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Posts posted by Valencetiger

  1. Val when Part 2 comes can you retcon the part where The Director was in Equina during it's destruction, maybe say that a Recon Team involving Nova and Tex was scouting Equina when it happened?.

    Also in regards to the characters Is it possible if each faction had a roster displaying main to minor or plot relevant characters and story arcs involving which faction just to keep track of the rp?

    Sure, I can retcon a few things for you. As for the characters, I was going to have the bios categorized by faction and ranking :) so I got you covered on that, as for Story Arcs...I can add that, too.

    As for you, Mustang, I'd hold off on that. Why, I might have the Part 2: Invasion OOC up by this very evening.

  2. I could post something but with writers block, the holidays has turned my mind into broccoli and refuses to work on making a post...And I know i should be posting something... :scream:

    It's fine, hun :) I understand. The holiday season is always so nutty, lol. But like I said, once things have settled down, I'll gather up everyone who still wishes to participate and probably make a new OOC; Part 1: Revolution, is hereby finished...now to begin Part 2: Invasion! It'll contain a full recap of the previous story, new settings, new characters, new everything! (Essentially an Expansion Pack, if you want to put it in the MMO sense :) ) It will also include character bios for all participants, sub-factions (the groups within the main factions) and much more! It'll be a difficult process.

  3. Here's my app :)

    Your name: Autumn Sunshine

    Your age: 27

    Your grade: Teacher (Math)

    Your gender: Female

    Your race: Pegasus

    Description of Self: Autumn often wears business-like attire in the form of feminine suits and formal clothing, and loves her large array of stylish hats (her favorite being a fedora). Height is 5'8", and she is lightweight with a slim figure. She has some-what pale skin and long, red-brown hair which she usually ties in a ponytail. Her wings are similar in colour, being large and fluffy like an angel's wings. She has bright amber eyes and wears specially-made glasses.

    Quick Back Story: Born in Manehatten, she is the daughter of infamous mobster Don Alfredo (my favorite sauce :D ). Growing up in Manehatten had been simple for her, despite her mafia connections, and she had a quiet childhood. After graduating from her boarding school, she went to Canterlot University and majored in many mathematical fields and managed a few historical degrees. Shortly after her time at the University, she applied for the position of math teacher at Canterlot Prep; as a result, she moved herself to Equestria's capital in order to be closer to her place of work.

    Cutie Mark: An infinity symbol within a triangle, it is on her right hand.

    (Whew, I hope that's okay! ^^' If there are any changes required, please let me know.)

  4. ~Prince Rubyn, departing the Diamond Halls and entering the Royal Garden~

    Rubyn listened in respectful silence as Sub-Zero informed him of how the Kori no Yurei lived, their skills, their difficulties...it was difficult for the Prince not to interrupt the Grandmaster. Despite the assassin's certainty that his clan was shrouded in mystery to the outside world...that was not the case when it came to what was found in the Imperial Archives. The Prince knew much of the Kori no Yurei, and much of the topics Sub-Zero explained were simple recap for him...but he was shocked at what the bipedal stallion had either forgotten to speak of, or purposely left out. Did he truly not know, or was he hiding his knowledge? I'll find out tonight... The prince vowed to himself.

    After a few moments of quiet, they arrived at the entrance of a spacious, indoor tropical garden. The Royal Garden, while not as diverse and beautiful as the Moon Garden the Gardeners tended, it held its own unique sense of beauty. Created to look as similar as to the rainforests in south-western Coltara, dozens of varieties of fruit hung from vines and tree branches, small creatures scrambled about in the underbrush. However, unlike the actual forests, the temperature remained at a constant, comfortable warmth that was maintained through special Qai'Maga placed in optimal corners of the circular garden. The dome above was created to simulate the sky, making a perfect copy of what the real horizon would look like at this time. A moon drifted across it, and Rubyn frowned at the time; one hour, and the ceremony will begin. The singing had grown louder and more distinct, and was now clearly identified the voice as feminine.

    Leading the icy assassin through the foilage carefully, they trotted together for a couple of minutes before arriving upon a wide, green clearing where unnatural blue roses grew, their petals waving from a non-existant wind. In the center of the field were a couple figures sitting on a black and blue quilt. Both were pegasi, and the music was coming from them. One of them, a mare, sat comfortably on the quilt, singing her gentle requiem. The mare had a snow-white coat with a pale-yellow, hay-coloured mane. Blue beads hung on her mane, strung together in the normal Imperial Family fashion. She wore a long, golden gown which glittered like stars, and the laurel-crown on her head looked like a silver halo. The stallion sitting a bit away from her appeared the exact opposite; he had a pitch-black coat, a purple mane that hung unrestricted, and wore simple but stark dark-green and crimson armor. In his hooves lay a crystalline harp, which he plucked in tune with the mare's singing.

    "...do I hear the birds singing? No, it's the cry of the forest..."

    "Do I see the moon shining? No, it's just the flames burning."

    "The place I once called 'home', burned to ashes before my eyes."

    "It left behind the 'original star', which I split into seven pieces;"

    "Ignis, the Warrior. Aquala, the Dancer. Terra, the Mother."

    "Ventus, the Rogue. Luna, the Maiden. Astral, the Father."

    "All come together, to form Silvan, the Lightbind-"

    "Sister." Rubyn spoke tightly, his voice strained with slight anger and frustration. The mare and stallion turned to him, their eyes piercing. "...you know speaking of him is forbidden. Much less singing of him." The mare smiled; a mysterious, cold expression on her gorgeous face. She got up and approached him, her hoofsteps almost inaudible amongst the rose-covered ground. When she and the Nightinggale were only a few steps away from Rubyn and Sub-Zero, her smile widened. "Hello there, little brother. Came to visit me before your big coronation?" Her eyes drifted over to Sub-Zero, fierce and cold eyes. "...is this a friend? Oh. A Kori no Yurei...my, Rubyn, that is serious company. You aren't planning anything...dangerous...are you?"

    Rubyn scowled, shaking his head in denial of her accusation. "...absolutely not, Lilith. Black Moon, please keep your hoof off your sword. It is unsettling." The Nightinggale blinked, before moving his hoof. His duty may be to the Princess of the Seals, but he still must obey a member of the Empress' Family.

    ~Empress Tulipia, within the Diamond Halls~

    She could detect the large level of shock from those who had heard her proclamation with a small hint of amusement. However, that amusement quickly fled when her son left their presence with the mysterious Kori no Yurei equine. Hearing Moonfire's response, she could only respond to it half-mindedly. "...I know you won't, Gardener." The Empress said no more on the matter as Moonfire and Decimus padded away from the Crystal Throne and out of the Hall. Everything was silent for a moment, with the exception of the other conversations in the Hall, but it was soon broken when the Black Knight began to speak once more.

    The Empress nodded firmly when her general asked her about her choice for Rubyn's personal Gardener. "Yes, I am certain. While she may be young, innocent, and undisciplined...she is still a Lunar Sage...that is why I chose her. It is said that when subjected to being near Lunar magic, the instinct for Unicorns to obtain their magic is lessened, even erased in some cases. Hopefully, with Moonfire nearby him, my son won't...-" Tulipia could say no more, not even willing to dwell on the thought of her foal learning the tainted magic, and thus being executed for it.

    When the Black Knight began speaking of the information he had been able to obtain from Rubyn's former teacher, she could only sigh slightly. "...ah, Master Goodwin. He was an excellent stallion, and a good friend. His passing had definitely shaken Rubyn. Although, neither of you mentioned passing letters..." Her voice took on a steel-edge at the end, for she did not like secrets being kept from her, especially by those she held close in her council. However, when she heard of the Black Knight's offer...she paused, thinking hard on his proposition.

    "...I...thank you, General Black Knight, but that will not be needed. You remember Silvertongue, correct? My former husband's best friend and personal Nightinggale? He will be taking charge of Rubyn's further instruction, as it was promised to him by the Emperor before his passing. However, if he proves incapable...I will accept your offer, Black Knight...but only then." She looked up at the moon, her eyes narrowing and her lips tightening. She spoke to herself quietly, so quietly that only herself could hear the words. "...one more hour, before my son becomes the Empire's shadow..."

  5. ~Prince Rubyn, within the Diamond Halls with Sub-Zero~

    The prince listened to Sub-Zero about his clan's dilemma with patience and sympathy. Many out of the out-lying regions in Coltara were struggling after the brutal winter. Spring and summer came late this year, and it had harmed the Empire's resources exponentially. He wasn't surprised, also, to hear about the raids on his clan by rivals or bandits, for the Icewalker Dominion, despite being settled by the Empire for two thousand years, was still a barren tundra with little civility. The largest city, also named after the region, only held aproximately one million citizens. Compared to Ashen Gate's and Riptide Bay's populations, it was a pebble beside a boulder. When Sub-Zero spoke of what his clan needed, Rubyn could only sigh. "...you truly do not know...?"

    As soon as the words escaped his lips, Sub-Zero immediately stepped in front of him, cutting him off from advancing further and causing the prince to blink in surprise. He wasn't angry, but rather...confused. No one had ever done that to him before, due to the fact he was a foal of the Empress, but this...commoner...had just done so. He was impressed. Suddenly, the bipedal equine dropped down to the knees of his hindlegs and knelt before Rubyn. What happened next, he was completely unprepared for; the mysterious stallion had introduced himself as the Kori no Yurei's Grandmaster...and pledged his service to the prince in the sake of his clan.

    He stood there, silent for a moment, before shaking his head. Gently taking hold of the Grandmaster"s tunic, he lifted him up steadily to his hooves. "...I do not ask for you to kneel, Grandmaster. Nor do I ask you to pledge fealty. Right now, I can do nothing for you, nor can I accept your service...but by the end of the night, I will. My true consecration as the Prince of Ravens will occur at moon high." He paused, lifting his head as if listening to something. Indeed, there was a sound coming further down the hall; a soft, musical voice sang hauntingly, the song carrying on an echo. It was distorted, incomprehensible by the distance. Rubyn frowned, mouthing a word silently. He cleared his throat before looking back to Sub-Zero. "...in the meantime, tell me about yourself, and your clan. You may attend me tonight, if you so wish. If that is the case...you will meet my sister very shortly." He continued down the hallway, staying at an even pace despite the some-what hurried air he possessed.

  6. ~Prince Rubyn, within the Diamond Halls with Sub-Zero~

    The young prince waited in the hallway for the bipedal stallion, nodding to him and motioning down the hall with his foreleg. His crimson robes barely shifted from his movement, and the braids swung slightly. "...come this way. Unfortunately, my mother, the Empress, is unable to speak with you at this time...more concerning matters are being addressed. Besides...affairs with inter-Imperial factions and clans are to be directed by myself." He tipped his tan-coloured head, looking at Sub-Zero curiously. His eyes drifted down to the emblem on the stallion's armor, and they narrowed slightly. "...you are of the Kori no Yurei clan, I assume? Do not be surprised, though. As the future Emperor, I must know of all...'independant'...groups within the boundaries of the Empire."

    He turned away from the stallion, keeping one blue-gray eye trained on him. "We shall discuss further as we walk...I have an appointment to keep, and I am afraid I cannot meet it if we simply stand here. I still find it...interesting...as to why one of you came here, considering your past. Enlighten me." Rubyn became silent, stepping away down the hallway.

  7. Happy Holidays, everyone. Unfortunately I got some sad news...

    Due to the inability to revive Revolution, the RP will be in a comatose state for a while longer. Perhaps after the holiday season, I will get all the RPers together and we can discuss how best to bring Revolution out of it's metaphorical coma.

    Dreamy, as a result to this, I see little reason to give you a recap at this moment in time. I suggest that you forget about Revolutions for awhile. I'll contact you when it starts up once more.

  8. ~Empress Tulipia, within the Diamond Halls~

    The Empress saw a change occur within the she-wolf before her, as if the fae had just made a decision which would change her life forever...and indeed, she had. When the Baraki gave her oath, Tulipia's smile brightened at her acceptance. Indeed, having a Lunar Sage amongst the Gardeners would be an impressive display...it would keep many of her family members stepping lightly, for certain. "...that is excellent news, young Moonfire. I am gladdened that you are willing. As you may know, the province of Moonrise City is not under Imperial control...but it gives me great joy that relations between us are not spoiled. Later in the evening, I will officially make you a Gardener...but not quite yet."

    Her eye strayed toward the mysterious, bipedal stallion next to Decimus, her smile faltering a little at the sight of him. That armor was quite a dangerous attire for him to wear...but it seems he knew nothing of why that is. Looking back at Moonfire, who she had noticed was looking at the Prince. Suddenly, an idea came to mind...and it pleased the Empress greatly. Her good mood was increased even further by the young she-wolf's eagerness. "...you will start this very evening, with a position quite vital and of great importance. I want you...to be the personal Gardener of my son, Rubyn. The Prince of Ravens has many enemies, within and without the Imperial Palace, and who better to guard him than a gifted Lunar Sage such as you?" Her smile widened a bit when she noticed her son gawk at her, his mouth trying to work up a response. Her eye caught that of Eisar, and she was pleased to see surprise on his face as well. The old coot...his hearing was too acute for his own good.

    "...I know you will perform this task well, Gardener Moonfire. You are protecting the future Emperor of Coltara...I hope you understand what that means." Rubyn stood up from his throne, his eyes narrowed and his face expressionless. He had heard enough. Giving a respectful bow to his mother, he stepped away and proceeded toward one of the side exits reserved for the Imperial Family. He paused only long enough to gesture to Sub-Zero to follow him, before continuing on and out into the jewel-studded hallway. The Empress watched her son go with a concerned expression, but another emotion lay hidden there...was it fear? Anger? Disappointment? It was almost impossible to tell. A thought clicked in her head. She had completely forgotten about her daughter...where had the mare gone off to?

    ~Moonais (Arial) and Van (Silverwing), outside the Imperial Palace, Inner City~

    Moonais listened as the young soldier spoke about himself. Sure, he offered no name, but he gave enough information to put her a bit at ease. At least he wouldn't be an agent...hopefully. The 'Hoof' were everywhere...and one may never know what the Empress might hear. The uneasy thought made her shiver inwardly...no matter what, she could not have any member of the Imperial Family know what she intended. There was something...off...about the colt next to her. As if...there was a sort of invisible pull. He couldn't possibly be...or could he? She blinked the thought away, for such a thing would be impossible with such an ordinary colt such as he. Van listened as well, but he gave no indication of doing so.

    Upon arriving at the Imperial District, the crowds had begun to thin, now filled only with families of the High Blood or the distinguished members of the Low Blood, the Ashen Guard keeping silent watch in case of any violence or civil disruptions...but it was the Festival, and the only violent thing that occured during the holiday was drunken brawls in taverns or bars. Why, even the aggressive Minotaurs that occasionally appeared were subjugated by the magical event. She saw a passing pair of a Sul'jin wearing the iconic white robe and silver stars and her Rahmane pet, who wore only the dull gray most Rahmane wore. A silver bracelet was fastened to the Sul'jin's left foreleg, to which a chain was connected and led to the silver collar fastened around the Rahmane's throat. The unicorn mare had her eyes downcast, and her face showed the purest form of submission. The sight made Moonais cringe in anger.

    The leash-holder greeted her with a smile, but all she could do was nod to her, swiftly continuing on. When they came close to the Imperial Palace, she overheard Chainmail's rhyme, and smiled in spite of herself. Artistic indeed, it seemed. When he asked where her destination was, she opened her mouth, but Van answered for her. "That, young soldier, is not of your concern. The affairs of the High Blood are not the same as of the Low. Remember your place...most are not as forgiving of such transgressions as the Lady Arial and I." His voice held no emotion whatsoever, simply the coldness of a glacier. He looked over to Moonais, who had a frown on her face at the way he addressed the colt, and he simply shrugged. Sighing, Moonais turned back to Chainmail with an apologetic smile. "...I'm afraid I must agree with my fellow Lord, my young soldier. It isn't something you should concern yourself with...but I wish to reward you for your service." As soon as she finished, she pulled out a leather pouch from her saddlebag and placed it on Chainmail's back, the clinking of coins being heard. There should be dozens of gold marks, enough for the young colt to enjoy the holiday like a king and longer, if he was smart with it. On the pouch was a small silver pin with a foreign emblem on it; a star with waves swirling below it.

    "...I am afraid we must be going. May you have a joyful Festival, my young warrior." She gave him a quick peck of a kiss on the colt's cheek, drawing back and winking before she and Van moved off toward the palace. It wasn't long before Van took off flying in another direction. Whatever they were up to, it had to be important.

  9. ~Empress Tulipia, within the Diamond Halls with Black Knight, Rubyn, Moonfire, and Decimus)~

    Tulipia listened to the Black Knight silently, a frown growing on her beautiful face...and increasing with every word. She lifted her eyes and watched in silence the approach of two Baraki as they strided across the glimmering tile floors. She raised her hoof gently to call her general to silence, removing the frown and replacing it with a cold, serene expression. One of the Baraki she knew very well; Decimus, a veteran Gardener and one of her most trusted advisors. She had known him since she was a foal, and as a result he was more of a father-figure than her own father. However, the fae she saw next to him drew a sense of curiosity. Young, quite young by Baraki standards, perhaps no older than thirty years. Despite the fact she had never seen the female moon wolf before, something was...familiar...about her, but the Empress couldn't put her hoof on it.

    Upon arriving, Decimus spoke in a clear, voluminous tone as he addressed his Empress. "My Empress, holy in spirit and form as you are, I have returned from my task. I have chosen to indoctrinate the Starborn clan fae into our ranks, and have brung her to be judged by great and powerful wisdom. She has proven to be a worth fighter in the ring of honour, and has proven the claim of her grandmother, Viola Starborn, Alphess of the Starborn clan, that she is an adept user of the Baraki's natural magic. Moonfire, please step forward." Tulipia blinked. Of course...she could see the old Viola's features within the young she-wolf in front of her. Seeing the fae's nervousness, the Empress put on a warm smile in an attempt to soothe her.

    "...there is no need to ingratiate yourself in such a way towards me, friend Baraki. Please calm yourself. I consider it an honor to have such an important member of the Starborn clan, and a Lunar Sage no less, as a new member amongst the Gardeners. My only question is...is this what you want? As my dear captain no doubt forgot to mention..." She shot a veiled look at Decimus, then returned to Moonfire. "...I give each new Gardener a choice. Unlike the Nightinggales, the Gardeners are not bound to me and my Family by law or oath. They are bound to me by their desire to serve and to help the Empire, and indeed all of Coltara, prosper."

    She let the words sink in for the fae, while Rubyn stirred in his throne. The young unicorn stallion watched Moonfire with interest, although it was heavily hidden by the emotionless mask he wore. A Baraki from Moonrise City...he would have much to ask her.

  10. Hop in whenever you like, Mustang :)

    We're all currently at the Imperial Capital (Ashen Gate) for the Festival of Lights, Sev. As far as I know, there are no other members of Silvarn quite yet.

    The Portal Stones were built on magical ley-lines, and unfortunately can only be activated by the astral magic (which is the one tainted) that the unicorns possess. Also, they require a massive amount of that same magic, so few can even make them work. There are a few Rahmane who are strong enough to use them, but since Moonrise City isn't a legit part of the Empire, I doubt any would be there with their Sul'jin handlers. But remember...there are airships in Coltara :P and since it seems like Moonfire is part of an important Baraki family, I am sure they might have one. If not, it is an absolute certainty that the Gardener who recruited her has one.

    (P.S. this is what I would assume might be a standard airship in Coltara;


    Of course, there are plenty of varieties, but that is a basic one)

  11. ~Moonais (Arial) and Van (Silverwing), within Ashen Gate, the Outer City~

    Moonais smiled at the young colt's response while Van watched him and the other guard with a blank, stone-like face. She and her griffon companion followed Chainmail quietly, moving steadily behind him. As they began to enter the crowded portions of the Outer City, the throngs of commoners and Low Bloods made way for them, a few excited whispers and comments being made by many. The streets were strewn with many different coloured lanterns, costumes of dragons and water serpents dancing through the gathering of creatures. Of course, dragons were long gone and water serpents haven't been seen in two thousand years...but the other races still remembered them. This whole Festival was a celebration of remembrance. However, there were also wicked-looking suits that were made to look like some of the evil Darkspawn of legend, ranging from the animal-like Deblins to the shadow-wreathed half-equine Wraiths. Great, hulking mechs brought in from Harin'Dor marched about, their huge steel legs caused tremors upon hitting the ground, and various other machinery burst out clouds of steam as they worked, creating food for the Festival or simply keeping the city lights running.

    A few foals, cubs, and hatchlings zoomed by in their path, one accidently bumping into Moonais. The little pegasus foal shook out of fear for a High Blood's wrath, her friends simply waiting to see what would happen. Van said nothing, while his counterpart gently smiled and pulled a beautiful blue rose from one of her saddlebags, and gave it to the little filly. With a shout of joy, the pegasus foal took it and chased after her friend, leaving Moonais laughing softly as they continued on their way again. Peddlers shouted from various stands, trying desperately to draw their attention in particular; if a High Blood lady was here in the Outer City, then surely she would be willing to buy something! Revelers and actors danced, re-enacting famous battles from the Age of the Three Kingdoms, and bards singing of great epics like The Journey of Bane Seastrider or The Search for Golden Mane. However...no one dared even speak of the battles of Silvan Lightbinder. To even utter his name was a great offense, and most records outside of the Blood about him were either burned or taken. She disagreed with this policy...but she knew that only the Empress herself could change such a law.

    She eyed Chainmail for a moment as they trotted along, pondering on who he must be. Judging on his stance and movement, he hadn't been a soldier long...which made sense, considering how young he was. To be enscripted at such an early age must mean he was a member of the Low Blood, who often did so in order to secure their futures faster. Also, the way he spoke suggested that he was the carefree, perhaps artistic sort of equine. After a moment, she moved up alongside him, keeping her eyes ahead. "...so, my dear soldier, do you have a name? If you are to be joining myself and Lord Silverwing, it would only be fair to know how to call you. Don't worry yourself about the Great Game, either...I refuse to play it on the holidays, and I want to get to know my knight in shining armor." The pretty black mare meant it as a joke, keeping that gentle, serene smile on her face. Meanwhile, Van simply looked around him, his eyes narrowed like a hawk and searching for any possible dangers that may appear. There were many who would like to see Moonais dead, and very few of them weren't Nightchildren...bloody curs.

  12. ~Eisar Xing'hai, within the Diamond Halls with Sweet Taffy~

    The moon wolf noticed a small tension appear within the mare when he spoke, but it swiftly disappeared from her body, as if it were never there. She must have been absorbed in her thoughts to trigger such a reaction...but what thoughts exactly? Eisar glanced back toward the Prince of Ravens, before returning his icy-blue eyes back to Sweet Taffy. "An admirer, no. For now I'm no more a curious mare." He chuckled at the remark, his laugh a mix between a hearty growl and a rumble. "...as my nurse once said, 'curiosity kills the cub'. Especially in this case, considering who he is. I hold nothing against unicorns, but I do know that they can be dangerous...it is unfortunate."

    He smiled in return, but the smile was toothy. He could see her probing...but, of course, he himself had nothing to worry about, so why not humor the young mare? "...yes, the young Prince is quite the enigma. He has been essentially concealed from most of the Empire for...protective...reasons. But just a few weeks ago was his twentieth naming day, and he finally inherited the position of the Prince of Ravens. That, in itself, is enough to establish his name in the history books." The old Baraki paused, closing his eyes as if recounting a distant memory.

    "The position he is in is given only to the unicorn children of an Empress. The reason behind that, I cannot say. But it has been four hundred years since the last Prince of Ravens...and I can guess why, considering what that Emperor had done. Emperor Argentus Dragoran...former Prince of Ravens and responsible for the War of the Second Lightbinder...the most powerful False Lightbinder to have walked Coltara. Countless other False Lightbinders had sprung up before and after him, but none had ever been a member of the Imperial Family. He was obsessed, driven by the Madness that he was Silvan reborn...his downfall came from his own daughter, but not after five years of struggle and the almost-total destruction of the Empire. I would guess that after his death, every other unicorn foal the Empresses had were disposed of out of fear of a second Argentus. That is, until Rubyn."

    He blinked, laughing again out of embarresment. "Oh, but listen to me prattling on...must be my old age, forgive me young one. As for Rubyn...I have met him countless times the past twenty years, and he is...intriguing. I would say that his level of compassion and honesty is far beyond the rest of the Imperial Family. I pray to Luna that he never has to use magic...something like that happening to a good equine like him would be tragic."

  13. "...how much longer must we wait, brother? My bones ache from all this stasis. The Princesses' rule is weakening...why do we hesitate?"

    "...because all the cards have not been set yet. Be patient, my dear sister...the time is almost at hand. But, of course...we have all the time in the world, don't we?"

    "I cannot see how they can stand up against us. The Equestrians are weak...pathetic fools. The only defense they have are those cursed Elements of Harmony. But...hehe...not even those will protect them now."

    "...you could be right. However, that matters not. Our other siblings have yet to arrive, and as you know...they will complain about not being let in the fun. We have been waiting for this moment to arrive for thousands of years...a few more weeks will mean nothing."

    "But what of the Prophecy, brother? Surely we must be wary of that. We have seen what magic can happen when prophecy is involved...and this time we are it's target."

    "Again...you worry to much. With the magic we have discovered, not even destiny can stand against us. The world of the Princesses is coming to an end...and a new age will be born. With the power of the Scepter...we shall be victorious. We are..immortal."


    ...there was a time in Equestria, faded long from collected memory, where magic was the foundation of the land. Every inch of the earth was ruled by ferocious monsters that would be found only in nightmares, roaming the continent in search of power and wealth. Equestria was a dark, pitiless land then...the sun and moon did not exist, and the world was hidden in shadow. Light came only from the stars above, and heat could only be found within the earth. It was during this wicked time that ponykind and all other races hid from the monstrocities on the surface, and fear ran rampant in every soul. But, from the same darkness, arose eight powerful beings of god-like proportions who conquered the demons that walked the lands above and banished them to the realms of Tartarus. No one remembers who they were, or what they looked like...but it was they who created the Equestria we know today.

    With the destruction of the monsters, they forged the Sun and Moon, created the rivers and oceans, and shaped the mountains and valleys. They were benevolent, and brought the cave-bound races out from the earth and into the new world above. Guiding these lost souls, the Eight made a pact with the weaker races that are known today. In exchange for protection of their new-found lives, they were to worship and obey the Eight as their saviors. For centuries this went on, until the advent of another race which came from across the recently-made oceans in search of whoever had done this worldly task; the Alicorns. At first, they co-existed peacefully with the other races and the Eight, whom they accepted as their new rulers and served as their protectors and perfect servants...but that changed. When the opportunity for wealth, power, and glory came, the Alicorns were unable to ignore it's temptuous call...and rose up from servitude to lay war against the Eight. The Alicorns were already stronger than the other races, and had magical strength of great equal, but even they were not more powerful than the Eight. Out of anger at their unjust uprising, the demi-gods annihilated the Alicorn race...reducing its numbers to the dozens.

    In fear of the Eight's wrath, two Alicorns (later to be known as Luna and Celestia) set out from the rest of their race in search of salvation...and came upon a mythical artifact that had existed since the world's very creation: the Scepter of the Heavens. Using this divine object, the two young Alicorns struck back against the Eight, sapping their powers and banishing them to the four corners of the world. Upon the use of the Scepter, the two gained the abilities the Eight had over their creations in the world, and the Elements of Harmony were born. With this new-found power, they united the conscious beings of the continent and created what is now known as...Equestria.

    Now, thousands of years later, the two Alicorns named Princesses Celestia and Luna, still rule over the land. However, their magic has begun to fail, and the days and nights begin to grow longer, for most of their magic has been mysteriously leaving their bodies. Ancient creatures stir beneath the earth, and old evils come again. Prophecy speaks that the Eight will return, having turns evil due to their long banishment...but also that they will be defeated by four heroes who transcend time itself...four heroes who destiny itself has shaped to become the saviors of Equestria. That time...is now.

    Hello guys! I made this RP in the hopes of having an active, fast-paced story to enjoy with a few others :) basically, it is something for us to have fun with and play out to its fullest. Since there will be only four of us, it will be easy to manage and, thus, easy to play. I'll be accepting the best applications for this via either PM or in this OOC, and here is what I'm looking for:




    Physical Appearance:


    Cutie Mark:

    History (Background):

    Simple, easy, to the point. I don't expect to see a lot about your characters in the beginning. I want to see them develop as we continue in the RP :D

  14. ~Grand Seat, Eisar Xing'hai. Within the Diamond Halls~

    The large, ancient Baraki towered over his fellow High Bloods within the Halls, his lustrious white coat covered in wavy, red ceremonial markings for the Festival. His slim, piercing blue eyes scanned the crowd while he maintained his silence. Other lords and ladies greeted him and spoke to him, but all he would do was acknowledge them and half-listen. Something felt...odd...about this night, and Luna forbid that it was an omen to worry about. He had been the High Seat of House Xing'hai for one thousand years since his days as a cub, and he was an aged wolf amongst his race. Soon, very soon, his old age would have him awake from this world and continue to the next. Baraki lived for a long time, and have been known to transcend the ages of the other, more mortal races. Why, his own grandfather had lived during the Empire's founding. It was after the leaving of a Lady of House Silvarn that he noticed a mare watching the young Prince of Ravens. His eyes narrowed in suspicion, and he approached Sweet Taffy, his pawsteps almost inaudible. Striding up beside her, his face was completely devoid of emotion. He followed her gaze to the Prince, and smirked slightly.

    "...I've heard that the foal is good-looking, but I didn't think I would find one of his admirers here... I am called Eisar. You are...?" He let the question hang there, watching her from the corner of his eye. It was true that Baraki never played Los'Dimar, but it didn't mean that Eisar did not know his way around it. These younger races...so devious and energetic it seemed to him.

  15. I'm not a mod or anything like that. But, a couple things. Keep in mind, I feel bad about this. Clan of Demolition specialists + Swordsman? Okay, cool. That's just the DeGroots. Completely fine with that. Missing eye? Seen that. Still cool. Amnesia and an unstoppable warrior magician? Reputations and slogans? I'm certainly not against seasoned veterans, but this is a little over the top. Meanwhile, the other two completed OCs here are civilians. Can he be toned back a little bit? Again, I hated saying all that.

    Sure, sure. I'll get those changes up :) it's fine.

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