDDDDD That is exaaaaaaactly what Twi's reaction was. Also, thank you for clarifying that, Mustang anyways...in the morning, there will be haaaaaavooooooc!
  19. Hehe...Sapphire...you should have had your costume as a Pimp considering that you are the only colt OC I've seen here! Because if you don't...I might, simply for the hilarity of it all.
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