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Posts posted by Valencetiger

  1. "...he is Reborn! I can feel his first breaths! I can hear his cries split the skies like thunder on the slopes of the Highmount! Oh, Gods, save us! The Lightbinder is Reborn! The Breaking of the World comes again! The Darkest Days are nigh! Run, run for your lives...the Lightbinder is Reborn!"

    - The last words of The Seer, first of the Rahmane, prize of the Empress. Aged 2800~ years. Born year 100~ A.C. (After Cataclysm), deceased year 2731 I.E. (Imperial Era)

    So begins the story of Coltara, fillies and gentlecolts. While I've been away, I made a few adaptations to the story which I will list below. This OOC will be the primary OOC from now on, while the other one will be used primarily for Lore Reference.

    New Lore Added:

    - The RP will start in the year 2751, twenty years after the infamous Hikarri War, a struggle between the Empire and the Hikarri Tribes who came out of the Frozen Wastes and crossed over the Ironmaw Peaks (mountains at the north edge of Icewalker's Dominion), invading the lands of the Empire on a warpath of destruction. The War was the result of the mistakes of High General Hollowbone, who had ordered the chopping down of a sappling of the Moon Tree, which the Hikarri had given the inhabitants of Icewalker's Dominion as a peace treaty to trade between their lands. When the sappling (named Silverbark) was torn down, four of the twelve Hikarri Clans rushed over the Ironmaws, thirsty for the blood of High Gen. Hollowbone. The Hikarri War lasted three years, extending all the way to the very walls of Ashen Gate (which would later be named "The Battle of the Crystal Walls) before the Hikarri retreated...dragging the body of the fallen Hollowbone behind them. Having come what they came for, the warriors of the four Hikarri Clans disappeared back over the Ironmaw Peaks. Ever since the Hikarri War, the Empire struggled to rebuild itself, but did so as quickly as possible. Now, no trace is left of the Hikarri War besides the Memorial that rests on the plains outside of Ashen Gate, in remembrance of those who had fallen. This war coined the phrase "Acting like a white-veiled Hikarri", which means that creature is acting violent or cold.

    New Info on Darkwing and the Nightchildren:

    - For several thousand years, it has been dangerous to utter the Specter's true name (Stalliar), for it is believed to bring great misfortune on whoever dares speak it. Nightchildren refer to Darkwing as "The Shadow King", since they consider speaking his name as blasphemous. Common euphemisms for Darkwing's name are; Darkwing, Prince of Lies, Sightblinder, Lord of the Grave, Shepherd of Despair, Heartsbane, Ol' Grim.

    - The Nightchildren are ruled over by a Council of Thirteen, each of whom's identity is secret and all of which run countless cells of Nightchildren. It is rumored that one of the Empress' very own brood sits among them.

    New Organizations:

    - The Knights of Astral: A society holding strict ascetic beliefs, dedicated to the defeat of Darkwing and the destruction of all Nightchildren. Founded by a griffon named Lux "Lichbane" Stardancer during the creation of the Empire (2700~ years ago), to stand up against an increased number of Nightchildren. They evolved during that time into a completely military organization, linked to the Crystal Throne only in name. Extremely rigid in their beliefs, they are certain that they only know truth and right. They hate Rahmane and Sul'jin (magic of any kind, really), considering them Nightchildren and any who support them. They are known disparagingly as 'Silverplates'. Their sign is a swirling, golden sunburst on a field of silver.

    Updates to the Blood (Nobles):

    - The High Blood are now categorized into ten distinct, recognized Houses;

    Silvarn (Equine): Located in Ashen Gate.

    Terdas (Equine): Located in Riptide Bay.

    Varsai (Equine): Located in Ashen Gate.

    Thundertalon (Griffon): Located in Skyfall (a mountain city).

    Icewalker (Equine): Located in Icewalker's Dominion.

    Lumenka (Equine): Located in Arden'Dor (The Knights of Astral's stronghold city, this House supports the organization.)

    Xing'Hai (Baraki): Located in Moonrise City.

    Barlon (Equine): Located in Coltan's Rest (Militaristic House, directly tied to the Imperial Family).

    Ysldamir (Equine): Located in Ashen Gate.

    Alzahar (Zebra): Located in Harin'Dor.

    - All members of the High and Low Blood play a political "game" called Los'Dimar, or "The Great Game". It is a brutal competition between rival Houses as they struggle for supremacy (similar to the struggle for the Crystal Throne in the Imperial Family). The only House which does not participate is the Baraki noble House of Xing'Hai, due to the fact that all Baraki are known to be peaceful, passive creatures. In recent years, murder has been done between Houses, something unheard of before the Hikarri War.

    There may be more updates, so stay tuned! I will have the actual RP open soon.

    Previous OOC (for Lore purposes):

    RP Link:

  2. Well, I can probably start it back up in a few ways...

    1. Due to the possibility that Scythe might be dropping out, the Changeling story will be unable to continue as of now. What we can do is have Chrysalis be slain, and the Changeling race on the verge of extinction. Upon the Queen's death, a massive aurora is created across Equestria's skies...a sign of their inevitable doom.

    2. Chrysalis somehow escapes the encounter with a few survivors (a meager but still substantial amount) who seek refuge in Equinia, and Doppel is overjoyed at the sight of his Queen and people. It is about this time that we'll have a time-jump occur (if everyone is okay with that), Twilight is healthy (sort of) once more, Applejack and Striker become fully in charge of the RLF, Draco begins to grow stronger through his 'dragon training', and the Freelancer organization has begun whatever stuff they're doing ( :P ).

    3. Perre Noel makes itself known, and they begin to construct a Bund outside of Equinia (If you don't know what a Bund is, it is basicly a piece of land that can be sold off to an out-lying nation...they are usually in the billions of dollars, though. So...quite expensive). With their presence, they begin to aid the Factions in many ways throughout the conflict, but their main goals are still hidden...a fact that has many members of each Faction suspicious of their true intentions.

    Probably some other stuff will be added...but that's pretty much the gist of what we can do at this point.

  3. Hey guys, sorry for my long absence, but I want to tell you good news in the fact that I will be starting this RP up very soon! (Tomorrow, hopefully) So, after looking through the applications, I'd say everyone is able to join in if they still wish to. I'll be making a new OOC thread (for easier management, since I'm doing this via mobile) and over my long period of disappearance, I have come up with marvelous new ideas to add! I'll have the OOC up tomorrow. Thanks all!

  4. Hey guys, sorry for my lack of responses...but I'll be posting regularly tomorrow. Holiday weekend has been rough :blush: but rest assured that I will get to all of you!

    Edit: On second thought...I'm unable to do that. I am having the worst writer's block I have ever had...it simply doesn't make sense to me at all. Due to my unbelievably strenuous schedule, I might be inclined to close the RP for a short time. Know that I haven't decided, yet, but it most likely will happen.

  5. >[colour=#b22222]Despair[/colour] (In the Royal Hive with Chrysalis)

    The limber Alicorn shifted to the side, then ducked, leaped, and spun away from the magical beams shot out from Chrysalis, the projectiles barely missing his armor by a few millimeters, each one. While this form gave him tremendous strength, it made him slower...more vulnerable to quick attacks. However, the power it gave him made up for it. Dashing over to the side, Despair closed the gap between himself and the Changeling Queen, turning onto his forelegs and twisting, aiming a kick from his hind leg at her neck, the wicked blade blazing. However, at the last second, he turned again and instead made a slight gash on her cheek, the black flames instantly cauterizing the wound as no blood leaked from it. Leaping back to a safer distance, he let out a calm breath and studied her, looking for a weak spot in her heavy armor.

    >[colour=#ee82ee]Dr. Ivy [/colour](RLF Secret Bunker, Emergency Surgery Room)

    Letting out a pent-up breath, Dr. Ivy snapped the sanitation gloves onto her hooves, feeling a satisfying, tight slap against her covered coat. A team of surgeons stood over the surgery table, preparing the patient who had been delivered into the ICU. Shaking her head gently, she gestured to the other doctors to remove the mare's clothing. Nodding, they got to work delicately cutting off the black and gray cloth, steadily revealing the coat underneath. Once they were done, Dr. Ivy hesitated upon seeing who her patient was. Nonetheless, she brought the surgeon's kit over to the operating table and opened it up. Giving the order to put a dose of morphine in case the patient woke up, Dr. Ivy set to work. Delicately and steadily, she brought out the scapula and made began to cut out the flesh surrounding the bullet wound. Once done, she starting splitting open the area around the bullet in order to get a better look, soon spotting the dark piece of metal. Passing and receiving countless instruments from her assistants, the procedure continued for quite some time, and when it was all done, she pulled the bullet gently out of the mare's chest and looked at it before placing it aside with the other tools.

    Suddenly, a loud beeping began to go off from one of the monitoring units connected to the unicorn's vitals, and Dr. Ivy's eyes widened as she and her assistants hurried back to work. [colour=#ee82ee]"Hurry! We need to reseal the wound, or we're going to lose her. BP is dropping rapidly...heart-rate declining...**** it, we can't let this mare die!" [/colour]She and the other surgeons rapidly tried to close the bullet-wound, their efforts swift but precise. After a few tense moments, the beeping began to slow and cease all-together, and Dr. Ivy let out a relieved sigh. [colour=#ee82ee]"...She's stable. Contact Col. Striker, and inform him that the patient will live...as long as the wound doesn't get infected. We'll wrap up here..." [/colour]One of the assistants nodded, exiting the surgery room hastily.

    >[colour=#40e0d0]Rainbow Dash [/colour](In the New Citadel's Courtyard)

    [colour=#40e0d0]"She...WHAT?!" [/colour]Rainbow Dash shouted at the quivering GEF soldier, who looked her in the eyes fearfully and nodding repeatedly. The Chancellor had awoken just a few hours ago from her 'coma', and was not in a very great mood...far from it, actually, seeing the state Equinia was in and now the fact that Twilight Sparkle was missing. [colour=#696969]"Y-Yes, Chancellor. L-Lady Twilight ha-hasn't been seen for q-quite some time si-since the encounter with that Pr-Prophet guy." [/colour]Growling slightly, Rainbow turned and looked at the throng of GEF, RLF, and LEH ponies working together to rebuild. Things had...changed a lot in only a few days. [colour=#40e0d0]"...send a message to Archmage Chronarch about this change of events, and send out a call for a General's Assembly...all Chancellors and Commanders of the Federation must arrive here as soon as possible. Understand?" [/colour]The soldier saluted shakily before dashing off in the direction of a comm post. This was bad...very, very bad. First, their leader was wounded, then she disappears?! This is a severe blow to not just the moral of the Federation, but the security of the nation itself...not that it is very strong, anyway, due to the 'Equinian Apocalypse'. However, that didn't mean it had to get lower...she sat back and watched the rebuilding process for a few moments, contemplating in quiet about what had occurred recently.

    >[colour=#ff8c00]Applebloom[/colour] (Freelancer Dropship)

    The country mare blushed as Harmony teased her with her words, feeling the other mare's body ease up against hers. Her body began to warm up a bit, and she cleared her throat. [colour=#ff8c00]"...I wish ya wouldn't do that...it's quite embarrassin', Harmony..."[/colour] Returning to the business at hand, Applebloom addressed Washington with a quiet nod. [colour=#ff8c00]"Yes, I couldn't agree with ya more, Wash. Things are quite...difficult. But, we're Equestrians. We'll get through this, we always have, always will." [/colour]She offered a reassuring smile, before looking out the window at the spiraling landscape below, and the smile faded as she recalled something from her past. [colour=#ff8c00]"...ya know, now that I think about it...this is all very familiar to me. When I was in Equinia, the magical residue there felt...familiar. I can't place it or nothin', but I can tell you that it was definitely an Alicorn's magic. But...what other Alicorns are out there? Weren't the Princesses the last ones? That is a question we should be worried about...if the Princesses could do something as horrible as massacre Stalliongrad and Manehatten...what would other Alicorns do? Something worse than what happened in Equinia?"[/colour]

    >Unknown (Unknown Location)

    Darkness. That was existed in this place, at least for a time. Few ever came into here...and for a good reason. Everything was silent, not even the whisper of wind or movement could be heard in the oppressive quiet. However, the darkness suddenly faded in a burst of light as white, burning lanterns lit up all around the now-discernible chamber. It was an elegant, white marble chamber with eight massive pillars in a circle at its edges, one for each cardinal direction. The tiles on the floor were woven into a massive pattern that was shaped and colored to look like an eight-pointed star with a ring of suns and moons, with a downward sword in its center. At the very middle of the room sat eight large stone thrones in a circle, each crafted into a specific form. Each throne, while built similarly, had a different emblem on its base and back. They existed in order from North to North-West as a white sun, a silvery moon, a sphere of stars, a skull, a sphere of raindrops, a constantly-shifting red and yellow flame, a blooming tree, and a swirling typhoon. Indeed, the scenery was simple yet beautiful, the craftsmanship clearly perfect in every way from the corners, curves, and surfaces of the stone and marble. Suddenly, an ancient-looking unicorn appeared on the Sun Throne, his eyes, mane, coat, and beard whitened with intense age. He wore swaying white robes that hung gently against his sides, and bore the white sun emblem upon the very center of the cloth. Letting out a longing sigh, the old pony leaned back as the transparent images of several others began to show in the other thrones.

    Sitting in the Moon Throne was the slim figure of a female Changeling, her body young and without the holes that the rest of her race had. Her flowing silver hair was wrapped around her comfortably, and her smile was one of warmth and beauty. The changeling wore a silvery dress and had a cascade of moon-shaped jewelry on her body. She was known as Salmhofer, the Lunar Daughter, Second Grand Master of the elite order she was a part of. Despite her appearance, she was quite old...not as old as the First Grand Master who sat in the Sun Throne, aptly named The Oracle, but old enough to have seen many nations fall in her time. Lowering her head in deference to the ancient unicorn, her smile widened as she began her report in a smooth, silky voice. [colour=#696969]"...Master, I have successfully managed the rescue of the chosen amount of Changelings that have been requested. They reside within the Frozen Divide, and await to wreak vengeance against Pierrot and his ilk. They believe Chrysalis to be dead...and I know not whether they are correct."[/colour]

    As soon as the words exited the changeling's mouth did another figure appear, sitting quietly on the Star Throne, a long wizard's cap sitting on his head. A zebra, he was...the white and black stripes on his coat making it obvious. The flowing yellow robes and star patterns standing out against the gray stone which he sat on. Tipping his hat to the old geezer and pretty changeling before him, he kept his expression silent and stroked his long black beard. [colour=#daa520]"...but, Salmhofer, how can you be sure that they will fight on our side? Also, why do we even need them...? We have plenty of soldiers already, gathered after thousands of years of service. Surely we need not recruit more, or our supplies will fade early." [/colour]The changeling sighed, addressing her peer. [colour=#696969]"...that does not mean we cannot help those in need." [/colour]The zebra grunted, pulling out his signature pipe and smoking in it silently. His name was Dibbar, the High Magus. His magical power was rivaled only by the Oracle himself...and those cursed Alicorns, **** them all.

    On queue, two more figures appeared on the Tear and Fire Thrones. The two earth ponies gave elegant flourishes to the other Grand Masters before sitting back down. Brothers, both of them...and stubborn when it came to their convictions. The sad-looking, blue-robed individual on the Tear Throne was called Hurricane, the Mournful Storm, while the stallion on the Fire Throne had on reddish armor and an arrogant, smiling expression. The fiery pony was Volcan, the Landbreaker. The two stared eachother down angrily, their eyes narrowed to thin, dagger-like points. They had always argued and disliked the other since birth...and as a result, their commands never cooperated unless forced. However, despite their obvious hostility, they always kept silent during these meetings. Glancing over at the three other vacant thrones, they watched as two more figures appeared.

    A large, armored griffon appeared on the Wind Throne, his entire body encompassed in thick gray steel, even his wings. Talar, the Sky Slicer. Next to him was a nervously-smiling pegasus with a yellowish mane and pink coat, her mane and tail braided with loral leaves and flowers. They both bowed and sat down as well, their silence a normal part of these gatherings. However, Talar's head swung over to the vacant Death Throne, and tipped his head curiously. [colour=#40e0d0]"...where is Shining Armor?" [/colour]All the other Grand Masters spoke amongst themselves quietly before the Oracle raised one of his old hooves, drawing them all to silence. Lowering it, his pupiless eyes gazed at the Death Throne, as a constantly-flickering image of Shining Armor appeared before them all. Giving an apologetic bow, the stallion's image sat down on his throne. The entire Grand Council was gathered...and now the real discussion can occur.

    [colour=#4b0082]"...my fellow Grand Masters. The battle at the Changeling's Royal Hive is worse than we thought...they were completely unprepared for Pierrot's massive assault...and are at this moment being slaughtered. I am finding difficulty in shepherding all the unfortunate souls, and as a result I am only able to send half of my essence here." [/colour]This caused more murmurs, and Salmhofer spoke out clearly, for she was the Oracle's voice in these matters, since his had faded long ago. [colour=#696969]"...you are to continue your work, young Shining Armor. As you are the representative of Death, you are able to bring those anguished spirits to rest...which is a must at these times. If any poor soul is left walking those streets, Pierrot can use the Tartarus Gate to use them for his army. However, the Oracle asks that you watch over Queen Chrysalis, if she is still in the land of the living...she needs to be kept alive." [/colour]The black-armored stallion nodded, grimacing a bit at having to protect the Changeling Queen. He didn't dislike any living creature...but if there was one whose face he could do without seeing, it would be Chrysalis'. For a long time, the discussion of the Perre Noel Grand Masters went on, speaking of current events in their ruling provinces and of the Pierrot issue. As the meeting reached it's climax, Salmhofer put in one more command from the Oracle for the other Grand Masters.

    [colour=#696969]"...it is time we take a hold of these events. You know your designated targets...they must be guarded at all costs. If the Goliath is to become our Salvation...they must survive. For if even one of them dies...the Rebirth cycle will have to begin anew, and we do not have the time for that. After all...the Oracle has said that this is our last chance. This is our only change to save our home...we cannot lose this opportunity. Now...dismissed." [/colour]Instantly, all the Grand Masters except for Salmhofer and the Oracle disappeared from their thrones, and she looked over in concern at her mentor, friend, and father-figure. [colour=#696969]"...are you sure it was wise, creating those two...? After they were taken from our possession...things became more dangerous." [/colour]The ancient unicorn sighed once more, leaning back further as he spoke to her mentally. ...we had to, Salmhofer. We needed to hasten the Cycle...the world didn't have time to wait for the Cycle to resettle itself. The changeling nodded, before she too disappeared. Closing his eyes, the Oracle faded as the white-fire lanterns winked out one by one, plunging the room into darkness.

  6. Scythe: By tradition, the Princesses are usually named after flowers (ex. Tulipia, Rosella), whereas the Princes are named off of metals (ex. Ironus, Silvan, Goldar)

    Mustang: Well, due to Sub-Zero's clan history...perhaps they first rebelled against the Empire's control of the Icewalker's Dominion, and as a result lost many members, including Sub-Zero's father? With the death of his father, Sub-Zero took control of the clan and decided to make peace with the superior Empire, trading their services as a mercenary group in exchange for free reign over their specific territories?

  7. If I can still be a fighter chick... I mean I don't wanna sit around being a symbol for something. Look at how I play Chrysalis, she's not just a symbol of their monarchy, shes the mightiest changeling and she can protect her subjects herself.

    Other than that... sounds fine to me - Pegasus check, Mare check, possibly filly fooler check.

    The DotSS basically can have/do whatever she wants...so, yes, she can fill all those things :) also, it is her duty to not simply sit in the Palace...but actually to maintain the military power of the Empire. As the protector of the Seven Seals to Darkwing's Prison, she needs the best combat training and battle Qai'Maga available.

  8. Tell me about it. But if I ain't no pegasus then no =P I want my fluffy cuddly wings.

    Hehe...how would you like the second most-powerful position in Coltara...the Daughter of the Seven Seals, eldest Princess of the Empress and heir to the throne? :) A pegasus mare whose beauty is matched only by the Empress herself...and whose ambition is surely evidence of "darker motives"?

  9. Does that mean you are thinking about me ... imaging me as... member of the Imperial Family?

    Perhaps ;) I might have a lovely role available for you...that is, if you are willing to consider it, of course.

    Honestly... I'm not the best writer, Val... maybe you can help me?

    I would be delighted to help you, Mustang :) we can discuss it over PM, okay?

    hows dat?

    We'll have to go over a few things via PM before I approve it.

  10. Ehhhh...Kristen Stewart isn't really a horrible actress, its the screenplay writer's fault. Anyone with a good eye for acting (myself) can see that. Plus, I did like the books...but not the movies very much. To be honest, I prefer the common modern-day vampire :) you know, with the serrated fangs, beast-like instincts, super-strength and speed, basically the ultimate predators. Forget the romance, it is the bloodcurdling, nightmarish vampires that are the best.

  11. >Despair (Inside the Royal Hive, with Chrysalis)

    It was after listening to the indignant Changeling Queen's words that his grin finally disappeared, and his dark amber eyes narrowed venomously. The sudden spike of angry emotions making the lava-spirals to form serpent heads and make unnatural, hissing noises. Gritting his teeth, he spoke coldly toward the changeling. [colour=#b22222]"...honor has no place in war. It is a simple matter...I die, or you do. There should be nothing that complicates that fact. Celestia...my aunt was a fool, and a weakling...especially in the last days of her life. I remembered stories of my fabulous and deadly aunts, who conquered this land like warlords...but that time had passed. Both Celestia and Luna grew soft...and it led to their deaths. Peace breeds weakness in the great, and thus has no reason to exist. I am done playing this game of ours..." [/colour]His stance completely changed, his eyes holding a sheer darkness in their depths and the magic he was wielding began to warp and change. The strands of molten rock began to combine, shifting and wrapping around each other into the form of four, translucent red blades, which attached themselves to the ends of each of Despair's hooves. The air around them seemed to heat up, and his snarl held genuine hatred.

    [colour=#b22222]"...I am your executioner, Queen Chrysalis. Know that the last thing you will see in this world...is the glimmer of one of my blades as they cut through your flesh." [/colour]The magical pressure between the two super-powered royals seemed to increase, the young Alicorn's own power rising dramatically with each passing moment, the fires in his armor turning into a wicked black. His eyes turned into a deep, pitiless black and his horn elongated and blackened as well. [colour=#b22222]"...come, and meet the same end as the rest of your race." [/colour]He approached her calmly, the weapons on his hooves bursting into dark fire. [colour=#b22222]Curses...maybe I won't be able to defeat this wretch before me. What I did in Equinia still weakens me...all I can do is provide enough time for my sister to complete our true goal.[/colour]

    >Lt. Tailwind (RLF Secret Bunker, Col. Striker's Office)

    Sighing, Tailwind made his way down the Command Hall toward the office of the new Col. Striker, who he had been ordered to go to. If he was being sent to a Colonel for this...then things must be worse than he thought. A few guards glanced at him and snickered as he made his way down, a couple shaking their heads in pity...the later which irked Tailwind the most. Grimacing, he approached the door and knocked before entering. Saluting Striker, he took his spot in front of the desk. The nervous young stallion sat quietly in his seat, keeping his eyes ahead as he prepared himself for the greatest scolding of his life. Why, things just seemed to be getting worse and worse...and by the end of the day, he would no doubt be either receive a court-martial or be deported to some random, far-off outpost. Now, all he could do was wait for his imminent fate...and each passing second made him more and more twitchy.

    >Misery (Underneath the Royal Hive, in the Hellfire Caverns)

    The simmering heat of the unearthly fire and reddish molten rock beat at her limber form, making sweat drench her coat and armor as she leaped from one black rock to another, searching desperately for what she had been sent here to find. Few knew about this place beneath the Hive, and the reason they knew was because of her father's expansive memory from those several thousand years ago. Despite the intense heat, she shivered at the thought of what else Pierrot knew about forbidden places in Equestria, or the rest of the world for that matter. It took her several minutes of rock-hopping and wall-racing to even find anything remotely to what she was searching for; a large violet crystal that was suspended in mid-air over a particularly evil-looking, ancient alter. Landing on the rocky outcropping next to the floating crystal, she approached the artifact cautiously. Studying it, she suddenly recalled her father's instructions before she had left with her brother from the Crystal Empire. [colour=#008080]Once you reach the Spirit Shard, you must offer a small part of yourself in order to activate it, and open the way to the Tartarus Gate...a part of you that is essential to your life.[/colour][colour=#008080] [/colour]

    Blinking, she summoned a sharp, steel knife which hung steadily in the air before her. Misery raised her foreleg and grunted as the dagger cut into her flesh, causing a trickle of blood to leak from the wound. Gathering some of the crimson drops, she approached the large crystal and placed a bloody hoof upon its surface, and before she knew it, she was blinded by a brilliant flash of purple light.

    >Applebloom (Freelancer Dropship, heading toward Freelancer HQ)

    "Virginia...Do you ever have the feeling that something is testing us...Testing our defenses to find a weak spot to exploit?...All these events appear to be connected somehow and happened in chain reaction rather than random coincidence..." Applebloom didn't know how to respond to such a question, for it also seemed to plague her thoughts over the past while. Someone was indeed behind these disasters that were occurring...but who? Surely, they possessed incredible power if they could wipe a city as large as Equinia in an instant... Sighing, she shrugged nonchalantly. [colour=#ffa500]"...y'all took the words right outta my mouth, Wash. I...have had theories on what is goin' on. Perhaps...perhaps everythin' that has happened over the past few years is connected somehow, as if all of us are bein' manipulated by some unseen creature..." [/colour]Realizing what she was saying, she gave a nervous laugh and smiled awkwardly. [colour=#ffa500]"Uh, I must sound crazy...don't mind me, perhaps those years in the Shade Corps made me a bit nutty." [/colour]Still, the very idea that such a thing was happening made a pit form at the base of her stomach.

    Hearing Harmony's announcement, she looked over at the mare and nodded. As her special somepony spoke out her curiosity, Applebloom looked away sheepishly. [colour=#ffa500]"It-it's nothing, really...just the musings of two fellow agents."[/colour]

  12. Hmm, okay. I'll address you all one at a time.

    MasterMustang: If you don't mind me asking, what kind of interaction has Kori no Yurei had with the Dragoran Empire? If you could, perhaps you could add that piece of information to the mix. The Empire is a continental presence, having existed over two thousand and seven hundred years...all of Coltara is their domain, except Moonrise City and the country-side around it. Has their influence in the Icewalker region done anything negative/positive to Sub-Zero's clan?

    P.S. I forgot to add Cutie Mark/Destiny Mark for ponies in the App Requirements :lol: let me edit that.

    Scythe: You are quite correct on the lack of Queen Chrysalis in Coltara. However, I believe I forgot to mention that this RP will occur in both Equestria and Coltara...both worlds are linked by the threads of fate. I have no problem with you being of the High Blood :) and to also point out, Apps of OCs who are members of the Imperial Family will be taken into very special consideration.

    Sevofthesands: If Draco is of the High Blood, will he be a pegasus in this RP then? If he has dragon wings and is of the High Blood...either he is being kept hidden by his parents or was placed into Imperial Care (a.k.a. trained to be a warrior from birth in the Ever Victorious Army.)

    TotalEcplise: Well, that isn't surprising :P so are you going to reapply your previous OC? Might be a good idea, considering that everyone here besides me doesn't know him.

    Whew...okay, I'm going to have to add some stuff and make changes to the Reference Post, so that I don't have to address this as much...lol

  13. Well you don't learn blue magic through traditional training. There is usually a catalyst of some sort, and you can only learn it by getting hit with it.

    Blue magic is such an unforgiving discipline...

    Again, quite similar to Twilight...her magic just kinda "hit" her, too :P although I'm not sure about the 'unforgiving discipline' part though.

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