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Posts posted by Mojo

  1. "Did y'all say, GOLD mine?" Larry the Cable Pony asked with a huge grin. "Well thar pal, lead on, and on the way, you kin tell me all about that thar gold mine!"

    "There's gold in this here universe?" Texas Tilly asked.


    "Of course there's gold in this world, silly!" Sye Klops neighed. "But dragons only eat gems, not precious minerals."

    "Quite right," added Con Mare as he turned to the Olden Pony, "and what is your opinion, miss?"

    "Does HE have my rusty horseshoe?" she asked, pointing at Gold Digger.

    "Could one of y'all remind me why we brung Ancient Annie over thar with us?" Larry whispered.

    "Shut yur yap an' keep walkin', lard-o!" Tilly replied.

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  2. "Vhat did I tell you, Frau Harshwhinney?" Professor Krashkop neighed. "Did I tell you Gerrard vas dee perfect guy for dis job?"

    "Indeed you did, Professor," the orange mare in the purple blazer said as she turned towards Gerrard. "I must ask this question, simply because I am in charge of this operation. Will you be able to bring this project in on time and on budget?"

    "Of course he vill! You vill see, is this not so, Herr Greyfeather?"

    "I don't mean to be picky, but I will be the one facing the wrath of my superiors if this building isn't completed on time. This is why I insist on asking the question, sir."

  3. The six traveling companions saw GoldDigger walking up to Larry and talking.

    "That thar's the best offer I've had all day!" Larry the Cable Pony neighed. "We're gittin' no where fast on our own. Where's the nearest restaurant?"

    "It figures ol' tubby thar's got his mind on food!" Texas Tilly quipped as she turned towards him. "If'n yur THAT hungry, why not go graze or is that too much work fer ya?"

    "Can't do that, sweetie, read what all them signs say over thar!"

    "KEEP OFF THE GRASS!" Silver read as the cybernetic stallion turned to examine them.

    "Can't keep off duh grass an' eat it at the same time! GIT'R DONE!"

    "WHO'S GOT MY RUSTY HORSESHOE?" the Olden Pony asked again.

    "Give it a rest, Methuselah! I'm askin' this dude here about a place ta eat!"

    "I say, that was rather rude, Larry," Con Mane said sternly.

    "I have to agree, you should apologize," Sye Klops added.

    "Ok, I'm surry old lady," Larry the Cable Pony said as he faced each of his traveling companions. "NOW kin we go eat? I'm so hungry, mah stomache's about ta sue me fer non support! I don't care who ya are, that's funny!"

    Texas Tilly, Silver, Sye Klops, Con Mane and the Olden Pony all groaned at Larry's terrible joke.

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  4. "I see! Right down ta business! That's groovy, I can dig it!" Mojo said with a toothy grin as he placed his bits on the applestand. "How about, in honor of yur charmin' Gran, I'll take a bushel of Granny Smiths. And now, for me kiss..."


    "Hot diggity! He's gonna kiss'r!" Granny Smith shouted before Uncle Apple Strudel pulled her away from the stand.

    "I tink you vill make AppleJack und Mojo feel very uncomfortable if you continue to behave like dat!"

    "Reckon ya gotta point thar, brother, but I wanna watch it anywho! That fancy lookin' goomer could be part of our family someday!"

    "I vill fetch dee apples," Apple Strudel said as the bearded stallion watched towards the back.

    "Don't care what ol' whisker face says, I'm rootin' fer Mojo on this one."

  5. Mojo smiles as he hears Wheat Grass's story.

    "That's one groovy love story, chum! Maybe someday in the future I can be findin' meself a ideal soul mate too! Oh, ya mean Granny Smith? Forgive me pal, I thought you'd heard of the Apple Family. They're a groovy group of farmin' Earth Ponies who's main crops is, apples. Ya got the Gran, she's the heart an' soul of the Apple clan. Great old gal, kinda loopy sometimes, but she's cool. Then there's the three grandkids, AppleJack, Big MacIntosh and Applebloom. Applejack's quite a looker! She a hard workin' mare who'd easily have a whole line of suitors if she'd seek'm. Her big brother Big MacIntosh is the strong, silent type. Can't get that bounder ta say much more than 'Eeyup' or 'Enope' most of the time, so he's not exactly strong on conversation. The youngest of the three is AppleBloom. Poor little filly doesn't even have her cutie mark yet. I betch you'd like'm a lot, Wheat Grass! I'm been on their farm a few times meself."

    Mojo then looked a little stunned at his final question.

    "Oh, that was just a figure o' speech, chum! No worries. How is your tea? Would ya like some more? Got plenty in the pot!"

  6. "Yes, yes of course we have blueprints, Mr. Greyfeather! Professor, show him the royal blueprints!" Ms. Harshwhinney said sternly.

    "Javol, frau Harshvhinney!" Professor Krashkop neighed, producing a large tripod stand where the edlerly Pegasus placed a wooden piece of sheetboard with the blueprint pasted to it upon it. Taking a pointing stick in his right hoof, the green Pegasus pointed to features of the blueprint as he explained them.

    "As you can see, Herr Greyfeather, dere are a number of distinct features to dis structure vee are looking for. Here, vee vant tvin glass doors for dee entry vay. Und up here, dis second floor vill consist of office space. Vone large meeting room, und several smaller office areas for dee Equestria Games staff. Downstairs, dee lobby vill be very spacious, und yet must have a distinct Equestria Games look to it. Up here, dere is a planned third floor but for dee moment, it vill be storage space. In dee future, perhaps if dee Games staff is expanded, den dis third floor can be more developed. Vith dis plan, vee already have an eye on expansion. Do you have any suggestions, old friend?"

  7. GrannySmith1WithText.png

    Granny Smith gleefully accepted the warm, loving hug from her youngest granddaughter.

    "Glad ya like it, AppleBloom," the elderly mare neighed. Likewise, Uncle Apple Strudel accepted his hug from the birthday filly as well.

    "You are quite velcome, AppleBloom," the bearded stallion replied.

    Haywire happily received her 'head rub' from the gleeful filly who then opened her gift.

    "Glad ya like'm, AppleBloom!" the rust colored filly neighed as she noticed where AppleBloom had placed her firecracker rockets. The blonde blank flank was very surprised to see that they all seemed to fit inside the silo of her playset.

    "Good place ta put'm! Wait, I fergot ta give ya the pack of matches that go with the rockets!" Haywire neighed, reaching into her saddlebag to hand her a small pack of matches. "Gonna need'm ta set'm all off!"

  8. "Indeed!" Mr. Waddle neighed, trying to make all his fellow bowlers feel better. "I do believe it is my turn to bowl."

    "Go get'm Mr Waddle!" Pigpen cheered.

    "Javol! Get a strike!" added Professor Krashkop as the elderly Earth pony rolled his ball up to the line with his front hooves. Carefully taking aim, Mr. Waddle gave his ball a gentle push, sending it slowly rolling down the alley. The ball began to veer to the left and by the time it reached the pins, rolled past the first three rows before knocking down a single pin on the last row.

    "Need to aim a little better with this next ball," Mr. Waddle said as he launched his second ball. This time, the ball veered right and clipped a single pin on the other side.

    "Well, that's two!" Pigpen said, trying to sound upbeat.

    "Ja! Dee important ting here is to have fun!" the gray maned Pegasus stallion neighed. "Who vill be next?"

  9. "Me family's all doin' groovy, thanks for askin' babe, er.. I mean, Miss AppleJack." Mojo said with his nervous quick correction. The Paint stallion remembered all too well the mare's stern warning to him during the time he helped a work crew to restore a damaged barn at Sweet Apple Acres not long ago. "How's that barn we fixed up hold'n up? We did a rippin' good job on it, I must say!"


    "Yessir, we all sure hadda fun time fixin' up that thar barn," Granny Smith added. "Ya need ta come by and visit us more often. Ain't that right, AppleJack?"

    "Granny.." Uncle Apple Strudel said sternly.

    "Now now little brother. Ain't nothin' wrong with havin' a handsome gentlecolt caller from time ta time. I'm sure AppleJack would agree with that.."

    "I don't tink dis is dee place and time to discuss such tings, mein sister."

    All this time, Mojo tried hard not to blush, but there were some distinct patches of red visible through the hippie brony's facial fur.

  10. Well, for shipping in my area, I have to use the U.S. Postal Service because the nearest UPS or FedEx office is over 35 miles away in two directions in neighboring counties and... (reads the thread and entries) OH! THAT kind of shipping! To quote Derpy Hooves: "Oops! My bad!" :D:D:D

  11. Mojo was a bit surprised at the apparent miscommunication going on between himself and his new friend Flax Seed. The Paint stallion pondered for a moment before replying.

    "Half a 'mo, chum," Mojo said with a bright smile as he spoke with a happy tone, "when I asked ya, 'can ya dig it?', I meant did ya understand me? Sorry bout me language slang words, just a force'a habit. Like, I often refer ta those of the female gender as 'babe' or 'love' and that got me inna bit'a hot water with a pretty filly named AppleJack. I thought that blinkin' mare was gonna knock me block off that last time she warned me NOT to call'r 'babe' again. Never could understand why her Gran's been tryin' to get the two of us together. Don't get me wrong, Flax, AppleJack's one happenin' chick, but I don't think she'd be groovy with me courtin' her. By the way, pal, if ya don't mind me askin', howdidya meet your soulmate?"

  12. When the griffon grab up Professor Krashkop in a hug, Ms. Harshwhinney gasped in amazement. But Clyde was used to this sort of greeting from his old friend, so he was perfectly calm throughout the entire time.

    "You alvays have dat unique form of greeting, mein friend," the Professor said with a wide grin after he was released from the hug. When she heard Gerrand's words towards her, Ms. Harshwhinney whined and looked very sad. The orange Earth pony hadn't realized how insensative and harsh her 'greeting' was to the griffon.

    "A thousand pardons, Ger.. I mean, Mr. Greyfeather," the suddenly nervous blonde mare said, "I do apologize for my poor choice of wrods. Please, come this way."

    Professor Krashkop gave the mare a nasty look as he passed by her and entered inside. Ms. Harshwhinney held the door open for Gerrand, hoping that she could recover from her bad first impression.

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