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Everything posted by Valencetiger

  1. >Twilight Sparkle (RLF Bunker Airspace heading to Secret Bunker) Throughout the two-hour trip, the unicorn mare kept herself locked tight to the bottom of the helicopter, her focus purely on the maintaining of her magic and the conversation inside the vehicle. During some of it, she had stirrings of anger that she had not felt in a very long time...it was a prospect that frightened her. As they approached the hidden bunker, Twilight began to make an electromagmetic field around the outline of her body, so that their censors would be unable to pick up her presence. Upon arriving, she gazed around in silent awe at the massive size of the underground super-structure. How did the RLF, a rebel faction, pay for the construction of such a place...? Oh...of course...the funding they had previously received from that Freelancer organization. Dear Celestia, they were a thorn in her flank... Recloaking herself, she waited until Striker, Chrysalis, and the other RLF soldiers had left the platform before dropping down and landing quietly, stealthily moving to a few large crates on the platform's western side. Pausing there, she watched silently as Striker and Chrysalis disappeared into the Bunker's hallways. (Ill make a post tomorrow on what Twi will be doing...too tired to finish it atm)
  2. Well, you could always bring your OC into the Heartless encampment...I'm sure Umbra will be glad to see another commander.
  3. Well, here's what I saw so far as who is who... Nobody Bosses: Cloudsimmers, Ciraxis, Silverwisp Keyblade Wielders: Starstorm, Eclipse, Brittish, Sleeps Heartless Commanders: Valence, Quietsapphire If I missed anyone, woops :3 if I got everyone, then it would seem we have three slots left.
  4. Perhaps Trex knew due to some 6th sense, or maybe knows a potential Keyblader when he sees one.
  5. YAY! Finally, I got a pal for Umbra now she won't be the only Heartless Commander, anymore!
  6. YEEEEAAAH! Got the Triforce in Skyward Sword I feel accomplished now.
  7. Bwahahaha! The One-Commander Heartless Army strikes the Nobodies with a brutal backhand! Who knew that monsters, once thought to be purely instrict-driven, could pull such a devious and wicked subterfuge? I certainly didn't! Of course, it has been a long time since Sora and his ilk...so who knows how Heartless could have evolved! -gets all giddy-
  8. Okay, just so everyone knows...there IS a truce between the factions right now, soooo...an act of violence will be an act of war, etc etc etc, and pony-bloodshed will begin...with Pierrot being the undoubtful winner. Also, Mustang, idk what you're asking me about on your post XD I see nothing wrong with it.
  9. LOL, hey! My brother does that :3 is that why he's so socially awkward outside the internet...?
  10. Lighten up, Mustang! We're just having fun and teasing you anyway, I think its adorable...internet virginity is best virginity? O.o
  11. Then I think Reeve and Umbra might just get along in the near-future...despite their "differences"
  12. Lol, I honestly can't tell but Mustang is veeeeery easy when it comes to those jokes...isn't that right?
  13. So...wait...how many Keyblade Wielders do we have? Is Licorice one? Because if she is, then we'd have five KWs with the addition of Iron Blitz. Also Starstorm, is Licorice talking to Umbra...? Because as far as I've seen/can tell...she's the only Heartless Commander OC and also, she flew off towards once of the Bastian's many gorges. Edit: Eh...on second thought, do you guys mind if I edit out the 'leaving' part? Seems like everything is going to occur on this battlefield atm, and since I got no other HC buds, I might as well chill with the Light-driven infidels
  14. If I may make a suggestion...you could have it harvest something else Dark Solari feasts on magical energy, so perhaps your weapon can do something similar...blood, energy, life-force, etc.
  15. Hang on...there was a stalker meme with the same face, let me find it real quick.
  16. >Twilight Sparkle (????) She listened in on their conversation, surprised at Chrysalis' ignorance of the situation...and when she heard about the 'blindfolding' part, her face also heated and she felt a twinge of...what? Jealousy? Impossible. Grimacing, she now listened more intently. Twilight grinned slightly at Striker's comment on the changeling queen's ego.
  17. Lol, I know about the stalking memes I HAVE been on the Internet, after all.
  18. Swaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. Crush, kill, destroy, SWAG! S.W.A.G = Secretly Wanting A Guy Ahem...sorry, I simply couldn't resist.
  19. Hmm...seems like Twilight has been targetted by the Griffin nations, eh? Interesting indeed...I wonder where the Moon Shadow Guards are? Oh yeah...! They're--------.
  20. >Twilight Sparkle (Equinian Ruined Sector--->Secret RLF stronghold/bunker) The mare emerged into the faint rainfall from a hidden entrance in one of the destroyed alleys of the Ruined Sector, the door-hatch shutting behind her. She gazed around, grimacing at the sight before her. This must be connected to the Ghettos in some way, if they weren't already under reconstruction...suddenly, movement caught her eye, spotting Chrysalis' flying form sweep overheard. Urgently, Twilight cast a silent spell of invisibility, cloaking herself completely as she watched the changeling queen fly off. What was Chrysalis doing in this part of the city...? Twilight had to find out, at all costs. Stepping out of the alley with her spell still active, she spotted the changeling fly toward one of the streets ahead and settle down. Curious, she advanced in that same direction. It took her a couple of minutes to arrive, but arrive she did...only to find Chrysalis standing there with Striker. Stiffling a gasp of shock, she unconsciously hid behind some debris despite her magic, and listened in on them in silence. Was...was it possible that the changeling had hired Striker to assassinate her? Pushing the growing rage down, Twilight narrowed her eyes upon hearing of an arriving stealth helicopter. So, they need to go somewhere private...? Very well...she might as well tag along, without them knowing, of course. After fifteen minutes, she spotted the helicopter descend onto the ground, and she waited until Striker and Chrysalis were on the helicopter before making her move. With the invisibility spell still active, she placed an anti-detection ward around herself and approached the helicopter swiftly, and as it took off, she leapt into the air and cast another spell, a magnitizing incantation onto her hooves. Feeling the magnetic forces take hold, her hooves were dragged onto the vehicle's belly, landing gently and soundlessly so as to not draw any attention. Turning off the invisibility spell to preserve her magical strength, she summoned black garbing to encompass her body...a stealth suit fitted for such missions. If there was one thing she was glad for during the Red Fox's occupation of her body...it was the growth that it had caused and the increase in her magical vocabulary. Now, feeling as the stealth vehicle took off, she cast another spell to listen in on the conversation in the helicopter, remaining completely silent as the vehicle took off and flew away.
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