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Angie Cakes

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Posts posted by Angie Cakes

  1. so I've been doing research on my little pony toys for homework, and I've come across a few toy reviews from parents saying how much the kids love the toys and that they don't care that the toys aren't accurate.

    so that got me wondering, what kind of experiences have you guys had with kids and mlp: fim?

    my little cousin owns the gift set with the plastic haired toys and she loves them, but when I tried to show her the show, she ignored it except for the musical parts. (to be expected of a three year old I guess... this is a bit too high level for her still)

    the only other time I've seen a kid with a fim toy was at a baseball game that I was volunteering at. she had the Fluttershy toy from McDonald's, but she called it a different name.

  2. If you want to show an image on Deviant Art here, you need a direct link to the image. To get that, go to the page with the image, click "Download Image", which will open a pop-up window on your browser. In the pop up window with the image, right click and select "copy image URL". Click the image button on the menu here and paste the copied URL.

    ah, actually I was trying to get the spoilers to work. :blush: they work fine on my computer, but it's stupid on my mom's for some reason. thanks anyways :3

    (I had the direct link, but I switched it to the da page link 'cause I was too lazy to go through that step again afterwards :P)

  3. okay, so I've been waiting since late August to post this because I didn't want to start too early, but now it's October 1st and NOTHING IS STOPING ME :mad:

    what're everybody's plans?

    yesterday I went to a corn maze and that was a lot of fun. I'm also going to comic con and I'm probably going to have a sleepover with my group of friends. I'm not sure if I'm going to dress up this year because my friends don't want to go trick-or-treating. we might all go in a group costume for comic-con though. I'd like for all of us to go as a different pony because there's six of us, but they're all neutral towards ponies (and two of them are guys). also I doubt there will be pony stuff at our tiny comic convention that we have :P

    mm, yeah. and that's it for me so far

  4. okay, I just made this yesterday :D it didn't turn out though. I way undercooked it XD my mom always makes peanut butter squares every year around this time, but she wouldn't make them for me so I had to fend for myself :P

    1 cup peanut butter

    1/2 cup sugar

    1 egg

    as many chocolate chips as you feel you need

    mix peanut butter, sugar and egg together and pour into a 8x8 pan

    put chocolate chips on top

    cook for 20 minutes at 325ºF (I think it's F... like 80% sure...)

    if it's wiggly when you take it out, it's probably not done, even if the top looks cooked. I learned that last night XD it should firm all the way through

    also I sugest making a double batch because this makes enough for like four people. or eight people who each get one unsatisfying square.

  5. actually, I've noticed this to. I've still yet to make an application, but every so often I like to look around there to see what kind of characters people make. I never leave comments because most people seem to write huge stories and I don't read them all the way through XD I'm just there for the art.

    but I do notice that some apps have TONNES of comments, while some don't get any, and I always feel bad for those people :(

  6. peanut butter balls?

    okay, my daily breakfast involving peanut butter balls

    pour yourself a bowl of rice krispies or corn flakes (with milk)

    put small scoops of peanut butter on it

    people always tell me it sounds weird, but it's soooo good. it's WAY better than just a bland bowl of rice krispies or cornflakes everyday

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