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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. sorry I cheated on you with like five other guys and one girl during those four years when we weren't talking
  2. ROCKY WHAM BAM THERE YOU ARE I forget if I ever officially broke up with you but just incase I didn't: I'm breaking up with you
  3. Language The primary language of Canterlot.com is English. Other languages may be used in limited, reasonable context (e.g. saying "hello" in Japanese or common, well-known phrases as part of English language context). If we can't read it, we can't moderate it. It is not staff duty to translate words or sentences into English. Swearing is allowed but we ask that you be reasonable about it. Strong curse words (eg: f-bombs, slurs, s-word) are still prohibited.
  4. I appreciate that the cat calls me by my real name now
  5. I beat him to the 1000th post. the one that fawkes himself said should be the post that wins LPW
  6. it's been half of a half hour and nobody has offered to give me anything I guess I'm not as huggable as I used to be. I've lost my desirability as a potential hug buddy
  7. I'm in a rare hugging mood give me a gift and if I like it I will also let you give me a hug
  8. you are WEAK and would not have survived LPW in its hayday (control+F the word hint on each page) (doing that won't work actually sorry)
  9. fawkes has been here since page 11 and is a sentimental sappequus. he will be back. he's always back.
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