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Posts posted by Mojo

  1. Hi Shinygear!

    This is an excellent effort for a first OC app! All of the required fields are filled and you've gone to great detail in many sections of it!


    I have to admit, the cutie mark story does ramble a bit, but it does reach the desired conclusion, so I find it acceptable.

    There may be a problem with him living in Ponyville (please read the 'Residence' section of Rarity's Simply Fabulous Application Form). You might want to change this. Keep in mind that though a pony is free to travel, so even if Shinygear didn't live in Ponyville, he's certainly free to VISIT Ponyville as often as he likes!

    Otherwise, I believe this app is good to go for further evaluation.

  2. Still panting hard, the daydream was finally clearing from Tilly Tome's mind. When she saw Ballad and Aloe and heard the spa pony calling out to her, the frightened Crystal Pony began to calm down.

    [colour=#800080]"Oh my stars and garters!' [/colour]she neighed, now fully aware of where she was and what she had just done, [colour=#800080]"I am so sorry for that, outburst. When I fell asleep in the mud pit, I saw..saw... him... again.... please forgive me, ladies. Seems that although King Sombra was defeated, Crystal Ponies like me still have bad nightmares about him. Oh my! I didn't mean to cause such a disturbance. I hope I didn't upset your customers. If you feel I should go, then I will leave willingly...."[/colour]

    Tilly Tome bowed her head sadly, deeply ashamed of her actions.

  3. Mojo was now excited! He seemed to be 'reaching' Flax Seed and (hopefully) demostrating his friendship and calm to him.

    [colour=#8B4513]"Wasn't far in the sticks when I found'm, pal," [/colour]the Paint stallion began to explain, [colour=#8B4513]"kinda noticed a few of the wild animals actin' real funky and far out after they munched on the funny beans. That's when it hit me, if those cool critters could eat'm, then ponies could too! So I ground up the beans, cooked'm in boil'in water and presto! Instant hot drink that'll keep ya movin! Tryin' ta come up with a name for it, whittled it down ta two choices, 'Coffee' or 'Mojo's Amazin' Funky Fresh Pep Drink!' Oh well, still workin' on it."[/colour]

    The hippie brony smiled as he took a deep breath to begin telling Flax about his older traveling companion.

    [colour=#8B4513]"Ah, Nurse Starflower. Well dude, for starters, she's a unicorn and we first met durin' an emergency on me first trip out in my peddler's wagon. Me and Wings were just groovin' on down the road when we saw a tired Pegasus filly fallin' from the sky. A real bad scene! She was only, like, super tired, but ol' Wings and I didn't know that. When we got to where she was, I sent Wings over ta Trottin'ham while I did me best to make the poor gal comfortable. Jubilee said she hovered over the town shoutin' out for help. Lucky for us, Miss Starflower was on holiday there and followed Wings back ta me wagon. Ol' Star knew exactly what ta do, she's quite a brainy chick! Anyway, startin' gettin' dark and rainy, so all of us spent the night in me wagon. Good thing I had plenty of me hoofmade hammocks for all us ta sleep in while it was stormin' outside! Long story short, ol' Starflower really hit it off with me'n Wings! That Nurse chick's really groovy, for an older gal that is. I think you'd like'r too, Flax! She's got quite a few natural remedies herself!"[/colour]

  4. GrannySmith1WithText.png

    As the Apple matriarch began to daydream about doing some 'matchmaking,' she happened to glance to the front of the line as Sugar Rush placed his bits on the top of the apple stand. As she collected the bits, the elderly lime green mare heard every word of the conversation between him and Applejack. The longer she listened, the angrier Granny Smith got with the purple maned stallion.

    [colour=#00FF00]"NOW SEE HERE, SONNY!" [/colour]Granny Smith managed to blurt out before Uncle Apple Strudel pull her away from the apple stand.

    [colour=#006400]"Nein! Don't do dis, mein sister," [/colour]the bearded stallion said in hushed tones. [colour=#006400]"Vee cannot sell dees extra apple if you get combative vith our customers."[/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00]"Ya heard how that young feller was insultin' my granddaughter! Let me go so I kin giv'm a piece o' my mind!"[/colour]

    [colour=#006400]"Please Granny Smith, refrain for dis course of action! You could scare off all dee other ponies vaiting in line!"[/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00]"Nutin' doin' Strudel! I'ma gonna knock some sense inta that whippersnapper's noggin! Ain't nuttin' y'all kin say is gonna stop me!"[/colour]

    As the two elderly sibling Earth ponies struggled together, Mojo moved up closer in line as Sugar Rush departed.

    [colour=#8B4513]"Hay Granny Smith!" [/colour]the Paint Earth stallion called out, [colour=#8B4513]"fancy meetin' ya here, doll!"[/colour]

    Hearing the soothing voice of the Pony of Peace instantly quelled Granny Smith's rage. The elderly mare bolted loose from her brother's grip and rushed up beside him, knocking Uncle Apple Strudel down to the grass in the process.

    [colour=#00FF00]"Howdy agin, Mojo! Good ta see ya! You orta come by here more often, an' bring that thar fancy guitar with ya too!"[/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]"Sounds groovy, chicky baby! Wish I could crash a while at yur pad, but I gotta split as soon as I lay down mah bread an' pack me apples with me, you dig?"[/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00]"What's that, sonny?" [/colour]Granny Smith asked with a very confused look on her face as her brother walked up to them.

    [colour=#006400]"I tink vhat Herr Mojo is saying is dat he cannot stay und vill be leaving after he buys his apples, ja?"[/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]"Far out! The bearded daddy-o gets it!" [/colour]Mojo neighed.

    [colour=#00FF00]"Well, that's jist too bad, young feller, cause there's a certain mare who'd LOVE ta spend more time with ya and..."[/colour] Granny muttered until Apple Strudel interrupted her.

    [colour=#006400]"Und vee are all very pleased to see you here at Sveet Apple Acres! Mein name is Uncle Apple Strudel! Vonderba! You are next in line!"[/colour]

    [colour=#8B4513]"Right-o cool cat, catch ya on the flipside, Unck!" [/colour]Mojo neighed, exchanging a 'high hoof' with the bearded stallion before stepping back in line. A furious Granny Smith bonked her brother over the head with her left front hoof.

    [colour=#00FF00]"Why'd ya interrupt me like that, brother! I was tryin' ta sell that fancy singin' goomer ta Applejack!"[/colour]

    [colour=#006400]"Und dat is vhy I did stop you! If dose two are meant to be together, it vill happen on it's own. If you try to force dem into romance, it vill end in disaster! You know I'm right, mein sister."[/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00]"Enough Strudel, ya gotta stop confusin' me with the facts, ok?" [/colour]Granny said as she spotted Valen and waved to him.

    [colour=#00FF00]"Howdy Valen! Good ta see ya agin! How ya been since last I saw ya?"[/colour]

  5. Saddlesore smiles as he looked up into the eyes of Asteria.

    [colour=#0000FF]"I understand, Miss Stillheart. As wonderful as this night with you has been, nothing can last forever. I would enjoy meeting up with you again soon. Perhaps I can look you up the next time I'm Canterlot. Thank you for sharing this time with me. I will treasure it for the rest of my life."[/colour]

    Saddlesore couldn't help but smile, the blue Earth stallion has been this happy in his entire life. This is a night he'll never forget.

  6. Thank you for finishing this app. Somehow, your font seems to have enlarged itself again. As I stated earlier, a size 14 font will be fine. You did fix many of the grammatical errors in your text. I have consulted with the resident 'chef' on the Staff, and she says that it is possible to 'churn' ice cream with a whisk IF you use a chilled bowl and could manage to keep it chilled during the mixing process. Though our 'chef' did also add it would be much easier to use a crank-churn, it is possible to create ice cream with a whisk. This app is very close to acceptable, so if you'd kindly make these changes, it should work.

  7. Mojo breathed a sigh of relief to see he had finally managed to convince Flax Seed of his noble intentions. His new friend seemed more relaxed too as the two engaged in poltie conversation.

    [colour=#8B4513]"Jolly good ya asked, friend," [/colour]the Paint stallion neighed in delight[colour=#8B4513] "I was born in this part of Equestria, grew up here too! Got me cutie mark one day in school when I was readin' one of me poems about peace! I met Jubilee Flyer while she was goin' ta a Performin' Arts school nearby. She was havin' a rough go at it, and I managed ta teach her how to relax, ta relieve stress. Ol' Wings is like a sister ta me, and I'm glad ta see she's got a nice handsome stallion in her life. I could tell ya how I met Nurse Starflower, but that's an even longer story, maybe I'll tell ya later. As for natural remedies, me mum and dad found some of those and then taught me how ta make'm. Y'know, simple things to help cure headaches, athlete's hoof, small stuff like that. I make no claim ta be a doctor, that wouldn't be cool. I've even got a exilar that'll give ya pep! Found some of an odd lookin' plant near the Everfree Forest. I ground it's beans, boiled it in water and now I gotta marvy tastin' drink that keeps ya alert and awake! Shall I make ya some ta try?"[/colour].

  8. As Tilly Tome's wall shaking snoring continued, the sleeping Crystal Pony began to dream. She dreamed she was much younger, her mane interlaced with bright flowers as she galloped away from the library and slowly (so it seemed) into a nearby green meadow. A smile came upon the snoring filly's face as her dream continued. Galloping wild and free in the meadow until in the distance, she spotted a tall, majestic figure, Tilly's DREAM STALLION!!! As if she was floating on clouds, Tilly Tome galloped towards him, as if in slow motion. Her heart raced faster and faster as she approached him. As the anxious Crystal filly came to stop in front of him, the figure smiled before instantly transforming into... KING SOMBRA! The shock of this nightmare caused the sleeping, snoring Tilly's eyes to spring open, a look ot total fear in her eyes as she screamed out. The terrified filly's screams were far louder than her snoring had been! Shaking like a leaf, the terror-stricken Tilly moves to one corner of the mud pit she was in, too frightened to move a muscle, let alone climb back out.

  9. GrannySmith1WithText.png

    As Granny Smith and Uncle Apple Strudel continued their work bringing up more bushels of apples and taking the bits as payment, the elderly Apple matriarch spotted a familiar pony in the distance. He was someone who had helped work at Sweet Apple Acres when their barn was partially damaged by fire. He was a Paint stallion with brown mane and a peace sign cutie mark...


    [colour=#8B4513]"Nothin' like a good ol' walk in the woods ta limber up the ol' legs," [/colour]the hippie brony said as he chanced to trot by the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres when he stopped long enough to read the sign. [colour=#8B4513]"Groovy! I would rather fancy some apples. And ta get a kiss from that gorgeous babe Applejack! She's quite a looker, though I doubt she'd consider goin' on a date with me. Sent out some real negative vibes last time I saw her. Oh well, I got me bits and some time, I'll step inta line and get me some apples, and get a kiss while doin' it!"[/colour]

    As the Paint stallion walked over to enter the back of the line, Granny Smith got very excited.

    [colour=#00FF00]"Thar he is! Thar he is! I knew that fancy talkin' feller;d show up here!"[/colour]

    [colour=#006400]"Vhat fancy fellow are you talking about, mein sister?" [/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00]"Why, Mojo of course! Always did like duh way that feller could sing and play guitar! And I'd betcha he'd make a dandy stallion fer our Applejack ta go courtin' with!"[/colour]

    [colour=#006400]"Now Granny! It vould not be fair to push AppleJack into someting she doesn't vant..."[/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00]"You let ME worry bout her, Strudel! I ain't gittin any younger and I sure wanna see mah Applejack git hitched before I go ta the great beyond."[/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00][colour=#006400]"I do not like dis und I vill not help you!"[/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#00FF00][colour=#00FF00]"I'm yur older sister and I outrank ya! We gotta find a way to git them two tagethur...."[/colour] [/colour]

    • Like 2
  10. [colour=#0000FF]"No Miss Stillheart, you are quite correct," [/colour]Saddlesore said as the blue Earth Pony walked with his taller unicorn mare companion. [colour=#0000FF]"The Pegasi do control most aspects of our weather in Equestria, but even they cannot control the beauty and majestic splender of the moon. You may deem yourself underqualified to comment on the night sky, but I do value your opinion. After all, you certainly travel a lot in your line of work, and your more global perspective would be far superior to my own. I don't travel much, and the few places that I've traveled to I didn't have a very good time when I got there. But with you here, with me, I am truly content. Thank you for sharing this evening with me, Miss Stillheart."[/colour]

  11. It seemed to Mojo that he wasn't making much progress in making his new friend feel at ease. Seems the harder he tried, the more tense Flax Seed was becoming. Then, Flax's tone changed and asked the Paint stallion to convince him of his sincerety.

    [colour=#8B4513]"I dig ya, chum, and yur right, I don't know what it's like ta almost lose your pad to the Square Brothers. Sounds like a real bad scene. I don't know what more I can say, but you and your gal pal are welcome ta come visit me family's farm. Talk to me mum and dad, if I were some uncool villian type, would I invite you and your life partner over to me pad? Come see me peddler wagon too! Judge for yurself if I'm hip or a square, whatdoya say?"[/colour]

  12. [colour=#0000FF]"One step ahead of ya, Miss Carrot Top!" [/colour]Hayseed neighed as he pulled over his loaded shopping basket that he'd been carrying near him the entire time. [colour=#0000FF]"I've been pickin' up things here and thar the whole time I've been with ya. Didn't wanna miss a moment of bein' with ya, ma'am."[/colour]

    After saying that, the sturdy farm pony turned his head, blushing hard in his face.

    [colour=#0000FF]"Er, I'm ready ta check out whenever you are, Miss Carrot Top."[/colour]

    Meanwhile, other ponies were frantically completely their shopping in order to get the jar of Zap Apple Jam as a reward. Flam quickly levitated a number of items into his floating shopping basket and got into a checkout line.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"I've seized this opportunity, to get Zap Apple Jam for free! I'm Flam, yes Flam, one of the Fabulous Flim Flam brothers! Shopping wisely is my game!" [/colour]the lanky mustached unicorn stallion sang as he placed his basket on the checkup counter. [colour=#ff8c00]"Ready to make my buy, and ready for my Zap Apple Jam am I!!!"[/colour]

    Just behind Flam in line was Mr. Waddle, who chose a big basket with small wheels on the bottom so the elderly stallion could wheel his items up to the counter.

    [colour=#696969]"Oh my! I certainly hope I'm in time for the free Zap Apple Jam!" [/colour]Mr Waddle neighed.

    As Haymaker rushed frantically through the aisles grabbing items to put in her basket, Dr Stable quietly levitated the things he needed into his basket and got in line behind Mr. Waddle.

    [colour=#FF0000]"I was so busy with those medical emergencies that I nearly failed to complete my own shopping," [/colour]the unicorn stallion physician said.

    [colour=#B22222]"Slow down, sis!" [/colour]Haywire shouted as she galloped after her trotting big sister. [colour=#B22222]"Yur gonna run inta somethin'!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"I know what I'm doin', squirt!" [/colour]Haymaker shouted seconds before colliding with a tall stack of cans. The avalanche of cans fell upon the form of the tripped up lanky red maned mare.

    [colour=#B22222]"You already, big sis?"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Dang nabbit! I ain't got time fer fallin'! Time's runnin' out ta git the free jam! Gotta hurry!"[/colour]

    [colour=#B22222]"But sis.." [/colour]Haywire neighed as she watched Haymaker roll herself back up to her four feet and then dash off down the aisle again, leaving cans sprawled out all over the floor.

    [colour=#B22222]"I best git this mess cleaned up before mah sister gits in trouble agin'." [/colour]the rust coloured filly said as she began to gather up stray cans and slowly started to restack all the cans the way they were before.

  13. MisterRe, I just noticed a minor Application Rules violation. Users are only permitted to have one Ready status app and one WIP status app at the same time. You currently have two apps (this one and Mr. Re) that are set at 'Ready' status, so one of those apps will have to be moved back to WIP status until the remaining Ready app is approved.

    I do apologize, I should've noticed this earlier. This is not a major problem, but it does need to be addressed.


  14. [colour=#0000FF]"You're right, Miss Carrot Top! We best git ya all ready ta check out before they run outta free Zap Apple jam!" [/colour]Hayseed neighed as he galloped to eagerly assist his new mare friend with her shopping.

    Meanwhile, Flam and Mr. Waddle wave goodbye to the departing Derpy Hooves.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Goodbye Miss Hooves!" [/colour]the lanky unicorn stallion shouted as he waves his left front hoof in the air. [colour=#FF8C00]"I hope we'll meet again soon!"[/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"Goodbye Miss Hooves!" [/colour]added Mr. Waddle as he waved.

    [colour=#FF8C00]"Egad! Did you hear Filthy Rich, dear fellow? We better return to shopping before we lose out on a free jar of Zap Apple jam!"[/colour]

    [colour=#696969]"Quite right, Flam," [/colour]the older Earth stallion agreed as the two rushed off to shop. Outside, when Dr. Stable rushed up to their wagon, he spotted Haywire placing a cold compress on her older sister's head as she began to revive.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Ah! Miss Haymaker!" [/colour]Dr. Stable neighed, [colour=#FF0000]"and how are we feeling now?"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"About half in half," [/colour]Haymaker snorted. [colour=#800080]"YOU look fine, but I feel lousy!"[/colour]

    [colour=#B22222]"Now mind yur manners, sis," [/colour]Haywire said sternly, [colour=#B22222]"t'aint HIS fault ya swallered them thar sleepin' pills! Ya done that all yurself!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"If I was ... at full strength... doc... I'd .... BELT YOU!"[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"Now now, Miss Haymaker, let us not resort to violence," [/colour]the physician unicorn muttered as he shook with fear. The tension of the moment was broken by Filthy Rich's announcement.

    [colour=#800080]"OH HORSEFEATHERS! Time's runnin' out and I wanna git some of that free Zap Apple jam!" [/colour]the lanky red maned mare shouted as she jumped out of the cart.

    [colour=#B22222]"But sis, you ain't alright yet and besides that..."[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"No time to argue with ya, Haywire! Gotta git movin'! I want some free jam!" [/colour]a determined Haymaker neighed as she galloped past Doctor Stable with such force, the bewildered doctor spun around like a top before coming to a slow stop in front of Haywire.

    [colour=#B22222]"Are ya ok, doc?"[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"I think, I'm going to be sick," [/colour]the wobbly, dizzy Doctor Stable muttered as he staggered.

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