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Everything posted by Valencetiger

  1. >Twilight Sparkle (Equinia, Chamber of the Elements with Chronarch) She smiled in return to Chronarch, feeling the gentle presence of his hoof on her shoulder. However, soon enough...she expected that smile to fade away. Watching as the Archmage's horn began to glow, she steadied herself for the oncoming magic, feeling her body convulse as they were both teleported to the Chamber. A while back, she had laid an enchantment upon the chamber to prevent any other creatures than Chronarch and herself from entering, a precautionary measure for the Elements of Harmony. They were standing at the massive, underground temple's center, the Elements aligned on columns at the far back. Moving away from Chronarch, she proceeded forward. Her hoofsteps sounded like the beat of a drum in the silent hall, their echos resounding the noise eerily. The various paintings and carpetry on the walls and ceiling portrayed the Elements' history in Equestria...but most of it was wrong, and Twilight knew it. They were lies created by her forerulers of Equestria, but she couldn't blame them...after all, if everypony knew the Elements' former purpose, they would have revolted immediately. At last, she stopped right before the middle column, gazing at the Element of Magic solemnly. Her horn began to glow a slight lavender, as the Elements were taken from their spots and rested in a line in front of Twilight. She raised her head, looking at Chronarch as she spoke. "...there are several things I must tell you, Chronarch...but they must never leave this chamber. It is all about the Goliath...I think you deserve to know. As you and many others may assume...the Goliath is a superweapon. That, I am afraid, is the least frightening identity for it. In truth...the Goliath is a supercomputer, created long ago by the last Alicorn King. The device is linked to the life energies of the world itself...capable of bending and altering reality and time without so much as a thought." Twilight let that small bit of information sink in for the Archmage, but then continued. "...whoever controls the Goliath, controls our very world. It was once the Alicorn race's duty to supervise the Rebirth every five thousand years...the last Rebirth has well passed. It had taken me a long time to gather this knowledge...and I understand fully how terrible of an event can occur if the Goliath fell into the wrong hooves. With the passing of the last King, it had disappeared from memory...becoming nothing more than a legend, until five years ago that is. Contrary to popular belief, the Princesses first discovered the whereabouts of the device, however, they had denied its existence and moved to hide it completely, trying to prevent the world's magical Rebirth from happening. The world is dying, Chronarch...look around you, and you will agree with me. At this point, whoever unlocks the Goliath, can either save or destroy everything..." Looking down at the Elements, she narrowed her eyes and rested a hoof on the Element of Laughter, feeling the warming magic radiate from its depths. Indeed, it was a beautiful creation...but one that was made wrongly. "...the Elements...they were forged from the Key to the Goliath. Six fragments, transformed into the perfect representation of peace, but this noble idea was an injustice. The reason the Princesses invaded and conquered Equestria, the reason they tried so hard to have control of our fair homeland...was all for the sake of the Goliath. Sure, they grew to care for us...but it wasn't like that in the Principality's early days. They obtained the Key Fragments, but couldn't find the Goliath...so as a measure of safety, they transformed them into the Elements of Harmony and used their power to maintain stability. Now...I am afraid I will have to destroy them, for the sake of global stability..." Her hoof began to glow with a sharp purple aura, intense and powerful. If she was to save Equestria...save the world...she had to destroy Harmony. The Key to the world...was War.
  2. Bwahahaha! The powers of Darkness need not the strength of numbers, for we possess the true power! The strength locked away within the heart! Bwahahaha! (Btw, if there aren't enough people to sign up, are we allowed to make 2nd OCs?)
  3. I have a question: the current timeframe of the RP, is it before or after the Kingdom Hearts game series?
  4. The Changelings are a bit of an...enigma. They are allied with the RLF in a sense, but they have their own agenda. Also, there are Changelings who defected from the Hives and are now amongst the GEF. So, I suppose you can say they are of all factions, and are with none of the factions...they are their own little group.
  5. Globally, no. At this point, the story-lines are going to start splitting apart, and thus leading to more events and world-building for the RP. Also, I'll go ahead and re-open recruitment for the RP, so I hope we'll get more members soon
  6. Twilight will probably seek Striker out in the near future, but for now, she has a veeeeery important (and shocking) errand to do...I think you all will like it
  7. <Twilight Sparkle (Equinia, Main Square) The mare watched in stunned silence as Striker shot his revolver into the air several times, each blast feeling like a crack of a whip against her ears. Why...why didn't he kill her? What did he have to gain by not killing her? It...why?! It didn't make sense! **** it all! She didn't break out of her mental self-beating until Striker was gone, and Chronarch stood before her. Her Archmage...her ancestor...one of the reasons why her family line was cursed. She thought about why he hadn't done anything to stop Striker, but she pushed such a dangerous question aside. Her legs buckled beneath her as she descended to the ground, the emotional stress of the encounter with Striker finally kicking in. [colour=#40e0d0]"I could have stopped him: held him back, killed him, teleported him away, but I didn't. I had to see if you really had fallen so low as to give up."[/colour] Hearing this, a slight, dark laugh went on inside the recesses of her mind, a cruel voice whispering to her with a touch of venom. [colour=#800080]See? Not only do you want yourself to die...but your closest advisers and family do, too! Why don't you just off yourself...and put an end to your misery? After all, it isn't like anypony is going to miss a traitor and murderer like you! [/colour]Because...I'm a coward. I don't have the strength to die...nor the strength to live. [colour=#40e0d0]"Twilight, I've seen that look may times."[/colour] When he picked her up with his magic, she gazed back at him, once again noticing the resemblance between herself and him. However, that determined, powerful face no longer belonged to her...maybe it never did. Without a doubt, she probably looked weak in her eyes...not that she could blame him. [colour=#40e0d0]"Look at me, death is a release that us demons aren't worthy of. We ruin and destroy, but from destruction comes creation. You've destroyed so much, but look at all that you have created. You've taken from many, but look at all you have given. I'm disappointed in you for even thinking that the easy way out would be for the best. If you died with this gaping, festering wound on the face of Equestria, could you truly rest in peace?"[/colour] When Chronarch brushed aside her mane, she nearly flinched. Her tears were easily discernible from the streaks of rainwater, and she whimpered a little. He was right...but...what could she do? Their family line was filled with tragedy and despair...surely, all that they could bring to Equestria was the same. Unless...unless that blood could be reforged, reborn. [colour=#40e0d0]"Twilight you [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]cannot[/colour][colour=#40E0D0], no, you WILL not die. Not until you've finished what's been started."[/colour] She felt Chronarch raise her head, placing her in a confident stance...one that she quickly adopted and straightened slightly.[colour=#40e0d0] "So stand with confidence, believe in yourself. You may stumble, but you have friends and family to lean on. Look towards the horizon and know that there is a better tomorrow, one that you brought."[/colour] Yes, he was right...and she knew what she had to do. It was time for a change, for herself...for her family...for Equestria.[colour=#40e0d0] "Ponies need you. Succeed. Because failure is not an option."[/colour] Equestria needed its rebirth...and by Celestia, she was going to do it! [colour=#800080]"...you're right, Chronarch...forgive my moment of weakness. It is time for action, and I know what must be done...if you could, help me to the Chamber of the Elements...there is something I must do there. Karrthus...I ask that you go on your way as of now, for these are matters strictly for the Federation." [/colour]She doubted that the hellkite would listen, but she could at least try. It had been five years since she sealed away the Elements of Harmony...now was the time to see them once more.
  8. (Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, YES! KH RULES! -ahem- Sorry about that...I'll make an app too!) What Are You?: A Heartless Commander Name: Umbra Angel (Birth Name: Silent Hollow) Race: Pegasus Gender: Mare Appearance: A silvery-gray coat with glossy blood-red mane, her wings are marked with black streaks that encircle at the center of her wings, forming a spiraling black orb. She often wears armor encompassing her entire body, usually the black and red mix of the Heartless...the display making her look like an unholy angel, hence her name. Weapon of Choice/Keyblade Description: A bizarre form of Keyblade, forged and tested by erudite researchers and the power of stolen hearts. When Umbra became one of the lead commanders of the Heartless, the weapon was melted down and magically injected into her blood stream as a "gift". Named "Dark Solari", upon summoning the Keyblade appears as a levitating, shining black iron blade, which elongates and expands at will. When Umbra needs to display her true strength, the Keyblade transforms itself into the ideal weapon of her soul...a weapon only seen once before by her former Master, before she ended his life. Personality: Arrogant, fierce, intelligent, and beautiful. Umbra never gives up on any campaign or challenge that is set before her by her superiors, and displays the same ferocity as many of the Heartless under her command. She views creatures like Nobodies and their like as abominations, and the average Keyblade wielder as weak and worthless. However, she does not deny the uses such beings have in the scheme of the world, and thus tolerates their existences...unless they come face to face, of course. Umbra has a zealot-like devotion to the Heartless and their goals, and is willing to do whatever is required of her. Cutie Mark: A black heart with a chain of feathers crossing it in an X-mark figure, a keyhole lays within the black heart's center. Goal: [colour=#2f4f4f]"...my world disappeared long ago, along with my hopes, dreams, and very heart. Why should anypony else have theirs? One day, we'll all embrace the darkness, and what a glorious day that will be! Kingdom Hearts belongs to the Heartless, and I will see that our will is done!"[/colour]
  9. Okay, the post is up. Sorry for the long wait everyone, a few things had gotten in the way. Anyway, Fermata's OCs will now act as NPCs until further notice.
  10. <Twilight Sparkle (Equinia, Main Square) The distraught mare looked past the barrel of the revolver, gazing right into Striker's anguished face. Yet again, the memories of having seen hundreds of others with similar expressions of hatred and pain clouded her thoughts. The rain from above drenched her mane and face, the skies gray and distant, very much like the day when...when she had been forced to watch as her old life died. However, despite the circumstances, she was glad for the drizzle...it hid her own tears from the others. A sad gleam shone gently in the depths of her eyes, and she lowered them from his slowly. [colour=#008000]"You... you of all ponies... was the dreaded Red Fox? You... you are a disgrace Twilight to all of Equestria and now your history means nothing to me. Tell me, 'Red Fox;' I now know about Lunar Cross' part in this and the NEO uprising... his formation of the abomination that is the GEF but... how far back does your treachery go? Were you an active member in the NEO? Were you there when they razed Canterlot to the ground? Are your hooves stained with the blood of my fellow brothers in arms? WERE YOU THE ONE WHO TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME?!?! TELL ME NOW!!!"[/colour] The words drew a torrent of emotional pain inside her, for she knew that she had no good answer for the angered stallion. The world seemed to shrink to only the space around herself and Striker, her mind finding it difficult to focus and to keep control of herself. Twilight's jaws clenched slightly, trying to respond. [colour=#800080]"...I...-" [/colour]She couldn't get anything out, as Striker struck her with his pistol, the pain nearly causing her to go unconscious and she could feel a steady stream of blood coming down from where he had dealt the blow. The crimson liquid stained her gray mane, turning the shades of violet and pink into an odd, blackened colour. Shaking slightly, she raised her head and locked her gaze with Striker's. Seeing him now, she understood his agony...the terrible things he had to endure, but she could also tell that he was selfish in his desire for vengeance, and that such a strong thirst would eventually destroy him. When had she been able to detect such obscure things...? Perhaps it all started with Herald...after all, her magic and grown and flourished with his influence, but she had no control over it. [colour=#008000]"TELL ME!!! I want to hear your guilt before I finally recieve my vengence... I want to hear you plead for mercy like the men I lost before the NEO butchered them... I want you to tell me how sorry you are... I WANT YOU TO TELL ME EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE AFTER I KILL YOU!!!" [/colour]Twilight was so locked in her thoughts that she didn't feel the grazing bullet against her cheek. Grimacing, she muttered her answers in a voice so silent that only Striker could hear them, and even then they were like whispers on a wind. [colour=#800080]"...yes...I was the Red Fox. My body has been in this conflict since the very beginning, before shortly before the Purge...I joined with the NEO, and my body led them to their triumph, all the way to the destruction of Canterlot. Your brothers and sisters in arms...you can say they all died at my hooves. Was I the one who took everything from you...? My body was the one who took everything from everypony... As for mercy, there is no mercy you can offer me that will stem this pain. Go ahead...and pull the trigger...for all that will be left is a cold corpse, and a husk of a stallion. Be my judge and executioner, Striker...and set me free. Maybe then, I can finally apologize to them..." [/colour]She shifted her gaze from his eyes to the revolver, closing her eyes and patiently waiting for what may come.
  11. I was actually thinking the same thing, Mustang. With the 'Prophet Event' almost over, we can finally get into splitting up our OCs for different story-lines.
  12. Yeah...the website was taking too much time in his life, so he decided to give it up. I don't blame him, though, considering that it would take him 30 mins just to respond to THIS RP.
  13. Oh my gosh...this, right here, is PERFECT: P.S. Obviously the singer would represent Twilight
  14. Lol, it seems like you used your only bullet as a grazing-mark, Mustang also, I have some bad news...seems that Fermata won't be RPing anymore on Canterlot. So, now we need to discuss about what to do about his OCs...we might need a replacement RPer for them, who would be capable of understanding and playing them.
  15. Hellz yeah, everyone wants a piece of her...both in the physical fightiing sense and smexy sense
  16. *Eagerly awaits as well, grabbing a bag of popcorn* Whatcha gonna do?! Who's got the marbles to strike at the infamous Red Fox, weakened or not?!
  17. Twilight Sparkle (Equinia, inside the Light Orb) Shrinking back slightly from Free's oppressive presence, she stared at him in silence, her body completely stiff and her breath caught. Twilight had suspected that Free knew...and often imagined him revealing the ****ing secret in a much larger audience. In these circumstances...well, it could be just as deadly. Striker's hate of the Red Fox was practically the most known aspect of him, and he may take this opportunity of revenge. Releasing her breath and taking a sharp intake of air, she looked the now-insane Free in his eyes. "...yes, I am the Red Fox...or at least what is left of it, anyway." There would be no point to telling the whole story to these ponies...and deep inside, she didn't want to. Death...death could be the release she wished for, and if this was how it came about, then why should she impede it? Her heart began to calm itself, and her breathing grew steady once more. With those words out, it was only a matter of time before the inevitable occured... Lunar Cross (Equinia, inside the Light Orb) His muscles tensed as he watched Free descend upon Twilight and make his announcement, his yellow eyes dangerously watching both the RLF commander and his pet, Striker. Indeed, they were a disastrous duo...he guessed that the rumors of the RLF being filled with psychopaths wasn't far from the truth. Suddenly, he felt a small ripple of pain in his wings, and grimaced. It was about time he turned the spell off...if he wanted enough magic to teleport himself and his followers out of Equinia safely. Ending the dimensional shift, the flickering abyss around them dispersed into a silvery fog, fading away to reveal the Main Square once more. (Short posts are short.)
  18. By the end of the RP...there will be no throne to sit, no crown to covet, no nation to command... Let the Lord of Darkness rule! (P.S. Is it safe to assume that I can make my response post for Twilight now? Or should I wait for a few posts first?)
  19. Hehe...little known fact: Twi had no control over her own body for a large portion of the past 5 years, since the revolution began. You can compare the state she was in under Herald's influence like...being a schizo. Two completely different personalities, yet both fully aware of the other's doing.
  20. LOL, wow Eclipse XD but you might want to remove that picture...I feel another warning point coming on.
  21. Twilight Sparkle (Equinia, inside the Light Orb) She rounded on Draco, her eyes narrowed and a slight bit of venomous anger in her voice. "...with what resources, Sergeant Draco? This isn't about politics, you insipid fool...! This is about powers beyond your comprehension! Where do these 'villains' hide, Sergeant? Do you have even the slightest idea where they might be? If so, how about you take the lead...? I am sure you will do an excellent job, driving your troops to a slaughter." Whipping her mane aside in fury, she looked up as the blinking of the space around them began to increase. They would be out of this dimension soon, it seemed.
  22. I can answer those questions 1. Yes, you're a little late to that party, but no doubt another OC or random NPC will contact Chrysalis and explain what happened. 2. Draxis is one of a few other changelings (about a hive's worth) who broke free of the hive-mind due to magical aide by the GEF. As a result, Draxis and his underlings (since he was once a hive-lord) serve amongst the GEF, in the form of secret police, spies, and the occasional commander.
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