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Posts posted by Valencetiger

  1. Roleplay Type: Mane vs Machine

    Name: Sunstrike Cavalier.

    Sex: Male.

    Age: Stallion.

    Species: Pegasus.

    Eye colour: Red and gold mix. Lost his left eye after a battle with the Machines.

    Coat: Sleek black with silver streaks.

    Mane/Tail: Red and gold, just like his eye.

    Physique: Well-muscled, rugged, and handsome.

    Occupation/Class: An expert demolitionist and swordspony. Demoknight!

    Cutie Mark: An old fashioned bomb with a grin on it's face. (Like Serious Sam!)

    Hat: A Team Captain with Mist and painted Blu.

    Loadout: A Standard Grenade Launcher, Scottish Resistance, and 2X...count it...two Persian Persuaders.

    History: Sunstrike's past is a mystery, even to himself. Born in the dreaded Badlands, he was raised by a special clan of warrior ponies who prided themselves in swordsponyship and the art of explosives, the Trotts. During his life, he was trained to become a master of many forms of weaponry, and became skillful with many kinds of explosive concoctions. It wasn't until two years ago that, after being sent on a mission by his people, he awoke to find his left eye missing, and his mind wiped clean of any memory of his past. However, what remained intact were the skills he had learned since foalhood. Using these and having nowhere else to go, he became a mercenary for hire for many of Equestria's richest ponies. Recently, he was hired by a company to defend them from a tide of robotic ponies, created by a wicked magician who wanted to bring the company down. Now, he stands beside other ponies as he aids them in their fight to the death. Due to his fearsome reputation, a saying had been made; "One scimitar to strike you with fear, two scimitars to strike you dead."

    Character Summary: Sunstrike is a fearless, charismatic fighter who uses his skills to charge into the fray and lay waste to those in his path. Using the legendary swordspony skills of the Trotts, he is a whirlwind of death on the battlefield. With his specially-crafted bomb launchers, he is capable of adapting himself to any situation required, and often serves as the protector of the team's most important ponies. Oh, and also the reason he carries two swords is because he's a boss and hacked the game! :D

  2. on another note.... which ashen gate house would draco fit into? since he is a high blood

    That's up to you. Pick one, and I'll tell you about them. Since Draco is a...pony-dragon hybrid thing...most Houses would be ashamed of him. As a result, he may be looked down upon. Of course, he wouldn't have been four hundred years ago...but the reason behind that will be revealed later :)

  3. ~Tulipia Dragoran, Empress of the Empire. Within the Diamond Hall~

    The clanking of metal was heard throughout the chamber, and the Empress smiled despite herself. That sound always heralded him. The crowd fell silent as the massive doors opened once more to omit a monstrously-large, onyx-plate armored stallion. All the members of the Family and the Blood eyed him suspiciously and warily, except for the Baraki High Seat of House Xing'hai, Eisar, who simply watched him with a mask of serenity on his wolfish face. As the figure approached the throne, Rubyn narrowed his eyes and studied the strange equine, as if trying to pry open it's armor with his gaze. Upon reaching the steps of the Throne, the stallion spoke in a deep, commanding voice that was blurred by his helmet.

    "Your Majesty, I have returned." The armored equine voiced. The Empress graced one of her prized generals with a gentle smile, gesturing for him to stand at her side. When the stallion complied, she raised her voice for all to here. "Members of the Imperial Family and of the High Blood...disperse, and make merry. For this event comes once a year. Spend your ten days happily, but not so much that you forget yourselves." She smiled once more, and the other creatures in the Hall began to spread out, conversing with other members of high Coltaran society, a few even exiting the chamber to return to their families. Turning to the onyx-armored equine at her side, she lowered her voice and spoke softly.

    "...my dearest Black Knight. I am surprised to see you returned to me so early. Of course, not that I am complaining, for your comfort has always been appreciated after the Emperor's death. However...I take it you found what you seek? Oh, and you may speak freely...the others are busy with their schemes and gossip, and my son here will not speak a word." The young unicorn at her side said nothing, simply eyeing the two of them sideways. Servants began to pour into the hall, and one of them approached them with glasses of wine. The Empress took hers, then Rubyn, and the servant finally offered the tray to the fearsome Black Knight, the young mare's legs shaking.

    ~Outskirts of the Crystal Walls, Ashen Gate's North Gate~

    The rackous roar of the massive city's populace shook the very earth outside the lit-up Capital, the lights making the stars almost impossible to see. Two lone figures approached the Walls slowly along the paved road, both wearing full-cover gray cloaks with their faces concealed. One of them was much larger than the other, towering in form and figure, while the other had a more feminine appearance. The closer they got to the glittering Walls in front of them, the more about them could be identified. The larger form was apparently a Griffon, carrying himself with a warrior's grace and poise. From underneath the coat was a plume of gray feathers, tipped with brown waves. Piercing blue eyes looked out from the cowl of his cloak, gazing at the Walls with a studious expression.

    "...Moonais, are you certain that he is who we seek? It has been twenty years since the Seer's death, and no matter where we look, each stallion we find is the wrong one." Moonais, the mare to his left, smiled calmly from under her own cowl. She had a smooth black coat and a wavy orange mane, her eyes a deep brown that seemed to drink in the light around her. In fact, she was quite the pretty equine, her curvy shape and lady-like grace often drawing the eyes of stallions. Of course, her friend here was an exception. "...we are running out of time, Van. He must be found...and by us. Otherwise, everything is lost. Fret not, my dear Talon...I am certain of this." Her voice faded to a whisper as they approached the North Gate of the city, it's massive bars scaling dozens of feet into the air. The Crystal Walls, created by the magical efforts of Rahmane, were almost impossible to destroy...enchanted and wrought from the energies of the land itself. It is a shame not even they will be able to hold out in the future...

    When they at last arrived, Moonais removed her hood to reveal her face, as did Van. A blue gemstone was placed in the center of the mare's forehead, where a horn would go. Both she and the griffon went through the gates, and upon entering, she caught sight of two guards standing outside the barracks. Clearing her throat, she approached them both with a serene, emotionless expression. Addressing Chainmail and his partner, she gestured toward the Inner City. "...excuse me, gentlecolts. My name is Lady Arial, of House Terdas among the High Blood. I was wondering if one of you could escort myself and my fellow, Lord Silverwing, to the Imperial District...how about you?" She smiled at Chainmail, waiting for his response.

  4. ~Empress Tulipia Dragoran, within the Diamond Hall~

    Tonight was a special night, for every being in Coltara. Tonight was the start of seven glorious days of peace and celebration. Tonight...was the first night of the Festival of Lights, the largest holiday in the land celebrated by every race within Coltara's borders (and even a few countries beyond that). The Festival was a holy event, that celebrated the creation of the Ascending Lights, and the remembrance of the passing of the Six Guardian Deities...among them the equine All-Father, Astral Magus. It was the Empress' favorite day of the year, and she would not miss it for her own foals.

    Tulipia, as she was called upon her True Naming Day, sat upon a massive, crystalline throne that radiated an almost-celestial energy, seven stars were engraved around her on the back of the Crystal Throne, each representing the Ascending Lights in a halo. In the Empire, the Imperial Family were viewed as above mortals...but the Emperor and Empress themselves, second-only to the Gods themselves. She herself was a unnaturally beautiful mare, with a flowing silver, braided mane and luxurious sapphire-blue coat. Her eyes were the colour of amber, seeming to glow with internal warmth. The elegantly sewn robe she wore held a majestic array of colours, each combining into waves of rainbow-like streams flowing down her body. However, none of her own features attracted the eye as much as what she wore on her head...the Crown of Heavens, a fabled piece of platinum craftsmenship that covered the top of her head, and descended down her face to her very chin, looking like the maw of a sabertooth. The top of the war-like crown spiked up into the air like gleaming spires, each with their own assembly of bountiful jewelry. Lifting her gaze from her white-lacquered hooves, she looked at an empty throne on her left, and frowned to herself. Rubyn was late...the ceremony was about to begin to announce his Annointment to being the heir of the Empire, but he dared not show? She said nothing, looking away from the smaller throne and ahead.

    The chamber she was in was known as the Diamond Hall, and it seemed that the entire Imperial Family and most of the High Blood Houses had gathered her, their voices continuing in their conversations in quiet tones. None of them would dare over-step themselves, out of fear that a member of the Hoof will drag them to the Towers of Midnight on the plains outside the city. Cowards... She thought to herself sourly. As soon as the thought escaped her mind, the massive ironwork doors at the entrance to the Hall opened, silencing the crowd as Rubyn and a member of the Nightinggales approached. The silence had grown so great that even their hoofsteps could be heard throughout the entire chamber, echoing like drums. Finally standing beneath the Crystal Throne, the two stallions bowed before her, and intoned in calm and ritualistic voices; "...we arrive, Highest of Queens, Greatest of Mortals. We watch, wait, and obey, O' Empress. May your rule last till the end of time itself, and the glory of your Empire continue to grow." Their voices faded, and she nodded, gesturing the Nightinggale soldier away and beckoning for her son to sit. The soldier bowed once more, and turned around to proceed out. Rubyn rised from his own bow and moved forward, stepping to the side and sitting on his own throne...a creation of black stone with ravens etched into it. Nodding, the Empress stood up and addressed the assembly.

    "Noble and virtuous members of my Family and Blood...welcome to the Capital of Ashen Gate. We gather here to embrace the life given to us by the Ascending Lights, and to mourne the passing of our beloved Guardians. Our kind has celebrated this holiday since the days of the Three Kingdoms...and so we carry on that tradition, thousands of years later. Coltara, and indeed the Empire, are gifts that the Creator had decided to grant us...and for that we give thanks. May the Festival of Lights...begin!" As if the object had come from nowhere, she slammed the butt of a large gemstone staff on the tiled floor, a boom which brought about applause from the entire audience, and the ceilings themselves began to rise, to reveal the open night sky above and the glowing silver moon that hung in the sky.

  5. ~Misery, at the Ruins of the Royal Hive~

    The smell of blood and death hung on the air, fresh and ripe from the events earlier this evening. Changeling corpses laid strewn about the wreckage of buildings and walls like rag dolls, their faces permanently warped into exp<b></b>ressions of fear, pain, and anguish. The scene was horrible beyond what Misery could have imagined...so many innocents. Gone. Even worse...she was going to do something far more evil to them before the sun rises again. The soldiers of her Father's army scrounged through the debris, dragging out corpses and placing them stretched out on the ground. Shaking her head, she turned her eyes from the grisly view before her, and moved slowly toward the nearly-intact inner circle of the former Hive. At the very center of the ring stood a large, black-stone altar, with a gigantic rotating purple crystal hanging above the platform. Several of the Crystal Empire ponies turned and looked her way, their helmets off and revealing their shiny, crystalline faces. Each one of them had grim exp<b></b>ressions...none of them had liked doing this. Nonetheless, their King had demanded it, and they were to obey. Perriot wasn't like the former King Sombra...he was their rightful ruler, for they had maintained their oaths to the True Blood Lineage from the elder days. Bowing respectfully as Misery approached the altar, they made a path for the dangerously-pretty Alicorn, whispering titles or praises as she passed. She ignored all of them.

    A chained form came into sight, an equine body tied in magical bindings to the wicked-looking altar, the figure's form breathing raggedly. As she came up onto the stage, the creature gave her an accusatory stare, disbelief alit in his eyes as he saw her. "...of all who I expected would do this to me...I never thought that it would be you..." Despair's voice was a rasp, a pale version of its former self. His sister, his twin since birth, smiled sadly and gently stroked a loose strand of mane from her brother's eyes. After his battle with the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis, he had laid critically wounded, his magical strength almost completely gone. Chrysalis and a few of her subjects had escaped...and now, Misery was about to lose her brother. No! I will not let that happen! She shook her head once more and whispered in a soothing voice. "...it isn't my choice, brother. I can't bear to lose you, I simply can't. This is the only way I can..." She choked on her own words, biting down on her lower lip as she turned away. Despair eyed her serenely, searching her for anything she may be hiding.

    "...what do you plan to do, Misery? What...is your plan here with...this stone?" "I...you have to trust me." The skyline began to glow at it's edges, a sign of the sun beginning to rise. The ritual had to be completed perfectly...or it will not work. Turning back to her brother, she closed her eyes as a few stray tears trailed down her cheeks, and she mouthed an apology to him as her horn began to glow with a fiendish, violet light. The crystal above Despair began to rotate, faster and faster until it moved as fast as a drill, a brilliant shine emminating from its center. A couple moments passed, the horizon obtaining more colour as the night sky was pushed away. Suddenly, the first light of dawn appeared, and the crystal gleamed to an almost blinding blaze. Grimacing, Misery opened her eyes and bared her teeth...as the crystal descended upon her brother. It pierced through the fragile alicorn Despair's center, causing him to gasp as the light fled from his eyes, his body going limp in death. The light faded, and the ground began to shake as if by an earthquake...and Despair's body twitched.

    A blood-curdling, nightmarish scream shattered the air as the sun rose above the mountains, red as blood against the sky.

    ~Two Days Later. Twilight Sparkle, RLF Dropship, approaching Equinia~

    The unicorn mare sat silent in the hold of the transport ship, staring at the floor beneath her hooves. A couple days ago, she had apparently been wounded fatally within the hidden RLF bunker...the one she had infiltrated. She had awoken on this airship, alone until a soldier had come in and informed her of what had occured during her incapacitation. Currently, she was being taken back to the Federation capital, after having spoken to Chronarch and Rainbow Dash about the recent events. Twilight gingerly placed a hoof against the bandages on her chest, and the MANA Synthesiser outside her wound. An experimental piece of technology, she had no idea how the RLF had grabbed hold of a prototype...but it drew upon the wearer's magical energies (or supplemented magic) to enhance the speed of recovery in an individual. However, it left side-effects in those of weak magical capacity or strength...but she should be fine, hopefully, due to her abilities. Removing her hoof from the bandages, she closed her eyes and hummed a tune to herself, one she remembered hearing a few years ago. All she could do was sit, and wait...

    (Sorry for the delay, folks! But, we can finally get started again :) )

  6. ~Present Day, year 2752 I.E. (Imperial Era), inside the Imperial Moon Garden of Ashen Gate~

    A gentle warmth hung on the summer wind, the leaves of the trees and bushes rustled from the caress of the breeze, the flowers swaying in unison as if to the beat of a song. Harmony existed here, more than most places these days. The Moon Garden was famously known for its beauty, and only the Imperial Family, its servants, or guests could enter. It contained flora from all over the continent of Coltara, from silver moondrops to white-laced willows. It was evening, the moon having risen high into the sky and bathing the land beneath it in a gentle glow. At the Garden's very center stood a beautiful, miniature version of the gigantic Moon Tree on the other side of the city, its bark like silver and leaves as black as the night sky, with gleaming white fruit like the stars amidst the dark. Surrounding it was a glowing pool in the shape of a crescent, and from the watery depths a special magic bloomed within it.

    At the base of the tree stood a young stallion, wearing a silky red robe that wrapped around his body, with ravens embroidered elegantly into the cuffs and back. The stallion's mane and tail were a dark, dusty red, like the clay in a parched desert, braided with dazzling rubies and diamonds, and his coat a peach, almost sand-like colour. His hooves were painted in a flamboyant blood-red, and his eyes held a mixture of blue and gray, swirled together into one unique form. However, what stood out the most was the horn on his forehead, for he was a Unicorn...the most feared creature in Coltara. His name was Rubyn Dragoran...heir to the Crystal Throne of the Empire, and the Prince of Ravens. His existence was an enigma, an oddity. Everywhere in the Empire, unicorns were persecuted and used, enslaved or executed, but he...he was pampered, and practically worshiped. It did not sit right with him.

    At the far end of the pool stood two Baraki Gardeners, a couple of the fiercest warriors the Empire had...fighters who, by covenant, protected the most important members of the Imperial Family...himself included. Taking a deep breath in, Rubyn lifted a body-length black-metal spear off the ground, spinning it around as he crouched into a fighting stance. The Baraki simply watched as the Prince practiced his martial fighting forms with his passed-down Aishanidari, a special weapon that the previous Prince of Ravens had held. He became one with the weapon, falling into a mental slumber as his body moved on its own, elegantly going through the practice motions. Crescent Over the Meadow. Hawk Under the Trees. Leaf Among the Whispers. Rubyn and the spear were one, a combined entity. It wasn't until his robe was drenched in sweat that he finally ceased, gently lowered himself into a crouch and placing his Aishanidari aside.

    "...done, young Prince?" An aged, battle-hardened stallion spoke quietly behind Rubyn, a pegasus wearing the signature dark-green and crimson armor of the Nightinggales. The Prince regarded the warrior with a nod, before standing. "...I suppose Mother sent you to fetch me, Silvertongue? Very well...it would be unfit to keep the Empress waiting, wouldn't you agree?" The veteran nodded, turning away as he began to lead Rubyn away from the Moon Garden, the Baraki bowing in respect as they retreated away.

  7. ~3500 years ago, the Sandspire Desert~

    The solemn stallion trudged through the grayish dunes, the skies still ashen with the latest cataclysm to disrupt the world. Dust...it was everywhere these days. The dust of the previously known world, scattered and torn by the actions of mortals and gods alike. Not that it hadn't committed it's own atrocities...hardly that. Every grain of Coltaran earth had been subjected to the blood of equines and other creatures. Nothing was innocent in this god-forsaken continent...nothing at all. This desert...it had once been a bountiful forest, filled with life. Now, none of that remained.

    ...but then again, I caused it all, didn't I? A voice spoke softly inside his head, but he ignored it, intent on only going forward through the choking sand. Indeed, it was his fault...all of it. It had been his arrogance, his inability to let go...that had broken Coltara. He was known by many names; Prince of the Dawn, Destroyer of Shadows, King of the Light...but the name every creature on the continent knew him by was Silvan Starrunner, the Lightbinder. It had been his mastery of the legendary Ascending Lights that allowed him to defeat and reconfine the Specter of Evil...the dreaded Darkwing, former demi-god and child of Astral Magus, father of ponykind. Memories stirred in his head...what had happened that day? It had been years since then. He knew he did something...horrible...a terrible accident, but could not recall it. A madness had eaten away at his mind, that was obvious, but where did it come from? He paused to contemplate on his mental state...he could almost feel it...-

    "...look at you, Silvan. Look at what you have become. I could almost pity you...almost." The voice dragged Silvan out of his thoughts, as he lifted his head to see who had spoken. Just a few meters away stood an incredibly dark figure, whose black attire conflicted with the desert landscape. Although there was a whirlwind blowing through the area, picking up dust and sand, the equine-shaped entity's clothing seemed unaffected, simply hanging there. Red eyes met his, and Silvan blinked calmly. "Oh...hello there. Hang on a moment...Evening...we have a guest! Evening?" He looked around, calling for his wife and thinking himself in the palace he had once lived in...a palace now destroyed. "I don't know where she's gone off to... Evening! Where are you?" The figure made a sound of disgust, listening to the insane unicorn before him. "...has the madness taken you so far, Silvan Starrunner? Can you truly not remember what happened? What you did?!" The figure removed his hood, revealing a stern, bronze-coloured face with a short black mane dangling down his neck. The fellow unicorn sneered, shaking his head. "...fine. I'll help you, Silvan...help you see what you have done to yourself." Channeling a stream of magic through his horn, the glow faded almost as quickly as it came.

    Silvan blinked again, taking in his surroundings once more. A puzzled expression grew on his face. "Wh-where am I...? A desert...? Wasn't I at the-" He cut off his sentence when his eyes fell on the stallion before him, and his face quickly took an angry tint. "YOU! How dare you show me your face, Betrayer!" The pony...Coppernicus, Silvan recalled...chuckled harshly. "Ah...finally you remember. Never in my dreams had I thought my own student would be reduced to such a...disgrace. You should have joined me when you have the chance, Silvan...even I cannot hold your madness at bay for long."

    "Forget it! I'd sooner die than serve you, or the Specter!"

    "Then die you shall! I came not to save you, Silvan, but to watch you suffer! Watch you SQUIRM! Remember what atrocities you have committed, fool!"

    As if they had been slammed into his head with a mallet, the memories finally flowed...memories of the blood-covered faces of his children, his wife...his family. The destroyed ruins of his palace home, and the remnants of the city that had surrounded it. "No..." He shook his head in denial, his eyes wide with fear and despair. "No...no...no...no no no no NO!" Out of reflex, Silvan grabbed hold of the twisted...newly tainted magic that hung before his grasp. He suddenly began to take it in, his body taking on a fierce, bright light as he drew in more and more of the magical energy. Coppernicus took a step back, snarling; "Fool! You're drawing too much in! You will destroy yourself!

    I'm sorry, Evening...

    It is all my fault...

    I'm coming, my love...

    Please...do not hate me...

    As the magic started to burst out of Silvan's body, Coppernicus disappeared without a trace. The intense magic continued to pile up, reaching unearthly levels. With burning tears going down his cheeks, Silvan screamed out into the grayish skies above. "FORGIVE ME, CREATOR!" As the words escaped his lips...the world became an inferno. The land around him broiled and rumbled, rising under fountains of fire and lava, the dunes around turned to dust as the earth below grew, rising higher and higher into the sky, as if to pierce the heavens. As the cataclysmic scene winded down...what stayed in Silvan's place was a massive mountain with a jagged peak, that which would later be named Silvermount. The Lightbinder was no more.


    ~20 years ago, 2732 I.E. (Imperial Era), Ashen Gate~

    The sounds of battle resounded among the highlands outside the massive Crystal Walls of the Capital, thousands of armored ponies struggled against a mass of white-clad equines, flying Imperial Battleships contending with the massive Skyroosts of the Hikarri Clans. It seemed as if the Underworld had broken loose...for the dead laid everywhere. The smell of blood, sweat, and death permeated the battlefield, the screams of the dying filling the evening air. The steel of swords clashed against the edges of spears, talons scored wounds against coats and fur, and rain poured from the skies above, making the ground treacherous. The Empire's armed force...the Ever-Victorious Army...was losing. Actually losing. The realization of this had caused great calamity both inside and outside of Ashen Gate, for civilian and soldier alike. However, the unthinkable happened: the Hikarri army began to retreat, great horns letting out their bellows as the invaders pulled back, leaving the Dragorans in stunned silence. It wasn't until the last Skyroost began to soar away that the soldiers below saw a corpse dangling from chains beneath the flying fortress: the corpse of High General Hollowbone.

    The Emperor watched the retreat in quiet contemplation, his red cloak billowing from the icy winds blowing across the Crystal Walls. His generals beside him also stared after their fallen comrade, whispering amongst themselves as they sent orders out to the armies below to advance. Tail the Hikarri...but do not engage unless coaxed. After dismissing them from his presence, Emperor Steelir was greeted by an excited messenger, who saluted and brought to him an envelope marked with the Imperial Seal. Taking it, he slipped out the contents and read it...a frown growing on his face.

    "...my wife, the Empress...has given birth to a unicorn...a Prince of Ravens has been born." The first unicorn born to the Empress in four hundred years...the first Prince of Ravens in four centuries. Steelir raised his eyes to the massive tower which held the Ascending Lights...each one of them, and a smile grew on his face. "...he will be the greatest Emperor the Empire will ever know. That...I am certain of." Dismissing the messenger, he gazed out at the skyline...the sun had just risen, and dawn had arrived. The dawn of a new legacy.

  8. Oh...mah...gaaaaaawd. I am soooo joining this. Demopony FTW! Bwahahahaha! -coughs- Sorry...I reverted to my tomboyish self for a moment. Anyway, I'd love to try this out :) if I may suggest, though, maybe an example application, since maybe TF2-related OCs might have special information required? Anyway, I'll give it my best shot!

    Name: Cyrus "Bloody" Drake

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Class: Demopony

    Eye colour: Blue-green

    Coat: Black and prickly, with a reddish-tinge at the edges.

    Mane/Tail: Silver, almost metallic.

    Hat: Unusual Team Captain with Flower Power!


    Standard Grenade Launcher

    The Splendid Screen

    The Persian Persuader

    (I hope that works. If not, I'll edit it.)

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