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Posts posted by Valencetiger

  1. >Despair (Inside the Royal Hive)

    [colour=#000000]He snarled as the wave of magical energy hit him and his soldiers, pushing himself back while the others were blast away. Certainly, this Queen possessed very strong magic...but from what? He had heard that Changelings fed and grew stronger on love, but even that couldn't give her as much strength as she had with her now.[/colour] Still...he was confident, and he wasn't going to let this tramp win the day. It didn't matter what she did...the Hive was as good as gone, and they both knew it. Smirking, he bowed his head in a mock of respect, the magma in his armor convulsing and growing redder. [colour=#b22222]"...a one on one, hmm? I see. Not going to hesitate in killing a "child"? Of course not, why would you? After all..." [/colour]His toothy grin widened. [colour=#b22222]"...I've done things that even Father would be repulsed at. I am the Demon of the Eastern Mountains...and this will be your dying ground, Queen Chrysalis." [/colour]The lava began to emerge from his armor, wrapping the area around him like a cocoon, as if the molten masses were like living serpents. Strands of the super-heated liquid dripped to the ground, causing smoke to arise from the soil beneath.[colour=#b22222]"...my Magma Barrier has never been penetrated before. What makes you think that you will be the first to break it...?!"[/colour] His soldiers began to spread out, bypassing the two dangerous royals as they pushed back against the Changelings.

  2. Reeve's list of blue magic absolutely refuses to go under spoilers on the first page so I place them here.

    [colour=#282828]Angel Whisper[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Mighty Guard[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Frog Song[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]White Wind[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Bad Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Magic Hammer[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Aqua Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Level ? Death[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Matra Magic[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]1000 Needles[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Level ? Graviga[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Level ? Shadow Flare[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Death Claw[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Time Slip[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Moon Flute[/colour]




    [colour=#282828]Grand Delta[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Night [/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Stone Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Animating Wail[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]Blood Saber[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Final Sting[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Metallic Body[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Plasma Charge[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Dragon Force[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Haste Break[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]Eerie Soundwave[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Heat Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Thermal Pulse[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Zephyr Mantle[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Warm Up[/colour]


    You, sir, are this RP's Twilight Sparkle.

  3. >Despair and Misery (At the Royal Hive's walls)

    Both of the alicorns listened intently as Chrysalis and Doppelganger spoke their words, and they both exchanged looks. Bowing her head in slight submission, Misery retreated from her brother and trotted calmly and deliberately-slow to the front lines of their battalion. When his sister left, Despair's grin grew even more, as he fixed his amber gaze upon the two changelings on the walls above. [colour=#b22222]"...my father, a coward? It may appear that way...but no, it isn't cowardice. It is a test." [/colour]Turning to look at the retreating form of his sister, his eyes shined dangerously and his smile seemed more like a wolf's than anything else. Making a smooth stance, he pointed his head up at where the changelings watched him. [colour=#b22222]"...King Pierrot has many children, Changelings. Because of this, the strong must be separated from the weak...by brutal means, if necessary. If I or my sister fail here...that is no problem for His Majesty, for he has others to test as well. His crown will be coveted by all my siblings in the future...and he knows the chaos it will bring. So, he sends each and every one of us out to do his dirty work...a test of survival. If we die, then so be it. The Crown goes to whoever last stands...and I intend that to be me. I won't let a race as tainted as yours to put me down...my pride won't allow that." [/colour]Suddenly, bursts of magma flared out from the crevices of Despair's armor plating, forming against an invisible mold as the streams began to elongate and thin out, as dark black hilts rose out from the depths of the molten lava. Four rapidly-rotating fiery blades arose from the pools of magma, and began to circle around the Alicorn. His face was a mask of blood-lust, and his gaze held a somewhat insane glow. [colour=#b22222]"So, your Majesty...shall we dance? Just be sure not to step on my hooves...you might get burned!" [/colour]It was with that last remark that he launched pillars of lava at the congregated changelings, the army behind him in the distance beginning to close in, shouting their rage and ferocity. The lava-streams began to eat away at the walls of the Hive, melting them to ground-level as the soldiers moved past him, their armor allowing them to cross the molten pools unharmed as they began to enter the city.

    Misery sat back a bit from the swarm of troops, eying the Changeling lines cautiously, as her gaze went toward the city. Closing her eyes...she blinked. Her physical form suddenly appeared behind the front-lines of both forces, landing gracefully with her silver-white wings on one of the many homes of the Hive. Everywhere she looked, she saw Changeling civilians running for their lives and out toward the side of the Hive that wasn't surrounded by her father's army. It was about this time that the Draco-Engines began to unleash their torrential storm upon the city, their explosive and machine-gun fire wrecking havoc amongst the area. A few changelings were quite unlucky during the barrage, falling to either a swarm of bullets or being directly under a missile or ball of fire. The scene was...quite gory. Letting out a disgruntled sigh, the electrical current around her began to warp the air and cloaked her lean body. All of this was quite...depressing.

    Making her way over the many rooftops, she scouted the area in complete silence...not like she would be heard, due to the loud screams of the populace. Hearing the distinct whistling-sound of one of the bombs falling down, she quickly dove for cover as the explosive erupted into a mass of fire and shrapnel. A few hot metal bits flew past her, and she looked out to see that the area it exploded in was practically gone...a crater where it once was. She noticed at the edge of her peripheral vision a squirming, small shape underneath a thick slab of broken wood, and she carefully moved toward it. Seeing it up closer, she identified it as a young changeling...maybe just out of the crib for a few years. The small creature squirmed and cried, appearing unharmed but still trapped. She stood there, watching it silently, her thoughts clouding slightly. [colour=#ff8c00]...who are we to be doing this? All my life, I haven't question my father or brother, but...why do I question them now?[/colour][colour=#ff8c00] [/colour]The answer eluded her like a grain of sand, but she quickly made a decision. Pushing the piece of wood off, she lifted the little changeling up from the ground gently. To the child, it looked like it was being picked up by the air itself, and frightened it to the point of going completely still, whimpering pitifully. Taking up to the sky, Misery connected her magic to the small changeling's life essence...casting a spell to locate its mother. Her amber eyes scanned the retreating masses of changelings, finally settling upon a figure wrapped in golden light. The mother changeling was desperately searching for her baby, calling out the child's name. Descending toward her, Misery landed as soft as a feather, and laid the child down in front of its startled mother. Misery remained there until the small changeling was carried off swiftly by its mother, who looked back at where Misery stood with a searching, but thankful, gaze. She, too, disappeared into the throng of frightened changelings. Satisfied, Misery resumed her current mission...to locate the Tartarus Gate.

    >Lt. Tailwind (RLF Secret Bunker)

    It took several minutes for the stretcher to arrive, and he watched silently as they carried off the wounded unicorn mare. Dear Celestia, why was he so stupid...?! He had jumped the gun there, thinking her dangerous due to the suit she was wearing, and had taken it into his own hands. Of course, he could always claim self-defense...but that wouldn't work. After all, he called in about it...man, what a pickle he was in. He knew his superiors were going to chew his rear out about this. Well...there was no chance of him returning to the field, now. Leaving those depressing thoughts behind, he sighed and followed the medical team...he might as well apologize to the mare when she woke up. He owed her that at least.

  4. Lol, you know the whole "If you are rich or royal, you can't marry a commoner" sort of deal? Well, that is basically what is going on right now. In their eyes, the very idea of any member of an inferior race (in their opinion) lying with an Alicorn, it is a terrible crime. So...as was the penalty for such things back in feudal times...the penalty shall be exactly now, except on more of a mass-genocide scale :3

  5. And now about Heartless. It is well know that the stronger the willpower of the heart the more monstrous form their Heartless take. The only exception was Xehanort who give himself into darkness on his own free will, and as such kept human form. Since Heartless Commanders look relatively...normal, can we assume that they followed his steps and did exactly the same?

    Very good point...yes, we can assume that is what happened. Heartless Commanders and the other equine-like characters amongst the Heartless. It isn't unlikely to think that perhaps a part of a world's population could have willingly succumbed to the Darkness, right? I mean, there are always specific groups out there that do such things.

  6. >Despair and Misery (Outside the Royal Hive)

    As the army drew close, it circled in around itself and appeared like a large, gray crescent against the snow. Complete silence met them as the battle chant died down, and the only sound that could be heard was the whipping of the wind, whose mournful cry seemed to have increased intensely. Despair and Misery continued on, approaching the very wall of the gigantic hive without a fear. Their respective armors served as the only colour and light against the darkening landscape, their presence melting the snow around their hooves. Raising his head, Despair's horn glowed a crimson light as he opened his mouth to speak, his voice projecting all across the landscape as if through a gigantic speaker, while his sister spoke other parts. [colour=#b22222]"...Changelings, in the name of our father, King Pierrot of the Crystal Empire..." [/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]"...we come to cleanse your race from the face of our beautiful world. Your Queen, Chrysalis, has committed one of the worst crimes imaginable..."[/colour]

    [colour=#b22222]"...by attempting to soil the Royal Bloodline by lying down with our sister, Crystal Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Your entire race is to be punished for your sin against the King..."[/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]"...the punishment is, of course, death. You can run, but in the end we will squish you bugs under the steel of our hooves..." [/colour]

    [colour=#b22222]"...of course, mercy will be given, as long as you turn over your Queen to us. Then, your deaths will be quick and painless. We demand an answer immediately...otherwise, what happened in Equinia will look like a small house fire compared to what will happen to your disgusting hive."[/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]"...we recommend that you choose swiftly. Each second you hesitate will result in greater harm...so hurry, or feel the misery and despair that comes with our arrival."[/colour]

    Despair grinned wickedly, while his sister simply closed her mouth and looked in another direction, little emotion revealed on her face. They appeared the same, but their personalities were completely opposite of the other. Calmly, the two Alicorns awaited the Changelings' response, knowing that no matter what the outcome came to be...the Tartarus Gate was theirs, and changelings would be dead at the end of the night.

    >Twilight Sparkle (RLF Secret Bunker)

    As she proceeded along the Bunker's many hallways, she heard the base-wide intercom turn on. Listening, she heard Star Striker's report and frowned. Well...it seemed that the old coot had offed himself in front of everyone in Equinia. What a...selfish thing to do. Of course, she wasn't very surprised by this turn of events. She could tell that the old general was becoming quite unstable...and that the wall broke upon Lunar Cross' revelation. There was nothing she could have done, but...she felt somewhat guilty for what happened. Her ability with healing magic was quite limited...in fact, probably the most limited part of her magical arsenal. She had better change that...such spells will come in handy at the end of this growing conflict. Shaking her head gently, she proceeded to the helipad where she had arrived. However, as soon as she saw the entrance to the helipad...disaster struck. Bumping into a guard as he wound the corner, his face held an expression of shock, which quickly changed to fear, then anger. Shocked out of her wits, all Twilight could do was watch as the soldier lifted his rifle...and pulled the trigger.

    >Lieutenant Tailwind (RLF Secret Bunker, outside the Helipad)

    The young stallion yawned as he sat on duty at the helipad entrance, his hooves dangling carelessly as he sat on one of the large ironwork crates. He had arrived here only a week ago...and already, he was bored beyond belief. The entire base was filled with ponies twice as old as he was, or a bunch of jarheads that kept him out of conversations because he was a rookie. In fact, the very reason he was at the helipad was because he had angered one of his superiors...a Major. Growling slightly, he tapped his rifle angrily at how demeaning this "guard duty" was. He had been an esteemed soldier...intelligent, strong, leadership material...he had impressed all of his drill instructors with his grasp of combat strategy and ability to adapt to almost any situation. Growling louder, he leaped down from the crate and cradled his rifle. He was a respected strategist...! This kind of **** was to be given to weaker links! Well, he didn't have to stand for this...stepping toward the helipad exit, he was unaware of the presence of another pony until he bumped right into her as he turned the corner. Dazed slightly by the sudden impact, he got a quick glance at her as his brain began to identify her. It was a young...rather pretty...mare, wearing a dark infiltration suit with her face disguised. His eyes widened in shock from seeing such a pony in a military base like this...and then fear clutched his heart. She was dressed for infiltration...a spy? Or an assassin? Rage began to boil inside him, as he began to raise his weapon. Well, if she wasn't going to hurt anypony here...he'll make sure of that. Pointing the barrel of his rifle at her, he shut off the safety, and pulled the trigger.

    Time seemed to slow down as the bullet left the rifle's chamber, flying directly for the unicorn. It buried itself inside her chest, causing her to gasp in surprise and pain as it burrowed deep into her flesh. Her hoof felt the wound, her life-blood dripping down it. Her eyes looked at him, as if searching for something before falling over and passing out from the pain. The look haunted him, and he instantly regretted his choice. The wound wasn't an instant kill...she still had time. Picking up his radio, he spoke shakily into it. [colour=#8b4513]"Th-this is Lieutenant Tailwind...I have an unarmed unicorn here in my custody. She's heavily wounded, and needs an emergency medical team, ASAP. We are down at the southern helipad, near the entrance. Over." [/colour]Now, all he could do was try to staunch the bleeding until help arrived. Taking out his combat knife and cutting off clean strips of his uniform, he pressed it against the wound, pressing hard to keep the blood inside. It was working slightly...but not that well, for blood still trickled from the cloth. Curses...they had better hurry!

    >Shining Armor (Outside the Royal Hive on a mountain-top)

    His cold-blue eyes gazed down at the massive army under Pierrot's command. Indeed...the threat was greater than they thought. If this was what only one battalion of the Crystal Legion...then how many ponies does the so-called Alicorn King have at his disposal? This was a daunting discovery...and made things much more difficult for himself and his fellows in Perre Noel. Stepping away from the cliff, the wind whipped at his dark-purple cape, the blackish armor on his body cold against his coat. The scythe-brand on his breastplate and cape shone brightly against the darkness around him. He was named "The Reaper" for many reasons...but mostly due to his intimate relationship with Death itself. Already, he could feel that the Royal Hive was going to become a slaughterhouse...and not in the Changelings' favour. He would feel pity for them, if his emotions hadn't been deadened those many years ago. To think, that just a few years back, his sister Twilight and her friends had fought the Changelings, and helped save those ungrateful Crystal Empire ponies from King Sombra. It seemed it would be the exact opposite. Now...yes, the Crystal Empire had their true King once more, but Shining would have preferred Sombra over that cursed Pierrot. The Oracle should have killed the prince when he had the chance...now the creature was out of control. How could his former wife, Cadence, be related to such a despicable monster? It made little sense... Shining could do nothing for the Changelings, even if he wanted to. He was under strict orders from the Oracle to not get involved with the battle...but he would still have to collect the souls of the dead and send them on their way to the Underworld. That was his job. Turning into his ethereal state, he let out a frustrated sigh as he descended the mountain in the Hive's direction...his presence completely masked from those who dwelt amongst the living. As a Grand Master...it was his duty to help these future spirits move on to the next world.

  7. >Despair and Misery (Outside the Royal Hive)

    As the massive army approached, the storm began to subside...revealing the true nature of the invasion. What looked like several legions hung behind the two young alicorns, their roiling numbers a gray mass against the white, snow-covered valley floor. Banners flew in the sky above them, showing bloodied crowns with white rings on a background of black, an alicorn's head nobly resting behind the crown and rings. Upon closer inspection of the soldiers, one could see that they all wore shining, dull-gray plating, their entire bodies covered in the strange magical metal that encompassed them. The only thing revealed about their bodies were their piercing, glowing red eyes...the gazes of demons. Each and every one of them had an armor-encrusted horn and plated metal wings, making them all appear to be armored Alicorn figurines. As the hive before them became more than a dark silhouette...becoming ever more detailed...a loud battle-cry erupted from the massive gathering, their voices crying out in unison a fierce, blood-curdling yell. When the noise died down, Despair and Misery touched each other's hooves as the wind died down, and armor began to materialize out of the sky and bind themselves to their coats. Chains and metal links hooked the black, onyx metal together on both of their forms, leaving crevices between the plates as their suits continued to be placed on them. Once the armor was in place on both of their bodies, the twins broke apart...and the rifts in their armor alighted with magical energy. On Despair's coal-black armor, streams of lava began to fill in between the spaces, covering his weak spots in a mass of orange-red heat, while Misery's armor began to pick up an electric charge, lines of lightning coursing through the links in her armor. Indeed, they were a frightening sight to behold, their wicked white diamond blades hanging down from their flanks. They stepped toward the Hive, their eyes set determinedly on what lay ahead, while their monstrous soldiers began to take up a gallant song of war.

    [colour=#daa520]"Wash the blades — while the sun climbs high.

    Wash the blades — while the sun falls low.

    Wash the blades — Who fears to die?

    Wash the blades — No one I know! [/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — while life holds true.

    Wash the blades — until life ends.

    Wash the blades..."[/colour]

    Their hoofsteps shook the ground beneath them, the very earth seeming to squirm at their presence. Five more odd creatures appeared on the horizon...massive, metal-plated dragons that roared their defiance as they flew overheard, their shrill screams piercing the veil of the valley. Their darkened forms hung over the army ominously, circling it and occasionally sending a stream of fire in the direction of the Hives. Similarly-armored ponies moved about on their backs, remaining attached by some odd magical force as they manipulated deadly-looking artillery cannons and machine guns. The army's chant continued, their hooves marching in rhythm to the song.

    [colour=#daa520]"...Wash the blades — Life is a dream.

    Wash the blades — All dreams must end. [/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — till shade is gone.

    Wash the blades — till water turns dry.

    Wash the blades — How long from home?

    Wash the blades — Until I die! [/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — till the sun grows cold.

    Wash the blades — till water runs free.

    Wash the blades..."[/colour]

    The army began to spread out at this point, its gray bulk splitting away and beginning to circle the city in a crescent-like shape, moving faster and faster as the moon began to rise over the mountains, its silver glow raining down onto the landscape...making the night so much more terrifying. The Alicorn Twins called out orders to their soldiers, their voices magically projected over the noise and beats around them.

    [colour=#daa520]"Wash the blades — while I breathe.

    Wash the blades — my steel is bright.[/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — with the moon's light.[/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — till voices fade.[/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — are you afraid?[/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — you should be![/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — till you hide.[/colour]

    [colour=#daa520]Wash the blades — till your Queen dies!"[/colour]

  8. Sweet celestia..... I want to apply but wow..... I wouldn't know where to start lol. Btw, are you allowed to rp as Baraki? You didn't really specify it.

    Yes, you are allowed to. I should probably make a list of playable races :blush: but currently, these are the current options:

    Earth Ponies




    Baraki (Moon Wolves)



    That's pretty much what I have so far...I'll put in a couple of the new races from my fan-fic and post their information soon. Please, take your time in reading the info and making your App, if that is what you want ^^

  9. Yeah, mustang, I can hold up on Twilight :)

    As for killing the Alicorns, Scythe...don't worry, I have that covered. However, you are free to pummel one to hell-and-gone, I suppose. Understand, though...while they ARE Alicorns, they are still rather young. Like, the ages of the Mane 6 in the show. They are not as experienced as their father, who has lived for thousands of years...but don't let that fool you. You'll learn more about them as we progress :P however, do you mind if they still sort of win the battle in the end? It is kind of important for what I have planned next.

  10. Introduction, A word from Astral Magus:

    (It is highly recommended that you read the scenario below before you decide to submit/create a character for the story. Understand that this is a highly more detailed version compared to the summary in the initial post.)

    You awaken to find yourself in a dark hallway, surrounded by gray walls and with no other way to go except forward. As you continue down the bleak corridor, you begin to see a light. You move closer and closer, picking up the pace. Finally, you reach the end of the hallway and into the light, only to find yourself in a large, circular library. At the center, you see two comfortable red linen chairs next to a fireplace. Suddenly, you hear a voice in your head and the room surrounding you.

    [colour=#008080]"Ah...you have finally arrived, I see. Please...please sit down. We have much to discuss, you and I."[/colour]

    You do not know who was talking, but you decide to do as the voice said, since you had nowhere to go anyway. You make your way for the chair and sit down, sinking into its warm embrace. After a couple of moments, a eerie form appears from the fireplace, slowly transforming into a pony-like shape. You watch, transfixed, as a figure is made, and the form becomes a fully physical being. In front of you stood a large Alicorn, wearing soft-looking white clothing, and a large wide-brimmed silver hat on its head. Its coat was in a constant shift of colors, as was its mane, wings, and tail. You realize that the Alicorn before you is a male, and watch him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. He gives you a disarming smile to set you at ease, and sits down himself. After a few quiet moments, he finally begins to speak.

    [colour=#008080]"I am glad you made it...many do not know how to reach this sanctuary of mine. Oh, but where are my manners...? My name is Astral. Astral Magus. As for why you are here, and who I am, I will explain shortly. Right now, you are in a transference between worlds, and so I must prepare you for what you will see. Tell me...do you know of Coltara?"[/colour]

    You shake your head, wondering why he asked such a question. Astral chuckled to himself, nodding.

    [colour=#008080]"Yes...I assumed as much. Of course, I cannot blame you, for it is a land of mystery that so few outside of it will ever see. Now, for some answers that will ease your troubled mind. The reason you are here, is because you are dead. You have passed on from your previous life, and are now moving on to the next. Do not be alarmed, for this happens to every creature who dies. Who I am...it is a complicated story, and one I will tell you if you request it."[/colour]

    You nod a bit shakily, for you have been caught off-guard by the revelation that you are dead, and now wish to know what this mysterious creature had to say. The horn that protruded from his hat glowed with a soft white light, as a small book flew over to him.

    [colour=#008080]"I was born into the world long ago, when it was barbaric and young. Back then, there was almost no sentient life, and everything was made by the seven primal energies of the world. It was created by the same being who created me, Phoebus. He gave me, and my five other siblings life. Underneath him, we grew and grew, until it was time to perfect the world we were put on. My father, brothers, sisters, and I each represented the elements that fueled the earth, and thus used our natural talents to create much of what you'll see in this world today. This creation went on for seven days, until we had created the start of a perfect world. Phoebus, at the end of the creation, said that we must make a few more things in order for life to flourish...and they were the Ascending Lights. Each of us put our own power and that of the world into these seven jewels, so that they would keep everything balanced. My brothers Ignus, Ventus, and Terra created the Lights of Fire, Wind, and Earth. My sisters Aqua and Luna created the Lights of Water and the Moon. Then at last, my father created the Light of the Sun, and I...I made the Light of Magic. On their completion, life began to swell across the globe, and we had finally finished what we were made to do."[/colour]

    You sat in silence during the whole speech, taking in the words Astral had spoken, a flurry of questions swirling inside your head. Astral took in a deep breath, and sighed.

    [colour=#008080]"...while we were the parents of a whole new world, my siblings and I simply weren't satisfied. Our father, Phoebus, disappeared shortly after the Creation, and we did not know what to do with ourselves. Eventually, we decided to have children of our own. Taking pieces of ourselves and copying them, we created several creatures in our own image. Ignus created the dragons, Aqua created the water serpents, Ventus created the wind sprites, Terra created the minotaurs, Luna created the Baraki...or Moon Wolves, so the term is translated, and I created the Alicorns. While my siblings created their children in massive numbers, I only made three...for three were all that I needed. Their names were Marella, Stalliar, and Coltan, and I loved them more than anything else in the world. However, there came a time when they grew up and left, thus I became lonely once more. Suddenly, a thought occured to me. What if I made a race of my own, as did my siblings? However, greedy as I was, one was not enough for me, so I made three. After many centuries of work, I finally finished my own family...and created the first Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies. Each group inherited a part of my very being...Unicorns inherited my mind and magic, Pegasi inherited my spirit and wings, and the Earth Ponies, they inherited my heart."[/colour]

    You looked at Astral with an incredulous expression. You could not determine whether to believe him or not, so you concluded to keep listening. Astral gives you a knowing glance, a slight smirk on his lips, and he began again.

    [colour=#008080]"As with all great things...they all must come to an end. My time on that world was ending, and I would soon have to say farewell to all of my foals. My other siblings had long since passed, and so I left the knowledge of the Ascending Lights to my sons and daughter, so that they would keep guard over them after I died. Not only did they take up the mantel of protecting the Lights...but they also took up the mantels of leaders. For a couple thousand years, the three pony species I created grew to incredible sizes in population, and my foals served them all as kings and queen. In Coltara, where this all began, it was known as the Age of Peace, and rightfully so. Each of my foals to resent each other, until they finally showed out-right hatred. My youngest son, Stalliar, was perhaps the worst among them for this. He hated his sister Marella, and his hatred soon led to the first war of pony-kind. United with Coltan, they invaded Heavana in order to obtain its wealth. The horrible fighting continued for five years, until on the war's fifth anniversary, my daughter's army and ponies vanished. When Stalliar and Coltan discovered this, they rushed all the way to Heavana's capitol, Golden Mane. Upon arriving, they found Marella as the city's only inhabitant. Out of the anger and spite he had for her, Stalliar...ordered her capture and execution. Before her death, however, she said she had sent her two foals over the Mountains of Mist into the lands beyond, and that one day they will return for what is theirs by birthright. Even I am uncertain who these two children are...but if I were to guess, they'd be a powerful couple of Alicorns."[/colour]

    Astral laughed to himself at the last statement, but there was a deep sorrow within his eyes. You drew several conclusions as to who these grandfoals, but kept them to yourself. Astral put the book he was reading from to the side, and gazed intently at you.

    [colour=#008080]"That is the end to my story...but the beginning of a whole other story. After the death of my daughter, Coltara went through a great change, and has been through more suffering than many other lands would ever feel. My sons enjoyed the wealth they obtained from Heavana for a long while, but by then their hatred for each other resurfaced as well. Then, Rainor and Saharai broke out into a war with one another as well. In this battle, magic was forged into weaponry...and became one of the most brutal conflicts in existence. Stalliar, in the hopes of swiftly defeating Coltan, searched for the Ascending Lights. For two years, he wondered, while Coltan refused to use the Lights, honoring my wishes. Eventually, Stalliar found the artifacts that I helped create...and tried to use them to wipe Saharai off the map. Of course, he did not know of the trap that was set to trigger on activation of such dangerous magic. The Lights tried to reverse the magic, to shut themselves off. To my despair...my son fought with their power, and in the end causing his own death, and the deaths of many others. A powerful explosion went off from the battle of wills, and it left the whole world shaking from the disaster. It set off a cataclysm of apocalyptic proportions, changing the landscape in Coltara and beyond forever. Out of the ashes, several city-states and small nations appeared, and began fighting over the land that the kingdoms of Rainor and Saharai used to possess. For one hundred years, they fought among themselves...while an even darker threat loomed. The explosion that was created formed large crater and pit, and deep within these holes, evil creatures started to manifest, monsters of nightmare and horror. Apparently, the magic in that part of the land had become tainted, and the very elements themselves started to become twisted. Like a swarm of bees, the monsters climbed out of this place, now refered to as the Plane of Midnight. The weaker nations to the north were destroyed in a manner of days, and all hope seemed lost. However, out of the darkness came a small light, created by the unicorn known as Heartblaze. After witnesses the destruction of these evil creatures, he gathered the strongest ponies in all of Coltara, and united the remaining nations together under a single banner. United, this war coalition punched through the disorganized creatures, pushing back the monstrous horde and regaining the lands that were lost. After many years of fighting, they finally arrived upon the doorstep of the insidious Pit of Nightmares, located in the center of the Plane of Midnight. Heartblaze and six of his strongest ponies went alone into the darkness, and met face to face with the worst creature of all: My son, Stalliar, now refered to as the Specter. He had been forever transformed, both in body and soul. Together, Heartblaze and his friends defeated Stalliar, and imprisoned him beneath the Pit of Nightmares with the Ascending Lights. On returning back to the heartland of Coltara, Heartblaze gathered the greatest ponies in Coltara to form the Wardens of the Seal, an organization (primarily unicorn) whose sole duty was to fight against the monsters that came from the Plane of Midnight, and to be ready for when Stalliar breaks free from his prison."[/colour]

    When he was finished, he summoned a book over to the table in front of you, labeled: "The Darkspawn Wars". You stare at it curiously, then at Astral, who nodded in the direction of the book. You pick it up, and begin to read the words inside...

    [colour=#DAA520]"...in the year 560 P.E, Coltaran society was at its highest state in several thousand years. It was a time of invention, science, and ingenuity. Populations and technological advances seemed to increase every day, and everything seemed right with their world, or so it would seem. Along the Plane of Midnight, sightings of Darkspawn had decreased to perhaps one skirmish a month, the lowest it has been since the foundation of the Wardens. There were rumors of a growing Darkspawn invasion hiding in the Plane of Midnight, however, the Wardens of Solaris City decided to declare these false. However, shortly after the declaration, a large Darkspawn army poured out from the Pit of Nightmares and descended onto the nations to the East. Even worse, ten of the Warden's greatest members betrayed their allies and stole the Ascending Lights, taking them to the Plane of Midnight. Ever since, they've been referred to as "The Heartless". It was Coltara's darkest time, and the darkness was near victory. One unicorn, however, saved Coltara, and possibly the rest of the world. His name was Silver Lightbinder, a prodigy amongst the Wardens and a master of magic. Similar to the scenario of Blazeheart, he united the nations and engaged in battle against the Darkspawn. However, the ending to this tale is much, much more miserable. Upon arriving at the Pit of Nightmares, Silvan had to go on by himself to save the world from the Heartless. Once he entered into the darkness of the Pit, he came upon a chamber bathed in light. Sitting on a diamond throne was a handsome Alicorn with a sleek black coat and even darker mane and tale. The Alicorn's eyes were a bone-chilling blood red. Supposedly, this Alicorn was the infamous Stalliar, or more commonly known as the Specter or Darkwing. Reports say that the two became locked in battle, and that Silver was victorious, but the entire story is not known, due to lack of suitable evidence. However, something occured in their conflict that has changed the face of Coltara forever: the Ascending Light of Magic became tainted, and all the magic flowing through Coltara became a poison for all who use it. Anyone who was directly connected to magic in Coltara slowly began to go mad, causing untold destruction throughout the Pre-Imperial world. So, in essence, while Silver Lightbinder saved our home, he destroyed it in the process. Few facts are known on this matter, and thus this tome is incomplete."[/colour]

    You close the book after reading the summary, and you begin to look at Astral with a new sense of understanding. However, more questions kept going through your mind: 'Why is he showing me this?' 'What does he want with me?' 'How does this have anything to do with me?'. You ask the first question, and he smiled gently.

    [colour=#008080]"Well, it is because I do believe you will be connected to Coltara through fate, young one. You see...I can see the strings of destiny tied onto you. However, I cannot say in what way you are connected to it all. Also, I am unsure as to whether you will be born in Coltara or Equestria once more. Although, I will say this. Coltara and Equestria are linked far more than many believe...destruction for one will lead to the destruction for the other. One question you may ask is 'Why has no one in Equestria found Coltara?"...well, due to the mixing magical currents of the Ascending Lights and the Elements of Harmony, a slight dimensional barrier was been created. Only creatures with immense magical abilities can open the rift to allow the crossing between worlds. So, it serves as protection from outside entities for both worlds. Even in the realm of death, I can feel the barriers weakening...so who knows what may happen? There is one more book I'll have you read...perhaps the most important of all I have told you. It is about what has created the modern Coltara..."[/colour]

    Another book drifted over to the table, resting on top of the previous one. The title was in a fancy form of writing, and said "History of the Dragoran Empire". You pick it up and begin to read the first chapter.

    [colour=#B22222]"...Year 13 P.E. Before our glorious empire was created, Coltara was in a state of conflict. Civil wars, bloody successions, and petty national rivalries divided the land, with Solaris City being the only sanctuary from the fighting. Despite the chaos, one nation still flourished. Located on the eastern shore of Coltara, our great mother kingdom of Dragora grew from the land that used to belong to the mythical Rainor of old. A new king had been raised, one with the ambition to unite the world under one ruler. We know him as the First Emperor, but he was known back then as Ashmane Drake. Once a simple peasant, he was chosen by fate to rise to power and lead the Dragoran nation to glory. Among us, he was courageous, kind, and selfless, while his enemies knew him to be crafty, strong, and ruthless. For years he amassed his armies, waiting for the right time to begin his impending invasion. With his allies at his back, he conquered many of the nations to the East with ease using force or persuasion. By the year 10 P.E, all of Coltara belonged to him, and he was crowned High King. It was then that he turned his attention onto Solaris City, last bastion of the Wardens. Growing up to have severe distrust in anything that has to do with magic, he knew he had to destroy the Wardens if he was to make the land perfect. The siege lasted ten years before his forces broke through the magically enchanted walls and slaughtered the remnant Wardens inside. Among the magical items and treasures he had obtained were the Ascending Lights, and this marked the beginning of our Imperial Era. He kept the Lights with him until his death in 31 I.E, and was succeeded by his eldest son and named himself the Emperor of Coltara. At the end of his reign, each speck of land was under Imperial rule."[/colour]

    You place the book down, somehow knowing that it was all you needed to read, and you look up to see Astral with his back turned toward you, gazing intently into the unnatural fire.

    [colour=#008080]"...so now you know what you must know. I have given this information to you so that you can forge your own destiny. In Coltara's current era, Unicorns are suppressed and discriminated...they are despised for their natural affinity to magic, and they struggle to prevent any magical contact so that they could live. It is truly a miserable time...but perhaps you, or someone like you, can fix it."[/colour]

    Astral turns to you and gazes deep into your eyes. You could feel him penetrating to the very depths of your spirit, reading it. After a moment, Astral nodded and smiled.

    [colour=#008080]"I see now that I made the right choice. Go, now...go and become a part of the world once more. I will be watching, and guiding, you and all that are like you."[/colour]

    You'd feel yourself get lighter and lighter, your vision slowly turning dark, and as you begin to return to the living world you hear one sentence resound in your mind countless times:

    [colour=#008080]"...do not forget who you are, or who you will be..."[/colour]

  11. For those of you who do not know me, I'm Miss Valence :) It's great to meet you! Welcome to one of my very first RPs that I introduced to Canterlot...and perhaps one of my biggest favorites. It is based on the fan-fiction I have written, and I absolutely love the potential it has as a full-action role-play! Now, first things first, I decided to move it to the Free-For-All thread-page so that way I can receive more members. As we all know, Crossovers (where my RP originated) isn't very popular...but this part of the site is :D so, I hope to get a lot of peeps in to join in on this massive, magical, and intriguing adventure that is just WAITING to be unleashed! I hope you all will enjoy this as much as I will!

    P.S. Just to make sure you guys don't ask, if you recognize Wheel of Time references, then the reason behind that is that those books are a great inspiration to me, and I thought making a ponified adaption would be an amazing feat.

    This will be the thread in which you post the characters you want to be immersed in the CC World. There are a few details on how characters are made, and the rules for making characters. If you have any questions on the information below, please leave your comments. Also, I have made a clear introduction to the Coltaran Chronicles as well, for those of you who might not get the lore or need a bit of a confirmation on it.

    [colour=#800000]Long ago, there was a land known as Coltara. Beautiful, wild, and filled to the brim with magic, it was paradise on earth. For hundreds of years, the ponies of the world flourished under the rule of Astral Magus, the grandfather of all pony kind. When he passed on from the world, his children took up the reigns and also ruled in peace. However, no peace lasts forever. The two younger brothers, Stalliar and Coltan, were jealous and hateful of their elder sister Marella, and thus war between their nations Heavana, Rainor and Saharai broke out. After five years of war, the two defeated their older sister and had her executed at the Heavana capital of Golden Mane, while her subjects and two children made it over the barrier-like Mountains of Mist.[/colour]

    [colour=#800000]Soon enough, the two brothers waged war against one another, wanting full control over the continent. The war was disastrous, and in a fit of insanity and rage, Stalliar tried to use the Ascending Lights, magical artifacts crafted when the world was new, as weapons. The result was self-destruction on an apocalyptic scale, creating a deep crater in the earth and sending shockwaves throughout the world. In preparation for this, the ponies who had traveled across the mountains used divine magic to create the Elements of Harmony. So, when the shockwaves hit the Mountains of Mist, Coltara and the other land became separate dimensions, unable to ever connect again and creating a dimensional barrier, which only the strongest of magicians could break through. While the ponies in the other land (Later to be named Equestria) suffered none of the repercussions of Stalliar's madness, the land of Coltara went through a catastrophic shift. The entire landscape changed, cities went beneath oceans or under mountains overnight.[/colour]

    [colour=#800000]When the dust finally settled, the remaining ponies warred against one another for control. This constant battle with eachother weakened them further, making them ripe for an onslaught of monsters from the crater where Stalliar died, also known as the Pit of Nightmares. As the monsters went out and purged the land, they brought a taint with them that killed off the life it crept on. This poisoned land would later be known as the Plains of Midnight. However, a group of powerful Sages and magicians united and struck back, pushing the monsters back to the Pit. It is there they encountered the reborn Stalliar, now known as Darkwing. They defeated and imprisoned him using the Ascending Lights, and began a new era in Coltara under the watchful eye of the Wardens of the Seal, an organization they created to keep Darkwing locked away.[/colour]

    [colour=#800000]For hundreds of years the ponies lived in relative peace, until the Darkspawn (monsters from the Pit) reappeared and began their invasion once more, far more organized and powerful than before. Ten of the Wardens' strongest ponies left, stealing the Ascending Lights and becoming the first Night Children, (Later named The Heartless for their cruel actions in the war following their betrayal) and used the Lights to free Darkwing from his prison. It was then that a pony named Silvan Lightbinder united the nations under a single coalition and defeated the darkness once more. However, he had made a grave error in resealing Darkwing, and Darkwing took advantage of the momentary weakness to poison the Ascending Light of Magic with his venomous hatred. Once tainted, all the astral magic in Coltara became unusable, causing any who wielded it to go insane. This required a mass extermination of many Unicorns, and reduced their population for over a thousand years.[/colour]

    [colour=#800000]Five hundreds years later, a young conqueror by the name of Ashmane Drake stormed the continent, taking over each and every nation. Having grown to despise magic, he laid siege to the last home of the Wardens, who were still able to practice magic safetly, in the ancient Solaris City. After ten years, the city fell and the Wardens slaughtered. Afterwards, Ashmane Drake died, his last breath cursing the Wardens. At first there was conflict, but after slaughtering his brothers and sisters, the eldest son of Ashmane took up the crown and created the Dragoran Empire, becoming the first Emperor of Coltara. Now, two thousand and seven hundred years since that last conflict, the Empire has become stronger than it has ever been before, and the seal on Darkwing's prison is starting to crumble away. The Night Children tie their strings around Coltara's throat, and beyond, starting to make connections in the cross-dimensional land of Equestria. It is modern day now, Equestria completely ignorant of the Coltaran incursion and the darkness extending its influence, in preparation for the world's destruction. So, will you join the forces of darkness, or protect the world as a hero of light? The choice is yours to make.[/colour]

    Character Creation:

    [colour=#ff0000]1. Names: The naming for Equestrian creatures is the same, as are the normal creatures in Coltara. However, Coltaran ponies actually have two names, their Birth Name, and Destined Name. They obtain their Destined Name after their Destiny Mark appears, and base their new names off of it.[/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]2. Sexes: The sex of any species is irrelevant when it comes to opportunities in either Equestria or Coltara, so you need not think much on this.[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]3. Ages: Ages can determine how your character reacts to the CC World and other characters. Some will not have different dialog with you, but many will. If you are, say, a Filly, older characters may not consider you worth talking to because you are so young. Where as if you are an adult and you are talking to younger characters, they will often differ to you and give you what you want.[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]4. Species: Unlike other MLP-themed RPs, species severely affects your character's background in Coltara. In Coltara, Pegasi are usually the upper class, Earth Ponies the middle class, and Unicorns the lower class. Please refer to the lore for more information as to why Unicorns are the ones who are the lowest in social structure.[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]5. Appearance: No rules on physical attributes, besides the standard Cutie Marks and Destiny Marks (Which are on the chest). (However, don't go crazy please.)[/colour]

    [colour=#808080]6. Origins/Residence: This is essential to how your character will interact with other characters in the CC World. I would suggest you read up on where the popular places are for the RP before you make your character, OR have your character be a roamer.[/colour]

    [colour=#8b4513]7. Bio/Background: Now, your character summary will be crucial. I would like to see who your character is, what they are like, and how they can fit in best in the CC World. Now, once placed into the story-line, you can influence it to a major degree, no matter who you are.[/colour]

    [colour=#b22222]8. Cutie Mark/Destiny Mark (Ponies/Zebras only): Depending on whether your OC is from Coltara or Equestria, if they are a pony/zebra they will have a Cutie Mark/Destiny Mark. Cutie Marks are Equestrian (I don't believe I need to explain these) and Destiny Marks are Coltaran. Destiny Marks are earned very differently from Cutie Marks. While CMs are found when a pony finds his/her special talent, DMs are discovered when a pony's fate is realized, and thus are earned later than CMs (it is not odd to find a Coltaran at old age without a DM, for some never find their destiny). Also, Destiny Marks reflect the wearer's spirit and soul, not their abilities.[/colour]

    Coltaran Social Order:

    [colour=#FF0000]The Imperial Family: Consisting entirely of pegasi who are descended from Ashmane Drake, they are the highest in Coltaran society. Among the Family, each member strives to obtain more power and to inch closer and closer to the Crystal Throne, by any means necessary. It is not abnormal to hear about the Emperor/Empress' children fighting over who would succeed to the throne, sometimes leading to banishment or assassination (Or sometimes both). Those in the Imperial Family are identified by braided tails and red-painted hooves, and those who are in the immediate Family also carry tattoos on specific parts of the body.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000FF]The High Blood: Consisting mostly of pegasi and some earth ponies, these ponies are the highest among nobles, and thus tend to be the leaders in society. While many of the High Blood are among the Ever Victorious Army (The Empire's main military), a good amount work with the cities, usually as governors or business leaders. One may become of the High Blood if they perform a great feat in service of the Empire. If one of the High Blood were to shame themselves in front of the Imperial Family, it is not uncommon for them to take their own lives. Ponies among the High Blood are identified by the upper mane shaved and hooves painted blue.[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]The Low Blood: Consisting mostly of earth ponies and some pegasi, the Low Blood are not as powerful as the High Blood, but still hold significant militaristic and civic power. While many earth ponies are born into the Low Blood, a large amount are commoners and must serve in the EVA for a certain amount of time and/or become a high-ranking officer. Those who shame themselves in front of the Imperial Family are stripped of their titles, land, and property for the least severe of cases, or executed at the Tower of Midnight for the worst of crimes. Ponies among the Low Blood are identified by their lower manes shaved and their hooves painted green.[/colour]

    [colour=#DAA520]The Commoners: Consisting of earth ponies and unicorns, they are the backbone of Empire. Strangely enough, they possess the most freed among the social classes. While they are not powerful in political, economical, or social structures, they are not constricted by the same laws that govern the Blood. Essentially, they trade power for freedom. Commoners are treated fairly and given trial for every crime. However, if a commoner were to shame his/herself before the Imperial Family, then he/she and their entire family will be executed at the Tower of Midnight...a place few would dare even think about. These ponies are identified by their lack of mane and hoof decoration.[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]Tov'Kin (Property): When one shames themselves to a severe degree, usually by insulting the Blood or deserting the military, authorities may arrest them and convert them into Tov'Kin, or "property" in the Ancient Dialect. Afterwards, the pony is sold to one of the Blood as a servant. They are usually bought by the member of the Blood who they had insulted, or bought by the EVA for labor. Once made Tov'Kin, they and all their children will remain Tov'Kin until released from service. Tov'Kin are identified by their manes shaved, tails cut short, and wearing a Blood's crest or the emblem of the Ever Victorious Army.[/colour]

    [colour=#696969]Rahmane: Meaning "One who is leashed", a Rahmane is a unicorn that is controlled by a Soulshackle. Due to magic having been warped long ago, shackled Rahmane are saved from insanity, but are used as weapons. However, all Rahmane are female, since males are too unstable and are often executed when their magic reveals itself. Rahmane can be identified by the silver collar around their throats, and are always near a Sul'jin.[/colour]

    [colour=#A52A2A]Sul'jin: Meaning "One who embraces", a Sul'jin is a pegasus of the Low Blood who has passed a test to control a Rahmane. Usually affectionate, Sul'jin act not only as caretakers for Rahmane, but occasionally lovers as well. However, they can be brutal with non-Dragoran Rahmane, since they do not know Dragoran customs and must be taught them by any means necessary. Sul'jin are identified by star-patterned outfits and a silver bracelet on one of their front legs.[/colour]

    Coltaran Organizations:

    [colour=#b22222]The Hoof of Dragora: Also known as "Inquisitors", these earth ponies are Tov'kin to the Empress herself, and are charged to act as a secret police force, being able to arrest anyone for any crime except for the Empress. If one is arrested by the Hoof of Dragora, they will be taken to the Tower of Midnight until they have proclaimed themselves guilty. Being among the most feared organizations in Coltara, few of the Imperial Family take their chances with them, while none in the lower social orders dare get in their way. They wear cloaks with the Imperial Seal and have black-painted hooves.[/colour]

    [colour=#006400]The Nightingales: The greatest among the Guard to the Imperial Family, they are an elite force of warriors and runecrafters and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the Imperial Family. They serve all of the Family, but their main concern are the Empress and her most important children; the Princess of the Seven Seals and the Prince of Ravens. They are Tov'kin to the Empress, except for the Baraki (moon wolves) in her service. They wear an extremely dark-green and crimson colored armor, the dark-green often mistaken for black.[/colour]

    [colour=#40e0d0]The Wardens of the Seal: A group of magicians and warriors whose job was to fight evil and keep an eye on Stalliar's (Darkwing's) prison, they lasted about one thousand years before being annihilated by Ashmane Drake. Their home city was Solaris City, now a desolate ruin which is cursed by the spirits of the slaughtered Wardens.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000cd]The Night Children: Loyal to the darkness, these followers of evil seek to bring chaos and death, as well as obtain power through the Specter and his return. There are Night Children in every form of society, including the Imperial Family. When someone is discovered as a Night Child, they are immediately arrested and executed, with no trial or mercy. However, sometimes innocent people are named as Night Children and are killed in this fashion as well. In order to contact the Night Children, one must perform a blood ritual, and summon a darkspawn known as a Messenger Imp. Once told where the next gathering is held, the pony goes and submits themselves to the Oath Rod, and take three oaths.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000CD]1. I swear to serve the Great Lord, in both life and death.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000CD]2. I swear to uphold the laws of the Children, and forget all other oaths.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000CD]3. I swear to never speak of the Children's secrets.[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]The Heartless (The Lost Ones): Ten of the strongest Wardens in the Darkspawn Wars, they had sworn to serve Darkwing in exchange for power, love, fortune...Coppernicus, teacher of the famous/infamous Silvan Lightbinder, is the leader of this group, or Kal'Kiri (master). The Heartless were responsible for several, horrible atrocities done in the Darkspawn Wars, one of them in particular where they slaughtered a whole nation's foals in front of their parents' very eyes, and then did away with the rest of the families. At the end of the Darkspawn Wars, Silvan had sent them and all the other Darkspawn into the Seal which Darkwing now sleeps. However...one managed to escape some time ago, and has his/her hoof controlling Coltara from the shadows.[/colour]

    [colour=#808080]The Bloodhooves: The best assassins in the Empire, they are completely obedient and show no mercy. They employ Ro'Maga, a form of parasitic magical tools from the distant past. These specific Ro'Maga, however, are unique. When they activate by a small drop of the user's blood, the Ro'Maga give the wearer supernatural strength and speed, as well as the ability to disappear entirely in shadows. The cost, however, is that once the Ro'Maga activates, they die in a matter of days. Bloodhooves are used to weaken enemy armies or to assassinate and leave no evidence behind. They wear their signature blood-red and black clothing, with the bone-like Ro'Maga necklaces around their necks.[/colour]

    [colour=#ff0000]The Order of the Redeemed: A large organization of unicorns and earth ponies that act as a resistance movement against the Empire. They are descended from the Wardens of the Seal, and have carried with them their ancient secret of cleansing one's magic of Darkwing's taint. The Order is extremely well-hidden and has staged multiple rebellions over the centuries. Their current leader is unknown, but whoever it is has strong connections within the Empire.[/colour]

    (New) The Forerunners: A new, rebellious organization in Equestria, it is led by Black Moon, and their goal is to take down Equestria's government, and pave the way for an impending invasion by the Dragoran Empire, who have learned of Equestria's existence. Their activities are unknown, but it is said their spies lie in every town in Equestria, and their numbers grow every day.

    (New) The Elemental Sages: An ancient group of powerful practitioners in primal magic, their kind has long since disappeared from Coltara, due to the advancement of technology and civilization. However, there are still Sages on the edges of the world, studying the magics of nature in quiet and relative harmony. Dragon Sages are for Fire, Water Serpent Sages for Water, Wind Sprite Sages for Air, Minotaur Sages for Earth, and Baraki (Moon Wolf) Sages for Spacial magic.

    Magical Items and tools in Coltara:

    Qai'Maga: Translated into "Magic Tool", Qai'Maga are the most common of magical items from the First Age, and perform a variety of functions, many usable without the user being attuned to magic. Each Qai'Maga serves a specific purpose, and it is known to be dangerous to figure out the purpose on an unknown Qai'Maga. Due to the prohibition of internal magic by the Empire, ponies use these for when they need magical help.

    Kael'Maga: Translated into "Magic Enhancer", these magical items are not as common as Qai'Maga, and are often hard to find. These artifacts help the user focus their internal magic and perform far greater feats than they normally could. They come in a variety of shapes and strengths, and many of them are dangerous. Due to the nature of Kael'Maga, many of the ones that are found are sent to the Imperial Vault.

    Likael'Maga: Translated into "Grand Magic Enhancer", Likael'Maga are the rarest of magical creations, and are by far the most powerful. Through these artifacts, a unicorn's magical power can be increased immensely, the strongest of Likael'Maga are said to give the user the ability to move mountains and boil oceans. Only three Likael'Maga have been discovered, two of them in the Imperial Vault, and the last one within the Moon Tree, guarded by it's Baraki inhabitants.

    Ro'Maga: Translated into "Magic Parasite, Ro'maga are as dangerous as they are rare. These vampiric artifacts give the wearer great power, but always at a price. Some take away the pony's magical energy, others their blood, and a few kill their hosts. Usually in the shape of necklaces or bracers, the way most of them activate is by offering blood. An organization that is famous for using them are the Bloodhooves.

    Soulshackle: Created by the High Blood scientist Moonais Rocklance, it serves as a way to control Bel'Rahmane (Translated: "One who is not leashed"). It works by linking the spirits of a Rahmane and a Sul'jin, restricting the flow of magic in the unicorn's body at the will of the Sul'jin. In order to work at it's fullest potential, the Rahmane must be completely submissive and willing, which is generally not a problem for Coltaran unicorns, since they know of the madness that comes with not being shackled. Soulshackles come in two pieces, a necklace and a leg brace. The Rahmane wear the necklaces, while the Sul'jin wear the leg braces.

    Aishanidari: Translated into "Blade of Fate", Aishanidari are weapons infused with potent magical power, and are given to young members of the High Blood and the Imperial Family when they finally obtain their Destined Name. However, a pony may also earn one by being a warrior of great accomplishment and proven to be a weapon master. When a wielder masters the weapon, a raven will appear on the black metal, and unlocks the weapon's true potential. When given, the Aishanidari transform into the weapon that best matches the wielder's soul. Runes can be applied to these weapons, but only once the raven-mark has appeared, otherwise the weapon will be rendered useless. In rare cases, if a pony bonds with their Aishanidari in a strong way, the weapon will develop a consciousness. Also, Aishanidari can be summoned to battle whenever the wielder sees fit.

    Shadar Anku: Translated into "Relic of Shadow", these dark magic atrocities are as few as Likael'Maga, and possess odd but powerful abilities. It is said that Darkwing himself made these with the Ascending Lights, and given to the greatest of the Night Children. After the last war with the Darkspawn, the Wardens had destroyed many Shadar Anku...but apparently they did not destroy them all.

    Portal Stone: Located all over Coltara, Portal Stones are ancient platforms created in the First Age as a means of instantaneous transportation. However, their magical energies disappeared at the beginning of the Dragoran Empire. Now, after nearly three thousand years, the Portal Stones are reactivating, and no one can explain why. While many Portal Stones already have predetermined locations, there are some which can teleport the user wherever they wish, but require a large amount of astral magic.

    Important places in Coltara:

    Golden Mane: The ancient capital of Heavana, it was considered the greatest metropolis to have ever existed in Coltara. Many say it would rival the Imperial capital of Ashen Gate, but this is an understatement. Home to the world's largest library and greatest collection of magical artifacts, hundreds of scholars and treasure hunters search for it every year, but none have seen it since the First Age. The city is said to be made of gold, diamonds, and several other precious ores, all architecturally sound and beautiful. Perhaps the most mysterious legend of Golden Mane is about the Hall of Stars, which is said to be the place the Ascending Lights were crafted. It is said that Golden Mane will reappear when the world needs it most, and only then will its secrets be revealed.

    The Pit of Nightmares: A hole in the earth miles deep, it is the place where many struggles against the darkness were fought, and also where the Ascending Light of Magic was corrupted. Now, it is Darkwing's prison as well. Despite the Empire's refusal to believe such tales, a large military-state was built up around the Pit as a precautionary measure. At it's very bottom is a gigantic white crystal, said to be the prison. It is currently being mined and sold as a precious gem.

    Solaris City: Also known as the City of Lights, it was once the capital city of ancient Solaria, and home base of the Wardens of the Seal. Now, it is a bleak, cursed ruin. Despite the evidence that all of its treasures had been taken long ago, treasure hunters still seek the famous Archwarden's Cache, which is said to hold the most powerful magic tomes and artifacts in Coltara.

    The Moon Tree: A gigantic silver-bark tree in the Imperial capital, Ashen Gate, it is a legend among Coltarans. Ancient manuscripts suggest that the first pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies were created here. The Baraki make their home here, and worship the Moon Tree as a sacred monument. Created by the moon spirit, Luna (Not associated with Princess Luna), it was a gift to the world and her Baraki children before her passing.

    Ashen Gate: The capital of the Dragoran Empire and Coltara itself, it is home to the Imperial Family and the Moon Tree. Being the largest city in the empire, its estimated population is around five hundred thousand. According to urban legend, there is a crypt beneath the Imperial Palace said to hold the bones of strange, monstrous creatures, perhaps those of darkspawn from long ago. Not only is Ashen Gate the largest city, but also the most beautiful and well-made, most of the city having been crafted from the mountains surrounding the Moon Tree. After two thousand and seven hundred years, those mountains are gone now, and in their place are the many complex buildings of the capital.

    The Tower of Midnight: Part of a vast prison complex to the west of Ashen Gate, the Tower of Midnight is a place that inspires fear in every pony of the Empire, even among those of the Imperial Family. The horrors that those in the Tower of Midnight do to the criminals taken there are beyond gruesome, and cannot be described here. The Hoof of Dragora makes their headquarters here, and they make sure that there is absolutely no escape for those who are sent to the Tower. There is one lesson this place teaches..."Never anger the Empress"

    Other Coltaran Cities:

    Riptide Bay: The largest port in the Empire on its eastern shore, its economy is the most stable and it is ruled by a council of earth ponies rather than pegasi, which is odd compared to most of the Empire. Considered the only place close to paradise in Coltara, ponies and other races from all over come here in hopes of getting away from the troubles in other parts of the Empire. Hosting the second largest population in Coltara, it is estimated to nearly four hundred thousand inhabitants. There are rumors that the Order of the Redeemed make their base here, but such reports are unconfirmed. However, confirmed rumors of Riptide Bay say that a new trade-link has been opened up to a distant land, and that the portal stones at the city's docks have finally became active, after losing their magical energies the last two and a half thousand years. The reason for this is a mystery, but excitement is in the air, as the name of a land named "Equestria" resound on the lips of the ponies living there, a place where the downtrodden could finally escape to...? Those who live here tend to be care-free, generous, and gentle.

    Coltan's Rest: The military state that exists around the mythical Pit of Nightmares, it is the fifth largest settlement with around eighty-five thousand ponies. Some of the Empire's greatest warriors come from this city, which was named after the great warrior Alicorn, Coltan. Currently, the pit that the city circles is being mined for the rich white ore at its bottom, and is rumored to resonate with magic. The famous Crystal Throne that the Empress herself sits on is crafted from this very crystal, and it is said she can use it to detect the presence of magic anywhere in Ashen Gate. Those who live here tend to be crafty, stubborn, and brutal, due to the militaristic surroundings. The city is ruled by a congregation of military commanders.

    Icewalker's Dominion: Far to the north of the empire, this city was created only a few hundred years before, with the final conquests of the Empire. The native ponies here are bizarre compared to the rest of the Empire, and have an extreme dislike for their Dragoran occupiers. Icewalker's Dominion makes the best clothing and armor in the Empire, the natives being some of the most expert blacksmiths and tailors. Also named the Alarr Kal'Kiri (Sacred Masters), the natives are extremely spiritual and hold many secrets from the Empire, denying them the right to pass through the gigantic Coldstone Gate that is embedded into the center of the mountains on the Empire's northern border. Those who live here tend to be emotionless, fair, and cunning. The city is ruled by an Imperial Governor.

    Harin'Dor: Translated into "City of Innovation", it is located deep in the Sandspire Desert, and has been a center for science and technology for three thousand years. It has the third largest population, a size of two hundred and seventy thousand. Being home to the Empire's best engineers and runecrafters, it is an ideal place for those who wish to reach technological and scientific enlightenment. Harin'Dor has the largest known library in Coltara, and contains records dating back to the First Age. Those who live here tend to be intelligent, witty, and often disconnected to social and political matters. The city is ruled by an elected official, who also acts as their representative to the Empire.

    Moonrise City: Located in the south-western edge of Coltara, it is the one place the Empire had never truly conquered. Being a place of worship to the Moon, the inhabitants had fought tooth and nail to protect it from the Empire's iron grip. After fifteen failed sieges on the fortress-city, the Empire finally resolved to make a treaty with the ponies and Baraki of Moonrise City. Being a city of complete harmony and unity, it is said that simply walking through the gates will instill the creature with a sense of peace and ease. Those who live here are calm, spiritual and virtuous. Also, many of them are nocturnal, and thus sleep during the day and are active at night. The city is ruled by a Steward, who watches over the vacant throne meant for the Lightbinder Reborn.

    (More to be added later.)

    Patron Saints/Deities of Coltara:

    Phoebus: Deity of the Sun, Light, and Creation. Phoebus is known to be the being that created the world and the other Six Primary Deities. Often represented as a floating globe of rainbow light, he is the most mysterious and least-known of all the deities and patron saints, due to his disappearance shortly after the world's creation. His symbol is a hammer and anvil, symbolizing creation.

    Other Names: The Creator, He Who Gave Life, Worldcrafter.

    Ignis: Deity of Fire, Anger, Disaster and Dragons. Ignis is the eldest of the Six Primary Deities, and is often revered as the father of Dragonkind. Known to be easily angered and hard to deal with diplomatically, he is worshiped by all Dragons in Coltara and was a figure of respect for the once-great Imperial Dragonlances, who were wiped out after the assassination of Empress Dandela II. Ever since, worship of Ignis has been banned, and the Dragon Hunts began.

    Other Names: The Infernal, Wrathbringer, He Who Scorches.

    Aquavi: Deity of Seas, Storms, Peace, the Harvest and Water Serpents. Aquavi is one of the Six Primary Deities, and is known as the creator of all Water Serpents. Revered among sailors, she is often prayed to for safe travel on the ocean waves, and also for a good year's crops. Riptide Bay has the largest temple in Coltara dedicated to her, and is a local hot-spot for day-to-day activities.

    Other Names: The Tiderunner, Mistsong, Maid of the Waves.

    Ventus: Deity of winds, mischief, nomads, scribes, and Griffons. Ventus is the second youngest of the Six Primary Deities, known for his mischievous nature and pranks on many of the world's races. Being the only Deity living, he has secluded himself away into an unknown part of the world. He created the Griffons as friends and fellow tricksters, but after his seclusion the Griffon race has forgotten him in all but name and worship. The most notable of his creations is his son, Discord; God of Chaos.

    Other Names: The Wind Sprite, Skybreaker, Child who Soars.

    Terra: Deity of the earth, love, forests, history, and Minotaur. Being the middle-child of the Six Primary Deities, she was the caretaker of the forests, swamps, and other natural places of the world. Her children, the Minotaur, aided her in keeping the peace. After her death, the Minotaur forgot their sacred duty, and began to change from gentle, loving creatures...into the beast-like, warrior race they are today. However, they still maintain the historical libraries that Terra had left behind before her death, in which books are created and written by unknown magical energies, recording all events that happen in Coltara and other lands.

    Other Names: The Great Librarian, The Earth Mother, Treebinder, Mother of All.

    Luna: Deity of the Moon, beauty, passion, the Baraki, and Changelings. Said to have been the most beautiful being to have ever existed, she made herself appear as the perfect representation of one's desires. Being almost as worshiped as Astral Magus, she has her largest collection of followers in the fortress city of Moonrise, which is said to be built on her tomb. The Baraki are the only of the two races she had created that still remember and celebrate her, where as the Changelings have forgotten all about the one who had created them (with the exception of those remaining in Moonrise City).

    Other Names: The Lady of the Night, Heartbreaker, Lover of Many, She Who Shines At Night.

    Astral Magus: Deity of magic, knowledge, innovation, the Afterlife, and Ponies. He was the youngest of the Six Primary Deities, and was awfully strange compared to the other deities. Essentially, he has created four races, where as his siblings only made one or two. Astral is the creator of Alicorns, Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies, each possession certain parts of his being in their creation. Alicorns are of his body, made by his own blood, Unicorns were made from his mind, Pegasi from his spirit, and Earth Ponies from his heart. At the point of his death, he charged the first three Alicorns to protect the Ascending Lights, a relic of immense power that he and the other five Deities had created.

    Other Names: The Lorekeeper, The Greatfather, He Who Guards Death.

    (More to be added later.)


    Earth Ponies: The middle-class of Coltaran society, they are the jack-of-all-trades. Earth Ponies are found in virtually every part of society except the Imperial Family, and thus the easiest race to choose when settling into the Coltaran world. Their particular characteristics include the lack of wings and a horn, being quite the most plain of races in terms of extra appendages.

    Pegasi: The upper-class of Coltaran society, they are primarily found within the Blood and the Imperial Family. Pegasi look similar to Earth Ponies, but with the exception of having bird-like wings on their backs that allow them to fly (and as an added bonus, seem to give them an additional sense of grace). So, naturally, most Pegasi are of noble lineage or military commanders within the Ever Victorious Army of the Empire.

    Unicorns: The lowest class of Coltaran society, they are constantly looked down upon and avoided by any creature with sense in Coltara. For over three thousand years, the magic in Coltara has been tainted...and thus Unicorns are vulnerable to going insane or a multitude of magical diseases. So, as a way to prevent such a thing from happening, most Unicorns do everything they can to prevent themselves from using magic. When a Unicorn is discovered who uses magic, the females are immediately captured and made Rahmane, whereas the males are executed due to their magical patterns being too difficult to control.

    Changelings: A small population of Changelings still remain in Coltara, despite the fact that most of their race had disappeared long ago. While they are scattered across the continent, a multitude of them live in Moonrise City. Unlike the Changelings in Equestria, in Coltara they feed on their original, primal source...the moonlight. Being one of the two races born from Luna, Coltaran-native Changelings still feel the strong attachment they have with the moon.

    Baraki: Living only in Moonrise City and at the Moon Tree in Ashen Gate, they are one of the two races created by the Moon Goddess, Luna. Baraki are very similar to wolves in appearance, except their ears are longer and their fangs are extended like a sabertooth tiger's. Commonly known as 'Moon Wolves', they are a very peaceful and domestic race that wish for nothing more than to care for their gardens and families (also, many are surprisingly vegetarian). However, there are a select few who are born to become the future 'Gardeners', a select group of warriors from their race whose primary duty is to protect and serve the Empress of Coltara alongside the Nightinggales.

    Griffons: Most of the Griffons in Coltara tend to live separately from Dragoran Imperial rule, but still act as subjects toward the massive Empire. The Griffons are found within the mountain peaks of the continent's many mountain ranges, and are allowed to create and govern their own communities as long as they pay a special tax from the Imperial Family. However, Griffon warriors are highly prized amongst the Ever Victorious Army, and tend to act as special aerial shocktroopers in the Empire's airship fleets.

    Zebras: Living mostly in the Sandspire Desert, they live in a congregation of clans and nomads amongst the twisting dunes of the arid region. However, the more enlightened Zebras go and live in Haren'Dor and serve as the Empire's greatest inventors, rune-crafters, and historians. Zebra society is perhaps the most diverse and intigrated of all other races, ranging from practically any occupation imaginable, and any social class within the Sandspire region.

    [colour=#000000]I hope that covers a lot of questions you guys might have about this :) please feel free to ask any other questions I might not have answered directly.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Extra Information:[/colour]

    The difference between magic for Coltaran and Equestrian unicorns:

    Coltaran Unicorns rely upon the magical energies of the land, where as unicorns in Equestria obtain their magic from within. This makes Equestrian unicorns impervious to the mind-altering, twisted magic in Coltara. However, if an Equestrian unicorn is in Coltara for a long enough time, they begin to change their source of magical energy to that of the other unicorns in Coltara, and thus could go insane.

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  12. I Posted. But I know what you mean. My first draft of my post I realized I accidentally took control of Trexcurn Nobodies and tried to sick them on the group but luckily realized the god mode mistake so I went back in an edited so that Promontory is just trying to dodge ice shards and thunder bolts.

    I was afraid to mention the god-moding...because honestly, I have no say in your guys' fight currently :blush: we Heartless are just biding our time...waiting till you're vulnerable...and then...

    [colour=#ff0000]WE STRIKE![/colour]

  13. [colour=#000000]>Twilight Sparkle (RLF Secret Bunker, Striker's Private Quarters)[/colour]

    She gave a tired, gentle smile at Star's words, nodding slowly in comprehension. Twilight had assumed he blamed her for something, but hadn't been able to guess what exactly it was. Now, she knew a bit more about his reasoning as well, but somehow it didn't seem to comfort her, but made things worse. [colour=#4b0082]"...no, Striker...your anger was well-placed, despite what you would think. If...if I hadn't been so weak...that thing would never have taken control of me...and none of this would have happened. If I had been stronger...maybe Equestria wouldn't be the wreck it is today. If I had simply...died when I should have, nopony would have had to suffer so much pain. My sins are my own to remember...and as a wise pony once told me, 'demons like us cannot ever truly know peace; thus, we must make that peace for others...or lose everything in doing so.' " [/colour]Opening the door fully, her infiltration suit reappeared upon her coat, covering her violet colors with bleak grays and blacks. Giving a quiet, pained laugh, she shook her head as if denying something. [colour=#4b0082]"You are an honorable stallion, Star Striker. Remember that...I am sure that, whoever it is you lost...I am sure they knew how lucky they were to have known somepony like you. I can never ask your forgiveness, nor anypony else's for that matter...but know simply that, despite it all...I wish that everything could go back to the way it was. Before all of this war, suffering, and...evil."[/colour]

    Cutting herself off at the end of it, she swiftly stepped out and shut the door behind her, making her way in the direction of the helipad inside the secret bunker. The only sound that Twilight could hear was the pounding of her own heart, and the rush of blood in her ears. She felt a sudden dampness on her cheeks, and she reached up to wipe her eyes...completely surprised to find tears on her coat. Funny...she thought all her tears had dried up...marvels never seemed to cease, here in Equestria.

  14. ...but if I can't be a Sonic character...then...

    ...who can I be? :(

    Well, this IS a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic website forum...if you want to be a Sonic character, why not join that one Sonic RP they have going in Cross-overs RPs?

    Also, Dopple, can you have your character wait at the Hive instead...? Despair and Misery are still a long ways off from it, and there is a pretty wicked snowstorm. The only way he'd be able to see them is if they were right in his face...also, they have a whole army marching behind them, not just the two of them ;)

  15. >Twilight Sparkle (RLF Secret Bunker, Striker's Private Quarters)

    [colour=#4b0082]"...ahem, well...I did plan to try to find you in Equinia, but instead I found you taking off with Chrysalis in that stealth helicopter. Seeing you with her made me rather suspicious...after all, she hasn't always been the most trustworthy of creatures, always after her ownself...but, heh, look who is talking, right?" [/colour]She spoke the last bit with a bitter taste in her mouth, leaning against the wall and crossing her hooves. The Gemstone she wanted to give hung loosely at her side, strapped across her flank with a silver cord. Looking up at Striker, she frowned worriedly. [colour=#4b0082]"...despite my wish to trust your faction, I noticed that Free was becoming severely unstable, along with the fact that there are many among the RLF that feel as strongly about me as you..." [/colour]Twilight spoke pointedly, speaking about the rage that Striker often showed around her, and about what happened at the Main Square. [colour=#4b0082]"As for this being your sanctuary, I will admit that it has evaded my eyes for quite some time. Very impressive...to have reshaped this old REA base into what it is now. Well, I keep straying from the subject of importance...so let me get this out quickly." [/colour]Getting off the wall, she took the Key off her body, and tossed the orange gem over at Striker's bed. The gemstone glowed softly, a mystical aura glowing around it and a slightly darker presence inside it...she was glad to be rid of it, but she still had to hold onto the others for now. [colour=#4b0082]"I need you to give that to Applejack...it rightfully belongs to her, after all, she was the wielder of the Element of Honesty...thus she should be able to handle the Key of Deceit. Also, I assume that she has already gotten the message I sent out through your communications array...so she'll know what to do with it." [/colour]Turning away from it and Striker, she approached the door once more.

    Placing her hoof on the knob and turning it, she opened it a crack before stopping, turning her head slightly toward Striker, only enough so that he could see her grazed cheek, her eyes hidden by a few locks from her mane. [colour=#4b0082]"...one more thing. Why didn't you kill me...? Surely, your demons would have been put to rest...right?" [/colour]Saying that, she fell into silence, waiting for the stallion's reply.

    >Despair and Misery (Outside the Royal Hive, Northern Equestria)

    A cold wind swept through the snowy mountain pass, it's whispers carrying the eerie sound of death laying in it's wake, the frigid air amplifying the depressing tone of the landscape surrounding the Changelings' primary Hive. Hidden away from sight and detection stood two young Alicorns, their dark red eyes piercing the snowstorm that had encompassed the entire region. Surely, today was a wonderful day for a massacre...a wonderful day for a cleansing. Suddenly, one of the twins grinned maliciously, his crimson gaze becoming alight with murderous glee, while his sister simply stared into the storm with a blank expression.

    [colour=#b22222]"...I cannot wait until the Moon rises, Misery. Father will be so proud of us when we open up Tartarus for him, and these Changeling scum wiped clean from our world's beautiful face..."[/colour] The silent filly glanced at her brother momentarily before speaking as well, her own voice as quiet as death. [colour=#ff8c00]"...Despair, that blood-lust of yours will never be sated, will it? Even poor Mother couldn't control your vicious temper...nor the radiant aura you possess. It's remarkable that even Father isn't affected by it..." [/colour]Misery muttered gloomily, kicking the snow beneath her hooves lazily. Indeed, their father, Pierrot, had sent them here in order to take care of the reopening of the Tartarus Gate that was said to hide beneath this Changeling Hive. She herself only took part of it because of all the sad faces she would see at the end of it...after all, she loved company. Despair let out a cruel laugh as he punched her shoulder roughly, causing her to grimace and grumble. [colour=#b22222]"Come off your perch, Sister. There is a reason why Father sent us here...we've never disappointed him before, and we won't do so this time either. Now, are you ready to go finally...? I'd rather be there before moonrise, that way I can have more time to make those bugs scream as I squash them beneath my hooves..." [/colour]Trotting in the direction of the tall silhouette of the Changeling Hive, Despair left his sister behind, who sighed slightly and followed without protest. At the end of this...no one will even remember this place existed. The sound of marching, metal-plated hooves behind them the only noise in the swirling snowy valley, the storm blocking their army's presence from those at the Hive.

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